Do You Copy? - Card Design Competition Discussion Thread
Submitted 5 years ago by
Competition Theme: Do You Copy?
For this competition, we're looking for you to create copying cards!
- Your card must create a copy (or copies) of one or more cards from somewhere in the game
- Either player's board, hand or deck are acceptable places to copy from
- Your card can add these copies to your hand, summon them directly to the board (minions), equip them (weapons) or cast them (spells, hero cards)
Welcome to the first competition theme decided upon by a competition winner! Shivershine won our first competition, and gave us this as their prompt.
As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.
Competition Phases
Here are the phases of this card design competition
- Submission Phase: Starts on Mon, Mar 2 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Sat, Mar 7 17:00 EST (GMT -0500)
- Voting Phase: Starts on Sat, Mar 7 17:00 EST (GMT -0500). Runs until Sun, Mar 8 16:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
- Finalist Phase: Starts on Sun, Mar 8 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400). Runs until Mon, Mar 9 17:00 EDT (GMT -0400)
- Winner Selected: After finalist voting concludes and we validate votes.
Discussion Thread Rules
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Competition Theme: Do You Copy?
For this competition, we're looking for you to create copying cards!
Welcome to the first competition theme decided upon by a competition winner! Shivershine won our first competition, and gave us this as their prompt.
As always, I can be reached through Discord or here on the site via PM if you have any issues to report.
Competition Phases
Here are the phases of this card design competition
Discussion Thread Rules
No thread rules were added to this season. Please populate and manually edit this thread with them.
Welcome to the site!
Might be too boring, but it's what I first thought of:
For the cost of a Truesilver Champion, you can pull a copy of one directly from your deck and summon it into your hands, Thor-style. Works even better if you pull an expensive weapon (Vinecleaver, Silver Sword, Val'anyr, etc.). I gave it to the Paladin because they seem the most likely to have a "conjure a weapon from out of nowhere" ability. Their weapons are also fairly reined in, as well, so there will be no 4-mana Gorehowl to the face.
A Rogue legendary that can copy enemy minions when it attacks them. I think it'd be pretty versatile, since early game it could get you minions for tempo and late game it could get you something big.
-Hordaki (rhymes with Mordecai)
Check out the Tactician custom class!
Would a card like this work? Still thinking of ideas.
edit - fyi I’m not done balancing this, these are just temporary numbers
I make bad custom Hearthstone cards sometimes.
I don't know, any card that can generate infinite face damage could be abused. There would need to be a bigger punishment to playing it than just replacing one of your cards.
-Hordaki (rhymes with Mordecai)
Check out the Tactician custom class!
When's the last time you saw anyone playing Headcrack? I still forget that it has new art on the rare occassion that it gets randomly generated. This card is definitely better than head crack, but the concept of 'infinite face damage card' isn't necessarily broken. It just needs the right numbers.
I like this a lot more than last weeks one. First couple of ideas:
As for feedback (please take with a pinch of salt, I'm not the best at judging!):
Linkblade91 - It does feel a little plain. Balanced though, Paladin doesn't really have weapons that feel horribly broken if you pull them for 4 mana.
Hordaki - Feels balanced enough, (would be strong with all the Lackeys in the current meta). Might be a little too close to Shaku, the Collector to stand out though.
thepowrofcheese - Balancing is definitely needed, as any aggressive Warlock deck would run this in it's current form. Personally, I feel that the concept will struggle to be balanced. It'll either feel oppressive, or not good enough, with very little (if any) middle ground. I'd like to see how you refine it though.
A review of what I'm seeing so far followed by my ROUGH idea for this week's card:
Linkblade (Summon Weapon): I love the art you've found for this card, it works well with the Paladin colour-scheme and suits the design. I think (4) mana is fair considering that Paladin doesn't generally want to overload its deck with weapons, and it's comparable in a way to Lightforged Zealot with more flexibility. The effect may be simple, but that belies its usefulness. Important to remember its a copy of your weapon, so you could still draw it later. So far, so good!
