New Priest Minion - Murozond the Infinite
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A new Legendary Priest Minion, Murozond the Infinite, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Priest Minion, Murozond the Infinite, has been revealed!
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So, He can play and decrease dragon's mana costs (2) more if your opponent plays Frizz Kindleroost last turn ?
It would be good if it activates battlecries.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
So, the 2 priest legendaries didn't do a shit by itself and depends of the enemy cards. And this dragon don't activate the batllecry of the "played" minions.
Nice one, Blizzard.
That card is inconsistent, you can replicate a huge minion or a board clear, but... it's not worth.
By The Holy Light!
This seems like a very powerful card, Priest has gotten quite a few very interesting cards this expansion.
The difficulty with this card is knowing when you should take the effect, you can always gamble for more value. Opponents will also need to be very cautious about playing into this card, needing to always be aware of what they could potentially give their opponent.
Biggest issue for this card will be against aggro decks, where you are not likely to ever get a really good deal. This alone could prevent the card from seeing play at all, if the meta is going to be too fast to allow it to gain value.
You essentially mimic your opponents turn and get a free 8/8 for your troubles, should be really great in slower match ups with plenty of big minions to copy.
Too inconsistent tbh, won't see play.
Yep most important thing about him, will he PLAY minions or just "play" and summon bodies. I want 1st, but i think it will be 2nd.
Oh, my 2nd insta golden craft after Priest Galakrond
it "plays" the card, not summons so battlecrys should be activated imo.
I only wonder target spells and battlecrys tho. Will they be random or for example if my opponent plays Fireballs to my face, it plays the Fireball to my face again. It would be bad.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Interesting card. Do we know for sure whether it also activate the battlecries? If so, it looks very promising. It is of course very dependent on your opponent, but definitely an interesting dragon.
Play it after yoggs puzzle box. Ultimate meme
Murozond will be good against minion-based Midrange decks, inconsistent elsewhere.
Probably comparable to Sindragosa.
I assume the Targets are random.
This is insane! Against aggro it's a boardrefill plus a 8-8 Dragon!
ArtStation | Twitter
Will it replay the effects of Zuljin or Tess?
Basically Tess Greymane with +2/+2 among other dragon synergies but also very inconsistent. Might be a good pick from a discover.
But Tess Greymane “plays” cards without getting their battlecries. People are assuming this works the same way.
I've seen the video reveal.
A jaina played Yogg-Saron, Hope's End and then, Anduin played Murozond the Infinite summoning Yoggy without casting random spells, maybe in that game Anduin didn't casted spells, we will see next week how works. :)
And, yes, target are choosen randomly.
By The Holy Light!
Blizzard is inconsistent. We all know that. I am still waiting a confirmation or want to see this in play. I can only be convinced when I saw it in action.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
If that's the case it is much weaker than expected. I really hope it also triggers the battlecries.
thanks for that information, i still couldn't find the video to confirm what I thought. :)
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
confusing word text
it´s a 3/5 until i see how it works
Looks crazy at the beginning. But to be honest there are really few cases when copying a good enemy turn will give you an advantage. You should be answering to it instead of replicating. I think it's bad and probably will be overestimated.
Frizz is for dragons in your DECK ...also the card doesn't activate battlecries and spells hit random targets.
Kenny's little poet. 😇
The biggest question with Murozond the Infinite is, when the card reads "play" does it mean you get the battlecries from minions? Unfortunately, the closest cards to compare to this (probably Tess Greymane and Lynessa Sunsorrow) have different templating, so comparisons won't be perfect. Tess reads "replay" and her effect doesn't trigger battlecries, so that would seem to imply this could be different, but Blizzard regularly screws up the templating on cards like this, so I'm not optimistic. Note that there's also ambiguity around the order in which those cards will be played, but random is the safest bet.
Either way, Murozond the Infinite seems like a very cool card, but maybe not a very good card. The best cases are ones where your opponent played some kind of AOE and subsequent minions, or played some rush minions to try to retake the board. It's easy to see how this could be a very big tempo swing if played after the right turn, or a way to "steal" a hero card and even the odds in a control match-up. But if you don't get battlecries, and you're functionally just copying non-rush minions, this might just languish in your hand, never finding a turn when you can afford to spend 8 mana not reacting to what your opponent did last turn.
If this is your decks endgame you are in trouble. Even this plays the battlecries its too inconsistent. I wouldn't ladder with this card.
