New Neutral Minion - Grizzled Wizard
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Epic Neutral Minion, Grizzled Wizard, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Neutral Minion, Grizzled Wizard, has been revealed!
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Hmm, I still won't leave my Sideshow Spelleater alone yet, but this card is flexible and cheap, good card.
Oh man. The trolling you could do with this + Sir Finley Mrrgglton in wild. I don't know how prevalent some of the big hero power decks are but for some it's their win condition (Dr. Boom, Frost Lich, Rexxar, Gul'dan to some extent)
Meme Epic number X
(would be fun to kill a Hunter with this though, not gonna lie)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Super hard to rate the neutral epics in this expansion, all of them are essentially just niche cards with very specific situations where they could be good.
I really cannot see this being played in standard, not immediately at least.
very flexible. could work great, but i don't if will see play in constructed
Another meme epic and a bad card at that.
Sideshow Spelleater 2.0 but even more gimmicky somehow.
the number of meme epics is ghastly
I don't understand the purpose of a card like this. Sure, they can't use whatever hero power they were abusing before but this lasts only one turn! Is this really going to stop them or even slow them down? Unlikely. The only real counter to hero powers is preventing their usage completely (like Mindbreaker). Swapping hero powers for a single turn or increasing their cost by 1 doesn't do much at all. The low mana cost doesn't matter because this has an even higher cost: a deck slot. Bad card, bad epic, bad tech, etc.
"True mastery takes dedication."
This xpac's Epics have a lot of weird and creative Effects. I like it!
ArtStation | Twitter
Comparable to Saboteur.
And sick art btw.
Another weird tech 2 drop. IDK what is going on with these, but at least they are interesting. Will be even more interesting in PVE content.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Good against decks like Quest Druid I imagine, but overal it's pretty fringe. I doubt this will see play
Not sure if it will fit in any deck at the moment, wild or standard
Bit interesting to think about denying access to their hero power for a turn, would probably just prefer the 2/5 that does this instead though
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Even if Baku, Gen or death knights were still in standard I wouldn't want to run this. The effect doesn't seem good enough even if you get to steal a good quest hero power while also denying your opponent from using it for a turn.
More dragons? Yes please!
feels like a funny but bad card. Gotta steal the priest hero power on t2
Might be good to disrupt shaman's quest hero power and use it for abuse some of your own battlecry minions but still doesn't worth to put it in a deck i guess.
But it might go in a MEGA DISRUPT deck with full of tech cards (yes, 30 tech cards) of some class since there are enough tech cards around now.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I like this a lot. I wonder what happens if either you or your opponent gets a new HP before they swap back. This is the first anti-HP tech printed that I really like.
Rejected Grand Tournament ideas?
Or just shoving in as much as possible for next year's focus on HPs?
yet again, another super weird I-have-no-idea-where-to-put-this epic. You only swap for the one turn, and hero powers are kind of known for being low-impact stuff. Maybe this card could have been used when cards like Frost Lich Jaina, Deathstalker Rexxar, or Bloodreaver Gul'dan were everywhere. Then you could set back your opponent by one hero power and you can get a small taste of the corrupt power without having to play a deathknight yourself.
But right now there just really isn't enough to warrant this cards inclusion in any deck. There are the quests, but they aren't prominent enough, and also they do require you to build your deck around getting the hero power in order to use it to its fullest potential.
Really, any of these cards that require you to be fighting a certain kind of opponent to get use out of them are just bad, and I don't mean tech cards. Cards like eat a murloc or eat a pirate are fine, but effects that just don't do much even when they do go off are barely even fun for johnny players. I really have no idea what blizzard thinks they are doing with the neutral epics this time around. One or two is fine, but literally every neutral epic in the set is a super janky but also completely pointless card, it is a little annoying.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I don't get why this is an epic, seems like a werid arena card at most.
If I want my opponent's hero power..I would just play that hero..why would I use this for any reason..
That sounds like a Trolden moment for sure.
The card is another Neutral Epic meme; give it 2 stars and move on lel. You could temporarily shut down Corrupt the Waters, which I think is its intended purpose, but why dedicate a card in your deck just to temporarily annoy your opponent?
Yet another super niche tech card. Not sure when Grizzled Wizard is good, but it's certainly amusing.