Hordaki (Kelina the Thief): Fun art (very CATS-esque). To me, in the current meta, this looks like a Lackey generator, although at (3) mana I don't think we'd see her played that often. Rogue has some attack buffs, but not many good ones, which means Kelina is a token-smasher at best. However, I still like the card design.
thepowerofcheese (the best power, of course, Incinerate): I agree with Zardoz that this card isn't broken. Yes, it's 5 damage to anything. But it also draws a potentially VERY useful card and replaces it with, well... Incinerate. Many opponents would be able to rush down a Warlock before it could deal 30+ damage with this, especially if drawn late. That said, I still think this card is strong. Perhaps 3/4 damage would be more appropriate?
shaveyou (no thanks, I'm clean-shaven, Faceless Interloper/Reformed Patron): Mr. Interloper is strong. Sure, your opponent gets A card. But you get 2. And you're a Priest, the more cards the better. Very strong, good stats, should perhaps cost more (5, 6 at most).Reformed Patron, I'm not too sure about. Flavour-wise I'm not getting strong vibes and I just can't see a 5-mana 3/3 neutral with no tribe being a useful target for your spells. It might find a home in some Paladin/Priest decks, but otherwise I'd go with the Faceless Interloper!
As for my idea:
What do you guys think? Should it be Legendary? Should it cost (4)? Should it even be a Shaman card? Is the 'only minion you control' constraint too much? I mostly went for that constraint considering he's a 'wandering/lone' Murloc, but I'm up for advice :)
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
The murloc scares me. Shaman have a bunch of strong spells, and RNG targets are less of a threat when only the Murloc is in the Shaman’s side. At the very least this should be a legendary.
Thanks guys for the Incinerate feedback. I was mostly testing to see if it fit the contest parameters. The numbers would be hard to balance, and it’s a divisive effect. Anyway, this was another idea I had that I’m liking a lot more.
I make bad custom Hearthstone cards sometimes.
Nice theme. Gotta put my thinking shoes on.
Okay, I'm gonna give a bunch of feedback on some peeps.
linkblade (Summon Weapons) - Kind of iffy on the balance side (regarding bigger weapons) but so far its a pretty cool and well-made card! It looks like a pretty good spell to get to use the value over-time of the more expensive Paladin weapons.
thepowrofcheese (Incinerate) - Not a fan of this. Its infinite-value damage to the face, and unlike Headcrack, this one does a pretty considerable amount of damage. I suggest reducing the damage to 4 and/or make it target only minions, its kinda scary ngl.
Dermostatic (Murloc Legendary)- Definetely a Shaman card, and a dangerous one. But considering the amount of Overload spells and the random targetting this could go lots of ways. I suggest increasing the cost to (5), as this is a pretty dangerous effect (not really sure myself on my balance suggestion tbh). Fortunally not on the same set as Eye of the Storm, because that on turn 4 would be absolute bonkers.
And...planned to join in into the Mech-y ambientation of Boomsday, you may want to use the small minion to kill a smol minion and get a copy of it. Or Magnetize something to this to get a bigger one, plus as another option, making it survive if you think you got more potential choices
"From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"
I just realized this card that I made a while ago actually fits perfectly.
(I just realized that I'm starting to use 250 as a size now thanks to these competitions)
Linkblade: A summon usually refers to some sort of sentient being, so "Summon Weapon" is a bit weird of a name, although it isn't technically incorrect grammatically. Love the effect, though I don't think Paladin has the large weapons in Standard to make this useful.
Hordaki: Really like it. Reminds me of Shaku, but it has a better-centered focus in my opinion.
Thepowrofcheese: Incinerate might be kinda dangerous, but I admit the design is pretty neat. I think Copycat is a much safer idea, and the pun is great.
Shaveyou: Reformed Patron is pretty hilarious, and it could be decently strong. Faceless Interloper is decent Thief Priest support (something that I would actually like to see some support for in the next expansion), giving your opponent a free draw is fairly steep, although a Thoughtsteal-like effect for a 1 mana 3/6 kinda makes that worth it.
Dermostatic: Gibblegill could probably be worded the same way as Night Prowler. Beyond that, it seems like you need quite a fair bit of setup to make this effect work well. It can undoubtedly work pretty well if you get it off though.
I had a conversation about this with my dad, and while "summon" is technically fine as you noted, the "proper" Dungeons & Dragons terminology would be to say that I'm "calling" the weapon to me. That's what Thor does when his weapon returns to him. So I renamed it:
As for the issue of its viability in Standard...that's why I slapped a custom watermark on it :P Pretend it came in a set with an expensive, cool weapon to use. I also thought about putting it in Kobolds & Catacombs, and might still do that.
