New Hunter Minion - Dwarven Sharpshooter
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Common Hunter Minion, Dwarven Sharpshooter, has been revealed!
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A new Common Hunter Minion, Dwarven Sharpshooter, has been revealed!
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Just when you thought Odd Hunter was meant to be a Facedeck!
1 mana 1/3s were always busted and this gives you an upgraded mage hero power to contest the board with next turn as well. Bonkers.
we had a 2 mana 2/3 that had the same effect this card powercreep that card but that card never saw any play and hunter was all about the face back then.. looks good.
This seems good. Turn 1, play this. Turn 2, play a new minion , secret, or use your hero power to kill your opponent's minion. In fact, hero power + attack with this on turn 2 means you can take out a 3 health minion too.
Steamwheedle Sniper.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
I mean...I absolutely love this, but it's also another 1-mana 1/3 and those are just always a problem.
If you're playing a deck that wants to leverage early board presence and Hunter drops this on turn 1 you're basically fucked. Oh you mulligan for Flame Imp and went second? Guess you're gonna play the rest of the game trying to kill a 1-drop so you can actually develop a board.
Although I am glad that there is now a 1-drop that challenges Northshire Cleric.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
and that card was an epic, this is a common. That means it is easier to test than the old one. :)
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
*Cries in Steamwheedle Sniper*
Odd Control Hunter Po
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
And you know.. this is the aspect that annoys me the most in HS you can't test cool stuff (back then "control hunter") cause you need to invest so much dust into it.. back then if you wanted to start to test that card you had to pay 800 dust.. ye.. feels bad..
I don't think this card is about testing.. you 100% drop it into your highlander hunter anyway and there are some other cards that care about hero powering so maybe that's a thing?
Sure, it will be a must-have card for Highlander probably but I was about other archetypes ehm-Control Hunter-ehm. :D
Maybe we can work to make that sidequest Hunter viable and this is a cool common 1 drop which is not epic. :D
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
1 mana 1/3 is a busted statline and this card has a must-remove effect. The chance of this sticking to the board for one turn is much higher than the older sniper guy surviving into turn three, not to mention the fact that this naturally curves into a heropower on turn two rather than floating mana on turn three. It's easier to fit this in alongside a hero power as well.
This card is going to be in pretty much every viable hunter deck.
Pretty good - 1 drops with 1/3 stat line have alway been good so far!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
All 1-mana 1/3's have seen consistent competitive play except for Animated Berserker and Warbot. And even Warbot saw some play just before it rotated out. And Berserker's effect is negative except in very niche scenarios.
So, because this has a positive effect on that body almost certainly makes this a very competitive card.
This card is pretty good. a 1/3 can make pretty good trades with other 1-2 drops, and with the extra 2 damage hunter should have no problem controlling the board through the first few turns.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Fantastic 1-drop, will be an auto-include in any Hunter deck. Together with Springpaw, the Hunter class has gotten some good early-game removal.
I was already running a control/grind out odd Hunter in Wild, this will give it some much needed strong early game. Can finally take out those Fireflies that were just in for consistency and mana efficiency.
Wouldn't say that the effect was so great to make the card worth if it wasn't for the nice stats that are attached to it. With a possible good turn one play and a late game ping, this card might be one of the best for hunter thus far.
really good 1 drop auto include for me
This seems so situational. I can see this in Wild Odd Hunter, but beyond that very niche deck I don't see how it will fit into the current Hunter meta.
1 mana 1/3 for hunter is scary enough. But with that effect it is crazy good.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Seems like an obvious auto-include to me, unless you just never want to use your Hero Power. 1/1/3 is a great statline, and the Hero Power is a better version of Fireblast.
This is a very solid card. Probably auto-include in literally every hunter deck. Probably kinda busted.
Great one drop for hunter. 1/3 one drops always have a potential to be well-hated by masses hahah
1 mana 1/3 thats helps hunter in the early game with an upside. EZ 4 stars, 5 stars if it was a beast.
When Steamwheedle Sniper was printed, Hunter was the face-is-always-the-place class so it never saw any play. But now we've some decent control / secret / Reno archetypes around that could like to have the chance to get more board control for just 1 extra mana (with also a more that good body attached to it).
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
A solid 1/3 one-drop AND makes the hero power into board control. Odd hunter might not be (completely) a meme anymore.
Very good in arena and certainly will see play in constructed too, sadly it's not a beast, but it's a 1/3 anyway, so it's ok.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I think this will be a new staple if multiple Hunter archetypes, Highlander and Aggro alike. Inspire Hunter might come back in Wild as well.
How do you even deal with this turn 1? Even on turn 2 you must have a minion with more than 3 health to survive or early removal in hand. That's crazy for an aggro class like hunter to have.
