New Shaman Spell - Lightning Breath
Submitted 5 years, 2 months ago by
A new Rare Shaman Spell, Lightning Breath, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Shaman Spell, Lightning Breath, has been revealed!
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Dragon Shaman Time
Awesome, Dragon anything is always fun. I remember Kibler played a Dragon Shaman during Rastakhan's Rumble, hope something similar can exist.
Gosh dang it, cards bad.
Hooray! My favorite tribe for my favorite class!
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Let's go Control Dragon Thrall.
yeah, no, we're all going to hate this immensly after about 3 days.
just slap a dragon package into Quest Shaman. Draconic Lackey already makes this more consistent. So aside from Sandstorm Elemental and MCT you'll also have to worry about getting flamestriked at 3....hitting coincidentally the exact same number of minions that you would play to not play into MCT.
I'm gonna give this expansion a chance, but I feel like I'm just gonna quit after two weeks.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Holy CRAP, this is undercosted by 2 mana
we always gonna quit after 2 weeks no matter what, HS isn't made to last more than that anyway
yeah, I have a feeling this will quickly get nerfed to 5 mana. Just compare it to any other damaging spell shaman has access to.
Mark my words. Shaman will get nerfed.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Excuse me, since we get all the breath cards based on the class dragon, which dragon has lightning breath? Or maybe someone new like Waxadred?
As far as i understood it, only LoE classes get old dragon aspects, while EVIL classes get entirely new Dragons (+Galakrond).
The only exception being Warrior, for unknown reasons (since Malygos is just as mad and hostile as Deathwing).
I'm sure as hell not going to use that disenchant duplicates button for this expansion. This looks seriously op.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
I don't know if I'm overestimating this card, but I'm going to keep all the copies I get from packs, just to be sure (if you know what I mean)
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
I think it's more likely this card is played as a generated card than something you put in your deck. In general terms, Quest Shaman wants minions, not spells, even considering the chances of Dragonic Lackey.
Unless there are one or two real, competitive, Battlecry Dragons for shaman. Then obviously, this becomes pretty nuts. (At this point, I'm not sure I'm playing Twin Tyrant in a Quest Shaman simply to support this card.)
Maybe there's some more competitive version of "Big Shaman" this time around. Plus we haven't seen Hagatha's Galakrond. This could fit there. But hard to see that deck being preferred to the Quest deck in most circumstances.
Would be balanced with the number of dragons right now. But A LOT is coming, so this can always be active.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
I hope for Dragon Shaman but imo this will never work.. sad
So strong if Dragon Shaman becomes a thing - it's a better Lightning Storm: while it only hits 3 targets, it does more dmg without the Overload. Probably one of the strong Breaths revealed so far.
Good board clear spell for dragon shaman!
Absolutely bonkers card. I tried playing Dragon Shaman and had a decent amount of success, and that was without any class cards supporting the archetype. If the other cards are anywhere close to this one, I foresee great things for Dragon Shaman.
12 damage for 3 mana? Seems balanced ti me.
It's so crazy that this does not have overload. the base effect is already good enough. And with shaman having access to lackeys that discover dragons and spells, I can see this card being played with the activation in deck that neither have the card nor dragons (looking at you quest shaman who won't rotate at all next year).
This is such a strong spell for 3 mana. As a mage main I´m sometimes very jealous of the AoE some other classes are getting.
3 mana cast 3 Shadowbolts? Sounds insane to me.
I am curious what the Shaman dragon will look like. It's been an archetype that never actually seen any play (if I recall correctly). This card does look very strong though, but without other strong cards, it won't see play by itself.
Viper's Control Shaman is really fun. Someone help me figure out how to shoehorn some dragons into it so I can run this as well.
Pretty GOOD in dragon shaman decks, insane removal! Even in arena and wild can see play .. They're really pushing dragon archetype this time, I hope even the bad dragon decks see some play!
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
I wanted to evaluate this card after see some other shaman cards but;
This is just overpowered. The only situation this will see no play is that shamans will get no dragons but truth is that will never happen + THERE ARE NEUTRAL DRAGONS !!!
We all hated shamans enough blizzard. Do something !
Shaman was my favorite class of the Saga and you made me hate it via Hearthstone. Thank you so much !
Evolve was ok thematically but a hateful card ! You didn't have to add murloc package to shamans just because MURLOCS ARE SHAMANS !
pff, I hate you blizzard. I blowed all my salt here to you. I don't have salts anymore.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
This overshadows all of the other board clears for shaman. Other board clears overload your mana, deal inconsistent damage (Volcano, Hagatha's Scheme, Lightning Storm etc.) but the only drawback of this is that you need to play a few dragons in your deck, which won't be a drawback as much as a deckbuilding direction. Quest shaman can also easily gain access to some dragons via draconic lackeys. It's a great effect for 3 mana, I give it 5/5.
