Best decks after nerfs!
Submitted 5 years, 4 months ago by
Hi, guys!
What are the new op decks after the nerfs? I really like Singleton decks, mage reno still op?
I want to craft singleton hunter (need only 2 legendaries), what do u guys think?
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Hi, guys!
What are the new op decks after the nerfs? I really like Singleton decks, mage reno still op?
I want to craft singleton hunter (need only 2 legendaries), what do u guys think?
I don't think the nerfs shook the meta nearly as much as people want to believe.
Mage overall power drop quite a bit, but the decks and archetypes are still pretty viable, just not top of the tier list anymore.
Singleton Hunter performs well, and same goes for control & bomb warriors.
Quest Shaman & Paladin are all over the place.
I personally had a blast with Lackey-Zoolock.
Plenty to chose from :)
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Completely anecdotal, but I had a ridiculous winrate with miracle/burn shaman the other day. Kept running into highlander hunters and battlecry shamans with the odd mage or priest thrown in, and none of those decks/classes seem to be able to handle that sort of aggression very well. I assume aggro rogue would do very well against those decks as well. It certainly helped that I didn't run into a single warrior.
Aggro rogue and warrior are probably the best decks for climbing right now. Both only really lose to slow warrior decks, and while those are apparently still somewhat popular, I've only faced a single one this whole weekend.
The current most popular decks, according to hsreplay, seem to be murloc paladin, quest shaman, highlander hunter and quest druid. Aggro warrior is favored against all of those.
Highlander mage has fallen off drastically. Both because two of its cards got nerfed and because the meta changed quite a bit.
Edit: I might be wrong on aggro rogue. It's not favored against quest druid or paladin so it's probably tier 2.
Secret mage is still dominating, Reno lock has also really worked well for me since no cards were really changed from those decks, I don't know about standard though, I don't play it
Reno Jackson
My faves!
You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet
I would have to disagree. Aggro rogue is doing a lot worse than was expected post nerf. That's due to the fact that its best match up was Mage, which is basically non-existent.
Aggro warrior is better, but not much. Both are low to mid T2
I think the meta is still in flux, and there doesn't seem to be any decks really standing out as OP. Quest Druid and Shaman definitely got a post nerf bump in win rate, and I think Combo Priest is going to be making a comeback. Control Warrior's play rate dropped due to everyone dusting Dr Boom, but it will be coming back strong. It didn't take a hard enough hit to kill it.
Mage is dead. I shed no tears for it's loss. Mage players will now flock to Wild where it's T1 with Secret Mage making everyone's lives miserable.
How so? In my previous post I did seem to miss that aggro rogue is pretty unfavored against quest druid, despite my experience with the matchup. So you might be right that it's tier 2.
But look at aggro warrior's current matchup spread:
Could you tell me what aspect doesn't make it tier 1?
I tried a Warlock plot twist quest deck but all the aggro makes it a painful experience. Especially the quest shaman seems to be very strong, but also quest druid. Sometimes you get lucky and get your combo pieces in time and the sun shines, but if that is not happening, well. And then if you make it till end of deck time and have a big board to finish them off they pull out their Zephrys to save the day. Really annoying.
I'm playing with highlander hunter, but i need to train more with this deck
It's all hunter in standard. Or murlocs.
Mage is MIA. I've seen a few decent performances but it's not as dominating.
Control Warrior is still valid, but Quest Paladin has made inroads this week with mage out of the picture and Quest Wall Priest can wear out warrior with the reborns and mass resurrections.
Don't get the aggro warrior is best warrior stuff; I played Wall Priest and the warrior quit, and I hadn't even dropped a single resurrect, Psychopomp or plague card. Just taunt after taunt, an all-but-one Mass Hysteria clear and a copied Reckless Mummy I seanced in a pinch. (Edit: I also recall it being a quest aggro warrior, maybe he burned his best stuff too early while I had over 20 health).
Wild: This week using highlander mage and warlock, I've won quite a bit using the "condom" cards of wild -- Dirty Rat, Unseen Saboteur (hilarious when it's a Mecha'thun Warlock opponent and you cataclysm their Mecha'thun-in-hand or spend that lone Bloodbloom) and good ol' Skulking Geist making short work of OTK and Quest Jade Druids. Pretty much the holy trinity of anti-OTK.
Aside from Un'Goro Quest Mage and Secret Mage, fear the Control Shaman decks going for their endless Shudderwock finisher.
And there's still too many hunters.
So not only are you basing a deck's capabilities on a single game. You were also playing against an aggro deck that runs a quest for some reason.
Maybe that's why you don't get it.
Based on what I saw on HSreplay (Meta page), Murloc Pally and Shaman are the only T1 decks, while Control Warrior is resting at mid T2 (around 52% WR). Hunter seems to be doing just fine, having 2 viable decks at the very top of Tier 2
I switched to a reno zoo lock deck in standard which can out-aggro all quest decks and only has warrior as a bad matchup. Have decent results so far. Got beaten by a secret mage.
Control Warrior>Aggro>Decks that Can Sometimes Beat Control Warrior>Control Warrior
^To me it kind of looks like this^
Control Warrior is something we all know and love.
Aggro includes the murloc decks, zoo, token druid, etc.. I'd include Combo Priest here, even though it's a very nontraditional aggressive deck.
Decks that Can Sometimes Beat Control Warrior include things like Quest Druid, Quest Shaman Highlander Hunter, Bomb Hunter, Bomb Warrior, etc.
There's also a category of Control Warrior hard counters (Mech Paladin, Quest Paladin). I'm not sure where exactly they fall. My guess is that they'd be unfavored against the other categories.
Well, I just faced several aggro warriors NOT running quest today, and they actually did worse against wall priest than said quest guy. Will give some credit to one warrior starting off turn 2 with a 5/6 minion going into my face and later building a 12/4 Frothing Berzerker (but hey, thanks for putting up a 4-damage mech next to it for Mass Hysteria).
At least against Control Warrior, it's going to be who can outlast the other, rather than see how far aggro goes to quitting time if they can't get a win by turn 8.
Do you know how to spot a Vegan Wild Exclusive Player?
Don't worry, they'll tell you ^^
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Quest Shaman
Quest Druid
Control Warrior
HL Hunter
Holy Wrath Paladin
Combo Priest
Aggro Warrior
this isn't every deck in the meta but i think i named most if not all of the main decks. I'd say the tier one decks are combo priest, quest shaman, quest druid, and control war.
Congrats, you just figured out the gameplan of aggressive decks. How does that help determine their power level again?
:))) Standard is still ass, that doesn't change my opinion, and besides I'm a mostly arena player
Reno Jackson
My faves!
You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet
I'm also having fun with Lackey Zoolock, but I added a Mecha'thun combo to mine to help against those pesky control warriors (and other slower decks).
Communism is just a red herring
I am also testing with a lackey lock. It just happened on my search for a discover deck. And i did get Tekahn ... The deck is much harder to play then most others :-). And it´s good. Still need a bit time to improve.