New Neutral Minion - Transmogrifier
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A new Epic Neutral Minion, Transmogrifier, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Neutral Minion, Transmogrifier, has been revealed!
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Hot Damn!
Even if simply for the meme alone to build a whatever deck that can become anything ...
Doesn't fit every built, but the design is clear and straight to the point, yet people will hate on the RNG
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
ok, blizzard. what is going on... most of the cards are just op lol I"ve always said better print broken cards than nerf! love it 5/5
Warlock and Rogue can abuse it.
They can draw a lot, and Plot Twist and Galakrond, Azeroth's End will be broken with that card.
By The Holy Light!
Personally, I don't like it. Not all legendaries are good.
Getting a random card in place of a card you placed in your deck, seems not worth it. Too RNG reliant.
To random to be of ant real value other than for the laughs. I agree with UVE's statement above, this was made for warlock and rogue to abuse.
It's a fun meme for sure, but this is a meme card. If you want to play legendaries, just put them in your deck. Sure, once in a blue moon this might give you some wonky cross-class legendary combo, but are you really going to rely on that to win games? Over the cards you, you know, actually put in your deck?
While this card has a fun effect, I don't think you will want to transform cards in your deck into random legendary minions (in a competitive deck). Even if you might have some synergies like getting cards from another class for Rogue, generating cards for a big Princess Talanji play or something else, you won't want to lose a card in your constructed deck for a random one.
OR this might be our savior from Bomb and Corrupted Blood!
More dragons? Yes please!
Ok, wtf. The effect is easily Legendary - worthy, but you can have 2 of them, premium stats, cheap AND neutral? Insane.
This deck is cool. Play it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
People will probably try this in some kind of Meme-Plot Twist-Warlock
ArtStation | Twitter
First clear meme card! I was waiting for this moment, okay now I'll be more serious: the only classes I can see play for this are rogue and maybe warlock, but it's too much RNG, Arch-Villain Rafaam is still better for the warlock (no need to draw to transform the cards), for rogue... transforming Tess will be very bad
Not everyone is mother tongue! Roar.
I feel like this should be a warlock card... But its not so that's Nice! Cant wait to play this in a handlock deck. It will be a meme deck, but its going to be fun.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
A card you put in your deck>> a random legendary except bomb/corrupted blood but those are not that popular anymore.
This card is a meme, evidently rafaam isn't broken and actually the lowest win rate card in the deck in decks he has been played in so even the reasoning "your deck is low curve and then you replace it with legendaries late game"
Is not that great
1/5 card don't get baited by the bling of the orange gem there are a lot of bad legendaries and it normally ruins your game plan.. Lowroll from faceless lackey
Wow, what a clown fiesta card! Arena players already hate it :) I dont think it will be constructed good, but in the arena it will be a hated monster.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
This has old school Wow vibes for me. Will be fun playing this with rogue. Let's go gold copy!
It's obviously a meme card, but still it's a neutral "burgle" card with an interesting design and flavour.
Cards that give random legendaries are my favorite (I might be the only Face Collector fan here). Of course, this is an RNG-based card but the legendaries from the last two expansions and the upcoming one are pretty useful so the pool shouldn't be too abysmal. Warlock and Rogue would have a field day with this.
Well it's over
Rafaam already demonstrated how a deck full of legendaries doesn't win games.
Therefore this won't do anything more.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
OP one, but same as Rafaam - you replace some of your cards with a random legendaries, that may or may not work good together, and hope that you can finish your opponent soon.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
very fun card, a lot of trolden videos
but nothing else
So how is it OP if it's not good?
You compare it to rafaam and rafaam is not that great (sadly, I crafted him first day cause I thought there's no way he isn't good..).
On most occasions you would want the cards from your deck rather than a random Legendary, so this card will not see play in constructed. But in Arena it looks super strong :o
Yeah, it's probably better to just draw the cards you have in your deck on purpose, rather than converting them to random legendaries. Still could create some super silly moments.
Mostly a meme, but if priest gets any card draw ever it might be good with Talanji in a Galakrond deck. It has vanilla stats and can protect you against Hakkar and bombs, but I doubt it's gonna be used as some sort of tech card. I don't see this getting played in anything seriously, but it will create some fun moments.
I'm always up for a good meme game :)
Great value arena card, that's it.
Nothing more than a good meme.
Or desperate last stand.
Interesting card. Think it only fits in zoolock with plot twist. Otherwise in arena it might be interesting, although not defining.
Faceless lackey turns my backstab in to Leeeroy or my Shudderwock in to Hireek cant wait
Meme card but potentially good in arena?
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Super fun for Plot Twist Handlock!
So how does this interact with card draw that makes the cards free? Are they still free after they’re transformed?
This is a meme card, but it is not even a good meme card.
It sort of reminds me of Mischief Maker, it is a silly meme card, but when are you supposed to play it? and what deck are you supposed to play this in? It is bad, but not the kind of bad you can play in a meme deck, it is just straight bad.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Nice Hail Mary in Arena, won't see play in constructed except for meme decks. Worse than Arch-Thief Rafaam whom could save you late-game when playing zoo.
seriously, the memes are real. knowing my luck i'll get like 10 copies of this
Next meme card. Only good in arena mode.
