Greedy AF Double-Quester (with story)

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
  • Fun

What the heck guys, let's just give this a shot. Obviously, we start with Awaken the Makers. I guess we should mulligan Activate the Obelisk against aggro, but maybe keep if we think it's going to go that far. We have plenty of cheap deathrattles and some draw and AOE. Note that Amara will not Activate the Obelisk, but Reno will. We also have Zephrys, Raza, and Kazakus. Deck run out? No problem. Elysiana has you covered.

Update: played a handful of games. As expected, aggro will stomp you every time unless you get perfect draws in the early game. Kazakus on curve can save you with a 5-mana AOE/armor if you're lucky.

You can beat other control decks by utilizing your resources for maximum value, but games can go super long. They are fun though! Keep in mind important orders, like playing highlander cards BEFORE Elysiana, as she adds duplicates to your deck.

Cards I'm considering: Embalming Ritual (good for an extra trigger on early deathrattles) and Recurring Villain (super strong after Activating the Obelisk). Not sure what to cut, as everything does something good.

Anduin's Quest

Part One: Desperate Times

Darkness had spread across the land. Jaina had fallen. Uther too. So few heroes were left to champion the light. Anduin knew that hope could be found in the jungles of Un'Goro, but the way was perilous. He also knew that, in order to summon those who could best aid him on his quest, he would only be able to bring one of each of his righteous spells, one each of his most trusted minions. He knew that a Grandmummy would be a valuable asset indeed, and a second one would help to sustain his other minions and speed him along on his quest, but this could not be. Raza the Chained would not boost his healing powers, nor would the mighty Kazakus lend him potions. So, carefully selecting his arsenal from among the magics and servants of the light, Anduin set off...


Part Two: Desperate Measures

As Anduin trekked further into the jungle, the dangers increased dramatically. At first he was able to restore his friends to health after minor scuffles, but soon more detrimental trades were necessary. His Northshire Cleric had aided him by providing more resources, but she fell to a Crackling Razormaw. The Tortollan Shellraiser gave his life twice, thanks to Wretched Reclaimer, but even these bold sacrifices were insufficient to stem the tide of advancing enemies. There were vicious pirates on one side, moaning undead on the other, and somewhere not too distant he could discern the heavy tread of a Mountain Giant. Even though his quest had only begun, Anduin desperately reached for his Greater Healing Potion, knowing it was his only one...


Part Three: the Thiccening

Inches from death, and only one sacrifice short of attaining his goal, Anduin cast his only Power Word: Shield on a fiesty enemy murloc, drawing his EVIL Conscripter. He quickly sent the minion into the field, completing his Quest, then checked his remaining mana: 5.


Without hesitation, he summoned Amara. She erupted onto the battlefield, placing herself squarely between Anduin and his foes. "Now that is one thicc body," he thought to himself. At the same time, Amara's healing energies washed over him, not only restoring his lost health but boosting him up to an unprecedented level of stamina. The Maker was Awakened, and for the first time in a long while, Anduin felt some hope. His enemies were cowering before Amara's might, and he was feeling strong and ready to do battle. But this triumph was short-lived. More foes were closing in, and his resources were getting low. He called on Zola the Gorgon so that he could summon Amara again later if needed, and turned to face the new threats...


Part Four: A New Quest

Anduin had given himself some breathing room, but suddenly he was surrounded once again. Amara had already fallen, and his newfound strength was dwindling fast. If only he had some time to think. Jaina would have frozen the enemy hordes to buy herself some time, but she wasn't here, and Anduin did not have access to Mage spells. If only he did...

"Your wish is my suggestion!" said a new voice out of nowhere. "Zephrys the Great at your service," the newcomer introduced himself, handing Anduin a Frost Nova. Anduin quickly cast the spell, then heaved a sigh of relief as he pondered what else his deck might contain to save him.

Zephrys wasn't done helping yet. "You've completed one quest, but another lies ahead," he said. "Seek the Obelisk's Eye!" And with that, he vanished.

Taking his bearings, Anduin gathered his remaining allies and trooped off in the direction of Uldum...

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  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    If anyone's reading the story, please give a shout. I honestly don't know if I'm writing this tripe for myself, or for anyone else's entertainment.

  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    I tried this out a few weeks ago. The matches took FOREVER! But it was fun.

    Khartut Defender was definitely a stand out card. Worked fantasic for both quests whenever you drew him.

    I also tried a non-reno version, but didn't play as many games with it to refine the list at all 

    • Pezman's Avatar
      Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

      Oh yeah, games take forever, but are definitely fun! I notice you run Benedictus in both versions. How's he work for you? I don't own him, but could craft. He's always seemed like a fun card to me. He would almost certainly ruin your singleton status though.

      • Xarkkal's Avatar
        Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
        Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

        I was running him mainly for fatigue/meme purposes. He’s a card I unpacked but never get much chance to use. I figured it’d be fun to throw him in a meme greedy deck. The only time I used him was late enough in the game that I didn’t have any issues with my Singleton cards being effected. Plus it was a match vs an academic espionage rouge, so being able to reload my deck was very useful. I would have lost that match without him. There’s definitely better options to run, but if you just want some good memes, he’s a great card.

  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 5 years, 4 months ago

    Dag yo, I just saw Griffior's version: and he says Amara doesn't Activate the Obelisk. Right, because she doesn't "restore" health. Ok, might need to tweak this.


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