New Druid Spell - Secure the Deck
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A new Epic Druid Spell, Secure the Deck, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Druid Spell, Secure the Deck, has been revealed!
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Looks like Gonk druid will be a thing
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
beat me to it. I was about to say the same thing
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Decent early game removal for quest too
A slow card that rewards some more slow cards ..
Winner winner chicken dinner
Wow, some fuel for Gonk? I thought Blizz forgot about him.
Not much of a Druid player myself, but I assume someone will learn how to abuse this fairly quick.
It's probably gonna be some key for a new OTK deck, but I don't think it's Gonk.
I bet the flavor text is going to be a meta joke about HS decks or something like that. Team 5 always makes jokes like that, and the opportunity is right there.
Perfect Gonk fuel, I can not wait to try out my old OTK deck. I have a feeling this card my prove to be quite rage inducing...
Insane. Cheap, versatile, lots of value, Gadgetan synergies... It also fits nicely in Quest druid, definetely will see play.
This deck is cool. Play it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Goes great with my custom expansion's Druid set, which is all about attacking with the hero. I'm slightly annoyed that you are given three copies of Claw, when generally speaking a Druid only fights with two claws lol.
That's a lot of words to say that the card is fine.
3 mana for 6 attack and 6 armor once you completed the sidequest (which will be completed very easily - I'm legit surprised they only require 2 hero attacks to trigger). I see people already talking about Gonk Druid coming back, but even without him that has some real burst potential. Heck do the sidequest twice and on 10 mana you can have 12 hero dmg plus another 4 off Swipe plus 2 more from double Moonfire = 18 total dmg assuming no spell dmg buff - nothing to sneeze at...
If this sees play I expect it'll mainly be as a source of cheap spells for gadget.
Excuse me, but you can clearly see *4* claws on each paw on the card art. So if anything, they should give you one EXTRA to be consistent...
Gonk can easily be meta
Interesting card. Could this be the return of some Miracle type of Druid (maybe Mecha'thun)? Gonk is still around and combo's nicely with this card. I think this is one of the beter sidequests revealed so far.
This is really solid in a Gonk Druid deck, but it's hard for me to see that being a thing right now. Quest Druid is just so powerful, and you'd never run a card like this in Quest Druid because of how quickly you'd lose the base hero power.
FWIW, I'm glad they're providing support for an archetype that sees no play, and that doesn't just slot into the best current archetype for the class. All too often these support tools either see no play or find their way into the best archetype and leave the "supported" one on the shelf. Maybe this will be enough to make Gonk a real fighter.
not sure how good this card is.. I mean 4 mana 6/6 attack/armor to hero.. that's bite.. you add to hand 3 cards that are not being run in a deck...
but on the other hand.. gadgetzan auctioneer is a card so it might be relevant for that reason.. I don't see it though.
Nice early game but needs to fit into the deck such as a gonk one as others mentioned
I know that this allows you to get 6 potential damage, but outside of an combo deck (or Gonk 'till rotation), is it that useful?
The best side to these side quests I can see thus far is that they allow you to use questing explorer for card draw, outside a main quest deck.
Interesting, the requirement quite easy to execute even when you topdeck this. I can see it being played in different decks (especially gonk if it becomes viable).
I wonder if you would run this card in a deck that wants cheap spells to cycle with, feel like druid already has enough but who knows.
This is a cool card. Claw isn't super powerful on its own, but 3 of them is something, even in a deck that isn't focused on slamming a bunch of attacks with Gonk. It can just be good in a control style deck as it gives you cheap armor and flexible attack. I think this is generally just better than it looks.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Can be useful for some combo decks or something like this, and the condition is so easy to complete so it's nice anyway.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Really good with Gonk, but perhaps i would use it in my quest druid too!
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
The legendary that allows you attack after kill, anyone?
Gonk me daddy, Gonk me harder
seriously though this actually makes Gonk OTK a consideration (as a funnier alternative to Malygos I guess)
You only need this and double Pounce. This means you can run it alongside Quest and still complete for the reward even without your original hero power.