Thank you everyone for your feedback regarding Summon/Call Weapon. Let me reciprocate:
Hordaki - I like it. Pretty straight-forward, and reined in by the 1-Attack. Keeps it from killing anything besides Lackeys (in the mirror, obviously lol).
shaveyou - I think the Faceless card is more interesting, although adding two copies seems very powerful. With the vanilla stats, I think you might need to reduce it to a single copy (or the reverse: reduce its stats). Wish you used a non-Classic watermark.
Dermostatic - Big spells for free - such as Eureka! or Eye of the Storm - is a scary thought. The other option is that you can spam board clears you've accumulated, knowing that you will only lose the Murloc in the process.
thepowrofcheese - I like Copycat: it seems flavorful and balanced. Could use a different watermark, though.
LarryMoments - My first thought when I saw the Squire was handbuff, although they've all left Standard by now. Magnetize works, of course, but there's a lot more set-up and luck of the draw involved in such a combo. All-in-all I think the idea is a bit on the difficult side, but could still see it working out in an enjoyable way.
Demonxz95 - Not a fan of the mirror-effect, being able to summon copies of enemy minions that were healed. Not sure if it's intentional or not, but it seems weird to me.
Mirroring is quite common among healing effects: Northshire Cleric, Lightwarden, Holy Champion, Shadowboxer, etc. I guess I was just trying to follow that design space.
Fair to say.
Copy priest is back! This makes your opponent think carefully about the order of their actions, as you can always steal the last spell they played, even if it was 3 turns ago.
I put Murozond in the art because of what the card from DoD does. But if anyone has a better idea for the art feel free to tell me.
I'll boop you
Anyone have any balancing thoughts on this?
I'm torn on doing Combo or Battlecry for the "Destroy a minion" part. I tried to make it around the same power level as Flik Skyshiv or Vilespine Slayer. Create another removal option for rogue that also creates value through it's deathrattle.
Also thinking the attack might need to go down to 4. With Stealth and 5 Attack, that almost guarantees it will remove a second minion. A small drop to 4 attack might be needed to tone down it's effect on the board a little bit. Thoughts?
Edit: I'm thinking if I keep it combo, it should stay at 5 attack. If I switch to battlecry, drop it to 4 attack.
Also... the more I think about this card, the more I really want to play with it. It has such a variety of applications, and rouge has some good deathrattle support cards that could create some really interesting turns. It might be too powerful at 6 mana... a bump to 7 might be needed.
I really like this personally. Has the potential to be devastating, and extremely annoying. Which I know priest loves being annoying! Very interesting effect with some fun outcomes.
Wow, what a start! I'm a noob, but here are my thoughts:
Linkblade91, "Call Weapon": This is the card to beat this week. It's balanced, it's useful, it's innovative, it has Thor flavor and how cool is your dad advicing you on D&D stuff? 5/5!
Hordaki, "Kelina, the Thief": I like it. Could get out of hands on curve with Plaguebringer but who's playing that anyway. 4/5
shaveyou, "Faceless Interloper" and "Reformed Patron": I prefer the patron. Nice flavor, cool idea. Maybe tune down the rarity to rare? I'm torn between 3 and 4/5.
Dermostatic, "Gibblegill the Wanderer": The wording seems a bit off. I would use Lone Champion for reference. Other than that, it's fine. 3/5
the powrofcheese, "Copycat": Nice and simple, invites to look for exploits. 4/5
LarryMoments, "Pneumatic Squire": I'm torn. I totally like the idea but it feels somewhat clunky adding the last mionion killed to your hand. What about adding a random enemy minion to your hand? That would tune down the powerlevel in case there were no enemies left, but you could compensate by giving it magnetic? 2/5 for now.
Demonxz95, "Alonsus Faol": I'm scared of this one. 7 mana let you heal at least one minion the turn this is played with your Hero Power. Then there are all the cheap spells priest could abuse this with, Circle of Healing being the biggest threat. I would feel a lot better if this was 9 mana and no classic card. 3/5
BasilAnguis, "Time Bend": Great card! I love Thief Priest and thi fits like a glove. 5/5
Xarkkal, "Sneaky Mimic": You're right, 4 attack would be better. I like the Combo, please keep it. I'm not sure if it's not too powerful, though. Maybe tune it town to a 1 mana, 1/1 copy? 3/5 for now.
I'm brooding over two ideas for my entry, just give me some more time to look up the art. I guess I'll show you both if that's okay. Cards for Wild expansions are okay, aren't they?
