New Warlock Minion - Valdris Felgorge
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Legendary Warlock Minion, Valdris Felgorge, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Warlock Minion, Valdris Felgorge, has been revealed!
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7 mana 4/4: draw 4 would already be fine even without the permanent hand size increase. Also compliments the loss of life tap in Galakrond decks very nicely.
so sprint on a stick that also increases your hand size and with the minion reveled with this it will spawn a 12/12 with taunt for 6 mana. This expansion is going to be crazy powerful in all regards. Back to this though its sprint on a stick with more hand space it's going to be crazy I can assure that.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Torn on this one.
On one "hand" drawing 4 while also increasing Handsize in a class that likes to draw a lot is pretty strong. This makes both Plot twist and the Quest a lot better.
On the other hand, this is a 7-mana 4/4 that does nothing the turn it's played, meaning you'll usually have to set up a Doomsayer turn to play this and even then it's a pretty weak play by itself.
Although we finally get to play 1-mana Mountain Giants.
The real question is whether this works in combination with a dragon package, because otherwise I don't see Controllock working out.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
What - and I cannot stress this enough - the actual fuck.
I legitimately have no idea what in the world is going on with this. I don't think Handlock has enough stuff in Standard to make this a Thing: Abyssal Summoner & Mountain Giant being the main targets I guess? In Wild a bit more options, but honestly I feel like this is "setting the stage" for Handlock in NEXT APRIL's expansion, so just a little random right now
So Sprint was a weak card....
Helloooooo Gul‘dan, glad to see you‘re ack! And how much you have grown!
Winner winner chicken dinner
So nice and with such an interesting new mechanic!
4/4, draw 4 for 7 mana it was already decent but with also that hand size's increase... Oh yea!
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
A possible mill warlock in wild? Maybe there isn't enough support for it but it can be very funny to see you opponent stuck with his 10 cards hand and burning cards while you laugh with your 12 cards
This card is fine, but its stats and costs make it a really slow play. HandLock was my first deck I took to Legend and when played correctly you don't need to draw 4 late in the game. Therefor I think this card is better suited for a more midrange (Galakrond) / Combo (Mecha'thun) deck.
I’d be amazed if this card ended up seeing no play with just how much card draw that is.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Repost from the news thread, as I meant to post here for the giveaway...
Valdris Felgorge is awesome, regardless of whether or not it's good. Increasing max hand size is a phenomenal effect, and drawing 4 cards is certainly worth 7 mana (Sprint), so the extra 4/4 body is just a nice bonus. Not immediately obvious to me what you do with a 12 card hand, but with the various discard tools that generate extra copies of cards (e.g. Expired Merchant, High Priestess Jeklik, and Soulwarden), the space could be very useful.
This seems like it goes in every single archetype of warlock.
The effect looks outrageous, but I'm not sure if the increased hand size is actually relevant. You still need to draw like mad to keep your hand full or play one card at a time and all that just do discount a mountain giant or play a huge demon. I'm not entirely certain of the intended direction for handlock in the future, but it sure seems interesting.
I also feel this card is too slow. But it's effect is very strong nonetheless
They already convinced me to play warlock with dragons in warlock.
I'm completely sold. Now I'm hyped.
But sorry, this isn't a 5-star card. It is a 4 star at best even though it hypes me enough.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Ohhh nice, I will play this for sure in my control renolocks :D
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Giving this 5 stars just because it’s breaking the fundamental “laws” of hearthstone. Considered giving it one star for the exact same reason..
I am always a fan of cards that break the general rules of hearthstone, so I am pretty excited to test this card out. Drawing 4 cards right off the bat is really great, and you still have 3 mana (which is enough to play Nether Breath). I am not sure though if getting 2 extra cards in hand will make this draw/hand warlock viable. It will be a huge help for sure, 2 extra cards is more than it sounds, but warlock needs a solid finisher, and while this card will be a key card in handlocks, it doesn't kill your opponent.
In short, it is a powerful card in the decks it's in, but we still need a powerful deck to put it in.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I actually think the handsize thing is really relevant. Overflow is a card that Druid would want to play a lot, but handsize issues make it very hard.
