MC Kronx feat. Big G

Last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
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"Yo what up peeps we got my boy Kronx Dragonhoof in da hizzy, aka MC Kronx aka Draw-me-dat-WINCONDITION aka tha Devastator! He's droppin some fat beats, I say droppin some fat beatdowns on everybody up in here. Then Galakrond, the Unbreakable brings the party, aka 8-to-the-FACE aka that slick mutha puttin Blessing of Kings on all the big boys! Are you ready? Ya just can't beat this. Right when you think it's time to say Well-Played, I say it ain't over yet!"

I highly recommend everyone try this out. Yes, it can beat those pesky shamans that are oppressing the ladder right now. Hold onto Ramming Speed for his Galakrond turn to mop up those 8/8 elementals. It's a hard fought battle, but if you use your resources well (never overcommit to the board, play around MC Tech) you can win.

Against aggro, you really want Eternium Rover on 1 followed by Ritual Chopper and/or Awaken!. Scion of Ruin does a lot of work after invoking, even without being buffed by Galakrond.

For other control type matchups, don't underestimate that 3 damage per turn once you're Galakrond. We have plenty of invokers, and drawing them late game can offer unexpected burst, especially if you still have your claw equipped.

Does this deck win games? Heck yes it does. Is it fun? LOTS!

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  • DestroyerR's Avatar
    Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I’m missing Akali and Ramming Speed, any replacements?

    • Pezman's Avatar
      Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      Akali is definitely just a "win more" card in this deck, as he gives you a similar value to Galakrond. There are some other strong cards in the deck you could double up on, like Restless Mummy or another Galakrond invoker. As for Ramming Speed, a Supercollider would have the same effect times 3, but works differently. A second Shield Slam, or possibly an Execute can do some work for you as well.

      • DestroyerR's Avatar
        Design Champion 625 529 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
        Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

        Got it, thanks. Looking forward to trying out your deck (I started the expansion with Galakrond/Hack the System Warrior, but I’m not the best deck builder lol)

        • Pezman's Avatar
          Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
          Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

          I've had quite a bit of fun with Hack the System too, but it doesn't pair well with Galakrond. Once you upgrade to one new hero power, you don't really want to replace it.

          Good luck!

  • HighVoltagez's Avatar
    310 81 Posts Joined 07/23/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Looks interesting giving it a try when home. What is “MC” Kronx? 

    • Pezman's Avatar
      Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      Just adding some flavor for Kronx Dragonhoof. MC as in Emcee, or Master of Ceremonies.

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    this is basically zalae's decks with dragonmaw poachers. if i recall correctly zalae called this deck "no fun allowed"

    • Pezman's Avatar
      Staff Writer 2235 2285 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
      Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

      I haven't seen Zalae's version, but thanks for the support. Your comment was super helpful and definitely worth your time and mine.

      • Marega's Avatar
        620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
        Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

        my bad, i think zalae used a more control shell with dr boom harrison jones and the new deathwing. i mixed things up. sorry


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