[Legend] DorisTheMan's Highlander Mage

Last updated 5 years, 2 months ago by
  • Ranked

Hi, this is the first deck I'm posting here, so if this mini-guide is missing anything, just let me know in the comments below.

First, on to its stats: I climbed with this deck from rank 5 to Legend in the EU server in less than a week (from 13/10 to 18/10, to be more exact), with a solid 64% winrate (58W - 32L).

I used apxvoid's Highlander Mage as a base for it, then made some small changes to adjust to the meta. More specifically, I removed Elemental Evocation, Book of Specters, Arcane Intellect and Kalecgos, and added Youthful Brewmaster, Hex Lord Malacrass, Messenger Raven and Rotten Applebaum.

These changes were made so that the deck could have better matchups against Shaman (both Quest and Murloc) and Highlander Paladin, which are very present in the current meta. Why were they made:

- Youthful Brewmaster will be useful against both Aggro and control. It's main use is to repeat a Reno, Zephrys, or even a N'zoth, after being discounted by Thaurissan.

- Hex Lord Malacrass is this deck's secret weapon. People just don't expect it, and you'll more than likely be able to get a second copy of something big. Hopefully, a Reno, Zephyrs, or even Ray of Frost (against aggro), or a N'zoth, Polymorph or Khartut Defender (against controls. Against DR Priest and DR Rogue, Polymorphing the Sylvanas and Khartuts are gamechangers!). So always keep those cards in mind when mulliganing. (Hex Lord was the reason I had to remove Arcane Intellect, it was basically the only card you wouldn't want a copy of).

- Rotten Applebaum was just to get a better N'zoth and take you further into the late game.

- Messenger Raven is very versatile. You can get another Reno or Arcane Keysmith against aggro, or another Malacrass or J'analai against control.


I hope you guys enjoy it! ;-)

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  • Pezman's Avatar
    Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

    Looks awesome, I'll give it a shot. I have every card except Hex Lord. You make a good case for his value, and I do have the dust. Maybe I'll go ahead and craft. Do you think he's good in other decks as well? I always hesitate to craft class-specific legendaries if I don't know how versatile they'll be.

    • DorisTheMan's Avatar
      210 10 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      Yeah, I gotta agree with lplaywhite... I always tried to put Hex Lord in other decks in Standard, and it never worked. And, to be honest, the meta changed quite a bit in these past few days, in my opinion. I tried playing this deck again a few times recently, and I didn't feel it so efective anymore... I'm getting good results with Evolve Shaman though...

    • Iplaywhite's Avatar
      Academy Sleuth 405 143 Posts Joined 06/10/2019
      Posted 5 years, 2 months ago

      You should only craft hexlord if you main mage tbh, it's very similar to say Rhonin


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