New Neutral Minion - Bad Luck Albatross
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A new Rare Neutral Minion, Bad Luck Albatross, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Neutral Minion, Bad Luck Albatross, has been revealed!
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Tech card to use against classes with slow draw.
Weasel Tunneler wannabee lol
The counter to Highlander decks?
Good for disturbing the opponents draw, and disables any highlander card. Love it :)
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
This has got to see some play surely.
Similar to Weasel Tunneler in that it screws with the opponents draws. Should be very powerful against highlander decks, the more times you can trigger the deathrattle the better.
Could be too difficult to pull off to warrant a deck slot, but I like this cards design.
Solid for a 3 drop and more fuel for DR Rogue. I like it!
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Don't think this will shut down Highlander, but maybe if you time it right you can make it work? Play on turn 3/4 and then trade it off on turn 5/6 to deactivate Reno sounds pretty good.
ArtStation | Twitter
Wonderful quote from "The rime of the ancient mariner"
tech card against highlander, but i dont think good enough
Deny 2 draws for any deck is painful and as stated before it ruins "if you have no duplicates" clause as well for a decent body for 3 mana and a sometimes relevant beast tag.
This card is quite good tbh, you can play it as a tech vs highlander or just as a good aggressive minion in a deck that wants an aggressive stated 3 drop with an upside or maybe the beast hunter deck.
Since I dismissed the 3/4 raven as bad and while saying this is good: this card is stand alone good while the raven asks you to go though hoops for little reward (+3 attack per duplicated raven and works ONLY for other ravens)
Also it should be noted that most 2 drops being played as far as I know are 2/2s or 2/3s rather than 3/2s so the stat line is OK for a 3 drop.
You can also go overboard on this and try to trigger the deathrattle enough times or duplicate the card (incoming Bad luck rogue?) to make your opponent draw NOTHING but 1/1 for 1 beasts if your opponent can't play actual cards.. they lose..
It's much better than Weasel Tunneler since it can't backfire and ruins the deck faster.
Will give another claim to this card's effect being relevant.. Impbalming turns out to not be a playable card although it looks good turns out thrashing your deck is actually relevant while playing control as well as also in warlock.. also this is REALLY good vs combo decks that want an empty deck (currently druid and paladin) since it delays them by 2 draws.
Nice tech card. I think it is even better than the weazel, because it's a straight up counter to the highlander decks and if you manage to activate it's deathrattle multiple times like priest and rogue can do = so many useless cards in your opponent's deck. I like it.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Can mess up opponent's draw and highlander value but I feel it's not that good of a card since it does nothing on it's own and you give your opponent two extra cards ahead of fatigue.
While this is certainly a great tool against Highlander decks, it’s also just a good aggro tool with an aggressive vanilla stat line that increases the odds your opponent misses their AoE, etc
don't even think this is great anti-Highlander tech (at least in Standard)
Realistically, you cannot predict when your opponent is going to use Zephrys so you can't really play it before that.
If you play it too early they might just draw the bird and then your effort was wasted.
Not to mention that it needs at least a turn to pop (unless you kill it instantly, in which case it's a tempo loss).
Will be fun to use in a dedicated deck though. Weasels, but better because you're not affeceted.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Good card! Good body and anti-highlander!
not good enough to counter to Highlander decks.
Calling it now, this is a nerf candidate. Several classes can abuse it in both standard and wild, and just shut down their opponents deck, because they'll draw nothing but birds. Hunter (Dire Frenzy, Beast copys and various DR triggers), Priest (so many DR shenanigans), and Rogue (Shadows of Death and DR triggers) can all fill the opponents deck quickly.
It might not be good, but it will cause unhappy players, which will lead to an eventually nerf.
Wow, an anti-highlander card. Rogue can surely abuse the deathrattle and fill the opponent's deck with 1/1s
Well it's over
bad part of him - it's deathrattle. Yes, it's tech card, but bad tech card. I don t think see any play, like emp guy vs mechs or anti secret guy, new HS use counters only if card so good by itself. Great arena card, tho.
