New Mage Minion - Malygos, Aspect of Magic
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A new Legendary Mage Minion, Malygos, Aspect of Magic, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Mage Minion, Malygos, Aspect of Magic, has been revealed!
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The example showed a fireball that did 8 damage, an arcane intellect that drew 4 cards, and a polymorph that costed 1.
I'd imagine it discovers upgraded versions of basic mage spells.
Seems pretty damn good.
This is going to be great! 6 mana 2/8 if your holding a dragon Polymorph an enemy minion!
This is going to be a good card, mark my words.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
It's great. Cheap Polymorph, Stronger Fireball or tons of card draw. Highly flexible card and flexible cards see lots of play (Siamat comes to mind).
"True mastery takes dedication."
what are the upgraded spells? are they only those 3 or is there a pool of cards?
Disappointed it is not Kalecgos
A puzzle box? What does it say? ... Yogi-Saffron something... sure, let's open it, what is the worst that could happen?
It's a pool of all the basic Mage spells.
In the "announcement trailer" the guy says Basic Mage spells. Shows additional examples of an 8 damage Flamestrike (still 7 mana), and 1 mana Frost Nova.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
I don’t mean to be rude, but is anyone else disappointed with the legendary dragon card art? They aren’t necessarily bad, just not very epic
I'm guessing the artists were somewhat limited because they were given instructions not to outshine Galakrond, but you're not wrong, most of the other legendary dragons don't look very grand or epic. Even Fate Weaver, a nameless dragon dude, has more majesty than the new Ysera, Nozdormu, Deathwing and Malygos. I don't mind Waxadred looking a bit silly, but they really done the old guard dirty in the art department here.
They did Maly bad here, the card's fairly good however - mostly if the dragons are kind to Mage
+ Flamestrike that deals 8 damage to all minions
1-cost Frost Nova
you can see them here:
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I feel like the statline is a bit poopy. A 2/8 doesn't really trade into anything
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Yeah, I would like to see all aspects at earlier stats but they didn't want it seems.
Deathwing, Nozdormu and Ysera have same stats with Classic tho. Let's wait for Alexstrasza.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I see what you mean, and partially agree with you : the art isn't bad, but those dragons dont have the same timeless classic stand or feel as their original iteration. So maybe not as epic - like you said - however, I do like how the artwork is dynamic
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
So here are all of the upgraded spells.
why is Explosion so bad? Every other one got at least +2 damage or -2 cost. Why couldn't the make it 3-damage....or at least 0-mana. Who at Blizzard just really hates Arcane Explosion?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Well its twice as good as the original...which is in accordance with the overall feel of the upgrades in my opinion. But I miss some spells like Pyroblast? Why isn't that on the list. I want my 20 dmg nuke!
I am not sure I like this card. Because its effect is random and the stat-line of the minion is a bit underwhelming. If you need one specific spell your odds are only 33%. So this is a card played for value more than anything else. At the 5-mana turn it has serious competition with Zilliax.
But I have to admit, when combined with say a Kalecgos in hand, this will make your next 10 mana turn very strong indeed.
The list contains only basic spells, not all Classic ones.
Kind of like Kazakus and Zephyrs in that you're playing a card that creates a wide array of answers to your situation. Likely very good.
but Tome of Intellect is a common.
I wonder why they would do all the basic mage spells, and then one random common one, it doesn't make much sense to me.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
since upgraded spells are always good, this is also
The card is comparable to Kazakus.
Yet i'm unsure it can fit Wild.
YESSSS not so good stats but those spells are sick!!!!
I really like the flexibility of this card. And its cheap, has good stats. Pretty good.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Fantastic card all around. Really versatile since it's only 5 mana and looks like 8 of the 9 upgraded spells are cheaper than 5 mana as well so I can almost see this as kind of a "proto-Zephrys the Great" where you're going to be able to play your answer immediately in most cases. I will definitely craft my Highlander Mage if I don't pull organically.
This card is actually better than it looks. Mage already has good dragons to play, so synergy will always will happen. While I don't like the stat distribution (it should have 1 more attack and 1-2 less health), I can't deny that a discover effect with predictable results that can greatly influence the game makes this card one akin zephyr.