Very conditional based on if Dragon Shaman is actually viable, but considering it mostly takes good reasons to play it and this card is super powerful if you're playing Dragons, it seems like one of those awesome build arounds. Battlecry Dragon Shaman seems like it could be the jam.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
A total of 12 damage for 3 mana is just crazy. With increased Spell Damage or even Zentimo this is potentially devastating. Even if you don't go full Dragon Shaman you might include this and 1-2 dragons in another archetype just for the combo.
Sure, it depends on the other Shaman cards and whether Shaman will have good Dragon synergies. 12 damage for 3 Mana is awesome. Good enough to include non-synergistic Dragons just for the effect? Probably not, but tons of easy value in a Dragon deck that is at least decent.
I wonder how this'll work with Zentimo. 6 Mana remove 5 Minions and summon a 1-3 would be sweet!
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3-mana 9 damage Dragon Control shaman, as if the murlocs weren't bad enough.
If there will be some kind of a dragon based shaman this spell will definitely see play. 4 damage for 3 mana is decent even without an AOE, but with a dragon synergy it's very good. I generally like it!
As Trump said, a lot of the time it's like Flamestrike but for four less mana - incredible!
Hearthstone fan. Arch-nemesis: wifi drop-outs.
Basically flamestrike for 3. OMG that card is soo good... I cant wait to play it
Wanted to comment for the entry, but I have basically nothing new to add when you commented what I feel too. Not that I will quit, the expansion has much to offer, but generally it seems that they really upped the power level with some clearly op cards, this included. It will be frustrating to play against this, but at least it will force some to improve their positioning.
very good card just as a 3 mana deal 4. but 3 mana deal 3*4 is just insanely good. finally a good semi-boardclear for shaman that does not overload for a ridiculous amount of mana.
depends on the other cards being released for shaman though so it might be hard to tell how good it will really be
People have already been playing Dragon Shaman. This is ridiculously powerful for that deck.
As if shaman needed more removal tools ..!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Nice card for board clear! We'll have to see what other Shaman cards are going to release to co-exist with this one..
A turn 3 semi-Flamestrike is insane. All we have to do is wait and see what the shaman dragons bring to the table.
More dragons? Yes please!
very strong, just waiting for shaman dragons ¿?
It’s not like Shaman’s really hurting for more AOE cards, still pretty good though
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Great AOE.
We still need to see the other shaman cards, but if a dragon deck is viable this card is absolutely great.
Seems absolutely insane.
A control Shaman with a couple powerful dragons with battlecry such as Twilight Drake can already make this card work, and it is in most cases a Flamestrike that can be played on turn 3.
If Shaman gets a bunch of well-statted dragons then a midrange board focused deck would definitely run this card.
Quite good, a bit boring for my taste. I could see that the effect would not be greatly used in many cases. Situational 3 stars
This card is very strong, but if a thing like dragon shaman doesn't exist it will not see play.
If good/interesting dragons will show up, i'll surely try to play an Hagatha/dragons control deck, can't see the deck being any good but maybe it will be fun
12 damage for 3 mana? Those dragons sure know how to be scary.
İts an early game flamestrike.shaman will play dragons Justice for this boardclear
blizzard really wants dragons to be everywhere on ladder.
3 mana for 12 damage split on 3 minions? And no overload? Just broken...if Dragon Shaman will exist
Best of the breath cards, too bad shaman seems to get the worst dragons so far.
I think this might be the first lightning themed damage spell that doesn't have Overload on it?
Well again, a card that makes an archetype worth playing, this is such a strong AoE on turn 3; that will make Big Dragon Shaman a real deal in this meta.
Already a good card with Dragon Shaman - way better when you pair it with Electra Stormsurge or Zentimo.
I Guess its time to try dragon shaman again.It failed when i tried to make it during throzen throne meta
Great card for dragon shaman, but does dragon shaman actually have enough support?
So with zentimo you can clear an entire board and without him, you can still clear about half a board this is a bonkers card that I can see being run even without the dragon boost
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
12 damage for 3 mana is a lot of value, but I don't think that Dragon Shaman will be viable. However, even 4 damage for 3 mana is good (Shadow Bolt).
Yea this is just way stronger flamestrike pretty much
Shadowbolt with a huge upside if you have a Dragon. It’s really good. Obviously.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Luckily, I doubt Dragon Shaman will be very popular. I'm worried about Quest Shaman though. Something people will constantly try to experiment with until it works.
i dont know if there will be a dragon shaman, but the card is so strong
The value is too good to leave out of dragon decks. It's been compared with flamestrike quite a lot already,
Bonkers spell for Dragon Shaman decks. 3 mana it's super cheap for clearing the board.
Ridiculously powerful board clear for such a few mana. Only concer remains in that dragon shaman was never played archetype and support for it is very weak.
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