At last!!! A worthy disciple.
love it, powercrept weasel, decent on curve and no downside for you
So many wonderful beasts this expansion, budget players will be happy.
Good tech card against highlander decks. Will definitely see play in standard if highlander is a thing and also maybe in wild.
Salt Factory Albatross. Sure, 2 copies of this might not be more effective than causing a mild annoyance. More than 2 (copying, double-trigger Deathrattle, etc.)? That's an effective Highlander counter.
Excellent Reno hoser! Good stats for vanilla minion.
Even if you're not facing a highlander deck, this is a solid 3 mana 4/3 that can potentially screw with your opponent's draws.
Weasel Priest is amused.
5/5 stars indeed.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
going to put it in my deck just for the rare moment were my OP play X and nothing happens, nice tech card
Gives your opponent two bad draws, it stops highlander cards from triggering, it is not bad stats for its cost, it is a beast so it can get tribal synergy. It looks pretty powerful. But we have never really seen an effect like this before, we have bombs, but that isn't really the same. Bombs don't mess up your decks consistency, they just deal damage to you.
This is a very interesting card, and it will probably see play, but we will have to test it out before we know how good it really is. I am just very glad that we have this as a card.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Neutral counter for highlander decks that has OK stats and is crazy in arena. Will see some play
Looks good but with so many broken cards this expansion which decks can afford to play this I'm not sure.
Its kind of nice to see a neutral hoser for the Highlander decks, as it could end up being very necessary, but I also feel like there aren't any sort of counter cards for the Galakrond stuff, so it could end up being very balanced that there aren't equal checks for all classes.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Back in High School, the regular Albatros used to bully the bad lucked one
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Counter highlander but this will prob only see play in arena..too situational
boring 1/5
Good for arena, but doesn't have room in any deck in constructed, I think.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Staple in all my non-Even decks.
PS: i love the fact that Renolock can actually counter this with Plot Twist.
The One Highlander's career ruined by an seabird.
It's fine. Not much more to say, really: it has okay stats for its cost and the effect can really ruin someone's day. However, the card is kind if boring and often wont make much of a difference. So...yeah. It's fine.
Reasonable stats to try and disrupt highlander decks or just slow down other decks. Not sold that it's going to be good enough though.
A Weasel Tunneler with good aggresive stats that has the ability to ruin some of your opponents futur draws. It's a nice aggro minion and can also be used with some deathrattle synergy. This card can even deny some highlander decks as a bonus.
Fear the Albatross!
More dragons? Yes please!
Like the concept, a very interesting effect for a common card.
Wouldn't call this boring, since you can actually copy it and ruin your opponent's whole deck by filling it with 1/1s
You can meme with it so I find this card actually good.
This, Hakkar and Undetakah are going to be fun to shut down Highlander decks.
This is a great card. If Highlander decks take off this will be very popular.
On the arena is very good, because you want your opponent to draw two uselles cards. I can;t see any archetype on ranked which this card suits
I remember the Weasel deck being kind of fun, so this will probably help out a lot for that. Beyond that though, I don’t expect it to see much play
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
This is not as bad as it looks being well stated and all. Decent Highlander counter and just giving your opponent a dead draw is pretty good sometimes.
I think this card is insane.
You're already playing a well-statted aggressive minion, but shuffling 1/1's into your opponent's deck just makes the card that much better by diluting their deck. This is very good against decks like Reno decks, too.
Add on the Beast and Deathrattle synergies and you have one hell of a card.
It looks surprisingly good! The deathrattle allows you to disrupt the opponent's topdecks which is very nice. And 4-3 stats for 3 mana is more then we could expect from a card with such a useful deathrattle effect. It can delay the opponent's fatigue for 2 turns but i guess it's not a card for decks which plan to play to fatigue so it's not a big deal. I believe we'll see it on ladder. I already imagene how annoying it will be to draw that shitty 1-1 albatross...
