In a stream with his daughter this evening, Mike Donais may have just leaked two of the upcoming card changes!
A private message appeared on stream between Jared Noel, a former member of Hearthstone Analytics at Blizzard, which mentioned two changes.
- Conjurer's Calling being increased to 4 mana.
- Extra Arms being reverted to 3 mana.
Mike stated later in the stream that he "doesn't know" what changes are coming but not to expect more than 10 cards since they don't change more than that. "We aren't announcing nerfs today, at least not intentionally" comes after his announcement on reddit late last night that we may see nerf announcements this week.
Happy Birthday, Mike!
If Luna's Pocket Galaxy isn't nerfed I might quit. That card is destroying this game. It is such an "I win" card
You can easily beat decks with that though, at least in wild and with control warrior, I have a 87% winrate against that deck
you know a card is broken when the suggested counter is "play Control Warrior"
Not everyone likes playing control warrior.
or Wild.
There are so many decks I beat this decks with already. The overall winrate is not even that insane and it is on a steady decline aus you can see on HSreplay
Decks that beat it are not the issue. The issue is how polarising the card is. A turn 4 or 5 pocket galaxy increases the win rate of the deck massively to the point you may as well concede depending on the deck you're playing.
I really hope the nerf to Extra Arms isn't true. It was my favorite card from the Boomsday Buffs, going from unplayable garbage, to a strong card that could fit a variety of synergies ranging from Eggs to Miracle decks.
Reverting the card to 3 mana essentially deletes it and just makes these few months with it at 2 mana feel like a tease.
I agree, whether they want to admit it or not, the reason cheap buff cards like Extra Arms can be a problem is the existence of 1-drops like Northshire Cleric that are basically impossible to kill when played on turn 1. I would also be hesitant to nerf northshire cleric, but I think it might be the right long term decision although they might have to give priest some other playable early drops to compensate.
Extra Arms was unplayable at 3, Priest was the worst class in HS for a long time, now it has a tier 3 deck, I really don't understand this nerf, they are trying to cancel the class or what?
The deck actually exceeds the winrate of control warrior (the overall best winrate deck) if you filter stats by legend ranks only
IMO, it doesn't deserve a nerf even so. It has a low play rate and win rate at low ranks, thus it isn't a frustrating menace for casual players. As for high ranks ... don't we all want to more skillful games in tournaments and high ladder? This new priest barely had any time to see tournament play... when was the last time we saw priest in a tournament, much less an extremely high skill cap one? :(
Whoa whoa whoa, I completely agree that the Extra Arms nerf should not happen. But combo priest is one of the strongest decks in the game right now, which I don't mind, since the deck has a high skill celing and isn't unbeatable, but calling it tier 3 is just plain wrong.
Conjurer's Calling seems like a symptom of the Mountain Giant problem to me, so I'm not too sure this will have a massive impact. We'll have to see though.
dont know. but i think Conjurer's Calling for 4 mana wont be enough.
The slap that rogue got with both prep and raiding party lets me hope that mage will be hit twice aswell.
Allthough the current reno lists with a single giant and conjurers are not even that oppressive anymore. Hunter eats those for breakfast
PR stunt that had more effort than the nerfs, so far. Please don't underwhelm when the nerfs are announced.
Proud to say I've been spouting the mana-cost cheat nerf Kripp recently suggested to Mountain Giant/Conjurer's Calling for MONTHS. If it's a 4-mana drop, get 4-mana minions. Keeps the RNG nature of the card legit, instead of being fixed dice rolls that consistently land in the small pool of big minions. And it would keep mountain giant for handlock, if it gets to be viable again. But yeah, it's probably more work than the coding guys want to do than "change mana cost of Conjurer's Calling."
/when the hell did priests' arms get on the nerf radar?
//Hunter is overdue for nerfs btw; they're all I'm seeing instead of these warriors people claim are ruining their day. Wouldn't mind the warriors anyway -- Blizzard stats e-mailed to me from last month: I beat warrior 92%. And I play different types of control decks. Yeah yeah, meta changed, all that, but allegedly, Control Warrior hasn't changed in most people's eyes. (Taunts and extra full board clears give it some chance vs. mage, priest and King Phaoris shenanigans).
Actually, if you play the skelesaurus hex encounter in LoE and conjurers one of the minions it gives you for 0, the resulting minions will also be 0-costs, even if the original minion wasn't. So the "coding" is already there.
I expected a nerf to CC, but Extra Arms is getting renerfed? I am honestly really surprised about the latter change. Well, I kinda hope warrior gets a slight hit too.
[edit] Are they really planning on nerfing Northshire Cleric as well? Jared Noel mentions her in their chat above.
Yeh, the extra arms nerf makes me sad :( it's a fun card to play!
And it just got buffed. I liked it at two mana, the card finally became playable.