This will be nuts. I love the flexibility it will give hunter in early game.
As a 1-mana 1/3, it's a decent turn 1 play for early board presence, but comes with the extra versatility of being able to shoot minions with your hero power, turning it into a 2 damage Fireblast of sorts like Steamwheedle Sniper did back in Goblins vs Gnomes.
It seems better because you can immediately curve into a Hero Power after you you play this on turn 1.
I'm excited to use this in Odd Hunter decks.
This effect is super interesting, but 1 mana 1/3s aren't popular in control decks, even with an interesting ability like this. Some form of tempo/aggro hunter could love this, but its going to be a hard card to fit into Dragon Hunter I think.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
very very strong card
it allows you control the board, good stats
1-3, with a soft taunt? Strong one drops have always seen play, so I have my hopes for this one.
The Forgotten Wilds - Druid
Well, look at that!
Another balanced 1-Drop :)
ArtStation | Twitter
Nice to use it together with Dragonbane! It's basically an upgraded mage hero power.
Great card, especially in Arena! The only downside is that you really want a beast/mech tag on you minion when playing Hunter.
Very good card - stats are insane and passive effect is very good!
Solid 1 drop, good card. Would've prefered if it were a beast though, but it's still a great minion.
if this were a beast I'd say it's broken. Very good 1-drop
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Steamwheedle wasn’t that bad, being able to drop it one turn earlier to help it survive might be enough to see some consistent play.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Man, they're going all in on Control Dragon Hunter. Now Hunter not also targets Face but drone strikes the entire board.
Well we got just a remake of a Steamwheedle Sniper for 1 mana and that's a bit boring. But it's a good card overall - solid 1 drop with a strong effect. Could be possibly played in midrange or reno hunter.
Amazing card that helps all hunter archetypes
People who compare this with Steamwheedle Sniper are wrong. While the cards seem very similar there is a huge powercreep going on here . This guy has the perfect stats for a 1 mana minion +the perfect answer for when you opponent will drop their 1 mana minion . While Steamwheedle Sniper was only 1 mana more expensive and had +1 attack , that 1 extra mana made you lost control early in the game and you never really got to use the heropower benefit .
5 stars from me
It doesn’t count as power creep at all if the original wasn’t played.
Works perfectly on curve. I’m not sure if Inspire Hunter will be a deck, but as long as Hunters are willing to stray from Beasts and Mechs, this will be played.
1 mana 1/3 : I hate it already
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Pretty good card for arena and standard. Can be used in a lot of situations. Feelsbadman for [Hearthstone Card (Steamwheedle Sniper) Not Found]
1-Mana 1/3, the BEST* stat line! And it's got strong removal synergy on Turn 2 if you can't remove it. Wee.
Steamwheedle Sniper hardly saw any play, but a 1 mana 1/3 stats wise is always amazing. Plus, a good removal potentially on turn 2.
Almost all 1 mana 1/3 minons have ended up seeing some amount of competetive play, except for Animated Berserker and maybe Warbot (I don't remember) and this card has a strong effect to accompany it. You could say that it's weak since Steamwheedle Sniper saw little play, but it didn't have the synergy that we have now with cards such as Dragonbane, Toxic Reinforcements, Phase Stalker and maybe even with Waterboy and it's 1 mana.
While I really like the card, I am afraid that it won't be strong enough since it supports a more control oriented strategy, the cards (mentioned above) that synergize with it are more aggresive in nature and you will probably prefer to just keep going face. Don't get me wrong, you could use Phase Stalker to pull defensive secrets and use Dragonbane for board control, but hunter usually ends up going back to its aggresive nature.
More dragons? Yes please!
Steamwheedle Sniper saw quite a bit of support back in the day because The Grand Tournament was the inspire set: all about hero powers. The big distinction between the two cards is that Dwarven Sharpshooter has a better statline for its manacost but, more importantly, the ability lines up so much more cleanly: On turn two you can use HP without wasting mana to presumably negate your opponent's play. If they chose not to develop onto the board then the Sharpshooter has already done its job and you can get even further ahead by playing more minions.
Steamwheedle Sniper doesn't line up well with your mana curve at all unless you coin it on turn one. Otherwise your opponent can play a 3 health minion and effectively negate the effect, not to mention the fact that spending two mana on turn three is pretty painful. It's also worse as a "removal spell" because you're paying 4 for 2 damage instead of 3.
I think the only real question is whether there will be a competitive Hunter deck. If there is, Dwarven Sharpshooter will be in it.
