New Priest Minion - Skeletal Dragon
Submitted 4 years, 8 months ago by
A new Epic Priest Minion, Skeletal Dragon, has been revealed!
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A new Epic Priest Minion, Skeletal Dragon, has been revealed!
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Gonna be pretty hard to keep that alive for more than one turn, but hey, at least it's some sort of lategame value generator and the taunt gives it some immediate impact.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Very good and another fantastic minion for the Alexstraza pool. :)
Seems really good, and it having 4 attack makes it hard to remove in mirror matchups. Also because of it being 4 health it means it wont be removed by your own "Destroy all minions with 5 or more attack" board clear.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
I'm glad to see more Dragon stuff coming out. I feared there wasn't going to be a new Dragon for a while after DoD.
But... Forbidden Words
True, but still it's hard to remove if the opponent has not drawn it, or has already used them up.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Ah... so this is how we get back to infinite Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Love it, but will almost never see play. Too expensive.
Has taunt though. But at that point of time, you're either winning hard, or already lost as priest.
Dragon Priest still getting support?
wow, color me impressed, aight
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Never mind, Bone Drake just wanted attention.
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Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Probably not strong enough for constructed, but a great arena card.
I really like the card, but you need to make it cheaper. Nightscale Matriarch didn't see that much of a play, because of the cost. I really don't want this one to follow the footsteps of the matriarch.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
You keep a dragon in your hand, which is the most important thing in dragon decks.
It's a neat value generator, but I think that Priest gets enough random cards from Galakrond. Don't see it seeing much play outside of dedicated dragon decks, which I'm not sure will exist because they don't have a real win condition. Maybe Highlander Dragon Priest?
Would say good ress target but it gives you random stuff that might or not be desirable for ressing.. I think the card has a decent power level, but I am not sure yet how priest wins.. value is not really a win condition most of the time..
Decent stat for a taunt and this card generate value immediately, but i don't know if it's enough for standard. If Highlander prist will be a thing, this card can find a spot for sure in that deck
Compare it to Emerald Explorer. One more mana for one extra health and the potential to get more than one free dragon, but you don't get to choose the dragon. Not a great bargain. Not terrible though.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Yeah not as good as Emerald Explorer, but I still like it. I like Taunts and I like Dragons, so more of both is always welcomed.
nice dragon generator on the turn of play but i can't recall dragon priest deck being good anymore so it seems a bit weak in the current meta.
Taunt makes it playable. Could find a spot in dragon or Galakrond decks but won't break the game.
Doesn't really hold up compared to the rest of priest's big taunt suite from a "dragon-ness doesn't matter" perspective. Not really appropriate for resurrect decks due to random minion generation, but could see some play, if only because the rest of priest's dragon package is so good.
This post is discussing the wild format.
Good it got taunt, another support for dragon priest in standard is a welcome.
I don't like it. 7 mana it too much to only be playing a taunt minion. I don't expect you will get more than 1 random dragon off of this, and a single random dragon isn't worth the mana investment.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I think this might see play in a dragon priest deck. I'm glad to see they are still giving dragon priest some support, it has been my favorite priest archetype since TGT.
7-mana slot for dragon decks are always empty. This suits well for being a generator and a protector both.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Looks pretty great for value generation. With the lack of card draw, the card generation’s gonna be your best bet for staying in the game for too long
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Amazing arena card, with solid stats and high chance of generating other big threats.
While it is good support for Dragon Priest, I don't believe Dragon Priest itself will topple Quest Priest as the go to Priest deck. Doesn't change the fact that this is a decent card, I'm just not sure the archetype is good enough.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
Kind of weak. Sure, an extra dragon is always nice, but it is just a high valued target