New Neutral Minion - Blowtorch Saboteur
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A new Epic Neutral Minion, Blowtorch Saboteur, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Neutral Minion, Blowtorch Saboteur, has been revealed!
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But why?
This deck is cool. Play it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Well unless your opponent is rush warrior they will eventually hero power, the opportunity cost of this card is not too high, so it would probably ruin their curve.. The other exception is quest druid..
Also great vs quest shaman.
Not an awful card but definitely quite niche.
Seems like its impact will be best had when played on curve, but even then it likely won't be too effective. Spider tanks are also not that great, there are a whole bunch of them now with more powerful effects than this.
Seems ok in arena, but I doubt it will ever get played in constructed.
2/5 for the vanilla body, but actually unplayable in Constructed.
The effect lingers up to the next HP, even after several turns, but since it applies on a generally weak action, the impact is pretty low nonetheless.
This can be teched against the new hunter legendary, this Ballista thingy.
But that aside, it seems not worth playing.
Pretty bad.
Seems like a strictly worse Saboteur unless I'm missing something.
Outside of Arena, I don't see myself ever playing this card. Battle cry is low impact on a minion with vanilla stats.
Very weak card indeed. The effect is not that good, just increasing opponents hero power by 1 and the stats are just average.
Looks really bad, and does nothing against any passives as well.
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Several years late for the Grand Tournament.
And woe if you get a 'lucky' Epic from a pack.
Strictly worse Saboteur.
And Saboteur didn't see any play.
By The Holy Light!
At least it's an option for a tech if there'll ever be a combo centered around HP
But till that happens... again...
ArtStation | Twitter
I doubt it will even see play in wild. The Genn/Baku decks are not as prevalent as before, and even if you encounter the last odd paladin (which must be Karl) of the format, a +1 on mana won't turn the game around.
Not terrible. But there were a way better saboteur i TGT. Will probably see play in arena.
Great card, but the meta demands strong cards, so this will not see play. Especially it's just a 3/4.
Very good against genn decks though, but it's not quite popular at the moment.
Technically not strictly worse; they're different effects. Saboteur increases the Cost by (5) next turn. Blowtorch Saboteur increases the Cost by (1) regardless of when the next Hero Power is played.
To play around ordinary Saboteur, your opponent can just not Hero Power the following turn. To play around Blowtorch Saboteur, your opponent has to not Hero Power for the rest of the game. It's a guaranteed Cost increase.
But I agree this is pretty bad for Constructed. Really solid Arena card, though.
pretty useless in standard/ranked..will be decent in arena as a 3 drop..otherwise battleground usage..
Too little impact to be a effective. This card wont' see play in Constructed.
Good body, but the effect isn't good enough for constructed, 1 mana more hero power doesn't bother enough the opponent. Could have been good when Baku and Genn where a threat in standard, but not right now
Not everyone is mother tongue! Roar.
I don´t know why you would ever want to play this card. Seems like a packfiller to me
The ongoing effect is interesting, but too weak, does not have an impact to the match at all. I think its the first card i voted for 2 stars yet. A 3 mana 3/4 is good in arena, but you wont play it for its effect. Feels like an epic spider tank without the mech tag.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Useful but not meta defining. The good thing about the card is it's body compared to Mana cost
you said we need more counters vs specific archetypes? Here it is, this expansion is broken OP cards and tech counters vs speciffic decks
So many niche tech cards probably i will forget this card exists in a week
Super niche tech card...hard to say what hero power is even all that punished by costing 3 once, but there's no downside since it's got vanilla stats.
seems meh
maybe in an inspire meta, but not in 2k20
Don't know what to say about it. Maybe it was designed before Even and Odd decks were moved to HoF? Useful then, now not so much
Body is good but the effect isn't enough to be an epic.
I guess they print this card by thinking to disrupt Galakronds' and quests' hero powers but they should have made it common and Platebreaker epic imo.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
It's pretty strong actually, but it's heavily matchup dependant.
You can really screw some deck's curve by setting their Hero power to 3-mana. Sometimes they might not be able to use it the following turn so it sticks around and might force them into suboptimal plays.
Works best against Quest Shaman and Warlock, but other than that it's just not good enough.
Would definitely pick this up in Arena though. A spider tank that throws off your opponent's curve is amazing.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
A solid 3 mana card...but the power level of this set is much higher. The battlecry is nice but nothing special, so we can consider this card as "tech card"
just an ok card if it was rare or common, but epic??? BS!
Aaaaannnd another tech. I'm seriously envisaging to build an antifun police priest wild deck. This card is basically saying: I'm gonna tempof*ck you. This has premium stats too for a 3 drop, and could be devastating early and mid game. I wish I had this when Baku & friends were a thing.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
this is a really pointless effect, doesn't deserve epic status :/
Anti-quest tech I guess? But since Warlock & Druid have passive powers, only useful against 7 classes? I think they designed this card before they rotated Genn and Baku and have just decided to throw it out there as a "Epic you hate to open" (which naturally means I'll open 5 of them...)