Pretty sick with warlock combo where you just draw insane amount of legendaries..should be a guarantee pick for arena.
This card is actually bad because its a 2 drop. You don't want to play this on turn 2 and then start drawing nothing but random legendaries. Because its just a 2/3 the chance of this surviving on later turns is low, so getting lots of value out of it goes down even more. The fact that this only transforms the cards you draw also means its harder to get value off of it right away. On the while, I think this card is very fun/interesting, but many of the other cards with similar effects that we've seen do a better job of this sort of thing.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Will not see play in Cobstructed for sure. In arena it's questionable, if you have good curve mulligan you could drop this on curve which would be the most effective use, but otherwise it could clog you early with expensive, non-reactive cards. Late game value is not guaranteed, since it could be cleared, so I think this card is overall something you don't want in the deck if you want to win.
Big bucks, no whammies....yeah, this card is way too RNG-reliant for my tastes. I'm sure we'll see it combo'd with Plot Twist for maximum meme-ry.
This card is a meme card and will not see play in standard. Good Arena card though!
It's a pretty neat effect. Instead of putting Arch-Thief Rafaam in the deck you can play this plus Plot Twist to try and get an extra boost of a few random legendaries instead of turning the entire remaining deck into random legendaries.
Still obviously a very random effect for memes, but not too bad!
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Fun effect, great artwork, but it will be just a meme card. I mean, it could be good, but I just hate cards that change the cards that I put in my deck haha.
[Cackles in Portalock]
Turn 4 Legendhandlock here we go!
I feel like this card is actually decent in arena.
The card is going to be as important in this meta as is doomsayer: coming out of faceless lackey when you least expect and changing the game for a weird twist.
Biggest question one might have is if you have this on board when you play roue Galackron, will the new formed legendaries cost zero?
An absolute monster of an arena card! Hope it gets removed from the pool before the expansion starts, this is just a level of shenanigans that we do not need to deal with
This ain't no place for a hero
Way too many low rolls for this to ever see much play
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
It might fit in zoo and will be strong in arena IMO. SO that's all i guess =) It can't be played in a deck where you have any important cards to lose. Looks like we got a fun filler card)
I think this is just going to be a meme card, should be pretty great in Arena though.
So difficult to accurately rate the card, because combined with Plot Twist you essentially have a DIY Arch-Villain Rafaam. This card likely won't be competitive, but it could enable some very fun decks, but as far as competitive play goes its going to be hard to see why you would play this.
Average card. It's potential will depend on the RNG and what card you draw and generates. The result could be either amazing or awful.
Random legendaries are not fantastic, specially in the early game. I think this card is rather bad.
boring 1/5
Can't wait to see him in a Trolden video, ruining combos while randomly generated somehow.
Bad card, you want cards in your decks that you put in's kinda wierd.
This kinda of cards are good in decks that are a bunch of healing and removals to win the aggro matchups (in those matchups you play it as a 2/3) and use this card to generate some value versus slower decks, to convert cards that don't do nothing against those opponents in threats (similar to first Elise).
The problem is that decks that want to win games with value alone are in a bad spot right now. The other non-aggro decks at some points start to do broken things to close the game, generating random legendaries isn't good enough.
Meme card with good starts, good for highlights on YouTube
Okay, Supreme Archaeology is the only Quest card I never got/crafted. I might have to craft it now...Shuffle Warlock will still be bad, but with this card at least it will be pants-on-head crazy and I'm 100% here for it.
the memes are real. so much trolden content off of 1 card
Maybe the best place for this is Arena, since it can make most of your cards a strong menace.
Filler funny card, but it will not played in competive deck (too much RNG and leggendary minion are overvalued)
This card+Plot Twist is a combo to try on day one just for the memes, other than that I don't see this card ever being used in a competitive deck.
I love how Blizzard wants to make more money from making meme cards always epic/legendary.
If you want to play meme, you will need more gold/dust to drop/craft them;
If you want to play ladder, you will need more gold/dust to drop/craft them;
Best mode is arena for sure and that mode costs gold/money for itself.
Nice marketing strategy tbh.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Its for plot twist warlock or to disarm bombs whatever you like more
Memes are really fun
Seems better if you just draw a couple of cards with this, not a full Plot Twist. Poor-non-warlock's Arch-Villain Rafaam?
There is no reason to put this card in a refined constructed deck, but this card could be decent in arena.
I dont think this card actually fits into any build, but it will be a fun card to troll around with.
A very silly card. Possibly amusing with Plot Twist to get a bunch of Legendary minions at once. Probably not worth running at all because of how expensive and clunky your draws will become.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
It will be great in arena, but not much synergy in constructed. Maybe in quest warlock but still can't guarantee value.
Quest Warlock. Play this card. Play Plot Twist. Legendary! Zoolock. Play this card. Play Plot Twist. Legendary!
You can also play it in a Rogue Galakrond deck for the memes.
Also, it's crazy in Arena but I think it'll be banned..
Meme card but with so cool effect I want to play it. Perfect in arena, funny in standard.
Fun and interactive game.
normally you don't wanna turn good cards you put in the deck into smth random, but it's interesting how does it interact with rogue's galakrond
This seems like such a deck-nullifying card. Build a deck, turn it into randoms.