New Priest Minion - Dragonmaw Overseer
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Rare Priest Minion, Dragonmaw Overseer, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Priest Minion, Dragonmaw Overseer, has been revealed!
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that's some weird artwork for a Priest card
still a good card, Tempo Priest is taking shape. You can also protect this with the new PW:Shield (if you actually run it)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
This art reminds me of Stormhammer, where it looks like a shaman card, sounds like a shaman card, but then was a hunter card. Except in this case, it looks like a warrior card, sounds like a warrior card but ends up as a priest card.
Aside from me hating this card for almost everything it stands for, it looks pretty fun and definitely shouldn't be slept on. Given the new 2 drop that priest got in its classic set, there's a chance a tempo focused priest deck sees the light of day. All that's really missing, in my opinion, is something to fill in the boots of Northshire Cleric, less in that it draws a ton of cards and more just that a 1/3 stat line that you can play on one. Sure the 1 mana 2/2 is strong and all but just for the sake of consistency some sticky minion that isn't dead weight on its own would be needed to push this style of deck into relevancy.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
I see they are really making an effort to promote minions based decks for Priests.
Stat lines are not impressive, but the effect should greatly compensate ; this should see play
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
HAHA! Yet another Card for the infamous Tempo-Priest!
... Which will be DoA, because Northshire Cleric rotates.
ArtStation | Twitter
Good in arena, probably bad in constructed. This could also be an addition to Battlegrounds in a future patch.
I always enjoyed using Shadow Ascendant. This is basically that, but with a better buff, and it only costs 1 more mana.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
People used shadow ascendant, so I think this will be used as well. Priest has ways to protect his minions and the effect is awesome.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
I hope the board-centric high health priest decks they are trying to push works.
If that plan succeeds I think this card will see play.
Someone mentioned Midrange Zoo'ish Priest. It might actually work out xd
zoo/aggro priest huh, interesting.
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
People talking about Shadow Ascendant and how good it was, and how much play it saw. Yeah, totally. What I'm also remembering is that in the Frozen Throne meta when Prince Keleseth was rampant, you had a super strong tempo priest that had to choose to run him, or great 2-drops like Shadow Ascendant, Netherspite Historian and Faerie Dragon. I might try this out in wild with Keleseth.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
If a tempo zoo-style priest exists, it will be because of this card. However, I think the HoF of Northshire Cleric has forever ruined the chance of that deck being any kind of viable.
Maybe zoo-dragon priest the priest cards this expansion are weird it's a totally different direction.
weird card for priest. Good card and effect on paper...but why in priest? I understand that Blizz want Priest play with/around the board, but it's not very synergistic with other cards
Will a better Shadow Ascendant be played for 1 more mana? A 3/2/2 is a lot to ask for, ignoring the effect for a moment. A lot harder to abuse without Northshire Cleric, but then again that's what Wild is for.
buffed version of shadow ascendant. if they stay on the board it will be quite troublesome to remove them.
Two Shadow Ascendants taped together is not super impressive, but maybe in a fast draw based deck that tries to divine spirit inner fire for lethal fairly fast could want this? I've seen those decks run ascendant before so maybe this sees play there, but I can't see this going in too many decks in general.
This post is discussing the wild format.
If tempo Priest works, this card will be in it.
What a nice caring orc that is!
Maybe will not live for another turn, but overall is great.
A nice tool for a zoo type priest deck, though I am not entirely sure how powerful this is.
On one hand, Shadow Ascendant was a powerful enough card, and now we have more support for that archetype.
But on the other hand, it comes out 1 turn later, which matters a lot in the early game. I wouldn't expect this to survive more than a single turn. And if you only get one proc out of this, is it worth it?
Carrion, my wayward grub.
The 2 mana 2/2 that gave +1/+1 saw play, but this is a little slower with a worse stat line.
I wish we have Drakkari Enchanter in standard.
But hey, Wild cards weren't deleted, were they ? :)
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
The smaller version of this saw play I think, so this one probably could see a decent amount of play too
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Strong card in arena, but likely not to shine as much in constructed.
Shadow Ascendant was just so much better than this. Sure, the buff is bigger, but a 2 mana 2/2 is so much more relevant tempo wise.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
At the end of your turn? I sense some wild decks, that have potential, even in standard this is good unchecked