I can't see this card played in any deck in constructed, making opponent's hero power cost 3 can disrupt your opponent tempo and make some of their turns more awkward, but that won't be enough to justify a spot in the deck in my opinion
Typical filler. OK stats, so I would pick on the arena mode
Good stats, okay effect, but likely not strong enough to be played in a meta deck.
Not even useful as a tech, the effect is very easy to play around and afaik there is no otk deck that uses its hero power as part of the otk.
So [Hearthstone Card (Sabotour) Not Found] 2.0 that is permanent until your opponent uses their HP. I guess this was to counter SOME of the quest decks like Shaman but bad against Druid and Hagatha.
This is probably the most playable neutral epic we have seen so far. It is a decent tempo play on turn 3, assuming you have also played a 1 and 2 drop. And the effect will remain in place until your opponent uses their hero power, which means that sooner or later your opponent will have to spend an extra mana crystal.
I am not sure this will be used in any competitive decks, but if you are missing a slot, this guy is always here as a flexible option. Maybe some players with small collections will open him and they can just toss him into any of their decks. This card is playable, and very flexible, but not good enough to replace another card in your deck.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I liked the other one we had, but that was back when Inspire was a thing and using Hero powers was a thing, but here's the thought... not every card put out now has to have it's use now. they could just be giving us the tools for what they have yet to come. The next year, and the next 3 Expacs to follow. For all we know Maybe inspire makes a return. Printing a tool before it's needed means we have it when we need it, but it will rotate out before it's need does, giving it a time to shine. Or... I'm rambling because I've still not had my 1st cup of Coffee yet, and it's still brewing. ;)
Worse Saboteur. That card didn't even see play in the Inspire metagame, so it will not see play, despite having decent stats.
The effect is nice but not really all that impactful. I guess I can counter the new upcoming hero power hunter deck with this!
More dragons? Yes please!
Your opponent pays one more mana for their next hero power, but is it worth the effect of the other 3-cost card you ditched in favour of this?
I don't like it's rarity. Other than that - it's okay I guess.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Really bad in constructed, very solid for arena.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Can't see where I would play this, but at least it has good stats.
It's okay. Tech against [Hearthstone Card (Quest Shaman) Not Found], but they can press the button whenever they would float 1-mana to get rid of the downside. At least the stats are vanilla.
Yet another disappointing Neutral Epic.
Saboter was great but this is just meh. It has 1 saving grace: 5 new hero cards with big hero powers, but does the extra 1 cost for one turn makes such a difference? outside of arena I don't think so.
Since it is not only for ONE turn and if the opponent doesn't decide to press the hero power button, it stays in play, this card is really good against decks that want to use the hero power alot.
I want more cards to tech against OP HPs, but I want them to be worth playing. This just isn’t powerful enough.
This is a way cooler card than most people realize. The fact that the cost is increased until its used is a big deal and in wild where Even decks exist this has even more potential to mess people up. Obviously some cards give passive hero powers but beyond that this is pretty cool.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
The stats are ideal for a 3 drop but the effect is not good enough, pretty good Arena card tho.
does not feel worth it for the effect
Wild has a "hostage shudderwock" with lotheb, glacial shard, king mukla and ice cream peddler, etc. that stop your opponent from doing anything. Why can't this be "your opponent's next hero power costs 1 more" so that we can lock down the one last option? [sarcasm]
I don't see any usage of this card in practice right now. It's not bad but not worth playing IMO. But we might see this after a new year rotation.
A bit of a pack filler, but could be annoying in arena
Not bad, a solid body and an average effect.
Not worth it imo. At least the cost stays "forever" and doesn't vanish on its own.
I really just can't SEE a use for this since its only 1 mana more I guess it could mess up hunter since they have the most "inspire" cards. Not too shabby since it sticks for more than one turn though and I guess if you really want to you could bounce it a bunch with brann and render the hero power useless
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Saboteur didn't see play outside of arena, so will this card. But it'S always nice to have access to tech cardds like this, just in case a hero power based deck runs havoc.
Its sorta like a 2 mana 3/4 if your opponent hero powers soon after, so in that case it is pretty powerful.
Awful card. Not sure why this was printed unless it was meant to be a hedge against Galakrond’s hero power. If that was the intention then it is still awful.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Curve filler card that is... epic?
This is such a bad card. So sad to see this as an epic too. Dont see this worth playing in any deck at all in standard. 1 mana punish is meaningless
OK in arena, no place in constructed.
Only increasing the cost of the hero power 1 mana it's not good enough. I don't think any deck will run this card. It's OK for Arena
Okey versus certain classes, especially quest shaman, but that's it. Even in those cases it's good only for early game, later they mana float often anyways. Won't be used. In Arena it a bit more valuable.
What's the matter with these neutral epics? This sucks ass. With so lame effect why is this even epic?
Fun and interactive game.
Some men just want to be a minor annoyance - a rock in your shoe - and sometimes ... well
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
If it added +3 to the cost, for a total of 5..maybe. Not that 1 mana has much impact on turn 4 or beyond in my opinion.