New Priest Minion - Mindflayer Kaahrj
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Legendary Priest Minion, Mindflayer Kaahrj, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Priest Minion, Mindflayer Kaahrj, has been revealed!
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Not sure if it will see wide play, but will definitely come in if some of these Big dragon decks start popping up.
Good for sniping some of the Dragons that are going to be around, but you still have to kill them (and this).
The card is okay.
Viable, but i don't see the point.
Why play this when you can play Faceless Manipulator?
Unless Priest gets some Deathrattle-Synergy, i don't think we're gonna see much of this guy.
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What exactly does the "new" means? The wording would have worked even without it...
Also: why the available targets are only enemy minions? Pretty disappointing.
Difficult to fully judge the card, very interesting design.
I guess 'new copy' would be without buffs, so the bigger the minion originally the better obviously. Target the enemy Mountain Giant then death and you have a pretty annoying sticky threat on board. Even against aggro it isn't completely awful to just target a 1 or 2 cost minion for some early board pressure.
I think because its a cheap card with decent baseline stats this card will see some play. The huge potential of this guy in the late game vs bigger minions is pretty huge and it should also do well against fast decks.
I don t know, another very complicatted priest card and only enemy minion restriction makes it meh. Also, okeish card with Galakrond Invoke hero power minion. But playing it itself, idon t know, more bad than good.
Think there'll be any decks that buff the crap out of their minions? If so, this could be pretty good. I'll be honest, I'm not even sure summoning a copy would keep its buffs - my instinct says "No", and if so, then it'd only be worth copying minions with strong Deathrattles or persistent effects, or ones with huge base stats. So... probably an average card, another tool in Priest's back pocket.
Can’t help but feeling a little disappointed... a cheaper, less effective Sylvanas Windrunner
GenX APM Specialist.
3/3 minion + deathrattle: summon a 3/4 minion or any larger.
How is this bad? It can fit well too as a tempo in the lategame because its very cheap to summon a copy of a big useful minion.
I dont even see this card as meme, its going to be seen everywhere... unless I dont know what exact the priest playstyle should be, then maybe I shouldnt be the one to judge it.
But still good though.
With so many dragons there’s probably gonna be more big targets for the card, so not too bad
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
A delayed Faceless Manipulator? And only for enemy minions. Idk how good this card will be in the meta, but at first glance I'm not impressed.
Cool design, might enable some interesting plays and combos but I can't see a good enough reason to play this instead of anything else or build a deck around this. Maybe the meta will have a few staples that this will be very good against, or something. Really hard to judge this card currently, but I like the design so I hope this will find a home.
There's little point to using this vanilla-ly. You can't rely on your opponent to play good minions, and if they have, you probably want to remove them instead. (unless you just want to enjoy some shenanigans)
That said, perhaps this could be fun with the deathrattle synergies in Priest. It's cheap, so it's easy to layer effects on it and build a board. If I pull it, I won't be happy, but I won't be miffed, either.
Better call Thrall!
Presumably because the copies won't be actual copies, but just the same minion with its base stats
Mindflayer Kaahrj seems fine. If we assume you already have to pay whatever the cost is to kill your opponent's best minion, for 3 mana more you get a nearly vanilla minion and a free copy of that best minion. Obviously you'll lose out on battlecries, and you'll have to wait a bit for that copy, but there's enough value there to make Mindflayer Kaahrj a strong, albeit very slow, card. It's slow enough that I doubt most people will run it in their decks, but I can imagine being very excited to roll this minion from your hero power in a Galakrond Priest deck.
Only use of this is sticky 3-mana tempo minion. Definitely not something priest would need.
I don't see the point of this card, slow and unreliable for a payoff that maybe isn't even worth it.
Just cross your fingers to not open it in packs
EDIT: actually, after i read some comments, the card has some merit, versus faster decks you play it has soon as is your turn 3 and you have a 3/3 for 3 mana that summons your opponent best minion which isn't super bad and maybe will help you stabilize the board from there. If you draw it later isn't a dead draw and versus control it can be used when you think that one of your opponent minion is worth it. So the card isn't "dead" in any point of the game, still I'm not sure if is enough to be included in decks (I think is not) or if we will see it only when random generated.
I'm not sure this will see play as it doesn't really fit into any serious archetype. NO chance it will be run in Res Priest since it'd be a terrible minion to res. Doesn't really fit with Dragon Priest either. Maybe Galakrond Priest if that ends up very Control-focused? But that's a strech. My guess would be this sees play in Wild (where Quest/Deathrattle Priest is still more viable) and I'm sure some memey Thief Priest decks will add it if they open it, but I doubt this is a Craft for anybody.
I always enjoy using my opponent's deck against them, this is just another Tool in the Toolbox.
