Have you noticed that our thumbnails for these card reveals have said OutOfCards instead of OutOfGames? We're paying homage to our roots... like a tree. Class reveals start today and fittingly enough, Druid takes the first spotlight. If everyone's going to be a Druid, we should get the OG to teach us, right?
Into The Emerald Dream Card Reveals for February 25, 2024
Here are all the cards that have been revealed for Into the Emerald Dream on February 25, 2024.
What are your thoughts on today's cards? Let us know down below or head on over to the Hearthstone Realm to share your thoughts in each of our dedicated card reveal threads.
I like the "blossom" mechanic on choose one cards. It's a nice way to upgrade a card by giving it both effects without it feeling awkward to play if you need it early.
Groveshaper is just a fun effect too. Both giving minions and reload on spells.
As fun as Imbue looks, curious how fast it'll ramp up. I do love tying the nature synergy to it.
All these Nature spells sure make me wish Topior was in the Core set, or would that make druid too OP?
Hammul Runetotem - Its barely a condition at all. Making a druid deck with only nature cards do hamper them slightly but not as much as you would expect. The real question would be, is it worth it? And I kinda dont think that it is. The imbued hp is basically jades except you can only do it once per turn, most aggro decks would destroy you well before this gets going and even midrange decks can threaten with massive minions or overwhelming boards that this would rarely matter.
Compare this with the current hp druid, or hell, just compare this with dragon hp druid. Imagine doing 5 damage per turn with 2 mana and that still only barely competitive.
The only reason why I think this card is playable is because of pure novelty, and that its highly likely that the powerlevel of the next rotation would be low enough for this to succeed.
Horn of plenty - Gonna be played in all druid decks because why not. At least we can be comforted that nourish is no longer in standard.
Reforestation - Lucky that frost lotus seed is rotating otherwise there's zero reason to play this. At least its draw two for two. Decent, though underpowered because you need to wait three turns to draw an extra card.
Grove shaper - Its too slow to ever be good competitively, and theres yet to be a nature spell that damages face, or present a board wipe. So no go for me. Might get better if the meta is slow enough or theres better nature spells.
Evergreen stag - The sort of card you design when deadlines up and you cant think of anything else. Either that or this was once an OP card that got nerfed to oblivion. I simply cannot understand the thought process behind the design of this card other than it being pure filler. Unless embiggen is being brought back to standard this card is unplayable trash. When you consider that cards like origami dragon and stone drake saw zero play in standard, what chance does this card even have?
Not to mention that druid dont tend to play minions like these anyway. Toyrantus, druid of the plains, and immortal are perfectly good cards that will see play in other classes, but not in druid where play patterns tend to be either sky high or rock bottom.
Forestlord Cenarius - Very flavourful. Unfortunately its also...well, bad. 10 mana to put up to three big dudes with taunt, because lets face it you'll never use this as a psuedo bloodlust to end games. Definitely underpowered for a 10 mana card, because for 10 mana, you'll either need to win games, threaten lethal, or at least prevent your opponent from doing so. This card passes the buck by building up taunts and then imagining your opponent having no answers. And what's more, ironically this doesnt work with cards like embrace of nature, so technically its actually worse than drum circle.
Will it be playable? Well, maybe. Because you simply have to imagine there being a way to cheat this out, or maybe malorne is just that good and you get a 1 mana cenarius consistently.
All in all, quite underwhelming for a druid set. I was expecting there to be at least a few broken as hell cards but instead its the opposite: cant see any of it. But its druid, and it'll always find a way to be toxic as fuck, even in weak expansions.
In retrospect, it is very surprising that it took this long for Cenarius to get a reprint card.
Despite being a rather important character lore-wise, Cenarius has always had the least amount of prominence in Hearthstone compared to all of the other Classic class Legendaries. Some of the others at least had Mercenaries, Cenarius had literally nothing other than his original card until now.