Seems MEH you can't base your strategy around what your opponent is doing and you are getting random results, no battlecries and at 8 mana you are not reacting to your opponent's play.
oh really ? thanks for clarifying it you genius !
Guess what ? I already know THAT.
Yeah, thanks to some helpful people here, I learnt that it didn't trigger the Yogg's battlecry. I still have doubts tho because the player who plays murozond might not have played any spells in that game.
But there s another example, Tess Greymane. I still don't know how it will work. I will wait a confirmation/reveal stream or experience it through game to be sure.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
too inconsistent and too expensive for miracle plays
I'll this in my wild meme copy priest. It is obviously not very good, but good is not the reason I play cards, so...
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
not sure if I understand the wording.
Is it going to be like Tess Greymane, where spells target randomly and minions are just summoned?
Or does it actively replay every card, battlecries and buffs included?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Might be a great card but too circumstantial!
Well that's a fun mechanic atleast.
Even it's not a great card for a specific class priest, one amazing fact about this card is that it fits great in mind-game theme for a priest class, it looks so incredibly awesome in flavour!
But judging from everyone's rating, looks like I won't able craft this card then, but I'm still hoping it will see some light someday.
I really like it. Depends on the opponents turn, but can make huge swings. By turn 8 you can easily get a big minion for free.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Strongly depends on your opponent's turn of course. But in the late game, the turns should have impact.
I vote it pretty good. Not broken due to the randomness of spells and battlecries (i assume).
pretty nice battlecry for situations where you would like to counterplay the exact same thing your opponent played..I can see a lot of potential on this.
If the deathrattle rogue is a thing it can be a very good tech card. On the other hand has many of you have mention it's a very inconsistent card.
The other thing worth noting here is that in Galakrond Dragon Priest, you can potentially lower the cost of this to 4 (2 for 2x Fate Weaver and 2 for [Hearthstone Card (Frizz Kinderoost) Not Found]). Obviously there's a little luck at play if you manage to get the full 4 mana discount, if you can lower the cost by just 2 you may end up with a card that gives you room to play an AOE before or after. If you can manage to decrease the cost of Galakrond with Fate Weaver you could potentially even play both of them in one turn, getting a big AOE and a tempo swing. Maybe not as bad as it looks in that context, but still requires a lot of work or luck to really achieve high value.
Interesting card, could be quite fun in some situations - but it is definitely situational.
Hearthstone fan. Arch-nemesis: wifi drop-outs.
I like this card. Even if it doesn't cast battlecry and spell hit random targhet it's strong. First you can discount Murozond the Infinite (playing this turn 6 can win the game for exemple). In controll macth you can wait until you can copy specific card, so Murozond the Infinite can generate a lot of value. Maybe Murozond the Infinite will not find a spot in any deck, but i like the mechanics
perfect play after your opponent plays galakrond. question is, will the hero card battlecry replay?
If the Battlecries etc. also invoke this card is going to be crazy. It is like a counter to a great tempo play.
Playing around it will be fun xd
on arena is very good. on ranked pretty weak....
I have no idea how to rate this card since it's not very clear to me HOW the effect will actually work. I can see it being viable maybe, but doubt however this things works will be anything more than a meme.
Really cool design. Playable stats and mana. It could be cool to play vs Rogue after the opponent plays a lot of cards.
Do we know that it doesnt trigger battlecries? Since it says "play the cards your opponent played last turn".
Not the card that control priest or dragon priest were looking for. Those archetypes are looking weaker and weaker.
I assume battlecries will happen because of the wording ”play”. But then again, conditional battlecries may not trigger like if you’re not holding a dragon or played an elemental last turn.
if your opponent played Tess, your Murozond will play Tess with her battlecry wich will re-play all the cards YOU played from another class.
If Murozond play Shudderwock, your Shudderwock will recast all the battlecries YOU triggered this game.
You’ll get the same cards but not necessarily with the same effect, that’s what i presume.
Random targets, of course.
I am pretty sure it will not trigger the battle cries since that would make it bonkers, and as I remember it, battle cries are only triggered when "played from hand". But all passive effects on your cards, or end-of-turn effects, or other cool effects are copied for sure and this makes it a very scary card indeed.
If you’re able to take a turn to fill your board with a bunch of small minions without actually doing anything to clear against aggro, then this card really isn’t that needed.
Apparently people are saying battlecries don’t trigger so this really doesn’t seem like anything beyond “get a slightly threatening board” most of the time
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
perfect counter to the new Alextrasza. Your opponent gets tons of value? Anduin: "I want it too!"