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Thanks for the feedback! I've been thinking of a 1/1 copy also. I feel the main reason for that is Leeroy, which is upsetting. But with all the 0-mana draw that rogue currently has, a 1 mana copy doesn't seem as bad. But that is also comparing apples and oranges, card draw vs. deathrattle card generation.
I'm torn, because it probably should be a 1/1 copy. But with the power creep DoD introduced...
A card disruptor, which can go infinite until one players stops to cast it.
Those are my ideas:
I wanted to create a corrupted version of Lorewalker Cho but couldn't come up with an alternative mechanic that involved copying spells. This one adds minions to the other players hand instead and can be used to irritate the opponent or for hand disruption. In WotoG, Warlock could combo this with Forbidden Ritual to clogg your opponents hand with useless tentacles, for example. The stats are a problem since I didn't want to go too far away from the original Cho but wasn't content with 0 attack either. The art is okayish I guess, I couldn't find a good corrupted Pandarian.
My second idea was to create something fun out of Yogg's insanity and the Thief Priest archetype. Assuming our opponent's spell are not entirely garbage and given the fact that we at the very least learn what cards they are running, this is quite powerful. That's why I tuned down the stats.
Please help me choose my card for this week and feel free to give feedback on both of them. I'm also curious where you guys get your art. I'm not really happy with what I used this week but couldn't find any better on - do you have other recommendations?
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
I think Yogg is the most powerful one gamewise. Casting however many spells just for 7 mana is insane! RNG sets it off a bit, but it works.
As for art, I just look it up. Pretty simple.
heres my concept dont know if this counts as a copy card
Copying away I see? Here are my own opinions.
linkblade91 - I like it! Great in wild with Val'anyr and useful too.
Hordaki - As someone who only plays Rogue, I love this card. Has survivability and a great effect.
thepowrofcheese - Combined with Scavenging Hyena, this is a powerful tool in any Beast Hunter deck.
shaveyou - I would go for the Faceless. Patron seems slow to me. Faceless gives your opponent an advantage with another card, but helps you much better with 2 copies with. And a 4 mana vanilla 3/6 seems good.
Dermostatic - I had the same idea, but for mage and for 8 mana. You beat me to the punch! Anyway, 4 mana is way to low for a card that can cast Shaman's big spells. Lift up the cost maybe?
LarryMoments- Seems weak to me, at least in standard. Wild, you buff this up, but we have little to nothing to do that here. Mechs that do have magnetic are relative small, with the exception of Wargear and Missile Launcher
Demonxz95 - Flooding the board sounds good, especially in Big Priest, where you can just heal all your [Hearthstone Card (Obsidian Statues) Not Found] or Ysera and fill it up with them. And that makes me afraid.
BasilAnguis - Fantastic card with everything a Priest needs!
Xarkkal - what anchorm4n said is my opinion
Alfi - I don't know what I think of this. On one hand, it hurts your opponent. The other, it hurts you too.
Anyway, all great entries.
Is it me or is this a harder theme than last weeks
Here are a couple of cards I already had that fit the theme. Let me know what you think.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! After some attempts at reworking Gibblegill (for example: changing it to a (6)-cost; changing the condition to 'If your deck has no duplicates') I decided to go with something completely different. I'm sure the wandering Murloc will be back at some point in a whole new form...
For now, this is my new idea, Bloodstealer Belen!
I think she's a little less flexible, slightly more interesting and has less potential to wildly swing games with a good hand of spells.
I'm not too sure which deck she would fit into, but I made her part of the K&C set to blend well with Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, Kobold Librarian, Vulgar Homunculus and the corresponding cards that make up the self-damaging Warlock archetype. What do you think?
As for the new cards I'm seeing, my thoughts are in the spoiler below.
thepowerofcheese (Copycat) - I think the card fits well into any Hunter deck, especially considering there are some strong Deathrattles Copycat could take advantage of. Fun name, fun art, fun card!
Larrymoments (Pneumatic Squire) - An adorable little mech for Paladin, uwu. I'm tempted to see this as a (2)-cost minion. It would be strong, and probably feature in many decks, but I still think it would be fair.
Demonxz (Alonsus Faol) - This is one cool card. I like the effect, it's unique and allows Priest to actually benefit from healing without being op. I think this could be a 6/6 and still be balanced. Good job!
BasilAnguis (Time Bend) - An interesting gimmick. A clever opponent could play around this whilst still being slightly unnerved by you potentially holding it. It fits into the 'Lazul' group of cards stylistically too, nice one.
