King Phaoris Big Warrior
- Big Warrior
- Wild
- Ranked
Hey everyone! I'm Funki Monki and all I do is create meta-breaking (hopefully) homebrew decks! This list was inspired by King Phaoris and looking through warrior I noticed there were A LOT of good expensive cards to synergize with him like Dimensional Ripper, The Boomship and even Brawl and Plague of Wrath. After testing quite a few different versions like the Beast package (Oondasta, Akali, the Rhino, Witchwood Grizzly), and an Armor/Weapon package (Deadly Arsenal, Heavy Metal!, [Hearthstone Card (Armored Good) Not Found], Sul'thraze) I ultimately came up with this refined list which I've had a lot of success with so I hope you all enjoy this fun, new deck :)
General Strategy:
We want to be playing as a typical Control Warrior for the first 1-5ish turns of the game, Using our hero power as much as we can without neglecting a threatening board from our opponent. Remember, we are not PURE Control Warrior so we do not have unlimited controlling resources and have to be a bit greedier with our control cards. Once turn 6 rolls around we can start doing our swing turns with Blatant Decoy to cheat out big minions and snowball from there. The name of the game is to stall as best we can until we can have our huge turns with The Boomship, King Phaoris, Dimensional Ripper, etc.
Shield Slam, Weapons Project, Warpath, Shield Block, Brawl, Zilliax
Against Warrior (most are playing control) you can get greedy and keep your big minions, Dimensional Ripper, King Phaoris, The Boomship, etc
Against aggressive decks that go wide (Shaman, Warlock) you can keep Whirlwind, Archmage Vargoth
Against Priest you can keep Execute
Unfortunately this deck does need a few key legendaries to work well, inluding The Boomship and King Phaoris. All other big legendaries can be replaced with the biggest minions you have; preferably ones that have taunt or rush like Burly Shovelfist or Living Monument
I hope you like this deck and, as always, if you have any questions or have a suggestion please comment below (I respond to all comments)!
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9- 00
- 41
- 62
- 03
- 14
- 55
- 46
- 107+
- 1 Execute x 1
- 1 Shield Slam x 2
- 1 Whirlwind x 1
- 2 Shield Block x 2
- 2 Warpath x 2
- 2 Weapons Project x 2
- 5 Brawl x 2
- 5 Plague of Wrath x 1
- 5 Supercollider x 1
- 9 The Boomship x 1
- 10 Dimensional Ripper x 2
- 10 The Boom Reaver x 1
- 4 Archmage Vargoth x 1
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 6 Blatant Decoy x 2
- 6 Damaged Stegotron x 2
- 7 Amani War Bear x 1
- 9 Bull Dozer x 1
- 9 Burly Shovelfist x 1
- 10 Colossus of the Moon x 1
- 10 King Phaoris x 1
- 10 Living Monument x 1
More Big Warrior Decks
More Decks From FunkiMonki
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This deck looks really fun! Boy, am I glad that I have every legendary for this, because this is one expensive deck.
hahah it sure is!! For the new update you can also replace 1 Bull Dozer and possibly the King Phaoris with the new Varian Wrynn and Ragnaros
Doing well on rank 5! It‘s quest druid on steroids, nice deck.
hahah it really is, and people thought Quest Druid had big swing turns... ;). Thank you, I'm glad you like it!
This is ridiculously cool, I'll be giving it an attempt today! Well done!
Thank you! I hope you have a lot of fun with it! :)
This looks so fun! I love big warrior and have many of the odd legendaries required. I would need to craft Phaoris though and both decoys, is it worth that?
What ranks are you playing this at and with what win rates? I’m not looking for a super competitive deck but I always try to make it to rank 5 each season for that free epic. Also, most importantly: how FUN is the deck?
I would say for sure the 2 [Hearthstone Card (blatant decoys) Not Found] for this deck - sometimes getting a free Damaged Stegotron is just game winning against zoolock or quest shaman. King Phaoris has won me a few games but is a very niche card so you can replace him with a Living Monument or Burly Shovelfist (or even Varian Wrynn soon!)
So far I've peaked at rank 4 with a 58% win rate and over 35 games played so it's definitely viable on ladder!
As far as fun... this is one of the MOST fun decks that i've ever played! There's not many things more satisfying than seeing a board full of huge minions and 2 shotting your opponent :). I hope you have just as much with it as I've had!
Thanks for the reply! I think I’ll start with the decoys and craft Phaoris if I feel it’s necessary. He’s one that I’ve been thinking about crafting anyway so this might be the push I needed. Either way, glad to hear the deck is fun. I will definitely try it out. It looks like a blast.
Thanks for the awesome deck!
You're very welcome! And thank YOU for checking out the deck :D