New Neutral Minion - Kobold Stickyfinger
Submitted 5 years, 3 months ago by
A new Epic Neutral Minion, Kobold Stickyfinger, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Neutral Minion, Kobold Stickyfinger, has been revealed!
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Cool effect, and nice counter. Definitely very playable.
Does this destroy the enemy weapon, triggering its deathrattle, or it just transfers it to you somehow? Also, do you get it in hand or equip it immediately? It's hard to evaluate the card before knowing this, but looks like a fun disruption card and even better if you can benefit from running weapons in your deck.
first interaction with op weapon (aside destroy). very happy with this
I don't think you would ever run this over Harrison Jones, but in some niche situations this card can be very good.
Well this is going to be quite possibly the most tilting cards ever printed, Kingsbane is essentially unplayable with this card existing right?
It also just seems legitimately good, compared to Harrison Jones as an alternative to weapon removal. This card looks to be pretty powerful.
This is like Harrison Jones but better and you can put two of them in the deck. However I think it will only be played in weapon heavy meta just like Harrison Jones
Niche tech for Kingsbane metas or similar.
It is a bad card whenever your opponent doesn't have any weapons.
Overall, i don't see people teching for Ooze nowadays, so nobody will include this either.
I mean, this card is cool and all, but it is late by about 7 expansions. Remember KnC Kingsbane Rogue? Cubelock? Aluneth Burn Mage? Cos I do.
This deck is cool. Play it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some very interessting Weapon-Hate.
Kingsbane has been dead for a long time now and this Card makes sure that it stays that way.
ArtStation | Twitter
VERY powerful if you manage to steal the right weapon! Imagine this during the Kobold meta... I guess that most times you will only get a 1/1, 2/1, 3/1 weapon, hopefully with some nice effect. I'm glad this card was printed, but I don't think I will use it much. (I also opened Harrison Jones yesterday from my Tavern Brawl pack, yay!)
6 exp or so too late to counter [cardKingsbane
This may be one of the best tech cards in the game
4 stars card
I don't really see this replacing Harrison or Acidic Swamp Ooze as anti-weapon tech. Generally speaking decks that are worried about taking damage aren't terribly interested in dishing it out, and for the same amount of mana you could get card draw and +1 attack instead of a weapon.
Stickyfinger is an OK card but it's trying to squeeze into a very narrow niche. If it cost one less it'd be a lot more competitively priced.
Hahahaha very interesting, if some heavy weapon deck rise I will run this in all my control decks for sure!
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
tech card
does it equip the weapon?
That is like saying Jade Idol is unplayable because of Skulking Geist existing, which most certainly is not the case, even now.
Also, people are mentioning busted legendary weapons, but this will probably be best used in a rogue mirror or something like that.
Harrison Jones seems superior so I doubt it will see play. Also, because it's a tech card, most depend on how weapons will go around in the meta.
Anyway, nice mechanic and Pirate tag.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
What a cheater :D My favourite so far. I wanted this effect from the beginning. Imagine those surprise lethals with the opponents own weapon x)
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Ah yes, the fabled Kingsbane counter, only one year too late.
I don't see this being used in Standard unless Waggle Pick takes over completely.
5-mana is a lot and competes directly with Harrison Jones, who is more universally useful.
Also I guess I can safely dust my Kingsbane now?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
funny though, the Kingsbane player can add this card to his deck too. So, If your [Hearthstone Card (kingsban) Not Found]e is stolen, just steal again with this card..
Leap of Faith...
Very interesting effect! First of a time!
this card kills kingsbane. doesnt even matter if the rogue runs it. just steal the last durability and shuffle it into your deck, never play it again.
Interesting. If it equips the weapon after stealing, it would be really good especially with weapons like Twig of the World Tree. I think Blizzard is fully expecting the new Warrior weapon to be playable and thus printed a tech against it in the same expansion.
Well it's over
Cool balanced tech
I demand to unerf [Hearthstone Card (Lifeleech) Not Found]! Is it possible, Mr. Blizzard?
This is a major contender for Harrison Jones in control mirrorswhere staving off fatigue is critical.
I'm not sure if harrison isnt still better than this card. But funny effect, definitelly playable in standard
Not a bad tech card, but I don't think this is better than Harrison Jones. It probably won't see play unless there are a lot of weapons, and even then, there are cheaper options (dust wise) and better tech cards.
Stealing cards isn't something we see a lot of, which makes this a pretty cool card, but I am not sure how good it will actually be.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I don't get how the average rating for this is so high. I'm not saying the card is bad for what it does, but what it does is so very specific you can't just play it in every deck. In fact you can't just play it in any old meta. Its super specific, and unlike a card like Harrison Jones, which can be combo'd with a card like Weapons Project or Plague of Madness this card can't, and has a worse base statline. Yes, it finally solves that Kingsbane problem in wild, but that doesn't make this TECH card a nearly 4 star card.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
While there are no good weapons in standard its hard justify running this card, can be good tempo in rogue mirrors and maybe pirate warrior too idk.
If it isn't Mister steal your girl Ancharrr
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
I won't dismiss this card yet. Yes, it is worse than harrison jones because most of the time, if you have a weapon tech in your deck, you will have a game plan that prefers to draw cards rather than steal a weapon (and currently there aren't many weapons worthy of stealing)
However, since warrior recieved a new legendary weapon, we might come to see other legendary weapons, some really wort being stolen.
This card being good or bad really depends on other good weapons being printed, Kobolts and Katacombs style.
As a rogue player I do already hate this one. Looks playable enough, and it will also destroy the poor Spectral Cutlass players.
Late to the game, but it will still be useful if something as ugly as Kingsbane rears its head in the future.