Most likely won't find place in constructed decks, but it's good arena card. It's like a Corpse Raiser only for enemy minions and for 3 not 5 mana.
The fact that you can only copy an enemy minion doesn't make this as viable as I would want it to be. Using Mindflayer Kaahrj on a big minion and then removing it with a cheap spell like Shadow Word: Death is good but if your opoonent moslty runs cheap aggressive minions, poorly stated battlecry minions or buffed minions this will just be too weak. It's the reason why you moslty see Faceless Manipulator in combo decks, you usually didn't put Faceless Manipulator in your deck for the potential of copying a strong enemy minion but instead so that you can copy one of your minions and Mindflayer Kaahrj can't do that. There are deathrattle synergizes that you could consider, but again, you have to rely on you oponnents minions.
More dragons? Yes please!
I guess thats why many are hating on this card, I understand now. But if tempo priest exists at anytime (standard or wild), could be insane.
i guess bc it doesn't copy buffs and stuff like that. it's a little bit inconsistent compared to cards like cube in the past
This card is really good, you get a 3/3 for 3 (which is a 2 mana effect in constructed) and more stats so as long as your opponent is midrange or aggro you are expected to get at least a good value for the mana cost and priest got good tempo on removal with SW:pain/death
it's actually quite good on a combo priest mirror for example.. the average case is very good for this card you don't have to even get a 8/8 getting a 3/3 is already a lot of tempo.
If the meta is tempo driven (as almost always) and if most match ups are not control/combo (and even then you can find some cards to copy) this card would be a great inclusion! definetly would be too good if you could run 2 of these in a deck.
This card is really good, you get a 3/3 for 3 (which is a 2 mana effect in constructed) and more stats so as long as your opponent is midrange or aggro you are expected to get at least a good value for the mana cost and priest got good tempo on removal with SW:pain/death
it's actually quite good on a combo priest mirror for example.. the average case is very good for this card you don't have to even get a 8/8 getting a 3/3 is already a lot of tempo.
If the meta is tempo driven (as almost always) and if most match ups are not control/combo (and even then you can find some cards to copy) this card would be a great inclusion! definitely would be too good if you could run 2 of these in a deck.
The only similarity is that both cards have deathrattle, that's where the similarities end. enjoy your contest entry.
It actually isn't. Cube kills the thing and then it can only be summoned a new copy. This makes it possible this is triggered with the enchanted/buffed version on the board. It doesn't get the buff (or the de-buff, like hunters mark) and the text is actually relevant.
It's cheaper that faceless, which is good, but slower as an effect so gives room for counterplay and also can't trigger again via shenanigans like re-summons and reborn cards. Great arena card at least. Someone might find a good use in constructed, but as it stands I don't see it happen.
Good point. Other than being 2 mana cheaper this is worse. Only way this will be part of the meta is if faceless gets hall of famed. Faceless can target your own minions too
I see this as a much more situational quasi-Sylvanas. Sure, the stats/cost make it playable, but the fact that it can't really be exploited with reanimate shenanigans is really a downer.
This might see play on efficiency alone, it's a decent 3/3 for three with potential upsides, but I don't really see this being a build-around card. My hunch is this won't see play until after rotation, if priest is still a thing then.
Oh come on. They're both deathrattles that give you a minion if your opponent has minions. They're not the same, but they're somewhat comparable, which is all the poster suggested.
Not even sure how to rate this card. It isn't clear who gets the new copy. Even if it is the player, not a great card.
The effect I say is good, but kinda slow. Fun Fact: This Guy is actually from Legion's Violet Hold Dungeon. The same Violet Hold we go to in Dalaran Heist.
Underwhelming. the wording suggests that it doesn't keep buffs (obviously, since it summons on deathrattle) so what's even the point?
Putting Reborn on it or kill-reviving it does nothing so it's basically a 3-mana Faceless that you need to kill to get a benefit...oh and ofc you need to kill the opponent's minion as well.
The fact that it's enemy only is just the nail in the coffin. You're gonna have to jump through hoops just to make this decent. LIke, what am I going to use this for against Quest Shaman? Copy that spicy Lifedrinker?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I don't think this card should be compared with Faceless Manipulator... this card has a entire different role.
This card is meant to be a very good early game minion with insane value, I believe it shouldn't be compared to anything else. Why it doesn't need a comparison is because it's probably the best 3 mana minion of all cards, if not, it's still probably right there on the top 10 list... yes, it's THAT good! But not as a priest card.
An example I could make would be Emeriss from Hunter, it is incredibly bad card for hunter, we all know that. But everyone would be playing Emeriss at that point if it was accessible to other classes, we would play it even it's incredibly slow, and even it's just handbuff... I think it would see a play. Mindflayer is very similar to that, insane early game minion which heavy control priest doesn't benefit alot from it.