I love the idea of "breaking the rule" and holding two extra cards
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Sprint on a stick was good enough; adding in +2 to your maximum hand size is just a bonus. I expect to see a lot of this card.
Interesting card, but not sure what to think of it yet. Maybe after the whole set comes out it will be easier to evaluate.
Twilight Drake would probably be a good way of combining Hand-Lock with Dragons
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It always was the only reason it was ever played was cause prep made it a 4 cost card and now that prep is a 2 mana discount the card will never be played ever again cause blizzard doesn't "buff" basic cards ever.. or actually go and fix rogue spells that got their cost so high cause of prep..
Now this card seems good actually since warlock got a nice little lifesteal/removal card for 2 mana you can play this and that card (while obviously drawing a dragon in the proccess) and remove something..
You know what does that reminds me of? Ultimate Infestation (-1 on everything though) that's how good this card is.. (4 damage, 4 "heal",4 damage,4/4 minion)
Now you don't have to play Nether Breath but you can do that so you are not in a state that you play this card in a turn and have no way to deal with the board or nothing to do drawing 4 cards is very good the secondary effect is also really powerful as well specially in warlock specially if you are running dragons as well so you can hold them for longer.
There should also be a dragon legendary for the class as well as far as I have seen every class gets one "normal" legendary and one "dragon" legendary
+ 5 classes get galakrond who might as well be neutral by how he works.
Love the idea, but will you last long enough to even play this card?
That’s my only beef with this card. I can see some crazy Glinda combos with this and Mountain Giant. A
This is just nuts. Could this be enough for Plot Twist/Quest?
Five stars for new design and not just powercreep... Even though it's definitely powercreep on Sprint, nevermind.
great card for control. maybe we will see something more than zoo
Cool card, glad to see new mechanics in the game. Handlock closer and closer
Damn, I like how they have such an ideas :D - I can't wait to try it out. I still remember the good old Even lock.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
This is a huuuuuge game changer. This is the card that might push not just hadnlock but every other control style deck back into the meta. I thought they were never going to print a card that expands your hand.
I'm pretty sure this is the single most-done fan card concept. It's really cool to finally see it in the game.
jesus christ. never thought they'd go this far. will handlock be a thing?? hype
I'm not sure this card is actually good, but at least it does something crazy, so it will be played by someone at some point. I talked about this a bit with the previous card draw card [Hearthstone Card (Veiled Worshiper) Not Found], Warlock doesn't generally want to draw a bunch of cards, that's what the hero power already does, and this is a LOT of cards, however the extra ability is very interesting and in Wild at least Mecha'thun is a thing and this seems awesome in that deck.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
So many cards so little dust :S, hope i open this one.
FINALLY I can hold 12 cards. Was about time Blizz
Sprint is not even in the same class, so can't be powercreep. Nothing is made irrelevant here.
A new effect! Just like the new iteration of Nozdormu, these class legendaries are quite insane. I can't help but think that this is an attempt to push Plot Twist Warlock, but this card can definitely be used in other warlock decks. Aside from Handlock, I can see this being a great fit for Control Warlock. Similar to Control Warrior, you'd want to have a big hand to have multiple options. Regardless of deck though, this is a must-craft for Warlock because the ability to increase hand size is insane.
Well it's over
Good card, but little slow and it'll be pretty hard for warlock just pass the turn (yeah you draw 4 cards but you only put 4/4 for 7 mana). For example for 7 mana there is lodrs godefroy which is clearing the board and putting 4/4 body on the board
I'm glad to see unique effects like this one. It has so much potential in terms of deck building, and bring such a fresh air in the game.
Even if the card on itself can't bring back handlock in standard , i'm sure the potential will be exploited in the futur.
I hope Blizzard will continue adding some cards like this one through the expansions.
Seens interesting, but i'm wondering how i'll use this, not good at filling my hand
Would pre-nerf Ancient of Lore still be an auto-include? Yes obviously because of Ossirian Tear, but even standalone it's still a good effect. Creating card advantage while putting any body on the field is a great ability. The extra hand space is just icing.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
Yeah, 7 mana draw 4 is the same as Sprint, as others have mentioned. So the fact that it has a body already makes it a VERY good card. Add increased hand size, and cards that care about hand size .... Handlock is definitely coming back in a big way.
