Looking for Advice

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

Hey guys, just wanted a little help on building out my Wild Collection. Just some background, I started out shortly after Boomsday launched and have worked feverishly to build as large a collection as time and money allows. Thus far, I have a full collection of Standard and most of the cards from the Kobolds, Frozen Throne, and Un'Goro expansions. I've also bought and completed all the old adventures that rewarded cards and just finished crafting all the Hall of Fame cards. I'm really wanting to fill out my collection in Wild and was wondering which expansion I should focus on next to try to maximize the number of high quality decks I can put together for Wild. Ultimately, I want to complete a full collection of both Wild and Standard, but that is a long term goal. Right now I just want to build the most powerful collection for the short term. Look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks in advance.

  • EpicHercules's Avatar
    Jaina 270 59 Posts Joined 06/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hey guys, just wanted a little help on building out my Wild Collection. Just some background, I started out shortly after Boomsday launched and have worked feverishly to build as large a collection as time and money allows. Thus far, I have a full collection of Standard and most of the cards from the Kobolds, Frozen Throne, and Un'Goro expansions. I've also bought and completed all the old adventures that rewarded cards and just finished crafting all the Hall of Fame cards. I'm really wanting to fill out my collection in Wild and was wondering which expansion I should focus on next to try to maximize the number of high quality decks I can put together for Wild. Ultimately, I want to complete a full collection of both Wild and Standard, but that is a long term goal. Right now I just want to build the most powerful collection for the short term. Look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks in advance.

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Why are you trying to get a collection rather than building towards decks you want to play?

    Pick a few decks you're interested in and work towards getting whatever cards you still need for those decks. Your wild collection will expand naturally. Realistically, wild decks only require a handful of cards from each expansion anyway.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Im really curious how much money you poured into hearthstone to reach where you are right now. Can you give me a rough amount, if its not too personal.

    But basically if you wanted the best expansions to focus on, you already have it. Ungoro - Kobolds has and still is the highest level of power sets of expansions hearthstone has ever shot out. The only other expansion not listed by yourself with comparable power would be Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.

    Since you already have all the adventures, then its just down to specific legendaries from here on. It really depends on what you want to accomplish in wild.

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    Im really curious how much money you poured into hearthstone to reach where you are right now. Can you give me a rough amount, if its not too personal.

    But basically if you wanted the best expansions to focus on, you already have it. Ungoro - Kobolds has and still is the highest level of power sets of expansions hearthstone has ever shot out. The only other expansion not listed by yourself with comparable power would be Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.

    Since you already have all the adventures, then its just down to specific legendaries from here on. It really depends on what you want to accomplish in wild.

    From my experience complete collection is roughly ~150 USD per expansion. With two preorders like the last expansions (90 USD and 50 USD) and a 20 USD offers which contains the hero skins you can have complete expansion, dusting extra cards and keeping golden card.


  • RavenSunHS's Avatar
    Refreshment Vendor 880 1487 Posts Joined 03/27/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    You should focus on decks rather than expansions.

    Sets are nearly irrelevant, from a powerlevel point of view, as only few cards per set are powerful enough to surface the Wild meta.

    Current t1, t2, t3 decks contain cards from nearly any set.

    If you still want to focus on sets instead of decks, there is no real priority, just go for your guts feelings, especially if your ultimate goal is a complete collection anyway.

  • EpicHercules's Avatar
    Jaina 270 59 Posts Joined 06/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    To be honest, I'm not sure exactly how much money I've spent on Hearthstone, and I'm afraid of even attempting to add it up. Entirely too much to be perfectly honest. I'm at least at the point now that I can buy the pre-orders with each new expansion and just get the rest with gold/dust most of the time.

    Of course, my biggest problem is I'm a compulsive collector. I have the Pokemon syndrome: I gotta catch 'em all. I dream of having a complete collection of all the cards available, and I've made huge progress toward that. I was mainly looking for power level of sets so that I could focus my collecting on one particular to build out. The bad part is I really haven't played much in Wild. Just really want the option, and like I mentioned previously, I really want a complete collection.

