New Hunter Spell - Toxic Reinforcements
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Epic Hunter Spell, Toxic Reinforcements, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Hunter Spell, Toxic Reinforcements, has been revealed!
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seems like a meme to me.. inspire hunter? the other cards are stong but you are not gonna run this one I think since the card is kind of too slow while tryign to do something fast.. that being said, face hunter/odd hunter could really use this card in wild maybe.
Seems pretty good with Zul'jin; you usually float some mana if you're running an aggro deck so it doesn't have to be run in a spell centric deck either.
so we're going back to face Hunter or what? I don't hate it, but I thought we moved past the time when all Hunter was doing was press the button and hit face
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
looks like Quest support.
Feels weak. "Inspire" Hunter will have to be much stronger than I'd guess it will be for this to see play. If we still had 2/1 Leper Gnomes, then I'd worry a bit more about it.
It's not even that good with the Vault Quest, because that deck wants to spend its mana playing minions, not hitting the hero power button.
Yeah. It's completely messed up. If you want to go face, you will spend your mana on minions, not on hero power. And also you won't bother running a side quest. In the end, running a mid-range deck with some inspire stuff would be just a meme...
But we need to see the other unrevealed cards and what the meta will look like
The golden animation of this card will probably be sick :O
Could see play in Wild Odd Hunter
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
I find it funny that this would probably be a better card if it just dealt 6 damage to face instead of summoning leper gnomes. At the stage of the game where' you're using hero power turn after turn to close out the game, you typically can't afford to wait one extra turn to cash in the leper deathrattles. I get what the designers were going for but this is just too slow and gimmicky to be playable as a 'nuke'.
This is a mediocre filler at best. Except if they print a card that says "turn all your leper gnomes into mountain giants".
Meme OTK in WIld:
Play this, get to two HP uses before turn 10.
Turn 10:
2 mana HP to summon the three gnomes, 4 mana Necromechanic, then 2 mana Feign Death x2 = 10 mana & 26 dmg.
With EITHER coin or Emperor Thaurissan hitting literally any one piece of the combo, you can add in 1 Play Dead for full OTK.
I want to like it, but I can't. Too slow for what it does. aggro wants to be faster.
However, I can say that it has a saving grace: Questing explorer. I can see a midrange aggressive deck that makes use of this quest and the card draw of Questing explorer as a possible good deck, if not now, after rotation. Time will tell.
more "face is the place" cards for hunter...feelsbadman
So here is why leper gnome was nerfed back in the day :D
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
I don't aggro, and that is what the card seems intended for. Would not have looked out of place way back in the day, though, before Leper Gnome was nerfed.
This is just a bad card. Unless hunter gets some playable card that allows you to use your hero power multiple times in a turn then this quest can only be activated (at least) 3 turns after being played. The leper gnomes will do at least 6 damage, which isn't bad later in the game, but I feel like there is a small window of opportunity where you can play this in a mid-range hunter and it is a good play. Top-decking this later in the game will probably get you killed, and you don't want this to take the place of your 1/2 drop. But when played at just the right time it will be a solid way to apply pressure to your opponent, and if you happen to have Houndmaster Shaw on the field, all of those 1/1's will have rush.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Quite a slow card, but this might be better as a late-game card. With Blackwald Pixie, you can at least finish the quest in two turns and utilize Dragonbane or Goblin Bomb for more damage. In wild, this card might fit in Hunter decks using [Hearthstone Card (Baku, the Mooneater) Not Found], Genn Greymane, or Auctionmaster Beardo, to name a few Hero Power-themed cards
Well it's over
Ohh this is going to be the Epic card that I will open 9 copies of while needing to craft some useful ones. Not necessarily trash, but I don´t see this one working in a serious deck
Kinda slow I don't think the 6 mana in 3 turns isn't worth the 2 mana worth of bodies. but hey SMOrc
Imagine Leper Gnome's older 2/1 body with this card.
Those sick gnomes would bring pain for sure.
At least it is 3 less damage isn't it ?