Imagine playing Sprint with 9 cards (counting this) in hand and NOT milling anything. Fascinating
Drawing 4 cards, that's OP! Plus I like how this card pushes the limits within the game.
Increasing your HAND SIZE PERMANENTLY TO 12!!!
Geeeeesh, a Warlock can only can so erected ^^
And OMG, the flavor text killed me :
"I don't mean to pry, but you don't by chance happen to have six fingers on both of your hands?"
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Can fit in most aggressive warlock decks like zoolock and it can fit in slower decks like handlock. This just looks like a great card that also introduces a new mechanic that allows you to exceed the 10 cards in hand limit. Personally I am more excited to try this card out in handlock while also using the other new card Abyssal Summoner.
More dragons? Yes please!
You usually wont have 10+ cards by turn 7 but the draw is nice. There Will be visual iseues with the big hand size on mobiles tho :-)
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
This is actually a pretty interesting concept..increasing hand size and draw at the same time..should be pretty useful for OTK decks such as mecha'thun
Amazing concept. I think that together with Zephrys this is the best card we have seen when it comes to design and innovation.
Hopefully we will see a Quest Warlock deck that runs this card, how powerful it will be I am not sure though.
Hand size increase? I'm dreaming? The body (4-4) is worth 4 mana, so 3 mana draw 4 cards? Crazy good. Probably hand lock will be back in business!
Not everyone is mother tongue! Roar.
pre nerf Ancient would probably not even see play these days. Spending 7-mana on a vanilla with only a card draw effect just isn't a good play anymore. there's a reason why Countess Ashmore saw no play whatsoever, despite The Curator causing people to run suboptimal Murlocs just to make use of him.
Card draw is no longer as much of a luxury as it was 2 years ago, and Warlock already draws a lot, so the real appeal of the card is the handsize increase and all the benefits that come with it.
That being said, revert my boy Ancient of Lore, he doesn't deserve to be trash forever because of sins from the past
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Absolutely bonkers for handlock. In other decks it’s a Sprint with a free 4/4 body and still good. Nice to ser some love for handlock, might try it out in wild also.
Lets hope Warlock has the tools to support this card. You can actually just disregard the “set hand to 12” part, because the real strength is drawing 4 cards with a nice 4/4 body attached.
Crossing my fingers that Control Warlock will be good.
This ain't no place for a hero
new concept
i don´t know if the size is just for one turn, o for the rest of the game
Obviously combos well with Mountain Giant and Abyssal Summoner... especially if you can afford to wait another turn and drop that Glinda Crowskin first. This might end up getting Mountain Giant nerfed.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Dont know if its going to be playable or not, but one thing is for certain, it will either be meta-defining or bad, no in-between. It did came to the right class, only 2 more classes could make use of this card, druid and rogue.
I can't believe they are printing out Handlock support, that's incredible. That was my first control deck and I loved playing it. This card is good, pretty much same as Sprint but on a body and a bonus effect, free Mountain Giant's and better Twilight Drake's. Very nice.
If it wasn't an warlock card i'd voted this card 10 out of 5.
In warlock drawing cards isn't that powerful.
The extra effect is nice to avoid overdraw but the first thing that comes in my mind is why i want to lose tempo for a 7 mana 4/4 (lol, the opposite of the meme) to draw a lot of cards if my hand is already big.
The refill potential is stronger in decks that play the cards that they have in hand, so maybe this card will found space on a more aggressive type of deck, and still i think that that deck prefers to life tap and play 2 things a turn than having a weak turn to play a 4/4.
If widely adopted, this has the potential to break the game... the 10 card hand-limit has been static for as long as I've been playing; to introduce a break to that changes mill decks, accelerates draw decks with no punishment... it's crazy how pervasive this card could get
"We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
This is super interesting, never been a fan of hand-size based decks personally but this with the additional tools might make it worth to try out?
