Update: This is a Tavern Tier 4 Minion as seen in a video on the Korean Hearthstone YouTube account. Thanks to ddengkun for bringing this to our attention
In our datamining efforts of today's patch, we've uncovered a currently unreleased minion for Hearthstone's Battlegrounds.
Master Demonologist is a new Demon minion that is in the Battlegrounds category that interacts with Demons. Its effect is that it will increase in power (+1/+1 baseline, +2/+2 at golden) for every demon you summon.
The mana cost is not related to the Tavern Tier.
All Battlegrounds minions have costs internally so don't read into that too much.
Unfortunately for us, we're not sure what Tavern Tier the minion belongs to since client data doesn't seem to have one associated with it. This card may have slipped through the cracks and wasn't supposed to ship with the client update, sort of like the Tavern Brawl minion, Mogu Fleshshaper, that is marked as collectible and is causing some fun in-game. Or you know, that Mage hero Celeste we found not too long ago.
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Update: This is a Tier 4 minion according to this video. (See 6:50)
So since it says summon instead of play like wraith weaver does that mean imp summoner and void lord will power it up mid-battle? And I guess that also means it will grow in the tavern as well.
I'm convinced. Next xpac is Legion.
They've unleashed Dragons in BG's, and keep adding more demons setting us up for a Dragon vs. Demon show down to bring in the new year.
Please let this be true. I need a viable Illidan card in my life.
I'm not convinced it means anything. That artwork is just recycled TCG art, so they could've slapped that together very easily.
Given how the minion appears in the official Chinese trailer, it was probably intended for this update and cut late in development. I mean, we also got Imp Mama for some generic new Demon support. They may have just not wanted to add 19 minions at the same time, and keep the focus more on Dragons.
Granted, I was horribly wrong about the Year of the Dragon meaning nothing, but I still don't think this is any specific hint.
I'm 99.99% sure it's Legion theme based. I started thinking that when one of the Italian streamers that went to the HS summit last week said on Instagram "Personally, I think YOU ARE NOT PREPARED"
I'm trying to not get my hopes up so I'm not let down by the announcement... but I can just feel it in my bones that this is finally time for The Burning Legion to be unleashed upon the world of HS.
Chances are good Celeste is an elemental similar to Harbinger Celestia (who remembers this card, lol). Then again, since anything that's exclusive to hearthstone tend to have a softer look/tone, it might just be a little elemental girl with shining blue eyes, a wide smile, and a cute squeaky voice.
Are we sure the mage hero is not just Khadgar coming back to the store? I don't know the specifics of the data mine, so I figured I'd ask :)
100% certain it has nothing related to Khadgar. For them to release Khadgar in the store, it doesn't really require much effort on their part and certainly doesn't require new card data!
Celeste remains in the client with no new data in today's patch so we're still not certain what is up with her. It was one of the first things I looked into after we got up the initial articles
Celeste is probably the pre-order hero for the next expansion. Pre-order heroes are available right after the expansion announcement, which should be soon, so it'd make some sense for her data to appear ahead of schedule.
Some small part of my brain is hoping it's another Year hero like Lunara and Maiev (because I like free stuff), but I think that's unlikely.
Unfortunately, it still wouldn't make sense for this limited of data to appear ahead of schedule.
When a pre-order goes up, they have to patch the client. The client needs assets for the new set artwork, a music clip, and the packs themselves so they can actually make them show up. None of that is currently available which means it isn't just them flipping a switch. The few times they don't need to patch the client for a new product is when the product fully exists in the client. A good example of this would be a deal on a bunch of Hearthstone packs. Initially, they can sell that directly via Battle.net and the card packs would get added to your account "from outside the game" and then when they are ready to patch, they do so and it then can also appear in the in-game shop.
I think this was purely a mistake on their end to include her text data. That's the only part of her that we have. They'd have to also patch the client to make her image appear, her audio, and all the other little bits of data cards use to be cards.
Overall I think they have a bit of a crappy system for dealing with all that. It could definitely be made more efficient but I guess it isn't really that big of a deal.
Thank you for the quick reply! That's very exciting to hear. I wonder when we'll learn more about Celeste.
My suspicion is we'll hear something whenever the new year announcement comes out.
Or, maybe some really messed up and she isn't due for a long time. I just wish there were some WoW NPCs with the name Celeste and were Mages so we could at least try and figure out any connection to the new year or expansion - if it even exists.