Any Other Single Class Players?
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
It's weird but I largely only play one class. And it's the same class I play in WoW - paladin. I know that makes no logical sense in a card game but ... every time I dabble in another class I just don't enjoy it. I also know it limits my ability to be truly great at this game. But for whatever reason I enjoy playing pally and only pally.
Any other single-class Hearthstone players out there?
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It's weird but I largely only play one class. And it's the same class I play in WoW - paladin. I know that makes no logical sense in a card game but ... every time I dabble in another class I just don't enjoy it. I also know it limits my ability to be truly great at this game. But for whatever reason I enjoy playing pally and only pally.
Any other single-class Hearthstone players out there?
Not single class, but about half the classes
1k Druid wins
700 Mage
700 Rogue
400 warlock
Pally, Shaman, Warrior all <100. Hunter I have 24 ranked wins, total lol
I've played almost only Priest from beta to Raza the Chained nerf. After that I've never founded another archetype that I really enjoy to play so I've switched on Warlock: actually having fun with Reno Mecha'thun into Wild.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
I mostly play mage, used to play a lot of hunter early on. Then cubelock was my main stuff. Recently tried some druid and war and shaman. Only golden hero is mage though.
I guess I main Shaman as it’s my only gold portrait so far, but tend to play all classes. Depends on what I feel like playing. And lately in Standard that’s been Druid and Hunter with some Mage or Warrior sprinkled in.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Favorite Card: Vulpera Scoundrel
Dust Wishlist: Zephrys the Great, Siamat, High Priest Amet, Psychopomp, & Plague of Death
Why would I limit my experience to only one ninth of what the game has to offer? I never understood why people do this. Not in Hearthstone, not in Mobas, not in shooters...
I play whatever deck I enjoy, regardless of class.
Not a single class, but always enjoyed priest and warlock controlish type decks. Sadly I'm now forced into wild to play my playstyle/class.
I play any class that don't have the golden level. Now I have golden shaman, druid and pally. Also I have about 350 games on warlock, 450 priest, 300 warrior, 100 mage and 150 rogue. You can ask me how do I choose whom to play in ladder?
It's simple! I just look at level 1 and the first lines of level 2, then I ask myself what archetype I want to play and choose it :)
Then I check some legendary and epic cards. If can spend the right amount of dust I do it otherwise I choose another deck.
I often switch to the class that makes me saltiest to play against. The result is that I either have a nice win streak, or I learn how to beat it and stop being salty. Win-win.
I can't imagine limiting myself to one class. Not only is that boring, but it also makes you worse at the game.
Yeah, I acknowledged in my OP that it makes me worse at the game.
My mate has like 2.3k wins with priest and about 200 max with other classes, Im not a nerd so i play as many classes as possible, priest is my least played class by a lot and i do tend towards playing either warrior or mage as those are the classes i find the most fun, also possibly shaman
Dont ever assume my advice is good
Well for most of the past year, thanks to garbage aggro decks like odd paladin, I played nothing but Big Spell Mage because I couldn't enjoy other control decks in matchmaker.
Also might be how I got my highest ranks in ladder by just being a buzzsaw to that boring crap.
I leveled up back in the day just playing Thief Priest in wild because I had nothing but Naxx cards when I returned after a year or so away from Hearthstone. And while tough, it was fun going the distance and getting wins here and there with nothing against with Control Paladins, Reno Warlocks and Control Warriors. Hyper aggro crap and token shaman/druid pretty much killed the concept though, and another reason why I despise aggro.
Currently playing Control and Big Shaman decks, control and bomb warrior, and whatever priest experiment pops up (Kibler and Dekster might have something with their Undertakah decks).
Not really single class, but I play 80% of my games as mage. I played a lot of Warlock last rotation, mainly because how Evenlock played but also because I tried to rush ranks with Zoolock. I play Hunter whenever I feel like, I almost never touch other classes, though I have at least one tier 2/1 deck for each so I can complete dailies when I must.
I actually have two accounts. One was my old account that I forgot the log in credentials for. I stopped playing for a couple of years and then picked it back up. I remembered the credentials after I built up a good card pool in the new account. What I did is dust other classes so that in one I play Shaman and the other I play Priest. I have all the cards I would want to make any deck for those two classes. Works great as a free to play player and I enjoy those classes the most.
I don't play a class exclusively, but I appreciate some of the streamers who do that. For example, I like tuning in to Fibonacci knowing that he'll be cooking up some kind of warrior deck. There's some comfort in that consistency.
After you mentioned Wow I indeed also play the classes I liked to play in WoW. Priest, Shaman and Mage are the ones I play most of the time..
I'm not online it's just your imagination
My top class is Mage at 2337 wins. I mostly play Mage and Hunter, but I'd like to play more Warlock. Playing some classes make me die a little inside, but I won't mention which.
Ahh I see a fellow Paladin brother.
I mainly play Paladin, for about 90% of all my games since I'm close to getting him Golden. Otherwise I do my daily quests whenever they come up and when I feel like trying some other control orientated deck I'll go Priest, if I want to have some rando fun then it's Shaman/ Thief Rogue all the way.
It's 90% luck, 1% skill
9% concentrated power of will...
10% pleasure, 90 % pain
And 100% reason to delete the game.
Hunter, warrior and pally. Literally the "goons" classes is my most played. They are also my favorite classes in world of warcraft. However the fact they are my favorite has nothing to do in why I like playing them. I love classes that have control elements and have sticky minions on the board. I would like priest but I feel every priest deck is some sort of combo meme deck that I don't enjoy...or they are just shit as a class most of the time in hearthstone.
