First Time Legend with Big Peepee Druid
So I just cracked the Legend Barrier for the first time. Usually I don't bother because I don't wanna spend the effort only to get a bad losing streak and get stuck between ranks forever.....but apparently Embiggen Druid is so OP right now that I could just roll through most of my games.
It might just be one of the least counterable decks I have ever played. Sure, it depends on draw RNG a lot, but if it gets a good curve there's basically fuckall you can do to stop it.
So yeah, I guess I'll be enjoying my extra rewards at the end of the month and won't need to bother going for Rank 5 next season.
Also I'm gonna have as much fun as I can with Winged Guardian before it gets nerfed into oblivion. Turns out there'S a reason why Soggoth the Slitherer was statted the way he was.
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So I just cracked the Legend Barrier for the first time. Usually I don't bother because I don't wanna spend the effort only to get a bad losing streak and get stuck between ranks forever.....but apparently Embiggen Druid is so OP right now that I could just roll through most of my games.
It might just be one of the least counterable decks I have ever played. Sure, it depends on draw RNG a lot, but if it gets a good curve there's basically fuckall you can do to stop it.
So yeah, I guess I'll be enjoying my extra rewards at the end of the month and won't need to bother going for Rank 5 next season.
Also I'm gonna have as much fun as I can with Winged Guardian before it gets nerfed into oblivion. Turns out there'S a reason why Soggoth the Slitherer was statted the way he was.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
How'd you enjoy 90% of your matches being mirrors, cause this deck is literally the only thing I've seen the past few days.
Back to wild we go!
Surprisingly enough, I didn't run into the mirror as often as I thought I would. Still a lot of Hunters and Rogues out there, even though they don't stand a chance at all.
Even ran into one Holy Wrath Paladin who actually beat me. Guess that deck isn't all that bad when Rogue isn't as common.
Obviously the deck is pretty popular right now because it's finally a playable version of Embiggen. Either way, if Blizzard's recent policy is anything to go by we'll have hotifx nerfs at least by the time all the Adventure chapters are out.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I understand it being popular due to being a 'new' deck in the middle of the expansion, but that matchup spread on hsreplay looks ominous.
I tried token druid as that seems to be one of the only decent decks that's actually favored against it, but it didn't perform that well for me.
What's your track record against token druid, if you faced any?
I believe I only faced two and I beat them both, mainly by just piling on taunts that they had no way of getting through. If you can play on curve then token druids are no problem, since they essentially lose if they don't have Mulchmuncher by the time you drop the Winged Guardian.
On the other hand, if token druid gets the perfect curve you can't do much about it since they'll just rush your face and then Mulchmuncher the first taunt you play.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I haven't lost to Embiggen Druid yet playing Quest Hunter.
I've been running it, out of like 20 games I've only had like 2-3 mirror matches, I expect this to change over the next few days though. Deck is fun as hell.
Twitch for those of you who care.
As a Holy Wrath Paladin player I was finally able to climb to rank 5 due to the high amount of Druids on Ladder :p
I lost as Face Hunter once to Embiggen Druid, and that's when they got a +4 Zilliax on turn 7 when they were on 2 health. The increased stats don't matter a bit when everything gets more expensive.
I just did the same. I did see a lot of mirror matches on rank 1 though. Funnily enough, whenever I faced a Legend player, they ran Quest Druid. Apparently at Legend people get bored with Embiggen Druid.
By the way: in these mirror matches, Dragonmaw Poacher is OP.
I tried playing this deck for 10 orso games. How do you get Embiggen on turn 1? Opponents always seem to have it, but for me they are usually bottom 10. Seems like the most important card in most match-ups :/
During mulligan you only have to make sure Embiggen is in the top of your deck. How hard can it be? :) I have the same issue with these damn Mountain Giants.