Xarkkal (Sneaky Mimic) - I like that it is a Combo rather than a Battlcry, and I agree that the attack should be reduced to 3 to bring it in line with Vilespine Slayer. Otherwise, I really enjoy this card and can see myself playing it in just about any Rogue deck!
Alfi (Apothecary Berard) - This is waaay too gimmicky. No one wants to be the one to play a (6)-cost 4/4 with no extra effects. I think it's the kind of card that unfortunately makes games less fun rather than more interesting.
anchorm4n (Cho / Agent of Y-S) - Love the idea of a corrupted Lorewalker Cho. Can see some great highlights with this being randomly generated. It's certainly more playable than regular Cho, but not by much. That said, for sheer flavour the card is wonderful. Agent of Yogg-Saron is nuts! This might need to be 9/10 mana to be balanced whilst keeping the same stats. It's an interesting, well thought-out card though, much madness to be had… :D
descentofdragonsOP (Ooze) - Whilst I do think this can be considered a copy card, I don't think it lives up to its potential as 'everspreading'. Perhaps there's a way to convert your whole board into copies under a different condition?
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
I think it's more challenging because you have to somehow make 'copying' both useful AND original, considering there are so many in game already.
Started playing HS in May, 2015. The bad news: I missed the excitement of 'Naxx out?' and GvG. The good news: I never met an Undertaker.
Hello everyone.
I don't know if this would be really "good", and I think the text could be "Equip it and a copy to your deck" (Adding it to your hand could very much be overkill.)
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
KANSAS: I prefer Ritual of Rejuvenation. It might be a bit too strong for the cost, since you're guaranteed to discover something good. I don't like double discovers so no Eaveadrop for me, Hellrat is too weak because of board space maximum and no offense, but the spider is boring.
Dermostatic: I like this better than the murloc. There's lots of potential in there, great idea! Maybe Shivershine can try out his Mage idea now?
Fedrion: The concept is cool, but I think the weapon should be equipped. Otherwise it's a 6 mana do nothing.
Thanks for the review, Dermostatic! Are there more opinions on which to choose and/or how to improve them?
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Thank you for all the feedback on Sneaky Mimic.
I just had another idea of a direction I could take the deathrattle on it:
The deathrattle options I am debating:
Any thoughts/opinions on these 3 deathrattle options?
How about this one?
Make The Cow King an alternate Warrior skin plz
These are two of my current ideas. For Blazing Suspect, he copies your Hero Power and gives it every effect it had. It can copy effects like Ice Walker and Spirit of the Dragonhawk, but that is probably a bit complcated and may push me towards the Crook.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
Yeah... I thought the same.
The main problem I see with this is the chance of getting Gorehowl + Arcanite Reaper and being able to deal 12 face damage right away and a total of 36 damage in 3 turns... It's op as hell IMO.
Maybe change the cost to 8?
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Interesting idea, but I feel your opponent would just let their copy discard to keep you from getting anymore damage out of it.
It's Headcrack that depends on your opponent deciding if they want to try and race you at face damage.
I like the idea (though I personally would not use this card ever), and I like the artwork. I'd give it 3/5 as is.
Thoughts? The idea is kind of a tweak of Dirty Rat that has more utility than DR since you can hold the copy until the best time to play - either to disrupt a combo, or for your own card advantage if it isn't a combo minion.
Blazing Suspect would be too strong - veering very close to OTK territory (maybe that's not an issue for you but I've never been a fan).
2x Daring Fire-Eaters + 1 Clockwork Automaton gives you a 10-dmg HP, so then play two Suspects and there you have 20 dmg worth of spells for only 2 mana.
I like the Crook, but given that the only value would really be copying Lackeys (Rogue only has 3 1-mana minions atm), I might juice it up a bit and say "copy 1-mana minions and give them +1/+1")
My issue is the shuffle a copy - what would the copy cost? To your example, that weapon - if fused in all aspects including cost - would have a cost of 12 and thus be unplayable.
To the point about crazy face dmg, there are 35 weapons currently in Standard so even with Discover I think the likelihood of double-highroll would be low. You could also change it from Discover to just fuse 2 random weapons?
I like the option you have currently - the 1/1 thing I think would end up useless. How much do you see people play Jepetto Joybuzz or Anka, the Buried? And on the rare occasions someone does play it, its in some Combo deck they designed to work around those cards - you'd not have that control over your opponent's deck.
