Card reveals for March of the Lich King continue today some more Undead cards from the r/Hearthstone Discord server.
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I absolutely hate the amount of hand/deck attacks introduced already.
Plaguespreader being deathrattle, some classes can abuse the hell out of it to trigger it multiple times. This will be one of the most feelsbad moment cards if that happens to you imho.
I don't think plague spreader is that insane because it also messes up your win con. Then again, if your opponent does it back to you, you simply wouldn't play it again if you were concerned about losing something good.
Everything else feels and looks like Arena crap to me.
Priest and Death Knight -- especially the latter -- will share the most obnoxious spite deck ever in Standard. Everyone not running the most obnoxious neutrals in the game (Theotar/Denathrius) can look forward to getting far worse than they deserve.
I hope this much disruption is bad for some reason I haven't seen yet because otherwise the only thing slowing it down will be unrelenting aggro -- and not only is that not what many people want, it's not even the forte of the set.
Plaguespreader might well be the most insane disruption tech introduced, and Im noticing a change in design philosophy from team5. Apparently the idea is that you can get away with printing completely broken stuff just as long as you print plenty of tech against it. They really need to balance this properly, because much as I dont like the idea of losing to waves of OTKs out of nowhere its incredibly frustrating trying to play niche decks because your win con gets constantly sniped.
Other interesting cards;
- Incorporeal Corporal is really interesting because its basically a 2 mana deal 5 damage to face. Because why would anyone waste removal options on a card that will die after attacking anyway. But 5 damage to face for an aggro deck is hardly insignificant, and if nothing else this is still an undead body on board which means you're virtually guaranteed a target for something.
- Nerubian Vizier is the best "after an undead died last turn" card so far. Because unlike the rest, this effect is not only strong the body is a desirable 3/4 as well. Only problem is to fit in another undead for this to trigger and for that reason its unlikely to replace Venomous Scorpid. But in aggro decks, this may be a decent option to consider.
- Tenacious San'layn is hard to evaluate because it'll likely never manage an attack. But because this has lifesteal it should be respected. Imagine having this on board against something like implock. If they dont have specific removal for it, they might have to just ram their stuff into this twice, if not more.
Nerubian Vizier is only a 2/4. I think if 2/4 Discover were any good, Pandaren Importer would still be seeing play. (Also, did Blizz forget to unnerf that card or something? You can't do the broken combo anymore, guys).
That's funny, could've sworn it was 3/4 before this.
Anyway, the clinching thing about the card is the mana reduction, something importer doesn't have. Also Pandaren Importer gives you cards you thats not in your deck, so its value is limited whereas vizier's is not.
Tenacious sanlayan looks so out of place here, every other card here has its obvious merits, meanwhile it’s a big dumb lifesteal idiot that’ll ever so slightly burns face in the unlikely scenario it attacks
Incorporeal Corporal might be my favourite pun in the game