I did neglect to mention the support from The Grand Tournament since Goblins vs Gnomes rotated out in the year of the Kraken (since I am talking about standard), but I didn't really consider those cards being that great to use in a hunter deck since they were not that aggresive and did not support hunters hero power. Even Brave Archer, pretty much the only inspire card that helped your hero power, was too weak because of its condition. Yes you could use Steamwheedle Sniper to push a more value/control oriented hunter deck, but you couldn't just make such a deck while only relying on a 2 mana minion.
Nonetheless, I do agree with you that this card being 1 mana is far superior than it being 2 mana for disrupting your opponents turn 2 play. Having it being able to kill any 1-3 health minion on turn 2 will be something that a slower control deck would love to have. I guess even an aggresive hunter deck wouldn't mind running this card since it is a 1 mana 1/3 that can prevent your opponent from contesting your early game board and give you tempo.
So like you said, if there is a competitive hunter deck, this card will see play.
More dragons? Yes please!
Again, I really like the idea of a Hunter deck that doesn't always hit the face, very healthy card.
Now this is absolutely insane, Hunter's own Northshire Cleric, Inspire Hunter rejoice
Plus Hero Power use is incentives by a whole other set of new cards. With Dragonbane this would be a fine mid game play too possibly.
Steamwheedle Sniper obvious comparisons, however this card is simply better.
The only reason this card will not see play is because it is not a beast, however it has such great stats and the hunter legendary Dragonbane will absolutely love this guy. Very strong, and I love the concept of a board control midrange hunter.
Good stats for a 1 mana card. But it might be usefull only for arena.
Auto include for the rest 15 months. Combines well with hero power removal on turn 2. We will get tired of it.
Well, compared to the card that this guy has been reprinted from, it sure is a step forward. Same effect with lower cost is always appreciated.
This card is very good.
1/3 for 1 mana are premium stats, and the effect makes it a nightmare for your opponent early turns.
if you play first and drop this, your opponent can't easily play a 1 drop to contest it, even other 1/3s get heropowered and traded with this; so i can already see a huge advantage in the mirror if you go first.
Coining a 2 drop is not a solution either, 3/2s get heropowered, 2/3s get the same result as 1/3s.
If you go second and your opponent doesn't have exactly this on his board, you are still in a good position.
Well, this is a step forward compared to the card this guy has been reprinted from. Same effect with minor cost is always appreciated.
really good turn 1 play, perfect for reno hunter. threatening on 2 and pretty much guarantees board control
As 1 mana 1/3 with an interesting effect can be an auto-include in all hunter deck (except for ultra aggressive face hunter maybe). Pretty strong card
I don't think oddhunter wants to go for the minions, I do see this as maybe include in highlander hunter since it can give you pseudo removal.
I love being able to do hit minions with a steady shoot. At the same time, I also feel they are running out of ideas if they are just starting to reprint cards that already exist in Wild, only adjusting the stats or mana cost on them.
Amazing 1-drop that helps hunter control the board in the early game without committing additional resources. Could be a staple for control styles of hunter
I wonder if this effect is playable this time. it is on a better and cheaper body compared to the other one.
Outshines steemweedle not only by being a common but also by having better stats for his mana cost solid card very nice
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
With every card revealed, this card still looks pretty good.
Huge bonus points from me because he is a dwarf (my favourite race). I will absolutely play him in most of my hunter decks.
Nice 1 drop but i think that hunter dragon will be more mid range than control, so this card will not see play
1/3 for 1 mana are great stats. The card effect is a nice bonus, that can be helpful in the early game. This card might see play in Highlander Hunter.
I'm not expecting Hero Power Hunter to be that great compared to some of the other decks available.
This card seems quite strong. Premium statline with a fairly nice effect. Essentially gives you upgraded mage power while its alive.
A good card when played on curve. This on turn 1 plus a targeted hero power on turn 2 lets you kill a 2/3 and keep the Sharpshooter alive or just outright wipe out a 3/2 or 2/2. It’s value is probably going to diminish sharply once past the early turns though.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Steamwheedle Snipers biggest downside was that it couldn't cursve into a Hero Power. This can. Boy, how much stronger is this card compared to Steamwheedle Sniper.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Dangerously good, but may make aggressive hunter decks too strong to fight against in the early game, and these type of decks receive a lot of complaints.
This card is pretty strong. You play it on curve and control the board.
So powerful. Great stats, great effect, board control as early as turn 2. Damn!
Definitely well-statted and a great tool for controlling the board early on. If you go first and play this on turn one, your opponent faces a dilemma. They probably have to either remove it (difficult on turn 2 and even turn 3), or play multiple minions. Even later in the game it could provide a handy tool for removal. Will be interesting to see how people use this.
This is ridiculous. Insanely strong card with premium body which can carry whole archetype.
Fun and interactive game.