Let's ruin highlander! We just got highlander cards last meta...this is so bad for all my decks haha. Good card overall
Awesome highlander tech. Most likely played in Druid or Hunter decks I guess.
This card is amazing. I want to run it in everything now
Is always nice to have tech cards.
The problem is that we don't have a sideboard in this game, so running this just to win on a small percentage (sometime you'll not draw this in the matchups where you want it; or you still lose even after you played it) of a small percentage of games (you play this card only because is good versus highlander decks) isn't worth it in my opinion.
In turnament settings card like this are good to exist.
Good card against Highlander decks, and stats are not bad in other match-ups. Worst case scenario it gives your opponent a potential bad draw. Nothing to build your deck around, but a nice tech card.
This + Hakkar, the Soulflayer is Quest Druid's nightmare.
Looking forward to resurrection Priest.
Being good against 1 type of deck doesn't make it a good card if you are losing to all other decks. I can only see this played if it has synergy with your deck, and no other class pulls that better than hunter with its beast synergy. With aggressive stats and a disruptive effect vs early zephyrs, I might see it being played should highlander decks become to much prevalent. but another solution is always bomb warrior, so this card won't be the tool to keep highlander in check.
I really like this! It's not too awkward to play on curve and it messes up your opponents deck. No matter the strategy, you NEVER want to draw a 1/1 after mulligan. Probably even better in arena where you depend more on good topdecking. That being said, with the abundance of over-powered cards this will see less play than deserved.
The name of the card is perfect, is so luck based that it might work from time to time, so much highlight potential and might make the cut in some Rogue decks.
Love me some neutral tech cards. Obvious value in frustrating Highlander decks (as someone who still plays Bomb Warrior, I can tell you this is a VERY strong strategy - the number of "angrily dropping a useless Zephrys before conceding" I've seen is substantial). I'm sure Hunter will play this given the Beast synergy but expect many other classes will as well if Highlander decks stick around for DoD.
i'm putting this in all my decks. highlander tech with no downside :)
I love this tech card. I have no idea if it will see play on ladder.
Better Weasel Tunneler, at least its stats can mean something.
Even if this seam a card for aggressive decks, I think it suit better in control style (where you can trigger his battlecry few time). It's a counter for "Reno deck" and make worse the odd to draw something good for the enemy
Tech card against highlander decks and other slow decks.
It also counters Stowaway. if it will be a part of a dominant deck, this card will see more play with all of those highlander decks.
Well, I liked the card but didn't like the art. It doesn't look like an albatross.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
tech card for reno decks
Very good card, very excited by it. Dead draws are huge potential
Love it and hate it at the same time. I know I will be raging whenever I draw the 1/1 instead of something useful.
So birds disable draws and mess up highlanders like new alex and all "good" classes this seems pretty crazy dead draws late game are always good.
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Besides being a tech card versus highlander decks, this card makes well-refined decks weaker, since it shuffles two worthless minions into the deck. This card will definitely see play, at least in battlecry shaman.
I’m sure people will tech this card in trying to disable highlander style effects but unless you run two of them, you draw both, play both and they both die, you probably won’t be able to reliably disable those cards.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Say hello to my weasel albatross priest deck :)
Great stats. I think this is such a cool and fun mechanic, really hope this will function in some kind of deck. Not seeing it right now though, sadly. But I'll try my hardest to make a luck destroyer deck!
A counter to highlander decks and a decent 3 cost minion. It also fills normal decks with useless 1/1 minions. I think it's a pretty good card but I don't know if it'll see a lot of play.
Unique effect to deactivate highlander decks and mess with your opponent's draw in general. I'd like to see this being played, but it does not really have synergy with other cards.
This card messes with highlander decks and deathrattle aspect can be easily abused to fill your opponent's deck with worthless junk, but history learn us that this is not good enough to be pulled out outside of wierd fringe decks.
Fun and interactive game.
Pretty darn good stats for a 3 mana minion as well.