Sprint with a 4/4 attached is decent, but increasing the hand size is nuts. I'm excited to see what people do with this.
Oh God, I'm gonna need three hands for this!
And Abyssal Summoner is 13/13 now!
It's a really really good card that probably is worth 5 stars but it will deffinetly not be as broken as some people think
I think this is a good card, I always wanted more handspace for mage, but it also fits lock very well. The draw 4 cards are sometimes scary due to handsize, but it should feel great on this card thanks to providing 2 more slots
One more card with an interesting mechanics. Looks strong overall, but it's hard to evaluate the power level right now. I guess Blizz is trying to give us a new handlock with Valdris Felgorge and Abyssal Summoner. It feels like we are getting a very nice expansion this time =)
So Sprint with a body and also increases hand size for huge synergy with stuff like Mountain Giant, seems pretty insane.
Ancient of Lore pre-nerf was huge, this is similar in a sense but with so much more potential. Also works quite nicely with Quest warlock shenanigans. I think this will be used in most decks just for the card draw, the secondary effect is just icing on the top.
At least something interesting! Looking forward to play with this card even if the decks sucks. Power level of it is huge by the way.
I love this card, it will be so cool to play handlock with a 12 card limit hand.
Handlock, but with 2 extra card so now this card will be a staple in every hand deck. Pretty nice!
Every warlock deck will run this card 7 4 4 that draws 4 is gonna be good in every deck.card draw for aggro.12 cards for handlock this is opp
a sprint that changes a fundamental feature of hearthstone since the game was created with a 4/4 body. i like it
I don't know if this will see a lot of play, its sprint but you don't have a good way to reduce its cost.
Sprint with a body of 4/4, but in this case we can't cheat on mana with Preparation. The effect is funny and all hand-lock player will be happy of this card, however it's not an auto-include in all deck.
Maybe we will see some experiment including this card in zoo-lock type
A very power crept Sprint, looks like it will be very good.
Seems like an incredible Handlock card, but the 7 mana cost is a bit late to use well. Seems like anyone using it would want to be near 8-10 cards in hand each turn, and then turn 7 to draw 4 more is blech.
A fun legendary that is basically sprint attached on a 4/4 with an upside, will probably see play if handlock will rise again.
I really didn't understand why did you mentioned me and said these? Really couldn't connect them.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
The quotes aren't connected, the top part has nothing to do with your comment, I just said that there will be another dragon for warlock (back then unknown, but now we know it's a 8 mana 4/12) that might be another factor in you wanting to play dragon warlock.
If you noticed at that point as well every class got a dragon legendary minion and a none dragon legendary card.
Ah i see. Thanks for clarification, bu i did knew that all classes will get one dragon legendary while we dont know what was warlock's one.
Thanks anyways. :)
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
nice effect to draw all your cards
This card seems really good, the only problem is control warlock wants to contantly remove threaths and you have to have a very easy turn to be able to use this,, similar to when playing emperor
So much card draw, but what cards are you looking for exactly? Is there enough support for Control Warlock?
A very interesting mechanic, but I doubt that this card will make Handlock strong enough to become a tier 1 deck again.
It is indeed super slow, but combined with the other handsize matters cards it might be strong enough to see play.
Probably worth running just for the card draw effect. The increase to the hand size is nice for preventing overdraw too. Also consider that if you fill your hand to the new max of 12 off the battlecry you might be able to drop a super-cheap Mountain Giant in the same turn.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Hoping Handlock could be back with this card, but i dont like the other cards that recieved warlock :(
Unique effect. I'd like to see more tools for handlock.
Very interesting card. Quest Warlock will enjoy it. Also maybe it finds home in Zoolock to draw cards?
One cool interaction I can think off is to discard it with Expired Merchant. Cool for combo decks like Mecha'thun to go trough your deck faster.
I seriously doubt people will use this just to get a 12-card limit, but the draw is really nice and helpful to Handlock.
Sprint with 4/4 body looks good for sure. Warlock has many ways how to utilize this huge draw and I'm curious if some of it will make it to the meta. It's certainly not hopeless.
Fun and interactive game.