I'm prepared to play Dragon Mage, and I'm prepared to get annoyed at the Discover RNG much like I would with Adapt lel. "Come on, Polymorph!"
Slightly similar to wish granting djinn. Good card.
Despite mage being my favorite class, I somehow can´t evaluate this card whether it´ll be great or total flop. I have really high hopes, I want it to be a great card, because I want this bad boy!
A dragon with a insane tempo swing? Sign me up!
I really like the design of this card. Too bad there's no way the in-game UI can support showing all the upgraded cards in the collection viewer.
My new reno dragon mage love this card!
But I think this card could have taunt .. have 8 health, so what? It will ignored, because the attack is mediocre, but it's ok.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I'm already trying a Dragon Highlander Mage, and this expansion seems to add plenty of support. This is a strong card imo, and can easily fit most Mage archetypes. Attack might have been 1 higher though.
Love mage, love the idea of dragon mage, love the effect of upgraded spells, just love love LOVE this card
The pool's too big to get what you need. Also, many are not playable or not necessary later (like Intellect and Explosion).
This seems great. Obviously they are saying Dragon Mage will be a thing, so its all upside. Hopefully its as good as it looks. Highlander Dragon Mage could be really crazy.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
a lot of flexibility, it´s a mage seminerfed zephyrs, it will see a lot of play
Very good battlecry. So far the most interesting I have seen. The value it can provide is amazing, and really like the idea of having upgraded spells through Malygos lore-wise.
i love the design of this card, like upgraded spells are great
I think this will see play in a plethora of Mage decks as it's very flexible. It's somewhat of a cheaper Kalecgos for more Agressive decks but still viable for the slower (probably Reno) version of Mage. Pretty sure this is a safe craft if you're planning on playing the class a lot.
Boring but strong statline. Without Taunt, 2/8 is an awkward body. Potentially very strong value with the upgraded spells but somewhat RNG dependant. Could be too unconsistent to see regular play.
Very good in dragon control mage archetype. Cool art but I'm little disappointed because it has nothing with spell power
Really high Powerlever.
Malygos-Kalecgos-Malygos-Mage incoming?
ArtStation | Twitter
A lot of the spells you can choose between are spells that have been good enough to see play throughout the years, so there will probably be enough good ones to carry any duds in the discover pool.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Really like this card, even tho the stats arent good. Gives you so many different possibilities.
Good for late-game near 10 HP. The turn 9 Fireball will be a ragequitter.
One of the best legendary dragons so far! Good if it can be replayed multiple times in the same match.
The upgraded spells look awesome, but the statline is just not good. Might very well fit into Zephrys Mage
Top tier card imo versatile, sticky, good value we just need good mage dragons
This card is amazing. Probably my favorite in the set. Really looking forward to a new Dragon Mage deck.
Pretty strong card for the upgraded spells and the minion is not TOO OP. This will def be used in all mage decks.
A very powerful effect. My question would be can mage afford to play a 5 mana 2/8? The spell you generate will help regain board control but I wonder if it's good enough since dragon decks are usually highly dependent on controling the board unless you aim on a Alexstrasza burst strategy.
More dragons? Yes please!
Flexible, potentially strong. Not a great stat line. What Dragons would Mage play? Not sure how to feel about it until we see the whole set.
Cheap and efficient. Will definitely see play in Highlander Mage decks, they will need it for sure.
Frankly, I'm not so sure about this one. It's certainly not a good turn 5 play. You do, at least, have a good chance of discovering something useful on turn 6, but that's only two cards out of the bunch - the Nova and the Polymorph. The Tome, the Frostbolt, and the Missiles are underwhelming; random Mage spells aren't generally good, and the others just don't do enough. The Fireball, the Intellect, and the Flamestrike may be worth it, and it's certainly nice to discover extra card draw or removal, but you'd have to be in a place where you can afford to float 5 mana for them. That's more likely to be a control matchup - in which the Flamestrike or the Intellect might not have so much relevance.