I really hate Face Hunter...
With new Dwarven Sharpshooter, I will probably try an odd hunter list in wild with this card. You may say you don't care targeting minions in odd hunter but it is 1/3 that specialize my deck so ofc I will add it !
But it doesn't change, I still hate face hunter and don't think Toxic Reinforcements is a good card.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Drop the new and improved version of steamwheedle sniper on 1, hero power to control board on 2, this plus hero power on 3, ..., cry on turn 5 when you're repaid with three one-mana minions for all your effort.
Worst sidequest? I don't think will see play in any deck.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
It's pretty slow, so for that reason I don't think it fits really aggressive Hunters. It's also not great in slower decks either, I don't think this will see play. But hey, at least it's 100 dust :p
This definitely seems to slow for an aggressive deck to want, would be surprised if it saw much play beyond the first few days
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
I think it's too slow to keep if you're going Aggro. MUCH better 1-cost cards available.
This seems really gross if you want to aggro as hunter, or if you're playing Quest Hunter to begin with. Getting 3 tokens and 6 for sure face damage seems like a thing at least some portion of hunter decks want.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
slow card, but the art is very cool
Very hard card to judge, I'm not entirely sure this would actually fit in odd hunter for wild, but maybe the reward is worth the slow start. As a avid Hunter player I will definitelly give it a try.
The Forgotten Wilds - Druid
Maybe this Card will be good in some kind of Midrange Deck?
The Hunter Cards revealed thus far really want you to HP a lot, so the Lepergnomes you're getting might actually pose a threat!
ArtStation | Twitter
I see this as a pretty weak card. Using one card spot for this side-quest doesn't look worth it in my opinion.
those mini-quest are so week... inspire hunter? that;s so dumb...
Very aggro, but maybe a bit too slow. It doesn't do anything for at least 3 turns.
I think the viability of this and all the side quests will ride on how awful it feels to pull it in the later game, where it does nothing for you. I'm quite curious about that in general, actually, seeing as we haven't had any too-similar cards printed.
That said, let's assume that it's easy to hero power three times, with the new support cards being added incentive. Is there a Hunter deck which would want a spell which straight-up summons three Leper Gnomes? Well... there's a reason Face Hunter has slowly been pushed out by Midrange Hunter. Even with the new 1-drop, it doesn't seem likely that we'll see a return of that, much as I think it'd be refreshing to have a hyperaggro deck back in the meta.
However. Hunter also received two other new cards, Corrosive Breath and Phase Stalker. Along with secrets like Rat Pack that excel in compressing the enemy's decision tree, perhaps we'll see a more midrangey deck which uses the new secret or dragon synergy to stall and stall and build up chip damage while clearing the opponent's minions... and then charge up full aggro once the opponent is low enough. There have been those types before, though they've mostly been spell-burn Shamans or Mages.
If I open it, I'll have to try it, if only to feel a little icky again.
Better call Thrall!
Interesting card especially for quest hunter
I have a feeling that this will prove to be a lot more poweful than people expect. This will do 6 damage at least +give you 3 minions that can trade or hit face even more + the 2 heropowers will deal an additional 4 damage . In worst case scenario you get to deal 10 damage to the enemy and in best case you get to deal 13 damage .
4 stars
I hate the flavor of this card, and it seems pretty clunky to try to play with Quest Hunter. Not a fan.
This card is straight up smorc hunter card..maybe smorc hunter will be back to the metaXD
It's probably not a great card, but I'm giving it 5 stars because of the flavor.
Kind of meme-ish I guess, really slow effect to hero power 3 turns to summon the lepers. Even if there is a Aggro Hunter, doubt they would want to run this.
Side Quest ...
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
It's just a really bad card to use unless you are able to get it in your starting hand or draw it on turn 2. And even if you do get it early enough, it will kinda bully you into using your hero power, making you lose your early game aggression for a small payoff. Just seems like a hard card to use.
More dragons? Yes please!
Nice flavor and art, but this won't see much play in constructed. A little slow and the reward won't affect the board. The other Hunter sidequest is probably better. I would like to draft this in Arena though!