The plan would be to get Gonk killed, reduce your mad Summoner to 0/1 with either Dreampetal or Jepetto and finally resurrect two Gonks with Witching HOur, Mad Summoner and use the Claws + leftover Pounce to get to 6-10 attack which will allow you to deal between 42-60 damage (assuming your opponent doesn't have a huge taunt blocking you)
The Quest shell should allow you to actually survive long enough, all you need to cut is [Hearthstone Card (BEES!) Not Found] and Wardruid Loti.
I have no cards and I must Gonk
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
The condition is pretty easy to meet, play it and hero power on the same turn, then the following turn it is done. Getting 3 Claws is pretty useful, 3 mana for 6 damage plus gain a little armor, not bad at all. As some have mentioned there is also the combo potential with Gonk, the Raptor, but I am not entirely sure if that will ever get beyond just a meme, why not just play Malygos instead?
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Easy to do and gives a nice enough reward for it too, could end up being a decent card altogether
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
This is different from the other sidequests. Why? Because the reward goes to your hand!
Unlike in Hunter or Mage, here you don't have to crimp your line of play so that the reward won't be summoned. And, importantly for Druid, when you can save the cards in your hand you can enable combos, whether that's Gonk or else. That's sort of why the card feels so neat - you might have a 4-4 with rush or an 8-8 from time to time, but since bloody when can you put three Claws (or SIX Claws) into a deck? Never! This is exciting.
I'd like to point out, too, that Druid does love to have a big hand. Ferocious Howl, Wispering Woods, and Bewitched Guardian exist. Which is likely hopeful exaggeration, but I do that sometimes.
Better call Thrall!
The best sidequest revealed so far. With Gonk, the Raptor, the quest is finished in one turn. The quest reward refills your hand and can be used as removal, face damage, spellstone activation, and a Gadgetzan Auctioneer cycle card
Well it's over
Excuse me, but how?
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Pretty good in a Savage Striker druid. Well, assuming such a thing will ever exist in the meta.
Too bad it can't be used in an Even deck...
Gonkey Kong Country Returns.
But I think it'll fizzle out compared to the other Dragon decks.
I can see this card being used in a Miracle Druid set up with Nomi and the new Ysera card. Not sure if Quest Druid will be the place for it
It might be fun to throw an auctioneer back in for old times sake if you're going to use this. I can see the use for this card (Gonk), but I don't know that I'll be running it until I see more reveals.
Compare this to that one hunter side quest its not only easier, but a better payout.
Don't believe this card will be much played. Epic card also, not sure what to think
Not sure if it will see play. Easy to complete but not an interesting reward.
I am not impressed. Gonk-Druid was never a thing and you rarely hp as a druid in the mid and late game, because all the good stuff you can actually play above 5 mana.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
The best sidequest of all released (so far). It's pretty great reward for using twice hero power. You can play two copies of this, stack it and play with GONK or just play them to trade minions and gain some armor.
I'm surpised but I really like this cad
This card in the vacuum can't be worth running. Probably only for Gonk combo, like others mentioned, or maybe to serve as Auctioneer fuel, but I think those decks can hardly ever become strong meta competitors.
Wow, Questing Explorer really works with Sidequests?
Might help Gonk, needs to be built around heavily though. Not a good standalone card
I don't see this will bring Gonk deck back. I mean ok, it will help but really can't see it will be played in competitively. It will be just another meme in my opinion.
But we might see this card in some Quest Druid lists tho. Not so sure about that also.
What I see with this card is only Gadgetzan Auctioneer synergy but why do you use this card with Gadgetzan Auctioneer ? There are no fitting decks for his draws right now.
Well, I don't want to say anything about this card until all set reveals completed. Strange card.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I actually played a druid deck that used the "attacking with hero" synergy (like the spirit, and the 2/3 that deal damage equal to your hero's attack power). The deck was an aggressive\token and worked, but isn't usable anymore because shamans punish a wide board, and the other class can easily clear it. What i found is that the deck didn't have problem in having enough card that gives attack to your hero but had problem at rewarding you for doing that (basically only 4 cards in the deck). So I don't think that this card will solve the problem
I don´t think this is enough to make Gonk viable, but it could work as a great fuel for Miracle Auctioneer turns. Completing this sidequest is super easy.
