Animal companions: how strong are they?
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
This is just a thought but why are the animal companions only called forth with specific cards( animal companion, call of the wild, To my side ) ?
Is it simply flavour -references to WoW spells or are they really strong?
Thinking for example of cards like Stonehill Defender -
- Priests get Obsidian Statue and Grave Horror
- Paladins get Tirion Fordring or tons of other good options
- Warlocks get Voidlord and other synergistic demons
Would a hunter getting Misha be comparable?
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This is just a thought but why are the animal companions only called forth with specific cards( animal companion, call of the wild, To my side ) ?
Is it simply flavour -references to WoW spells or are they really strong?
Thinking for example of cards like Stonehill Defender -
Would a hunter getting Misha be comparable?
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!
Stonehill Defender puts a strong minion in your HAND, Animal Companion puts a solid minion on the BOARD.
The former generates Value, the latter generates Tempo.
It's completely different, not even comparable tbh.
And yes, Companion is strong, since the stats it puts on board are slightly above the curve.
The minions are over-statted for 3-cost, so the randomness of the summon offsets that.
Comparisons: Leokk compared to Warhorse Trainer <-- only buffs recruits
Huffer compared to Wolfrider
Misha compared to Ironfur Grizzly
That's interesting.. so a 2- mana "add a random animal companion to your hand" would probably see play then
Also means some kinda thematic spell hunter based around the companions may work..
The Stonehill was just an example of cards that would bring class cards more often so would get value from companions shifting pools.
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!
I think at 1 mana it might see play, and that's primarily because of Zul'jin. At 2 mana, I don't. Essentially, you'd be paying 5 mana for a card that is worth only about 3.5.
Animal companion is really strong in hunter as it is. Getting the companions in your hand from card generation would be definitely worse, I don't think it would even see play.
Companions excel in midrangey/aggro decks that thirst for tempo, not value. You'd want to close the game as fast as possible, moreover as overstatted as they may be in the end game their power is considerably lower.
Yes but you would pay that 5 mana over two turns which still allows you to have an overstatted card out on turn 3.
Chaos, Panic, and Disorder, My work here is done.
Welcome to the thunder-dome bitch!
Plus, unless it's Leokk (poor guy), you're guaranteed a beast that immediately impacts the board so a good target for Dire Frenzy or even Hunting Party if you feel meme-y.
I'd be fine with a way to get companions in hand or a card that somehow makes them more relevant.
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!
To answer the OP, they are VERY strong, and that power is mitigated only by the fact that (normally) you can't chose which one you get. So in a situation where you really need that charge, you might get something else, which is what makes Animal Companion fair. I think we saw what happens when the randomness is removed: Call of the Wild had to be nerfed, To My Side! was laughed at upon release, but ended up being a really strong card.
Communism is just a red herring
The Animal Companions are very strong. Besides what other people in this thread have already said, their beast-tag is very relevant in Hunter. It's less relevant now since Master's Call, but before that the best midrange curve would have Animal Companion on 3 followed by Houndmaster. Nowadays, getting Dire Frenzy on a Huffer can easily win you the game. The card is balanced around being random, since a 4 mana "Discover and summon an Animal Companion" would see play.
Isn't there a single player Boss whose hero power is a 4-mana Animal Companion? I seem to recall that even by turn 4, the minions are pretty strong.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
Oh I didn't know Call of the Wild was nerfed .. wasn't playing yet.. that answers that I guess..
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!
^It's 5 mana summon two random Animal Companions, actually.
To answer OP's question, 2 mana: add an animal companion to your hand would be an atrocious card, strictly worse than regular animal companion. Yes, you get to see what's in the box before you play your comp, and yes that sometimes might allow you to *not* play it on 3 if the situation doesn't align with your beasty buddy, but is that really worth two mana and a full turn of development? Hell no.
HS is fundamentally a tempo game; it's about generating the most stats on board for the least amount of mana. Paying 5 mana for 3.5 mana worth of stats is a raw deal, even when you throw in the option to split the mana cost over two turns.
Having played mainly with common standard and classic cards for so long, I'm always surprised at their stats. Especially Misha, to the point of misplaying because I forget it is a 4/4 and not a 3/3.
I think a 4 mana version that had something like "if you control a beast, chose 1 from 2 companions" might be playable?