I have a question about watermarking your card.
Am i allowed to give my card ANY watermark (even ones that don‘t exist in HS) there are on hearthcards?
Any watermark is fine.
For the sake of realism, I would suggest trying to follow "continuity" in terms of non-launch keywords (for example, no using Discover on cards before LoE), although this isn't necessarily a rule. Any custom watermarks are also allowed at any time.
I like this a lot. Innovative, but easy to grasp. And great flavor, too (even if it's not typical HS style)!
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
That was my thoughts exactly. Plus the 1/1 that costs 1 isn't a very unique copy effect.
With this effect, Stealth starts to concern me. I like Stealth for the flavor, and to help protect the card for a turn for combo potential. But with Preparation, combos could be played the turn this is played already. Stealth could just create a case where Rogues are able to over-abuse 2-turns of deathrattle effects. I'm thinking of possibly a bump to 7-mana to keep the Stealth effect and to make doing combos on the turn it is played more difficult.
On a side note: I'm learning the joys of balancing a card with multiple effects. It's really interesting to think about how each effect can balance/counter balance another, and trying to find that sweet spot where a card is powerful, but not broken.
Ok, it's taking form.
The idea of discovering it's because I don't like the fact that almost everything is RNG, and having at least a little bit of control in the creation can avoid a lot of headaches.
I was thinking of the cost, and I feel that 6 is still a bit OP, but maybe adding the line "with half the stats" would balance it? Not really sure though.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
What about "Discover two Warrior weapons that cost 5 or less"...?
That would remove the troublesome Gorehowl from being an option, and allow you to drop the cost restriction on the new card that is created. This would force the player through discover to think about the cost of the card they are discovering, instead of just automatically grab the highest stats. I think it would make it more along the lines of Deathstalker Rexxar's hero power when it comes to combining 2 cards into 1.
Exactly what I was thinking about. Should solve all the issues and fits the current cost of the card, I think.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Oh crap! Yeah, "costs 5 or less" it's a necessity, I totally forgot about Sul'thraze, and that could be a trouble too.
The final card would be:
Any warrior deck could play it this way, without being a Dr. Boom MG staple like card.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
You have a new problem, one I foresaw as I watched the conversation unfold: your card has become too complicated. No card in Hearthstone goes beyond four lines of text, and yours has an "orphan" word/number on line 5. I fear this card is just too much trouble, in trying to avoid the problem cases while also remaining interesting + unique.
Yeah... I noticed that but I don't want to let it go, I always liked DS Rexxar fuse mechanic, and with weapons would be awesome (Little short on the options, but nonetheless.)
Maybe it should cost 4 mana, but:
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
Okay, I listened to the feedback, and tried to change it accordingly while still having it's original purpose in.
Also apparently I use 5 minutes of my time to fix this but I can't make another card for the competition in one hour, pretty sure my brain is completely devoid of potentially good ideas.
"From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins"
Some ninja updates went out earlier today for competitions based on prior feedback.
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Both great additions
Any thoughts on this? Is it even useful? I like the idea of copying the hero, getting to play with heros you might not have. It'd also change how thief rogue synergy stuff works. Something like Vendetta would now trigger it's own discount. Your discover effects would also change to your opponent's class.
Should I change it to 'Copy your opponent's class, Hero and Hero Power'? Or is that redundant?
Would probably be best to put it on a minion so it isn't a completely dead card in mirror matches. Besides that, I love the idea
Good point. I went with a spell because I wanted the flavor of your hero putting on a mask, not a minion. I'll take your criticism though, maybe there is some way I can make this spell useful in the mirror, with another effect of some kind. Maybe by making it 0 mana, it'd be an easy Auctioneer trigger? The effect is incredibly weak as it is (compare to renounce darkness and the card discount, which is another thing i considered)
Maybe make it summon a Wisp if you are already the same hero? Make it 0 mana so it's just a 0 mana summon a Wisp in mirror matches, or for the 2nd copy in the deck if you choose to run 2 of them.
Not sure the best way to word that... Something like "If your hero and hero power are the same, summon a 1/1 Wisp."
Bump. More feedback please?
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
How many times do we have to shout PRAISE YOGG at you before it sinks in?! :)
In seriousness though Thief Priest is a good archetype and that card would be both fun and useful. Think about how many people use Lorewalker Cho vs how many mages will throw out a Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron? Exactly. My only suggestions would be 1) lower the cost to 6 (7 is bit high even for something like that) and 2) make Legendary - I think having 2 could be too much. With Yogg or the puzzle box, the spells are random. With this you're pulling spells from the opponent's deck, so the chances of getting something terrible (or even non-useful) is much lower than purely random.