So, neat idea, but possibly underwhelming. We'll see!
Better call Thrall!
This card has just crazy value. I can't see this not being played.
Plus, the limited discover pool is just making it more consistent therefore better
I love it, ok stats, well distributed, dragon tag and the spells it gives are very proactive. (I'm a control Mage player so I might be aboard little biased.)
Malygos seems extremly good for the versatility (in form of Zephrys but not as OP due to limited card pool, randomness and cost) the body is similar to amet, yes is too fair for it's cost, but those spells are enough
Ridiculously OP at first glance; I don't know how it will work out in meta, but the card is decent without the upgrade
"We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Good yes. Fun, not sure. While strong spells per say are fun, these are just cheaper or spall damage upgraded mage spells that already exists, which while strong is nothing new and exciting.
Very good card in all formats.
So much versatility with the spells that can be discovered, something for every situation. Due to there being only 9 possible options, there is also a pretty high level of reliability to this card. Will be a staple in any mid-late game Mage deck in standard.
Really good. I wonder if they will update this spells with new ones if any of the mage spells goes to the hof...
Damn this card is amazing!
i always liked dragon mage and tried to make it works, this card is like the dream.
i think it will be good in a lot of mage decks that run a dragon package.
The strongest of them (probably the only that will work) would be highlander mage. For now that deck has this, new alex, old alex, kalecgos that you want already to run; you can add the 2/3 + 2 spell damage to add dragon synergy consistency. So if at least 2 other very good dragons will be printed i can already see the dragon package be there, and maybe just 1 more dragon will be enough, as the only card you have to be activated at all cost is Malygos itself so you don't have to go heavily dragon synergy.
The list of spell it let you discover are amazing, and these kind of effects gives more consisteny on decks like highlander mage.
I think that the coolest part is that you can discover the spell, so there is a high chance to get a fast answer to your current situation. His stats make me a little bit perplexed tho...
A really like the art and design of the card. Decent stats for 5 mana and the discover effect makes this new Malygos a very flexible card. It will be played a lot for sure.
maybe because they couldn't make a powerful version of Mirror Image (like what could you do with that? summon 4 images?). I guess a 1-mana Cabalist Tome seemed to be a much more interesting idea.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
i think this one will be played in every single mage deck created in next xpac
Thansk a lot, was looking for this.
I love all of them.
Auto-include in all "control" mage. 2/8 aren't wonderful stat, but the spell that it can give are pretty strong. It will see play in the right deck
I think it's an interesting card, but I dislike cards that don't explain their effects in full on their description.
All of the upgrades are bonkers, so this card is great and will see play.
Not a 9 mana 4/12 other than that i think it's good.
This guy's gonna be great He'll give you a boosted card which knowing mage will be abused in cyclone or with that new giant.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This card might see play in most mage decks. The stats are good, and the discovered spells give you a flexible answer to almost every game situation.
Very cool, hard punished by 4 mana 8/8 rush unfortunately
It just feels really cartoony, which itself isn;t bad but it does kind of take away from the epic feel of dragons.
Very cheap at 5-mana and t1he upgraded Mage spells are very powerful. Only drawback is the kinda wonky statline, though its resilient health means that it is a prime target to survive, be copied and played again. A very good card.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
All the spells this card discovers are busted! A must include in dragon mage. Personally I still like to see this being a 4/12 at 9 mana, which does not hurt it too much given how powerful the spells are.
Interesting concept. Very flexible card that let's you choose what you need. And the upgraded spells are pretty strong too!
Not really a fan of the upgraded spell concept, but the card itself seems ok. A Zephrys the Great for Dragon Mage.
A powerful card, and an auto-include in any Dragon Mage deck I would say. Personally, though, I think that dragons will be weaker in Mage than most other classes this expansion. The low-cost spell support is very strong, however, so there will definitely be viable decks - will just be interesting to see the extent that dragons feature in them.
This can be crazy and exciting card to play, I like it. There are definitely better and stronger cards in the set, but when I see this at pack opening, I won't be mad.
Fun and interactive game.