The Hearthstone Arena was updated today with a set of balance hotfixes that are supposed to get classes close to a 50% win-rate. Druid and Warlocks have not been touched but the other seven classes are having their card appearance rates nerfed or buffed.
Quote From Dylan Bates Hey everyone,
With today’s hotfix we’ve also done a post-rotation Arena balance update. Here’s what we’ve changed:
- Updated the appearance rate of specific cards to ensure class balance remains close to the ideal 50% win-rate.
- The win-rate of Hunter, Mage, and Paladin should now be decreased.
- The win-rate of Priest, Rogue, Shaman, and Warrior should now be increased.
- Card appearance rates for Druid and Warlock remain untouched.
The Arena Buckets have been updated on the Current Arena Rules thread. We will continue to monitor Arena balance and adjust as needed, especially around set rotations. Thanks!
Good! Because right now, trying to play control decks in arena is just sad...
Very few decks actually have cards to support solid control archetypes with the current card pool and there are very good tools for fast tempo decks, so yeah, thats why. These changes, or any, will probably not help in this regard.
Not sure if that is going to change. Had 2 good runs since the patch, aggro druid and aggro warrior. Most games ended under 10 turns. Only mage opponents seemed able to extend past turn 10.
Hunter was absolutely out of control. Even after this fix it's a good strategy to keep the board clear of every single mech. Magnetizing a Piloted Shredder is often just game winning.
Well, this arena rotation is focused on mechs from all expansions on purpose, so it was obvious Magnetic will be a premium keyword and will enable "non buff" classes to become tempo monsters, and it happened. Im looking forward to see how the changes influenced the meta.
But once again the servers are down for maintenance yay..
I don't get comments like this. So, they are working on the Servers to make sure they work properly most of the time? Oh dear.... Its an hour at most.
because they literally just did it last week ..
I don't play it either because I'm awful it. Just glad they are putting so much effort into the game lately. I'm having more fun than ever.
Wait... Wait... They BUFFED rogue? It was already really good since the rotation. Is it because bad players play rogue badly bringing average WR down?
I don't get why the downvotes, when you're right. Oh well, buffed Rogues mean more for us who play Valeera to stomp
My win rate when playing arena is already %50 exactly, no matter what kind of deck I draft, if I win 3 games in a row, I always lose the next 3. And if I lose 2 games in a row I will probably win the next 3. It's weird.
Balance, in all things.
Don't play arena unless it's free :)
But definitely good they are paying this game mode more attention these days - for too long it was kinda abandoned
Sounds interesting, gotta try out arena now sometime
I don’t play arena really. But that sounds like a good hotfix
Thank god!