Thanks a lot! Name and rarity are the two things I felt most uncomfortable with, too. I think there's enough resemblance to Zerek, Master Cloner to make this a new iteration of him. Will think some more about the cost.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
I like the spider, I really want beast druid to be a thing. Do you think there is a way I could change it to make it more interesting? Or should I just submit Ritual of Rejuvenation?
Carrion, my wayward grub.
Hello all, first post on this site, looking for advice on balancing the following:
This post is discussing the wild format.
First of all: it's just my opinion, there surely are lots of people who like beast druid. If you want to make me play this card though, you could try and rise the power level: make the deathrattle summon two copies! I guess that would have to show in the rarity and the stats, but it would certainly make me wanna try it out.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
i like this card maybe lower the cost by 1 mana becuase mage doesnt have alot of good spells that cost more than 5 (yes i know about blizzard firestrike and puzzlebox exist)
First off! Welcome to OOC! And secondly welcome to the WCDC (Weekly Card Design Competition)!
I like your idea with this card. I would agree with what DescentOfDragonsOp said. A drop to 6-mana should be fine. Since the card doesn't reduce the cost of the cards, Mage will have a hard time playing all of the copies that are created. Because of this, 6-mana is more than acceptable. You will already be losing an entire turn of tempo just to copy all your big spells. I might even say 5-mana would be even better. I'm looking at Hunting Party which has a similar effect.
Thank you DescentOfDragonsOp and Xarkkal.
The higher mana cost was a holdover from when the card copied all spells, and I think that I agree with the cost reduction.
EDIT: Considering changing the name to a play on Hunting Party
This post is discussing the wild format.
Well besides the awful art any other changes I should do?
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
The most important thing is that you forgot to make it a spell
You also want to clarify the second line as "Deal double its ORIGINAL mana cost as damage to your hero." As written, you're dealing double the cost of 0, which is obviously 0 so no downside there.
Ok so better now? Forgive me forgetting to make it a spell I'm still pretty new to card making
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
Hello MenacingBagel,
Going off the syntax for adding copies of minions to hand, z.B. Seance, this card as it exists would be too wordy.
Spitballing from here:
To distinguish it more from seance/convert effects which seem to be priest only, I would suggest specifying friendly minions.
6-mana for a copy of a minion is quite awkward, assuming the goal is to use the card like a Zola the Gorgon, where it can be used to copy strong battlecries on the turn they are played. With an already harsh downside for targeting high cost minions, I would say that this could have its mana cost cut by a lot if you took out the cost reduction.
If you are more wedded to the 0-mana copy idea, I would recommend cutting out the damage downside just because it makes the card too wordy.
EDIT: Rescinding my first comment about syntax, hearthstone syntax on this (see Convert) actually seems to be quite lenient.
This post is discussing the wild format.
It's better, but I don't think "original" should be bolded. There are also some grammar, and HS syntax mistakes.
Trying wording it as "Add a 0-Cost copy of a minion to your hand. Take damage equal to double its original Cost."
Ok, I've adjusted the mana took the wording advice the art still sucks but oh well. I set it at 4 since seance costs 2 and Zola costs 3 but this gives a free copy that is compensated with the blood price
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
I like this card, but I think that you could get away with changing the damage to just the card's cost instead of double. Looking at Molten Reflection a 4-mana straight clone is fair.
This post is discussing the wild format.
True but molten is just a friendly on board clone while this allows for battlecries of all minions. I figured it should be higher total cost
Self proclaimed good at battlegrounds
I just realized that this would make it a beast-restricted Carnivorous Cube that doesn't kill the target... sounds frightening, but also very cool.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Considering changing the cost to 4 or 6 to avoid infinite loops with two of this card and Time Warp in hand.
Would this be too strong at 4?
This post is discussing the wild format.
Very good point about infinite loops. Though not sure how useful that would be. It's not really a win condition to copy big spells in your hand, and you still need the mana available to use all those big spells you are generating. Not to mention hand size also being a limiting factor.
I don't think this would be too strong at 4. Powerful, yes, but I think acceptable. Since it is only copying spells that cost 5 or more, you still need the mana available to use those spells.
Okay, this should be a final design:

This post is discussing the wild format.