Nice tech card against basically any weapon. People were crying for this since before the kingsbane nerf.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
As an unlucky player who never opened Harrison Jones in a classic pack despite playing since naxx this 400 dust version actually appeals to me as a way to actually include high impact weapon removal in my deck..
Btw this card is also a pirate so it can be searched for in warrior and rogue with Ancharrr and Raiding Party so if the meta is weapon heavy the decks that run the weapons also can fetch their weapons back (as long as they have enough durability to actually be able to take it back).
stealing a weapon is destroying it for your opponent without triggering deathrattles, "drawing the weapon", then playing the weapon with as much durability/buffs it had so it might be more valuable by a lot than destroying and drawing cards.. specially vs rogue.
A tech card that waited way too long to be released.
What kingsbane problem in wild? Kingsbane is long dead since the nerf of leeching poison.
So cool!
It is by will alone I set my mind in motion.
I can't see weapons becoming a threat in the upcoming meta, but maybe next year this card will be good.
This card competes against Acidic Swamp Ooze and Harrison Jones. Acidic Swamp Ooze is better for the early game and has good vanilla stats while Harrison Jones has ok stats and can give you a large amount of card draw.
Kobold Stickyfinger is better than those two cards if you are aiming at stealing a high value weapon to use for your own or counter your opponents plan, but It's a little too late for this card to shine in standard.
If this card was around the time of baku and gen paladins with their Vinecleavers or Silver Swords it could of been playable. Same for other weapons that used to see more play such as Supercollider, Spectral Cutlass and of course the infamous Kingsbane.
For the pirate tag, I don't think pirate decks would want to run this card since the stats are not good enough without the battlecry activating and it doesn't synergize with your weapons or pirates which is usually the point of a pirate deck.
If we get a new expansion with high value legendary weapons, this card might see play, but for now I prefer running Harrison Jones for the potential card draw.
More dragons? Yes please!
Ohh wow, where were you when Kingsbane was terrorizing us all? But still, a great tech card, it´s one of those that can keep decks in check, if some deck spikes up in power thanks to its weapon, like Kingsbane did
I like this tech card and all, but where were you when KingsBane was still in standard?
Anti-Kingsbane and Rogue weapons in general. Even better than Harrison for Kingsbane!
Cool card, a lot more fun than an Ooze
Hah, such a fun card to play) I love it. One more interesting tech card we got this expansion. Does it steal an active weapon from an opponent right? So we can steal Kingsbane from rigue for example? I very like the possibility to make this kind of plays.
Amazing tech card. Will definitely see play in standard and wild.
Interesting tech card. Maybe this will deter people from fully upgrading Galakrond? Rogue will use it some. Warrior will probably use it eventually.
Good youtube material. Apart from that it's too expensive in my opinion. Also the only pirate classes already run weapons and I assume that when you steal the opponent weapon yours is destroyed so...
Omg this is actually gonna make your opponent super salty..lets not destroy the weapon..BUT steal it!
A tech card that waited too long to be released. Can't wait to steal my opponent's weapon.
Looks playable, Ooze is still probably better though
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Can be quite good in value or control decks, since you can remove a weapon and take it for yourself. Will see play.
this is a tech card, the problem is that it feels really bad to run it if your opponents doesn't run any weapon.
Maybe if in the future pirate warrior will be a thing and they start to run this to have an edge in the mirror? Would be funny to see that
At first I thought, this card is going to make Kingsbane unplayable but if this cards gets relevant at some point every player is going to play 2 copies of this, that include the Kingsbane Rogue and his opponent, and the opponent has to play Kobold Stickyfinger first, so at some point in the end the Kingsbane Rogue gets the weapon back.
Will probably see some play in Wild where the weapon pool is bigger and better. In Standard no chance (at least not this expansion - who knows what 2020 will bring?)
this is legit the tech we needed against kingsbane. i guess this also means that cutlass is basically dead?
The hate tech we needed back in Kobolds, but still excellent in wild. Could see play in standard regardless, just depends on what weapons in what classes become real threats. This is a bad vanilla otherwise.
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Always had a problem with kingsbane not having a response.
I love that this tech card are being added for when you are really angry against an archetype.
Really cool and unique battlecry. I like it! Even if it will not see play, i love to see some new interaction!
A pretty good alternative to Harrison Jones in weapon heavy metas and an instant win against Kingsbane rogue in wild.
This text should belong to Harrison Jones thematically.
Nice card, nice mechanic on a pirate tag. I wonder what other pirates we will get this expansion since there is that legendary weapon of warrior.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Feels like the card is a bit late. ould have been better when kingbane was a card
We might have to start teching this card if the Hunter, Warrior weapons get out of hand
I'm not sad about Kingsbane. I'm sad about Spectral Cutlass :(
Could see play if weapons get out of hand, but usually oozes are much better when there's nothing to counter.
This is a nice effect. Depending on the meta, this card might be stronger than Acidic Swamp Ooze, since it does not trigger the deathrattle of weapons like Waggle Pick.
Fairly powerful, and kinda funny how it fits right into pirate warrior, the deck this card is meant to counter.
Probably too weak to use, even as a tech card. If your opponent is running weapons, then the probably have multiple weapons and won’t mind losing one to Stickyfinger. Maybe you can try to steal a Kingsbane or an Aluneth but that’s probably too optimistic.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Lovely effect for its cost and stats, but what will be your primary target? Just too situational to see serious play.
Interesting card. Great if the meta has lots of decks that run weapons. We'll have to wait and see. For wild it's very good and for arena is excellent. A good addition to Pirate Warrior also.
Coming of this card I foretold two expansions ago and now its here. Weapon classes takes direct hit and it's likely they will also run this card to steal their weapon back.
Fun and interactive game.
I love how experimental they are getting with this expansion. Things we've never seen before.