New Mage Minion - Violet Spellwing
Submitted 5 years, 1 month ago by
A new Common Mage Minion, Violet Spellwing, has been revealed!
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A new Common Mage Minion, Violet Spellwing, has been revealed!
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wowwww amazing one drop! maybe the best one in this expansion
Arcane missile do need a buff, print this instead with an elemental tag too.
This card is nice and balanced.
Mage is looking pretty good this time around.
Not sure if Arcane Missiles is that valueable, but at least Cyclone Mage gets some needed support.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Similar to Shimmerfly but with a controlled outcome.
Not sure if this is better or not, but it does work well with Elemental Allies, so should see some play for that alone.
Fine card, might see play in an Elemental Cyclone Mage deck as a way to activate the new legendary, new giant, and Mana Cyclone.
In my book (*wink wink) any 1 drop that adds another card to your hand is an amazing 1 drop.
Babbling Book, Pharaoh Cat, Shimmerfly, all of these cards saw play, this one is just more consistent. And a free Arcane Missiles will be very helpful on turns 1-3 for fighting for board and maybe getting some face damage in.
It is also an elemental which will help with the new quest and will also keep it relevant in mage decks of any type.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
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1 mana 1/1 that replace them self is almost always playable.
perfect in every mage archetype
Any 1 drop that gives you a card is always good.
solid one drop that synergizes with almost everything we've seen from mage so far
Ronin has a pet bird that gives fuel for the giant and legendary elemental so this is gonna be great!
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Even more cheap card generation for the class, and this one doesn’t even have any really bad low rolls like Glacial Mysteries
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Hello to the new Mage Northshire Cleric - the one-drop that will be run in every single deck regardless of archetype. This is an incredibly solid card. *Too* solid/strong though? Only time will tell...
Any number of mage decks what a card like this. Its less random in what you get, and but still random. It generates CHEAP SPELLs so it kind of fits the bill for many archtypes. Will it be the key? Probably not, but it will be good enough to see play, especially with that elemental tag.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
Good enough to see play, given it's a perfectly fine 1-drop that generates a spell. Obvious inclusion for Cyclone Mage.
Mana Vermiss is not more in the set, there is no good 1 drop for mage, probably this one?
The Mage version of Shimmerfly, kinda. It very flexible and will see play in Tempo decks, and other variants of Mage.
Great turn 1 or turn 2 play! Very good design!
nothing much to say.
Just being an elemental make this card better imo.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Seems just an upgraded Arcane Missles to me.
Great 1-drop and cheap spell generator with many synergies with other mage cards.
Arcane missiles is a trash card I personally want less of it not more unless you are doing the not started in your hand quest stuff which will suck imo.
This is a ok card and it will be the first card to cut while refining decks.
A 1-mana minion that replaces itself is almost aalways playable even with a predictable outcome, itseems ok to me.
4 copies of Arcane Missiles.
Oh Spell Damage is back.
OK card. I would play on the arena mode
I like that they're keeping casino mage alive after Flamewaker rotates. Works great with the new sidequest and mana Cyclone.
This works with the new Mage sidequest without giving up Spells for weak elementals. The Arcane Missiles you get are a bit slower, but you'll get a free 1/1 in return. Kinda reminds me off Shimmerfly a bit, except you'll no what card you'll get (rip highrolling). I think this card is good enough to see play in the majority of Mage decks.
well this will just work well with the sidequest and cyclone mage..i guess we'll be seeing a lot of aggressive cyclone mages in the coming meta..
A great source for cheap spells for plenty of synergies.
Shimmerfly with guaranteed missiles..
This card is comparable to Shimmerfly, which saw a lot of play in Midrange Hunter. It has a lot of synergies with cards like Raid the Sky Temple, Elemental Allies, or Mana Giant, which will be enough to see play.
decent card, at least you know what you are getting, and this is an elemental for what it's worth has a lot of synergy you put it into the elemental spell spam deck.
Most mages would play [Hearthstone Card (Magic Missiles) Not Found], and this is almost always better. This would also work great in a Bigspell Mage in Wild, which would like some small spells, but can't but them in their decks.