There is still the infinite turn combo with Time Warp which just shouldn't be possible. As long as you have any minion on the field you will be able to kill your opponent.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
The reason that I decided to change the cost to 4 was to avoid creating infinite turns by making it unable to copy itself.
Am I missing something?
This post is discussing the wild format.
Oh yeah, I didn't notice that. Well played
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I see what he's saying. Time Warp itself costs (5). Even if you can't go infinite from copying Presence of Mind, you could still make 2 additional copies of Time Warp. Honestly I don't see this being anymore of a problem than Archmage Vargoth into Time Warp.
The issues with Time Warp and Mage in Wild are already something being "watched" by Blizzard. I'd say don't worry about Wild interactions too much.
Took me a while to think of something, but here it is.
Any broken interactions you can think of?
I think this card looks good, but feels very dependant on opponents controlling "taunt and deathrattle-y" big boards.
Maybe a smaller card that copies one minion's card text could feel more like a riff on Faceless Manipulator?
This post is discussing the wild format.
I'm afraid it doesn't fit the theme as the card should create copies of cards. Your idea seemed fun and flavorful though.
Thought of this one but got distracted and didn't submit in time. Thought I'd share it anyway. May not exactly fit the rules as it's not taking from hand, board, or deck, but I saw a few submissions while voting that took things from the graveyard as well. So I guess it would have worked... Oh well, next time! Good luck to all who submitted.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Oh that's a shame. Great card, insta inclusion to my Thief Priest in wild. 4 stars at least from my side.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
The “add a copy to your hand” isn’t necessary unless you were adding 2 copies. But I guess it would have to to fit the theme
I make bad custom Hearthstone cards sometimes.
Yeah, I wasn't really sure it fit anyway like I said. It copies from the graveyard instead of hands, board, or decks. I also thought of making it a "summon" instead, but I think Priest has enough summon big things tactics, though this one would be much less reliable as it's pulling dead enemy minions
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Good luck to our finalists :)
Unfortunately for me, anchorm4n's assessment of my card - being "the card to beat" this week - proved false, as I am not among the finalists. Guess it wasn't exciting enough for people :(
i dont like that this card is a finalist
its just because of the wording of the flavor text it shows an oversight of the cards design
it should be Battlecry: Your opponent draws a card. Add two copies of that card to your hand
nothing special but its just the little things
I agree, it's my least favourite of the finalists. When you get to that stage, little things like that really stand out. As written, the card makes no sense. Obviously you can intuit what it's meant to do, but on first reading it just sounds wrong
Welcome to the site!
Now @ShadowsOfSense do you guys determine WCDC finalists by what other people vote on that card or do mods have a final say in the competition finalist's
Haha wow!
Thank you very much everybody!
I don't know if being a finalist on my very first entry is super unusual, but I'm very grateful!
This post is discussing the wild format.
Not unusual! I won first time too.
no problem we just hope youll keep design cards for these competitions
In defence, I would argue the card to be copied is implicit. If it produced a copy of itself, it would be "add two copies of this", while nothing else is referenced. I could have used the wording suggested. which is arguably better, but there are examples in game where a subject is referenced once explicitly, and then a second time implicitly, which is what I've done here.
Edit: The more I look for examples, the more I'm convinced I was wrong. Oh well, learning experience.
Congratulations Shaveyou!
Next one is my theme from the treasure one. I think you guys will like this one better.
Considering you won, I guess it didn't matter to enough people in the end lol. Congratulations :)
Seems most people liked it actually
I'll boop you
I'm absolutely stunned. Thanks to those who voted!
Congratulations to shaveyou and everybody else who took part!
This post is discussing the wild format.
Oh man, missed the finalist voting phase, got too busy. Cool to see I made the finalists again with my fortune telling card, but glad I didn't win. the other cards were better and while I like the flavor of my card, I'm not sure it'd be fun to play with.
Congrats to shaveyou on winning!
Dont take this in a wrong way, but if you want to correct somone, you should do your research first. It should have actually been "... Add two copies of it to your hand." I only found a single card in the game that says "that card" and that is Far Sight. Also, card text != flavor text :)
Anyway, CG to shaveyou!
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Congrats to shaveyou! It was my second favourite card of the finalists. Didn't spot the text mistake either...
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
Why tf is this on recents
Make The Cow King an alternate Warrior skin plz
A stupid spambot chose this thread to make its presence known :/ It has been dealt with.