With the upcoming Maw and Disorder Mini-Set for Murder at Castle Nathria announced on Thursday, the third day of ongoing Hearthstone card reveals concludes with three new options for Warrior! If you've missed out on any of today's other reveals: we saw a special Legendary unveiled for Hunter, followed by two more cards, and Paladin received another three additions to its collection.
- As usual we're going to see 35 new cards, with a trial theme visible throughout!
- You can find the full ongoing card reveal schedule and all countdowns on our special page.
- Make sure to follow along with all the card reveals through our dedicated articles, and see all of it collected in our Mini-Set guide.
- 24.4 Patch notes will be posted on Monday, September 26.
- The patch launches, alongside the new cards, on Tuesday, September 27.
- Besides all of the Mini-Set additions, there will also be new content for Hearthstone Mercenaries.
New Warrior Cards Revealed
The official Hearthstone Twitter account has revealed the following new cards:
- Curiously, nothing based on the Enrage ('damaged minions') mechanic.
- Dirty Rat effect for Warrior only, as a spell. Hope you missed this kind of disruption! Doesn't always go your way.
- Perhaps Control Warrior will try its luck once again.
I don't wanna play anymore...
great, more disruption and still ZERO way to protect against it. because everyone already loves playing against theotar and his endless ability to create non-games, who wouldnt want even more? blizzard needs to figure out that making this shit a year in advance is destroying their ability to check the meta completely, especially considering every time they actually make changes to cards they almost always do nothing to actually affect the meta (almost as if no one on the hearthstone team actually plays the game they're working on more than a casual player)
Please for the love of all that is good please stop printing new disruption aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"Maw-sworn" is an unpleasant-looking word.
I am enjoying how the courtroom theme is playing out. I expected a Warrior weapon called [Adjective] Gavel, though.
There is still a chance for Shaman to have a gavel
True! But Shaman has Auctionhouse Gavel, and that might be....wait for it...overload, ha!
Maybe there are too many fun courtroom words to jam into one miniset.
Happy to see another card to tutor Hammer, probably not enough to experiment with blacksmithing warrior again right now since Mr. Smite is still at 7 and there still isn’t a comparable finisher for the deck.
It is still really nice for the deck, though.
As for the other 2, well I personally think dirty rat is still better than called to stand, but rat isn’t in standard so this’ll still see alot of play in standard. Theotar might still hurt it’s playrate though, since it he is so strong.
The 5 mana guy is nice but it is surprising how underwhelming a mana 8/8 taunt feels (looking at you morshan elite) this does have an easier condition though and is all in one
Mawsworn Bailiff
It has 4 Attack, 4 Health, and it gains 4 Attack and 4 Health if you have 4 Armor, and yet it costs 5 Mana, smh.
Oops, removed my upvote for the sake of consistency
I can't upvote you, you have 4 likes
They have 5 upvotes now, smh.
I downvoted him just to have 4 likes
Touché. The one time where downvote isn't a net negative and well justified.
Doing God's work.
Screw deck/hand attacks, and i dont even play combo decks.
Definitely stands out in that regard, they've committed to a theme like never before (for the mini-sets).
Two really strong warrior cards, thank god.
Call to the Stand = Dirty Rat. No evaluation needed here
Weapons Expert - Just a good card that'll work in all occasions.
Mawsworn Bailiff - 5 mana 8/8s are nothing nowadays, and this one comes with a condition that's not flattering. At least it has taunt, but if youre playing against aggro you'll never realistically have 4 armor on turn 5 let's be real. Im not altogether sure warrior even needs a 5 mana 8/8.
Call to the stand isn't exactly 'equal' to Dirty Rat. It's usually worse since you need to have an answer prepared as you're not leaving a body with taunt when playing this. Also, it doesn't help against aggro to defend when opponent empties their hand. If the opponent doesn't have any minions in hand, it's entirely useless.
it's a lot worse than dirty rat since you are losing a 2/6 taunt (worth roughly 3 mana), but only saving 1 mana.
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