This card is cool, it gives you a 1 turn play and a low cost spell that synergies with your deck. In cyclone mage i'm pretty sure it will be played, because it works with the sidequest and makes the giant cost 1 less; is another target for Sandbinder but probably the target you don't want to hit
In Highlander i'm not sure it will see play
Decent card with synergy for elementals and card generation. Mage utses both, so this could be a filler in many decks.
If the effect was a battlecry this card would be amazing (even close to OP). Since it is a deathrattle, it is a solid card but not OP.
All decks that are either cyclone or have Archmage Antonidas will be playing this card. Any 1-mana spell is a free extra fireball later.
And it has synergy with both sidequests so all decks that will have sidequests cards will also include this one. I think mage now finally has the tools (ie 2 good one-drops) to have a consistent one-drop to contest the early turns with something more than just hero power.
And even hand-mages with Mountain Giant are happy to play cheap cards that generate one so hand-size keeps growing. Only N'zoth decks will be not so happy but that will be wild territory again.
A great 1 drop for tempo/cyclone mage. This card makes playing Elemental Allies possible! I guess this elemental will find its place in mage decks. This minion is a nice addition to a Wild tempo mage deck and its a decent arena pick. Solid 1 drop overall. I like it!
Cute 1 drop with an amazing art. Work well with the new side-quest and can be good in Cyclone Mage
Obvious include in cyclone elemental mage, sufficiently spooked by that deck
Solid, elegant and generates value. Its flexible, so we will se it in many mage decks.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
I do hope that this + Elemental Allies can bring Quest Mage back in the Wild meta.
Best one drop. Ever. In the class that needed one the most. Really strong card.
A great 1 drop that gives you a spell that hasn't started in your deck and it has elemental synergy (like the sidequest).
More dragons? Yes please!
Good card to combo with the sidequest, good 1 drop overall.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Im not really seeing what everyone else is. It seems like a faily good card, but I'm not really jumping outta my seat for it or anything.
A bird in a hand works 2 in a bush ... wait
2 Birds in a hand works 2 Arcanes in a hand
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
A 1-mana Elemental, easy to weave into a turn to keep the chain of Elemental activations going, to help tick up Elemental Allies, generates a cheap 1-mana spell for Chenvaala or Mana Cyclone. All around an extremely good card.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
I swear to god, they are so desperate in trying to nerf sorcerers apprentice. between a quest that summons a dragon, a legendary that summons elementals, mana cyclone and an absurd amount of 1 mana spell, two of which generate more 1 mana spells, the common agressor is just apprentice, and she will be prsecuted with torches and pitchforks by the community.
I for once welcome the mob (been acummulating extra copies of aprentice since Ungoro quest times)
Doesn't seem that strong, but it's good. On turn 1 is very good because you can clear 2 health minions with ping, also good for cards that require playing cards outside of your deck. It's an elemental too but it's not that important.
1 mana to put stats on board and still get back a cheap (and known) spell. We may be seeing mana cyclone mage make a come back.
I always though magic missiles was a low impact card, but with all the support for cheap spells mage this might be one of the best cards in the set.
Another pretty strong 1 drop. The amount of those this expansion is amazing. Cyclone mage and wild quest mage are going to love this.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Supports mana giant and gives you early board control tool if required. 1 mana spell works well with mana cyclone of course. It is comparable to shimmer fly, but hard to say which is better.
Good 1 drop. Will find it's place in lots of Mage Decks.
A replacement for Babbling Book, the 1-drop Mage needed for so long.
Insane 1 drop for Mage. Arcane Missiles with a 1/1 attached, and also the Arcane Missiles you get works with the 'spells not starting in your deck' synergy for Mana Giant.
Look, another great support for cyclone mage with new sidequest and giant. I that deck this is nobrainer, otherwise it's still a solid one drop
Fun and interactive game.
The art looks like a badly inked tattoo.
Great 1 mana drop that will be staple for mage for a long while. Love this card.