While effect seems powerful at first glance, I can't actually think of many situations where I'd want to copy my opponent's turn. Even if the other player cheated out a bunch of mana with a huge development turn, do you really want to develop into that board with the same minions, giving your opponent first choice to trade or go face? If your opponent plays a board clear, do you really want to play an 8/8 only to have it die immediately?
Hard to evaluate this card, but it might be quite a lot weaker than intuition first suggests.
Really inconsistent, it would be much better if it could replay the battlecries too. Maybe can be teched in to steal opponent's galakrond or kronx, or a lategame finisher of the highlander classes (e.g. puzzle box, zuljin)
I can see this being a little annoying against some control matchups if they played like a big minion or something.
Ahm. I am actually surprised, that people are hyped for this card. Of course it's weak, the dragon costs 8 mana (i.e. it can be played only in the late-game) and its effect relies solely on the cards the opponent would play on a specific turn. So don't expect to summon more than 2 things most of the time. I don't even know what someone expects from this.
I am seeing Murozond as an ok-ish addition to thief priest decks or some mid-range dragon decks, though the new legendary pales before the might of the former Dr. OP. I don't know if I would even consider adding this card in my thief deck, since it doesn't offer anything exciting. Princess Talanji is way better, since she summons all kinds of shit and I can surprise my opponent with a huge play.
If I get the dragon, I will give him a try, but I don't expect anything extraordinary. I still prefer Archbishop Benedictus in my deck.
I am really not sure about this. It is not very reliable, it can be good when fighting against the right deck, but completely useless against others.
This card will see play for two reasons. For one, it is a dragon, which means you don't have to play it in order to gain benefit from it. The only other reason this would be played is if the meta is just right for it. If more than 50% of the meta is mid-range or control decks than this will be a more consistent card. When fighting against aggro this will probably be a 8 mana 8/8 summon a random small minion. against a control deck you can probably get more value out of this, but I think all in all this is just too inconsistent.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
It's garbage, but it's FUN garbage.
Re: the battlecries being activated when it's played, I doubt Blizzard even has the technical capacity to make that happen.
Priest and Shaman seem to live under opposite clouds sometimes. One can't help but get bad cards, and the other can't help but get good ones.
Better call Thrall!
In the best case it is actually a counter to Cyclone Mage's Miracle turn.
Seems kind of meh but it does have some good spots in the right meta, like what could you be hoping to copy with this.
If your opponent goes wide with minions and you play this, you are giving them the attackers initiative so they have the advantage
If they use a targeted/discover big spells like Pyroblast or Power of creation, you are likely to get shafted where as they got full value.
Copying a board clear probably isn't even good because it might kill this and your opponent probably didn't reload much after clearing the board in the same turn.
What the card is GOOD for however, is huge value minions/spells/hero cards. Hagatha, Boom, Mass Resurrection, etc. This could be good in a really slow meta. That depends if it can copy the rush aura or the battlecry from the new dragon hero.
This card isn't as bad though. On 8 mana you might get 7/8 mana worth of "value", which is insane. Obviously the effect is kinda random and unreliable, but in most situations you can get good value from this.
Wording... Murozond "Plays", Tess "Replays". in games like this Wording is all important, which is why game companies work their bum off trying to simplify and clarify. So different wording would imply a different effect.
This is too reliant on what your opponent is playing. At best this should give you a bunch of stats on the board or maybe you get an AOE spell.
More dragons? Yes please!
I can't tell if this is good, but I want it in my collection nonetheless. I already have Temporus waiting to welcome him.
I think we're being too fixated on battlecries; there are other minions your opponent could play that are very much worth copying - deathrattles, taunts, and other unique effects. Not to mention spells, weapons and heroes. Did your opponent wipe your board with a flamestrike, throw it back at them with Murozond. Thief priests are seldom competitive but they are fun and this card will fit right in.
How many times can you tell "wow I really wanted to have a turn like that, it was brutal"? On that note, how many times do you see yourself answering "Thank god I included this 8 mana card in my deck and saved it in my hand all these turns in the hope of that dream play from my opponent".
Bad card and that's that. Priest gets no playable legendaries on their own this expansion, they are just dependent on opponent.
This seems really bad. Spells will have random targeting, and minions will come without Battlecries. Big minions means you won't get a lot of cards, and small cards means you have minimal impact. I just don't see why you would want to play this, which means I will obviously pull it.
Another auto-include... Huge play if you are patient enough.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
The animation is great, the effect not so much but I love the situations it creates.