I'm not a priest player, so I would rather hear other main priests' opinion from this forum, whether I can safely disenchant it or not. But seeing someone else comparing this one to other card that have an entire different role... doesn't make sense. Like when did the faceless manipulator saw some play in the game? I have only seen it on lucentbark druid deck, and it doesn't seem to be a thing in any priest deck, did I miss anything in doom of the tomb meta?
Not bad, a 3 mana 3/3 that summons something when it dies. It only hits enemy minions, so it will not be too consistent for res priests, which is the best deck for priests right now. It is alright for a more minion/buff based priest deck. It feels a little weird, but I am sure this will find a place in a deck somewhere, it is a very flexible card.
Also, because I like to nit-pick about things, Why does it say "Summon a new copy"? why not just "Summon a copy"?
Carrion, my wayward grub.
fine 3/5 for me, nothing special
Priest is so fucking weird right now like why didn't they just let Priest keep its dragon archetype in the first place it was one of the best things priest had going for it aside from mind blast.
Kenny's little poet. 😇
My guess is that it is probably made for the new players, to make it more clear to them that it copies the minion without a stat buffs.
But yeah... I think that word is kinda unnecessary too since we got used to hearthstone without a guide/information about copying mechanic.
EDIT: I think its because it can enable mindflayer to become a freshly copied minion that had the same base stat, for example, if the mindflayer have died while the enemy minion's stat has already been affected (let's say its affected by peacekeeper or equality) then it allows it to be summoned back with a base stat of a copied minion no matter what, thus its "new copy".
If you're still being confused, you can try to compare this card with all other cards' text that has copy effects and see any differences between this card and others, especially if it doesn't have to do anything related to copying it to your hand and decks but on battlefield only, feel free to point my mistake if I made an error here.
Value value value for priest now nothing else without a finisher there will be a blizz premade control priest with no win con and this card will be waste in the arena. Cool card though if Anduid could pew pew enemies faces.
I would like to see how this card actually works, but cool design. I dont have high hopes tho. I guess this will be the golden legendary i get for the bundle.
Playable I guess? But I don't see what is the reason to run this in any deck ..
But in arena is good :P
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Interesting concept. Can make for some wacky interractions. But probably not a competitive play.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Pretty underwhelming card tbh. I don't think card will see play in constructed.
great card, not OP but powerful. it will see some play.
Dead but dreaming
I think it's really good, but I'm not sure if there would be priest archetype, which could use power of this card
dont know what to say yet. a liked the design and is also a tempo play, but i really dont know
This might have potential with the right deathrattle support. If not this expansion then perhaps down the road. Seems interesting at any rate and might even be fun in wild. I like this one.
If that is the case this minion can be have viable use in a silence priest of sorts, since you can silence an enemy minion, play this card and get the minion for yourself unsilenced.
Will work on that deck if I open this card.
Slightly understated but with a deathrattle that easily makes up for that. 4 star card for sure
Not bad, not great.
As others have said, it has value the entire game. It just does't progress your win con (unless your win con is out valuing your opponent).
Dropping this on curve, I'd imagine getting most of the time 4/4 worth of stats on a sticky minion. Not bad.
Worst case isn’t too terrible compared to some potential best cases. This will likely be played.
I feel like most of the people in this thread don't even understand this card. A few do, but most people seem to think its some weird combo card. That card is purely a tempo card with a bit of upside. It say you chose an enemy minion and then the deathrattle summons you a copy of it. That's it. Its 3 mana 3/3, Deathrattle: Summon a copy of your opponents best minion. That's a perfectly good card, in fact its really good tempo, against aggro or control its got options. This card is just really really good and everyone is trying to figure out how its broken or compares to a bunch of cards it has nothing to do with. Get it together guys. I know the contest is here and everyone wants an entry, but at least read the card and understand what the words say and do before you make a post....
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
faceless on death..seems meh..the copy is good but other than that don't see any possibility of it being good..
You can drop this besides a removal for a big minion. Seems solid in control priest.
Cheap Legendary tends to see play, unless they are too niche or deck-restrictive like Commander Rhyssa.
This one's effect is generic enough to be useful in various archetype
Also, cannot wait to see the golden animation for that one
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Meta dependent for sure. If Aggro dominates, this card will do nothing to stop it. Sure, it will have 6/6 in stats (on average in the early game), but against a wide board, this doesn’t accomplish much.
Now if the meta shifts to more dragon/control based decks, I think this card is going to be crazy good
I was a bit confused of the card description at first because "summon a copy" usually summons a creature on the same side of the board as the original one. So the card lets to choose an enemy minion and resummons it with no buffs for the Mindflayer Kaahrj's owner with it's deathrattle, right?