DoD brings lots of very creative effects to the table, which makes me hopeful
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Can you for 6 mana do both hero powers?
it could be better when deathknights or baku/genn were around.. now.. this seem like a filler.
If you really hate Deathknights in wild: Sideshow Spelleater, then Grizzled Wizard, then Sir Finley Mrrgglton. Bonus points if you discover Shaman's useless hero power. Don't forget to thank your opponent.
Another card with an effect that is too "random" and inconsistent. This will not see play in the current metagame. There are a lot of bad epics in this set.
You can disrupt your quest druid opponent's sixth turn by playng this and negating their nourish turn...and after that losing because you included this card in your deck.
Absolute garbage. What's up with this expansion and all the terrible Neutral Epics?
there is a good discussion on reddit about this. Swap hero powers and then wreck it with Sir finley or shadowform. Alternatively you swap it when someone is on their quest just before they complete it. For instance warlock when on the final stage of their quest - they complete the quest and then their new power swaps over to you on the next turn
For the memes for sure but interesting...
Filler card. Too much situazional to be played.
Easy 100 dust XD
i dont see even the fun on this
Weird symmetrical effect, maybe can see play in shaman but I don't know where
Fun but why would you play this in a constructed deck? Or is it good to shut down the quest- or galakrond HP-s for a turn?
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Interesting, I like this disturbance effect! Very original, still I don't think will see the play it deserves.
These epics are horrible. Mogu Cultist was fun, Desert Obelisk... Inspired people, but these are just half useless techs half bad memes.
Well it could be useful for getting rid of the galakrond hero power but beyond that, I don't see much use sure it might mess up death knights still seems like filler though
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
I love clunky cards and this is clunky af. will see play in my troll deck for sure
I really don't see a reason to run this in any deck, but it's a solid card in arena.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Pointless for constructed obviously. Made for fun random moments which we will rarely see.
A nice meme card that won't see any play in any competetive decks. This card will give us some nice Trolden videos, though.
Funny card, I will play in the arena mode - good stats, OK effect
Another trash epic that we will forget that it exists.
Looks like a fun epic filler. I can't even call it a niche tech card. And i don't see any consistent usage of this card on ladder right now
Lol that is a pretty funny interaction I would love to see at some point, but I doubt thats good enough to make this card playable
Like Blowtorch Saboteur, this seems like a hyper-specific tech card. Not sure why it was printed. Maybe some funny cheese strats for a future Adventure or Tavern Brawl?
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Meme. If you won’t change hero power during a game I guess it would be fun to borrow your opponents quest och Galakrond power for a turn.
This is part of the card group (together with the priest legendaries) "I'm as good as my opponents".
In a game where you are supose to be better than yuor opponent this kind of cards just won't see play. Too many variables and bad hero powers.
Good stats for the cost. Interesting effect that will in most cases fit meme decks. I don't believe this card will be really competitive. More kind of a troll card.
Hyper memey. Why would you spent 2 mana to summon a bloofden raptor and gain such a useless effect?
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
More of a fun card, may see some play in arena like use lifetap to draw a card, but no place in constructed.
In wild it could work when you play against DK. You play this card and then you play Sir Finley Mrrgglton. No more Frost Lich Jaina or Bloodreaver Gul'dan hero powers
Funny effect, and that's all. Nothing usable, just another gimmick neutral epic.
Fun and interactive game.
Weird anti quest tech + tons of meme material. Doubt you will manage to get a lot of effect out of this card to justify it's inclusion in any serious deck.
For a single turn effect, meh. If it lasted until the END of your next turn, maybe.
A card that could enable some wild combos to deny your opponent of his DK hero power.
Mostly meme card.
OMG I've just got an idea...
What happens if you play it twice in a turn?
Grizzled Wizard + Youthful Brewmaster into Grizzled Wizard , could be a sick tech
You really need Youthful Brewmaster for that ? I mean, just play both copies at 4 mana :D
Ah and, giving rogue hp to priest might be funny and easier in rogue because of more bounces but best is giving ridiculous totems to anyone :D
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Hey, at least now we have a very handy way to kill the emperor thaurissan boss in blackrock mountain.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Actually nevermind. You cannot swap hero powers with bosses. There goes 400 dust . . .
Carrion, my wayward grub.
oh how i laughed, this would make so many bosses easier