Blizzard nerfed Mecha Jaraxxus?

Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by

SolemSolem                 Shadybunny Shadybunny


On the left Solem (a wild streamer) playing Warlock with the Mecha Jaraxxus hero on August 5 2019. On the right Shadybunny (arena streamer) playing Warlock with the Mecha Jaraxxus hero on May 17 2019. Is this a bullshit jaina nerf for china again? I mean, what is that? A circle gear turns into mecha jaraxxus? Why did they change the animation that people paid real money for? When did they even nerf it, i didn't see anyone telling this. Fuck this. I'm never buying a 80 pack bundle again.

  • Helios's Avatar
    The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    SolemSolem                 Shadybunny Shadybunny


    On the left Solem (a wild streamer) playing Warlock with the Mecha Jaraxxus hero on August 5 2019. On the right Shadybunny (arena streamer) playing Warlock with the Mecha Jaraxxus hero on May 17 2019. Is this a bullshit jaina nerf for china again? I mean, what is that? A circle gear turns into mecha jaraxxus? Why did they change the animation that people paid real money for? When did they even nerf it, i didn't see anyone telling this. Fuck this. I'm never buying a 80 pack bundle again.


  • jagu's Avatar
    405 186 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I think the animation just broke...

    Hope it gets fixed soon.

    This ain't no place for a hero

  • Sherman1986's Avatar
    Derpcorn 205 183 Posts Joined 03/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From PopeNeia

    I think the animation just broke...

    Hope it gets fixed soon.

    Yeah, that seems to be the case...

  • Horus's Avatar
    Detective Pikachu 2575 3348 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Animation change isn't a nerf ...
    It must be a glitch or an unintended side effect of the latest patch, perhaps.

    Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back : 

  • Demonxz95's Avatar
    Senior Writer 2255 2706 Posts Joined 03/19/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I really wish people would stop using the word "nerf" to apply to art changes. It really isn't funny.

    Custom Hearthstone expansion, Gladiators of Brawl'Gar, 183 cards!
  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    2nd commandment of the internet: you shall not name the word "nerf" in vain.

  • EvilDave's Avatar
    120 13 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From RavenSunHS

    2nd commandment of the internet: you shall not name the word "nerf" in vain.

    Rule 34 states "if it exists, there is porn of it"


    In accordance with commandment 2, I suggest we build....nerf porn.


    (Yeah, I don't get either, but I don't make the rules.)

  • Cocoduf's Avatar
    350 81 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Downvoted for the clickbait title

  • KingKrush's Avatar
    Forest 385 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Cocoduf

    Downvoted for the clickbait title

    I down voted the OP for over reacting about something as minor and unimportant as this but I up-voted you.  Unfortunately someone down-voted you so your just back at zero.

  • Helios's Avatar
    The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From KingKrush
    Quote From Cocoduf

    Downvoted for the clickbait title

    I down voted the OP for over reacting about something as minor and unimportant as this but I up-voted you.  Unfortunately someone down-voted you so your just back at zero.

    Minor? ... i paid money for it as did those who preordered as well. If i buy something, then it is mine and no one is allowed to change it without telling me first. I did not rent the hero, i bought it. It is a property.


  • Shosupply's Avatar
    Soulgorger 740 220 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    So many downvotes >.>

    O, that this too too solid flesh would melt
    Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!

  • OmarComing's Avatar
    790 530 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Shosupply

    So many downvotes >.>


  • Sherman1986's Avatar
    Derpcorn 205 183 Posts Joined 03/11/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    F...k yeah... More DOWNVOTES!!! :D :D :D

    XD XD XD

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Techwood
    Quote From KingKrush
    Quote From Cocoduf

    Downvoted for the clickbait title

    I down voted the OP for over reacting about something as minor and unimportant as this but I up-voted you.  Unfortunately someone down-voted you so your just back at zero.

    Minor? ... i paid money for it as did those who preordered as well. If i buy something, then it is mine and no one is allowed to change it without telling me first. I did not rent the hero, i bought it. It is a property.

    Actually, you didn't buy it, you rent it. You bought accessing it only. Those are same for cards and packs and any content of blizzard and any other game. It's like a game patch for single game. When you buy the Witcher 3 for example, They have all rights to patch it. They can change the game however they want. The only thing you own about that game is only the box and CDs if you have bought it physically. It is same for any online game. You don't buy the game. You buy accessing to the game. It is called as "service". It is not a product like a banana. When you buy a banana you completely own it but when you buy the service you don't completely own it. Same for hotels. You rent the bed and room not own the hotel.

    You need to learn what service industry is.

    So, Firstly, You need to learn what you paid for. It is the service you bought, not the product. That's why you have agreed the "Term of Use" while opening an account on It is why they called it "Terms of Use".

    So, Actually, It is not even an issue for blizzard on paper because you already agreed that they have all the rights about any change but they probably want to satisfy you because they want more money from you. :)

    Unpopular Opinion Incarnate

  • Synesthesy's Avatar
    240 142 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Techwood
    Quote From KingKrush
    Quote From Cocoduf

    Downvoted for the clickbait title

    I down voted the OP for over reacting about something as minor and unimportant as this but I up-voted you.  Unfortunately someone down-voted you so your just back at zero.

    Minor? ... i paid money for it as did those who preordered as well. If i buy something, then it is mine and no one is allowed to change it without telling me first. I did not rent the hero, i bought it. It is a property.

    While I agree with you on a theorical way, everything you bought in an online game is not yours, but it's a thing you can use on a licence that you had agreed to and that none in the world has ever read whole. Surely there is written somewhere that they can do whatever they want to the "things" you have bought, and you as me as everyone has signed it.

  • Helios's Avatar
    The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Well. Time has passed and it is clear that they have nerfed the animation as i mentioned. Heroes are not worth my money anymore. Case closed.


  • ShadowsOfSense's Avatar
    1500 1111 Posts Joined 10/23/2018
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Techwood

    Well. Time has passed and it is clear that they have nerfed the animation as i mentioned. Heroes are not worth my money anymore. Case closed.

    This is a really embarrassing take, honestly. The animation isn't 'nerfed', it's broken. This clearly isn't an intentional change; only one of the layers of the animation is showing right now.

    Your initial post was equally embarrassing. Yes, China is definitely to blame for a completely innocuous animation not working. They're definitely censoring those sexy, sexy interlocking mechanical parts. Just talking about it gets me all steamy.

    Welcome to the site!

  • MisterKnott's Avatar
    285 83 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From ShadowsOfSense
    Quote From Techwood

    Well. Time has passed and it is clear that they have nerfed the animation as i mentioned. Heroes are not worth my money anymore. Case closed.

    This is a really embarrassing take, honestly. The animation isn't 'nerfed', it's broken. This clearly isn't an intentional change; only one of the layers of the animation is showing right now.

    Your initial post was equally embarrassing. Yes, China is definitely to blame for a completely innocuous animation not working. They're definitely censoring those sexy, sexy interlocking mechanical parts. Just talking about it gets me all steamy.

    A million upvotes for this take

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