It would be great if this could make my Gonk good, but I have my doubts.
can only see this in some meme deck or arena..doesn't feel like it will fit in standard
Potential OTK:
Secure the Deck twice, so now you have 6 copies of Claw in your hand.
Play all 6 copies of Claw so your hero has 12 attack.
Play 2 copies of Savage Striker to deal 24 damage your opponent's face!
Then you can punch them for another 12 dealing a total of 36 damage!
The beauty of this combo is that you only need to draw 4 cards to get the full combo, albeit it does take up a lot of space in your hand, but it should be pretty easy to get around that.
Another thing to note is that emperor thaurissan will reduce the cost of this combo from 10 to 2 with just one proc, so you can add whatever other card you want to the combo in order to deal extra damage.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Since you can only play 1 copy of the Sidequest at the time, this combo seems very slow. Or is it Gonk's time to shine xd
I bet this will make some Maly craziness happen somewhere. Or Togwaggle in Wild.
I’m glad to see some new stuff for druid. The new quest helped bring SOME life back to the class, but it needs to be stronger.
True, but it only take 2 turns to complete the quest, so over the coarse of the entire game it shouldn't be too hard
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Savage Striker cannot hit face.
There goes that idea.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I like the synergy with other attack druid cards this year.
Can be played on early turns, condition is what you usually do anyways, gives you armor and removal, throw out Wraths and lose nothing.
This deck is cool. Play it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The only thing that comes to mind with this card would be a Gonk, the Raptor style of deck including Spirit of the Raptor and Savage Striker with most hero buffing cards. It would be nice to have a new Gonk deck and this card would be a nice way to refuel and can help make sure your Savage Striker can still hit hard in the mid game.
More dragons? Yes please!
Pack filler :)
Why would you run this card? If you run this, you probably would not run the Druid Quest. And why would you not run the Druid Quest?
This ain't no place for a hero
G E T G O N K ' D !
Comparing this to the other sidequests, it definitely feels much weaker. Hand Druid will hardly see any light, and Gonk will thrive but not shine.
So... you're telling me that you need to hard mulligan for this card, play it, use your hero power before you get Ossirian Tear (possibly without delaying the quest completion) in order to get 3 mana gain 6 deal 6 and receive possible recoil damage. And at what cost? Throwing out a 2 mana deal 4 draw 1 that bypasses Taunts?
I don't know man, if you're still sure it's worth playing it go ahead and try it, but for me it's a big no until the next rotation.
Unless a new competitive Druid archetype pops out, but it seems unlikable
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
This is a very good point. Side quests can be doubled-up, and the burst potential of the completed quest isdefinitely not to be underestimated. It's basically a 3-mana fireball that also gives you 6 armor ... not sure why people are thinking that is bad for some reason, especially when all you have to do is what druids do already anyways.
Odd aggro druid inc.
I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.
aggro druid? or gonk? i think just for trolden...
Easy to complete, but the reward isn't too impressive. Good card for Arena though.
Not a bad card. This card together with Gonk might lead to some serious damage.
Somewhat valuable it adds claws which are 3 mana for 6/6 for yourself nice with Gonk since he's 7 mana you can get him and these out on the same turn can't wait for a weird Gonk otk. But it is a somewhat lackluster since 6 dmg for 3 mana and minor hand clog isn't going to be the best side quest since all the others so far do their effect without any extra mana
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Very bad, I really hope I don't pull this Epic card out of a pack, feels so much like a waste.
Yes it does. Been confirmed when they got out, since they still are technically quests.