I really don't like classes that don't rely on minions so much like mage or rogue. And I don't like classes like warlock that feel like a glass canon. I love to feel safe with sticky minions and having great control options. If Hunter had a hero power to make a 1\1 beast every turn for 2 mana I would love the class. I really love playing minions. Rogue and mage don't cut i for me.
As a Wild-only player,
I'd be a Rogue main on paper, and i am fond of Druid and Mage too. Flavor-wise.
But actually i am an Even Shaman main by necessity, since i am completely dumb at piloting Aggro, but i feel confident with Tempo.
Yet, even tho i tend to focus on some classes, and i completely dismiss some others (Warrior, Warlock), i am no one-class player: i periodically feel the need to experiment with different classes/archetypes.
And the same happened with WoW btw, where i used to have a Rogue main, but actually trained a variety of different characters.
Yep I'm another single class player. Druid all the way
I have 5 golden portraits so I guess I can't really call myself "single class player" but I have 3000 wins with Mage and only about 150 each with Hunter and Druid and not even 100 with Shaman and Warrior... I agree with the OP that I'd probably be a better player if I used all the classes equally but I just find Shaman and Warrior horrible to play (they have such useless Hero Powers) and Druid and Hunter are just meh to me...
"この 先は 暗い 夜道 だけが も 知らない それでも信じて 進むんだ 星が その道 を 少し でも 照らしてくをるのを"
I have all the standard cards so I play all classes in standard but in wild I only keep Priest / Neutral Cards.
Shaman today, Shaman tomorrow, Shaman forever.
I do play other classes, but shaman is and will forever be my number one.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
As a newer Hearthstone player (RoS is the first expansion I've played actively) who's played WoW forever, I was naturally drawn toward my two WoW main classes, paladin and druid. So one of the first decks I tried to put together was a token druid deck. Turns out, I'm just not a big fan of the playstyle. Then I ended up getting Malygos and Kalecgos from packs, so started putting together an oddball control mage deck that's one part spells and one part mid tempo/strong taunt minions. I really love it and improving upon it. I never would have guessed I would have enjoyed mage, haha, but as someone who primarily tanks in MMOs (my druid and pally are both tanks, and my monk), I guess it's more the whole "control" nature that speaks to me. Choosing when to strike and where instead of just going ham.
I'm also trying to put together a pally deck I like. I love how the paladin class plays in HS, but I've been struggling to make a deck that performs decently with my very limited card stash. Luckily, mechs are pretty good right now, so I think I'm finally on the verge of something decent (still need to craft Zilliax).
I also have a hunter deck I sometimes play, but it's the hammiest of all hams, so I really have to be in the mood to play it.
I've been a Shaman one-trick through and through since I started playing last year, although I quickly realized that it isn't really the best class for winning, but I couldn't care less because it's the most fun and interesting to me.
Warrior for me, though I'm taking a break from the class after obtaining the golden portrait (currently at 630+ wins).
I'm mostly playing Hunter now, trying to get it to 500 wins (currently at 318). I've always enjoyed the play style of secret-heavy decks, so I'm riding with Secret Hunter until I achieve that goal.
Paladin's my second favorite class, but I don't really enjoy the current viable archetypes. I miss Sunkeeper Tarim in standard too.
As you might have guessed, Hunter is my number one :)
But right now I´m working towards other golden heroes, so I don´t play it that much recently.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
I mainly play Mage. Played the class a lot on my wife's account at first as she got a beta invite and I didn't. Then got the class to 500 wins on my own account before it was expanded to count further. It shows 1706 Mage wins in the game ATM.
I also played Warlock , Druid and to a lesser extent Paladin, Priest and Warrior. But less and less as time went by. The last couple of years I only played HS if there was a Mage deck I liked, otherwise I just completed quests from time to time, usually in short friendly matches only aimed at completing quests quickly.
Warlock is 468/500 and Druid is 484/500, but I don't feel like going for a golden hero with current decks. TBH I don't feel like playing at all with all those mechs and Warriors. The only tribe decks I liked were Dragon-based.
I mostly play Shaman but sometimes I tinker around with Warlock, Hunter and Druid. But Shaman is the one I'm the most creative with and my only golden portrait so far.
I played almost nothing but Paladin for the first year I joined this game. Then I got into Shaman when Even Shaman was powerful, and I'm now split between those two classes. I just feel better playing them, more comfortable, or at ease. Maybe it's irrational.
Play how you want but why would you want to miss out on the variety of classes and decks and styles of play available to you in Hearthstone. It's great when you find a deck you can master and climb up the ladder with but after a time it gets boring playing the same thing. You know it so well and you know the answers you have so well that any sort of challenge is gone. You stop thinking and just mindlessly play cards.
I think it's fun to try out other classes and decks. While I don't play every class I do have a handful of favorites I go between and it adds that nice variety to the game. I think the funniest I've seen is a one class player who likes to play one type of deck and named himself after the deck.
I mostly played mage for the longest time. It’s my only golden hero. Especially with Frost Lich Jaina - LOVE her. Now that she is no longer in standard, I’m trying to branch out. Still my favorite class.
I like trying new classes in Tavern Brawl and Arena.
used to be rogue only, but im slowly starting to shimmy over to priest and shaman as well
404 skill not found
Playing Rogue only, since Old Gods. Don't like any other classes. Finishing with Leeroy is the only funny thing in this game (also enjoyed Mill rogue alot). Honesty, I think that Rogue is the only class with unique and interesting mechanics.
i play pretty much only rogue