New Shaman Weapon - The Fist of Ra-den
Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by
A new Legendary Shaman Weapon, The Fist of Ra-den, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Shaman Weapon, The Fist of Ra-den, has been revealed!
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Why does this card exist? The Shaman is now the leader in total # of Legendaries, because of reasons.
Welp I feel bad for the Pirate Warrior folks who've been able to use Ancharrr without much concern for anti-weapon tech. Once this hits you can bet every single deck is slotting in an ooze or Harrison Jones. Or maybe we'll even see Kobold Stickyfinger get played for the first time ever (spoiler: we will not see that)
Hmmm... Maybe Tempo-Overload-Shaman is gonna be a Thing? Remove enemy Minions with Spells, draw with Spirit of the Frog and flood the Board with this and Thunderhead.
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I wonder if this will actually work. You basically pass a turn to set this up, that is no small requirement. But if you can survive the tempo loss, you might get a really nice swing turns in return.
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Now sure, the tempo-loss is pretty significant if you actually play this on turn four, but suppose you wait a bit and drop this on say turn 9 alongside Hagatha's Scheme; now you're clearing the board and developing a 5-drop for 4 and the next turn you can do even nuttier things with more expensive spells, like the new 10 mana Eye of the Storm.
I could definitely see big-spell Shaman becoming a thing, it has a lot of very strong spells and control elements already.
Edit: Atiesh sits and cries in a corner.
This and the 10mana Spell that the shaman will get will definitely fit in to one deck. Maybe Rain of Toads and Eureka as well. I guess shamans are powercreeping again.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Random legendaries don’t seem too good, given how there’s a lot of lowroll battlecry minions. I guess the stats alone might make up for it, since as long as the next spell you cast gives you 4 mana worth of stats it’s paid for itself
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Could see it in a control deck for additional value since you most likely will be running an decent amount of big spells.
i think it's too slow to setup and not that impactful against slower decks
Its almost certainly built to push out control shaman aggressively. I guess there's a world where overload shaman could use this too. Being able to lower the RNG on random minions summoned should not be underestimated. And there's more than enough support in Hoard Pillager to ensure that this weapon stays for the duration of the match. Not even sure why this needed to be 4 durability considering that Atiesh has only 3.
The reasoning that its too slow, I think that's basically what everyone thought Medivh, the Guardian was too.
Doesn't seem great to me. People will try it with Eye of the Storm, but that's not even a very good spell.
Two meh cards seldom add up to playable.
I think it's not that great. You can highroll into a charge minion like Leeroy, but generally speaking legendaries get value from synergy/battlecries. It's a bit deceptive in power level nowadays. I would compare it to a collectible Atiesh combined with Bandersmosh.
I think this will get relegated to meme status early on. Sure, someone will feature some highrolling deck to feature on day one, think the King Phaoris Paladin deck, but that will be it. Random legendaries probably won't cut it.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
Galakronds were already out of scheme. Setting +1 legendary cards for EVIL classes.
I thought the Adventure was about to parify that, or at least maintain it, with 1 legendary per class.
Now this sets a +2 on Shaman. Like, wtf?!?
PS: the card is good in a Spell-Control Shaman.
People forget that MEdivh was played because the stick came with a 7/7 so you didn'T really lose any tempo.
This is a 4-mana do nothing.
Most good legendaries are at 8 or 10-mana. Shaman doesn't haven an 8-mana spell and only one 10-mana spell, which is incredibly slow as well.
5-mana is a bad spot full of terrible outcomes.
Only 6 could be reasonably considered, and I don't think running 4 spells total is enough (unless you run some weird big Shaman thing with Eureka or some BS)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I sincerely think this is the way.
I haven't built a deck yet cause I'm waiting for all the adventure cards to be revealed, but there's actually a lot of support for Big Shaman to make it [Hearthstone Card (at least) Not Found] a solid meme.
The fact that The Fist of Ra-den loses a durability after you cast a spell and not before is a big deal, cause you can go turn 4 weapon turn 5 Hagatha's Scheme and clear or coin Eureka!/Rain of Toads and suddenly take control of the board. It appear to be good on paper, but I can't anticipate the next meta so we'll have to see.
Moreover, if you build around The Fist of Ra-den then King Phaoris is an auto include for sure, being a late game value bomb that is worth making Muckmorpher slightly less consistent.
Spice Lord and self-proclaimed Meme Master.
Medivh was a lot harder to play alongside spells though. Since you're only paying for the stick here, you get a better one that can be played earlier or on the same turn you clear the board with a mid-cost spell.
Skull of the Man'ari was "5 mana do nothing" and it saw a ton of play in the top deck of the day. It's patently absurd to evaluate a card like this based on what it does on the turn it's played when the card is clearly designed to set up powerful subsequent turns.
but Skull was played with guaranteed outcomes and in a meta with very little weapon removal. Right now we have Zephrys being in 3 common meta decks (and a few others) as well as enough weapons all around to justify running ooz (or even Stickyfinger).
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
That was the main argument for why skull was "bad" first of all you can have this with another card on the same turn, medivh is so much weaker than this.
If they waste Zephyr's on a ooze instead of lethal you are fine as a control shaman, you shouldn't base your whole deck around this card, but it is powerful.
People rate every card the same way: if the card doesn't win you the game it sucks.. Even if you cast only 3 cost spells you get 3/3s you know what 3 3/3s for 4 mana is really good, think tempo not your "omg win with 1 card" ..
but you do base your deck around the card because there's no other reason to even play Control Shaman right now.
This only fits into a deck that doesn't currently exist, meaning said deck will have to be built around it. otherwise it won't work.
Finally, we aren't in a meta where you just play cards that are good value. We play cards that further our gameplan, and just throwing out random minions is not advancing anything.
It's not that the card is bad, it's that there'S so much better you can do for that amount of Mana.
It'S the same reason a card like Gral, the Shark or Captain Hooktusk doesn't see play. They're pretty good cards, but they're still way below what you can actually do with other cards in your deck, so they aren't run.....and I say this as someone who'S desperately trying to shoehorn them in Highlander Rogue
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
gral is too slow and it doesn't really work with most rogue decks that want to activate combos (and that's why they run mostly low mana cost/stats minions)
hooktusk is a fine card saw some play it's just weaker since DoD came out since you can do more powerful stuff.
not the same, since shaman can run quite a lot of spells (with spirit of the frog) it's a great card in big shaman where you didn't quite had a mid game plan, soit might fit that deck.. shaman also is looking for another deck that isn't galakround seeing how the deck got all it's core cards nerfed except galakround itself..
what I am saying is that not every card is the deck defining card you can try to fit this card for example on another shell like big shaman that exists since RoS and was back then a deck, with a card like this it might become viable again cause it will have a mid game play where it didn't had one before.
random legendaries can fight for the board, you hex something? and get a nozdurmu? or a glass knight? that's great! you don't have to play a 01 mana spell for this card to work.. this is what I am saying 4 mid to low size minions for 4 is really good, the game plan is not losing the board while you have so many big stuff in the late game, that's a decent game plan.
Looks a lot like medivhs weapon, really looking forward to play it.
Congrats everyone! Awesome 2019 moment from Pezman.
Thanks? Wrong thread, but I'll take the props!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Seems a little bit slow but for sure it will bring us some funny Trolden moments.
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
I like to point out that you can do something the turn its played, attack for 1. This could mean removing some big threat on the board.