Questing with Rafaam - Supreme Archaeology

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago by
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Deck Overview

Most of you are probably aware of the famous Plot Twist warlock, so you aren't really surprised seeing a quest version of it. Just like with the RoS deck, the current list aims to reach the late-game and to summon a bunch of minions with really powerful deathrattle effects thanks to Plot Twist and either Dollmaster Dorian or Fel Lord Betrug. Warlocks can deal with early aggression by casting Hellfire, Shadow Bolt or by playing Bone Wraith.

Against control decks Augmented Elekk can be exceptionally strong, since it delays the fatigue counter and multiplies our high-value minions. Playing those from the upgraded hero power would feel very satisfying, but Arch-Villain Rafaam deserves all of the credit for enhancing the quest. He transforms all of our weak reactive spells and taunt minions into potentially strong legendaries.

Activating "Supreme Archaeology"

Activating the quest is very easy - you gain a small progression every time you draw at the start of your turn, tap or play Questing Explorer. You can speed up the quest completion process by casting Plot Twist (hopefully alongside Augmented Elekk, Dollmaster Dorian or Fel Lord Betrug).

Mulligan Strategy

In all cases - Supreme Archaeology, Questing Explorer.



Against aggro. Just like with every control-aggro matchup, we try to survive and reach the late game. We have some tools to deal with early aggression, so just find them. Shadow Bolt and Hellfire are the cards, which you normally need. Spellbreaker will be exceptionally strong against tempo rogue (Edwin VanCleef) and mech decks.

Against control. Reach the late-game, aim for an Augmented Elekk, Dollmaster Dorian, Plot Twist combo, so that you fill your deck with additional cards and build a board at the same time. Play Arch-Villain Rafaam, once you feel that the reactive spells won't be that helpful anymore. Spam free legendaries thanks to Tome of Origination.

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  • CovenantKevlar's Avatar
    345 67 Posts Joined 07/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Hey, I decieded to look at some of the decks you made since you took the time to visit mine! I've shared my opinion on how I feel about [Hearthstone Card (Supreme Archeology) Not Found] but I will glady say I'm wrong if the some how becomes viable. I know you said you are going to be making a guide on the deck but I wanted to bring up that Khartut Defender could be utilized with Fel Lord Betrug and Dollmaster Dorian if you needed to utilize a bit of healing. Just something that could be interesting to consider

    • Kovachut's Avatar
      HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
      Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
      Quote From CovenantKevlar

      Hey, I decieded to look at some of the decks you made since you took the time to visit mine! I've shared my opinion on how I feel about Supreme Archeology but I will glady say I'm wrong if the some how becomes viable. I know you said you are going to be making a guide on the deck but I wanted to bring up that Khartut Defender could be utilized with Fel Lord Betrug and Dollmaster Dorian if you needed to utilize a bit of healing. Just something that could be interesting to consider

      Hey, thanks for commenting here.

      First of all, I would like to mention that I don't want anyone to feel forced checking my decks and my deck guides just because I shared my feedback on theirs. I happened to stumble upon your zoo and control decks randomly. I saw that you put a lot of effort to explain the strategies there, the decklists also looked promising, so the positive feedback was well deserved.

      Secondly, I am just making this Quest warlock for fun. If you honestly ask me, a mid-range Tekahn zoo deck would be the best choice for laddering as a warlock next expansion. Every good deck has a busted strong side and in warlock's case that's the new legendary (and the hero power to fetch it faster) in combination with cheap lackeys and lackey generation. It should be something mid-rangy, in order to deal with warrior's stupid late-game. The purpose of my deck is to have fun while laddering in standard. I also think that the quest will be underwhelming now, because there isn't much support for it, in order to create a combo deck. And in wild, if someone tries to reach fatigue, they are better off running the well-known Mecha'thun package.

      Lastly, I am aware of the Defender's presence, but I think that he is extremely weak and slow for what he does. I might get 6 health and a 3/1 body with taunt from Betrug, but to me he seems painfully understatted when played on curve. What if I play him and he gets silenced? I don't want to stick with a 3/4; Rotten Applebaum doesn't feel that bad as a 4/5 for 5. I will do some play-testing and tweak my deck depending on how the meta looks, but for now I'll avoid adding the tol'vir.

      • CovenantKevlar's Avatar
        345 67 Posts Joined 07/21/2019
        Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

        Oh, I did not feel forced at all I just figured I'd give yours a look! I'm not here to tell you how to make your deck I just was making a friendly (opinionated) suggestion which I could see why you'd want to run Rotten Applebaum instead of Khartut Defender I was just hyped for it. I'm sorry if I gave the Wrong impression when commenting. I look forward to other decks that you make in the future

        • Kovachut's Avatar
          HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
          Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
          Quote From CovenantKevlar

          Oh, I did not feel forced at all I just figured I'd give yours a look! I'm not here to tell you how to make your deck I just was making a friendly (opinionated) suggestion which I could see why you'd want to run Rotten Applebaum instead of Khartut Defender I was just hyped for it. I'm sorry if I gave the Wrong impression when commenting. I look forward to other decks that you make in the future

          Bro, chill. :D

          There is no need for you to apologize, since I was aware that you only wanted to share your opinion about some cards. I wanted to tell you what I think about them and start a discussion.

          But I have to admit, that Khartut Defender might be good enough to be considered as an inclusion in one of my decks. Not in the warlock one, which you see here, but in my wild thief priest deck, because a single defender can bring 2 deathrattle minions in the ress pool and if I cast Twilight's Call and summon 2 defenders, all of them will have reborn. So with one spell I would be able to bring 2 1/1 and 2 3/1 taunt bodies and heal myself for 12. So thanks for the suggestion, I overlooked this interaction.


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