  • Zwane's Avatar
    Wizard 320 423 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I always wonder what a collector will aim for once his collection is complete...throw all away and start collecting again? Is the fun part owning the collection or the collecting part? As with Hearthstone, your collection can only be complete until the next expansion hits, which is 3 times a year now. So I guess it must be the collecting itself that gives you the kick. But this is more or less what we all do in HS, we collect cards by opening packs and crafting cards we need in a deck.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    You could focus on collecting something a little less broad than 'all cards'. After all, even with all of them you will probably never actually use a lot of them. Heck even I haven't used everything I own and I have been playing since the very start so had lots of time to make janky/theme decks with weak cards.

    In recent years I have found it rewarding to be a golden rogue collector. Specifically I craft golden cards for specific rogue archetypes (burgle, pirate, and all rogue legendaries). This way I have a collection that is meaningful (I know I use them a lot), narrow enough to not break the bank unnecessarily, and occasionally impressive to the few players who care.

    Collecting every single card on the other hand is much more expensive for relatively little gain. If you are a collector in the purest sense and get the biggest kicks out of just collecting anything, then that's fine, but at least stop to consider whether you could benefit from directing your efforts to something more narrow.

    If you really want me to actually answer your original request however, I'd say Goblins vs Gnomes, because it was a high power expansion and has a ton of mechs to use with your Boomsday cards.

  • Lemushki's Avatar
    Squirtle 1120 1068 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I would say Mean Streets of Gadgetzan or Old Gods first. Then Goblins vs Gnomes and The Grand Tournament. In that order.

    MSG introduced jade some Highlander stuff and also Parches the Pirate. It had a good amount of cards nerfed but a good chunk of them still see play.

    Old Gods introduced some of the Best LAte Game options ver. Yogg begore the nerf. Ysharj For Big Decks, Nzoth and The whole cthun archetype. Some great cards like Ragnaros The Lightlord, Deathwing DragonLord and Fandrall too.

    Then GvG is mech heavy and TGT did not exceed on anything.

    Edit 2: As Xarkkal Pointed out, Mal'Ganis is a must For most Warlock decks and I totally forgot about it when mentioning GVG. One of the Best crafts I ever did. He is trully eternal. Also have to agree with his Statement about Dr.7 He is just not the Beast he used to be.

    Quote From Xarkkal
    1. GvG - mechs. There's a few cards in this set I would consider "must crafts" that you should make in the meantime. Really the only legendary from this set that you should craft immediately is Mal'Ganis. He is a staple in too many Warlock decks. Some would argue Dr. Boom. I would disagree with them


    Edit: Reading again, unless You want to try Highlander Stuff first I would go with Old Gods to start

    Some of the mentioned cards don't see that much play but are good in a Vacuum and have a big coolness factor

    Lemushki - The one and only since the 2006 rebranding.

  • MrTren's Avatar
    205 47 Posts Joined 06/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    We're talking about Wild, the full game.
    Not the pre-Alpha version called Standard.

  • Xarkkal's Avatar
    Servant of Illidan 910 1321 Posts Joined 03/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Lemushki

    I would say Mean Streets of Gadgetzan or Old Gods first. Then Goblins vs Gnomes and The Grand Tournament. In that order.

    I am going to second the order Lemushki suggested.

    1. MSoG has some important Highlander cards, Jades and Patches - would be a good starting point to get some cards that open up archetypes that are still used today in Wild.
    2. Old Gods - great late game minions as Lemushki mentioned. N'zoth and Yogg decks will keep you entertained for a while
    3. GvG - mechs. There's a few cards in this set I would consider "must crafts" that you should make in the meantime. Really the only legendary from this set that you should craft immediately is Mal'Ganis. He is a staple in too many Warlock decks. Some would argue Dr. Boom. I would disagree with them. 
    4. TGT - There are a couple cards that are nice to have, but this is usually universally agreed to be the worst HS set. There is no hurry to complete this set (I dusted a majority of this set, except for a few cards)

    Really, to "get into" Wild, you really don't need as many cards as most people assume. If you haven't already, I would suggest starting with buying 10 packs from each Wild set that you haven't opened a pack from. You're guaranteed a legendary in the first 10 packs, so that will get you a good start before you focus on each individual set. 

    Hope this helps! Good luck collecting! 

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