I think it will end up being played in Galakron priest decks but because it will be generated randomly, much like temporus at its time.
You clear the board on turn 7 (Psychic Scream), they refill it with stuff and you slam down this Card. It surely will help to contest the board.
Yes, I know it doesn't replay Battlecries, but you can play it after your Opponent casts 1 or more strong spells like Puzzlebox or Priest-Spellstone so you can at least keep up.
Even if this Card ends up being mediocre, I'm still crafting this Dude Day 1! It looks cool that's enough for me :)
ArtStation | Twitter
One of my favourite cards of this expansion, I just love the art, the effect, the stats, so good!
If my opponent have a great turn, I have the same + a 8/8 hahaha
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Potentially very powerful, even if it doesn’t give Battlecries and it has random targeting/ordering. I’m not sure if it’s good enough for a deck, but it’s good enough to consider.
Well, if this card doesn't activate battlecries, it's a 3 star. if it does, it's a 5 star. overall, decent card that might see play.
Seems insanley strong in a control matchup
Hmm, seems like a weaker Tess to me.
I don't trust this at all
I had my doubts about when you would actually have a good opportunity to play this, but it looked pretty good in the stream. Granted the reveal streams are rarely good indicators of anything, but I'm a little more optimistic about its potential. Certainly it will be good every once in a while when generated by Galakrond.
Also, the comparisons to Tess are only skin-deep. They are vastly different cards in practice.
I underrated the card. I think its insanely good after watching the reveal stream
This will be great if they played a mind control or something last turn since you get it and a 8/8 spells might backfire but in the end, minions will make this shine. It will be great against mage too if they use some clears
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
This card is the resident sleeper of this expansion, I swear. Really like it, too bad it's only in Priest.
very useless unless you are playing Galakrond's priest in which case is a good card -to get- from the Hero power but particularly not a deck inclusion.
You better watch your back and not set up minions AND buffs in the same turn!
My understanding is that battlecry is specifically "when played directly from hand" which is why we don't see battlecries from cards played by Tess / Alarm-o-bot / etc. So I would guess that this will not copy battlecries.
That said, it's still a strong effect to be copying spells and bodies in a number of match ups.
I see it as a 50/50 scenario that can be leveled over time : in the right context, the best counter is the same reversed answer - an ultimate swing if you will - but in many cases, its win more or plain terrible ...
I'm forecasting Trolden materials
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
A fun card but it's too heavy and situational to be played consistently IMO. If it doesn't trigger battlecrys i don't see many ways to use it on ladder.
Cool card, but very conditional. Will be a good pull from random priest minions
A card with a very interesting effect. However, this battlecry is very situational, and I doubt that this card is consistent enough to see competetive play. If Murozond the Infinite is randomly generated it might result in some crazy board swings, though.
This card just seems way too strong. I'd say its auto include in any kind of midrange/control deck.
I’m assuming that similar to Tess Greymane, Murozond will not repeat battlecry effects of any minions it “plays”. So this card can maybe mirror a board state plus itself as an 8/8? Or repeat valuable card draw or AoE spells? Probably not as spectacular as it first appears, since it is very hard to leverage this.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Might not be competitive, but certainly goongto lead to some fun antics
In the short time i have seen this card played in stream, it looked with a huge potencial, good card i like it
Initially, I didn't thing this could be very strong. Seeing it in action in the sneak preview vids on youtube, I guess it might actually be a decent card. Wouldn't mind getting this in a pack but would not craft it right away.
There will be experimenting with this, but I think most serious decks will eventually drop it. It's a great card to have fun with, but it depends a lot about what deck your opponent is playing.
The art is great! The effect, though, is not easy to evaluate.
Versus certain minion based decks this card can really shine. But otherwise I feel you'll need to wait too long for the effect to be good enough.
Does not seem good, but seems really fun to look for the best situation possible and that is 5/5 for me.
Also really cool animation.
Crazy good and fun card for a control archetype and tests your judgement about timing. No. 1 wanted card in this set.
Good stats and cool effect. It could be a pretty good card but it'll be very situational to benefit from it. Sadly it doesn't activates battlecires.
According to reveal video this card cannot replicate battlecries... and that's all folks. Situationally OP (especially in case of hero cards), but is it worth to put a scrictly worse Tess Greymane into competetive deck? I have my doubts.
Fun and interactive game.
I wonder if this will also give you mana restoring/increasing effects like The Coin or others?
A decent card that can be played even if your opponent played just 2 or 3 cards the last turn and sometimes you can copy their big turns.