Pretty weak, you need at least 3 turns for this to get off and 7 mana total for 3 Leper Gnome's.
Great meme with fun potential for aggro players. Feign Death just got a new chill friend.
Seems they whant to push face hunter, howhever remember your Hero power count stars after you drawn and usethe side quest so 3 turns minimum until quest completition is this good enough for an aggro deck?
This is a super aggressive card for Hunter.
The only downside is can a deck this aggressive justify paying 1 mana to do nothing for a minimum of 3 turns? Probably not, but if Hunter ever gets a way to use their hero power multiple times a turn or to reduce its cost, then this card could be pretty potent in a hyper aggro deck.
More SMOrc cards please :)
All the sidequests will be played. The value is good with almost no tempo loss. Combines well with both hunter legendaries this expansion.
It feels too clucky, because it requires you to hero power every turn if you want the quest to activate, which will make most of your turn bad. But if you don't heropower to have stronger turns, while run this card?
It doesn't convince me
Too face-oriented card for my personal tastes lol
If there will be a face hunter deck this card might become a part of it. There is some synergy between Toxic Reinforcements and Zul'Jin but i'm not sure this card is worth to play. Presonally i don't really like the disign.
i wish this was even. even hunter looks fun right now but with 3 leper gnomes it could actually be really strong
Indeed, the face is the place!
I see this card and i think if face hunter will come back. My response is no: too weak in a meta where power level will be so much higher.
However this side-quest is super easy to complete and can trick some opponents that understimate this damage....if only those Leper Gnomes were 2/1 like the good 'ole days....
Clearly this wants to go in an aggro deck, and 1 mana deal 6 to your opponent's face is good, but that's 1 mana you don't have to play minions with on the turn this comes down, and the effect is so slow that you'd be better off just playing a more traditional face strategy.
Nice-ish it almost always confirms 12dmg with hero power and the gnomes so it might work don't really see anything other than aggro but maybe put in a control to get the gnomes for damage and trades?
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
What a toxic card.i think its to slow you don't want to hero power 3 turns in a row early game.
This card is amazing. It can be played both in early and late game, and fits in almost every Hunter archetype, since every hunter match comes to the point where you start accumulating damage by clicking hero power. This card on it's own might lead to a comeback of Face Hunter.
Overall a bit slow for aggressive decks which most people agree that this card is for. Given all the aggression tools available, this card does not add enough value.
I'm not expecting sidequests to be that good honestly. 3 Leper Gnomes I don't think is good enough
Mostly just a support card for inspire hunter, so I doubt it will be very good. And I hope its not good, cuz ultra aggro hunters are sooo annoying to play against.
The ability to summon three minions upon completion makes me think of Unseal the Vault. However using the Hero Power 3 times is going to cut into your ability to play lots of small minions. This might not make the cut for that reason, requiring lots of hero powers to activate.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
I have a feeling that this will prove to be a lot more poweful than people expect. This will do 6 damage at least +give you 3 minions that can trade or hit face even more + the 2 heropowers will deal an additional 4 damage . In worst case scenario you get to deal 10 damage to the enemy and in best case you get to deal 13 damage .
Support for SmorC Hunter. In standard you can play too in Quest Decks. In wild will find it's home in Odd Hunter.
This doesn't have the quick impact aggro/face decks need. The effect is delayed by 3 turns at least, the damage is staggered and the reward is just 3 mana worth. That's, simply put, bad.
Put your faith in the Light!
So slow, there's no way this turns out good. However, if Hunter ever gets something like Coldarra Drake...
I get why this card exists with the support for Face/Aggro Hunter builds in this expansion. But for a deck that's trying to be aggressive, it's a very slow card. There's no way you'd play this on turn 1, and on later turns I don't see how you could justify this when you're trying to strengthen your board and finish your opponent off.
I can imagine this can be really strong, as well as it can be absolute trash. Meta will decide whether hyperaggro prevail (and I have strong hunch it will).
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