In my opinion not good enough, if claw cost whould be 0 pheraphs but in my opinion you are actually trading 1 card slot for 2 cards you almost certainly will not include in the deck, besides you have to complete the sidequest (which for instance dosnt happen that ofter in Quest Druid before quest completition) and also Druid will be looking for space for better cards in a 30 cards deck
In theory some Gonk deck might work but as said before Quest druid is just stronger IMO. It's hard to draw all the damage cards and complete sidequest faster then Quest druid goes out of control. And there is no mechanics to deal with taunts. I'll be glad if I'm wrong and there will be this kind of druid!
An interesting card that rewards you for attacking with your hero, but seems to fair and niche to be all that good.
It could be okay for filling in turns and to power hero-attack effects like Gonk.
Obviously a very easy side quest to complete.
I just don't see how the reward is good enough though, failing to see what deck would play this outside of maybe Gonk Druid? Some kind of miracle druid MAYBE but even then I don't think it makes the cut.
Gonk druid... What a yoke
All side quests are very strong and I believe will see play in one way or another. While this one is not auto include, it will for sure enable some disgusting OTK...
Anyway I slice it, this feels inferior to the resources available to Quest Druid. Want efficient removal? Why not have upgraded Oasis Surger, Starfall, and Wrath instead? Want to draw 3 cards with Gadgetzan Auctioneer for 9 mana? Why not draw 3 cards for effectively 4 mana with upgraded Nourish? Pretty cool for a Gonk, the Raptor deck I guess.
For glory, honor, and gold!
I don't like this card very much, the only use I can think of is with Gonk, the Raptor
Yes! I want GONKing will be elevated to a whole other level
would have been a perfect opportunity to print heal druid support but noooo blizz went with gonk instead
you dont have to do many things to complete it, but the reward is kinda bad
Yeah but only if you are not playing quest, and nowadays most druid combo decks play quest.
I don't know why i need to play this card with Gonk, the Raptor when i can just play an otk maly druid or a quest druid. It's an arena card for me. FIller card for me if it will not find some place in a combo deck
Seems like an easy to complete sidequest. Best paired with spell dependent cards or things like Questing Adventurer?
If only i own gonk other than gonk's deck i think its a bad card. And gonk is a meme
Perhaps the worst side quest, i dont see it in druid
Besides the obvious synergy with Gonk, the Raptor, the three cheap Claw spells could be used for Gadgetzan Auctioneer to cycle through the deck, e.g., in (wild) Mecha'Thun Druid.
meh card too lazy to test this cards xD
Gonk druid was a meme, and I can't see how this card can make that deck work.
Complete Quest.
Duplicate with Elise on t5: 6x Claw now.
Throw 12 damage in the face of your opponent at t6. Plus 12 armor on your back.
Highlander Aggro Druid incoming.
The only use for this is a gadgetzan auctioneer turn, but even that is too much of a streach
I don't really want to spend a card for a delayed 3 claws
Gonk druid is my favorite and this actually makes the deck soooo much better. Still trash tier, but a little less so lol
Doesn't seem that good with any druid decks, might only be good in the meme Gonk deck
Meme-tier card that can enable amusing Gonk shenanigans but probably not competitive by any means.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
What deck would want to run this? Sure, it's easy to complete, but will it be worth a card slot?
Put your faith in the Light!
The weakest SQ imo.
Good for cheap removal, but Druid does not really need that right now.
But maybe Gonk, the Godking of Meme-Druids himself, can save this Card?!
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Gadgetzan Auctioneer engine for OTK decks. The requirement seems too tempo heavy to really be good, however.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
I wasnt sure about this card at first because I didnt think much of claw. Getting 3 seems very good though. Im not sure in what way they will be useful, but I could imagine some kind of combo with spells or druid atk and if not that you have 6 damage that usually dont go to waste.
As soon as I saw the card I though of Gonk. Let's see if it's finally competitive.
Good with OTGonk as a source of Attack-buffing cards. 'nuff said.
The only deck I can see this fitting into is Gonk Druid, but I still don't think it has enough support.
Gonk, the Raptor finally viable? I don't think so, but nice try :-)
Fun and interactive game.
3 cheap spells Gonk potential. could fit into couple decks. is it possible to OTK someone with cards like dat? (attack armor)