If Mindflayer Kaahrj work this way it's a very strong card even with no any effects it's a 3-3 for 3 mana which is decent. It may be good against aggro because it lets you trade an enemy's board and have a sticky minion. Or it may be a high value card in late game cuz not every single deck plays silence. I hope we'll see Mindflayer Kaahrj on ladder, the card seems interesting and promising.
It's basically a steal card; select an enemy minion, kill it, this minion dies and now the enemy minion is in your battlefield. The wording says copy so I'm wondering if it also copies buffs.
Well it's over
Interesting effect but Way too slow. These type of legendaries are fun but usually see little play.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
I believe "a new copy" means summoning a new full health minion with no buffs
Not a bad card, but probably shouldn't be a legendary. I believe that this should be an epic card at most. Gives good value but being a deathrattle it could be silenced by your opponent.
I love this nods to both WoW and previous Expansions, would als be a nice theme to be informed about in a post here. There are probably more minions with conections to the Dalaran heist or the Tombs of Terror.
I'm sorry, I've got to ask a really stupid question. I enjoy playing Kovachuts Thief Priest in Wild. Now let's say my opponent has The Lich King on board and I play Mindflayer Kaahrj on him, then proceed to destroy kaahrj with Wretched Reclaimer. I will end up with my own lich king and a second kaahrj.
The question is: will the second kaahrjs deathrattle summon another lich king for me? Same goes for summoning kaahrj through Twilight's Call (or Cube or Embalming Ritual). Would its deathrattle do something? If I understand your comments correctly, that should not work which is really a shame.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
I would say it's OK, but compared to the rest of the set is underwhelming. I hope I don't get this in my packs
Slow. But potentially very poweful effect and combo potential. Nice flavor and art also, opposed to all those big-ass overpowered dragons of this set.
Interesting minion. He can generate some value, but i think we must see this card as "piece of combo". We must see all set before we can leave a correct analysis
A 3 mana delayed Faceless Manipulator, but the downside of being able to use it only on your opponent minions seems pretty big.
This seems like such a strong effect. Particularly paired with Shadow Word: Pain in the late game.
Does "a copy" mean that it keeps buffs? I'm really trying to figure out when you would want this card over faceless manipulator. Maybe it is best as an earlier Mechanical Shredder type of minion with a nonrandom deathrattle.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
No, the second Kaahrj will not give you anything
This cards a a good tempo tool but again in a world with tempo Priest not being on the radar is hard to belive this will see any kind of play. We'll just have to wait and see
Some rule changes in future patches might change this card's effect because of the "new" word in the text.
Just saying.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
This card does nothing the turn you play it, and nothing when it hatches (Unless you ate a chrge or rush minion). I'm surprised by the high scores given to this. Am I missing something?
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
This card is so fun, so many combos will be made. Cube cards are always fun!
auto include in all but revive decks for priest.
Very cool card, I'm pretty sure Wild players are going to rage playing against Big Priest even more now.
It could be good depending on meta I guess - will see. Doesn't excite me though.
All generalizations are false.
This seems really bad since it can just be avoided it's like an egg that has stats not sure about running it in big priest since it could ruin your rez pool
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Very strong, and thankfully not something that can be completely abused with embalming ritual, etc. Shadowy Figure still makes this one to keep an eye on, as that's only a 5 mana combo and can be crazy good.
Cool card, but maybe too slow
This card is a great counter to decks that play big minions, e.g., dagon decks. On the other hand, it does almost nothing versus aggro decks. In a diverse meta, this card might not always find a great target. But even a 3/3 with Deathrattle: summon a 2/2 minion has good stats for 3 mana.
I think the card is fairly consistent, and since its cheaper than cube you can fit it into your turns alot easier.
Probably too slow to be useful. Playing it on curve will likely only yield incremental value (i.e. a 3 mana 3/3 that pops out a 2 mana 2/3 as a deathrattle). Might find synergy with Grave Rune and/or Time Rip but that’s super late-game and might be too greedy to be reliable. The fact you can only target enemy minions also means you can’t copy friendly minions to develop your own board.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Even though it’s clear to me from experience, the card text doesn’t explicitly say WHOM the minion is summoned for (priest/opponent
Like i liked a lot the other legendary of priest, i dislike a lot this one xD
It reminds me of Gral, the Shark a bit since in theory, it has good stats and ability, but it won't see any play.
Cool design, but the delayed response (deathrattle) may limit its use too much than faceless manipulator (battle cry). There are strong minions that you want to copy for 3 costs and having a 3/3 on board, so it may overall be a balanced card to see some play.
Cool card. It could allow some interesting combos with Wretched Reclaimer. I think it's a better card than it looks.
Delayed Faceless Manipulator which can be silenced doesn't look like a great deal to me. Also it works only with enemy minions, so any combo potencial is gone. Definitely one of weaker legendaries.
Fun and interactive game.