New Neutral Minion - Grand Lackey Erkh
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Grand Lackey Erkh, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Neutral Minion, Grand Lackey Erkh, has been revealed!
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Warlock time
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn is golden!
Lackey-Zoo-Lock says Hi!
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Makes Lackey Zoo something you have to seriously consider.
Does this reignite Quest Shaman interest? Probably not.
Seems ok. It's stats are so poor it can only be used as a combo card and it's medium cost means you aren't going to get a lot of value till late game. It's a solid value card and might see play if that matters again but right now the meta is very tempo oriented so this probably isn't enough. It could be with Tekahn as the above poster said, but I don't think thats a deck.
Neat design though.
4 mana 2/3 though? the stat line is abysmal!
Rogue definitely doesn't need it has enough lackey generation with galakround, but you normally evolve EVIL Miscreant and it's a 4 cost so it benefits from the card's existence anyway.
Warrior might want it since the generation of lackeys is limited and warrior could play the value game.. but I doubt it's better than just playing galakround..
Priest? it might be a win condition.. I mean priest lacks one outside of quest and with seance you can play this up to 3 times per game, it's a fun strategy, is it good? dunno... too much mana.
Shaman with quest you might get some really naughty turns because each lackey activates twice, definitely worth playing in quest.
Warlock I can see it with Dark Pharaoh Tekahn, or as an alternate win condition? with one lackey you can use up to 5 more in a turn, and they are all 4/4s!
explorer classes: there's one neutral lackey generator I don't see it being played there cause of the low amount of lackeys generated in those classes, and it's been a while since druid played the rat.
4 mana fill your board with lackeys? auto-include in every lacky deck in the game. Best synergy obviously with Warlock because of Dark Pharaoh Tekahn. Everyone "Hyped" to see [Hearthstone Card (The Cavern Below) Not Found] 2.0? It has bad stats for a 4 drop, but it's effect makes up for it no problem. this card might even ressurect Corrupt the Waters shaman. (I honestly hope not, please no more shamanstone i beg!)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
As stated... 4 mana 2/3? Yeah... Warlock, but you have to wait till turn 10 and have a lackey in hand to fill the board AND have played Dark Pharaoh Tekahn previously, if not, semi-dead turn.
It will be an interesting card, hell, it already is, but... I really think it won't shine as much unless it's in a controlish Warlock deck, or a hyper aggressive zoolock that doesn't depend on this as a win condition.
I can be totally wrong, but only in the right circumstances this will shine.
Solid 4/5 tough for design + not being completely bonkers in stats.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Damn, looks like I should’ve kept my Tekahn. Helps you get a lot more value out of even a single lackey, so I’d expect it to see a bit of play at least
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Maybe, just maybe a warlock lackey deck. I don't see it anywhere else (rogue is even bigger maybe and the others - just forget it).
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Good but not broken.
It does have late game potential for warlock if you do go "infinite" with it, you want to Brewmaster it and/or shuffle it into your deck with Baleful Banker or something like that, Plot Twist +Augmented Elekk could be a thing.
As long this card is in your hand/deck you can summon massive boards of lackeys
if Dark Pharaoh Tekahn is played before, you can get for 10 mana :
at least 16/16 worth of stats on board (if not getting to many Faceless Lackey)
with a Brewmaster/Baleful Banker on board
and a Grand Lackey Erkh in hand/deck(board too if shuffled by Baleful Banker) + another 4/4 lackey in hand.
Here is how you do:
I mean, I take that. it defintely has late game value.
Hmmm, what's wrong with your Brewmaster ?
I love this card. Absolutely fair stats for the effect. Sure you can wait to the late game to fill the board but three of the lackeys generate cards in hand or put another minion on board,so hand management will be crucial. Should be fun even if not game winning.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Everyone's talking about this being great in Rogue and Warlock, while I'm just sitting here be like: „I can finally play some Lackeys in Priest".
ArtStation | Twitter
My thoughts exactly!
Though It might be a little slow in zoo since you will likely use this with at least 5 mana (this + 1 lackey) to get some value. A 2/3 body is easily removed. Zoo also usually vomits minions on board and doesn't usually keep lackeys on hand for value.
Thinking it might fit into Muzzy's list which is slower.
I wonder if Dark Pharaoh Tekahn buffs this, since it's technically a lackey lol. (likely not though)
This card seems really powerful. More or less a neutral spirit of the shark for lackeys. In rogue I imagine this'll be even stronger because you can shadowstep it for back-to-back miracle lackey turns.
i'm not sure but for me this card look little slow
Since the card name also mentions Lackey.. Is this guy also a Lackey? If yes, can you get it via "add a random Lackey to your hand" cards? I know that keyword Lackey says that it is 1 mana 1/1 card with battle cry, but.. And yes, I know that [Hearthstone Card (Kabal Lackey/card] and [Hearthstone Card (Possesed Lackey) Not Found] exist, and they are not considered as Lackeys:)
) Not Found]I do what I must, when I must. Know this well.
I had the same thought. I would be very surprised if you could get it from generate-lackey cards, but it should count as one for the purposes of Weaponized Wasp, Heistbaron Togwaggle, etc. Can't wait to find out!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
That's a good point. I would think that it could get the buff but would not be surprised and expect it doesn't.
Im interested to see how will the Warlock deck fare.
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