New Demon Hunter Minion - Kayn Sunfury
Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by
A new Legendary Demon Hunter Minion, Kayn Sunfury, has been revealed!
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A new Legendary Demon Hunter Minion, Kayn Sunfury, has been revealed!
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Why did they print this
4 mana 3/5 Charge by itself is already pretty good. The ability is just insane.
It's comparable to Kor'kron Elite with weaker stats but a very powerfull added ability. Good card for SMOrc decks
Just... Why?
Charge is a problem, don't feed It.
By The Holy Light!
Thanks blizz! Love it!
I should have known that there was a Hook to HoF-ing Leeroy Jenkins!
ArtStation | Twitter
Well, that sure is beautifully thematic. I hate it.
You can look forward to seeing this card being randomly discovered on Trolden.
Better call Thrall!
I have been wanting a charge card for a long time, I am not disappointed.
Any card that both deals reliable damage and puts a body on the field has potential. And the ability to bypass taunts makes this card even more interesting. I think this card will be played just for being a decent minion, but it will occasionally win you the game.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I'm honestly not even mad this exists.
If you look at the design philosophy for DH, it's very clear that one of their main weakness is dealing with big minions efficiently (and also being vulnerable to taking face damage)
This is basically the main buildaround finisher that allows them to actually beat their opponents and not be immediately cucked by an instant taunt wall that they couldn't possibly get past in any capacity (I honestly don't see how they'd get past something like a buffed up Tomb Warden without losing the game shortly afterwards)
Sure, this might end up pretty op if DH can build an efficient sm0rc deck, but in that case I'M sure we'll see a swift nerfhammer.
This card would be broken for any other class, but with DH I think it's a part of their core identity...and if that ends up being cancer...well if we survived Shaman, we'll get through this.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Nice. Desert hare into this. Shaman op
This is a cool card and seems well designed honestly. At 4 mana it only pushes 3 damage on its own, so you have to have lethal -3 already on board/in hand burst. It adds more board tension for whoever you're against. Midrange decks have to think about just slamming a taunt and racing, control decks have to think about how much power they've leaving up if they don't clear. Sometimes you try to drop a taunt to get them to build the board more before you blow it up with AOE, this makes them think twice.
quest druid for example like to hidden oasis + 3/5 taunty boys which often locks aggro decks out of the game. This can make that pretty sketchy.
Since all we can do right now is guess, I can see this being OP. The guaranteed 3 face damage is of minimal importance compared to what you can do if you've built a board. And DH looks like a class that can deal a lot of face damage early.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
The finisher a DH needs to win. This card can make DH a lot more powerful and dominant. Maybe even to a point where they would need a nerf.
Time will tell, I guess. But this dude has one pretty powerful effect.
But yet again, I am happy they have printed something "out of the box".
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
Best legendary of the set and top candidate to hope for a golden version or if you can craft it golden. I’ll be digging deep and doing it I think. Dust a few useless rotating legendaries for it if necessary
In the vast majority of cases, this is basically a Spellbreaker that can deal 3 direct damage.
Worse against deathrattles and auras, better against multiple taunts.
Definitely good ofc, but not as broken as people think (unless you consider Spellbreaker broken).
I honestly rather dig this card. It's nice and indicative of DH's design philosophy, and shows that Blizz kinda knows where they're going without being too obvious. The card itself isn't universally outstanding, but it's generally good and is always welcome, which I think are the best kind of Legendary
“Golly bob howdy, I am undead!” - Wretched Tiller
This is going to be good :
"Armor and heals may slow my zeal, but fel and glaives excite me!"
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
People comparing this to Spellbreaker: Spellbreaker does not charge, and it only hits one target. Kayn brings all his friends right to the face regardless of how many taunts there are. No, he can't get rid of powerful deathrattles, but you would probably only play him when it means lethal anyway.
I'll be very curious to see how this guy plays.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
"Ignore Taunt"? Oh my!!!
Now we see one of the core cards for DH! This card breaks 2 rules at the same time - it has charge and ignores taunts. It's very strong, but we should expect Demon Hunter and his cards to be be that strong at the launch.
I like this, if only because of how much it punishes the various different Rez/Big Priests that like to rely on big taunts to overrun the board and shut down the game.
Even a 3/5 with rush for 4 mana would be great. It's nice to see some experimentations with old mechanics. Sad that Leeroy had to die for this though...
(insert SMOrc song here)
The wet dream of all SMOrc decks. Must craft for any DH deck.
Demon Hunter? Nope
Face Hunter? Yup
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
No 6 health from Khartut Defender for you
*Goes Dormant
That's an annoying card.
It's hard to predict what illdan's playstyle is, but this card will be the reason to play smorc archetype, you have so many card draws too.
good lord, Blizzard hates the $#!+ out of control
Rage quitting: the best way to ensure your opponent knows they beat a giant baby.
Love it. Will probably be my single legendary craft for the set.
The face plays taunt?
me still go face!
Very cool to see Charge printed on a card after so long. This card is going to piss a lot of people off.
The cost for this minion is fair but the effect is quite scary against wall decks. It makes Black Knight and silence cards seem obsolete. But As far as the current meta only taunt decks i see are Rez Priest and Embi Druid so we'll see what kind of new taunt meta will show. Regardless, during the initial DH hype, NO ONE will dare to play taunt.
Hard-counters Fire Plume's Heart lol...but I guess I'm the only one running that deck nowadays.
Obviously very strong, allowing for unexpected burst through taunts. Even just dropping this on 4 and valuetrading for it will be good. Expect to see this in every single Demon Hunter list for the coming 2 years.
I can kind of see what’s going on here. I had assumed that charge was gradually going away, being relegated to weak basic and classic cards only useful in niche decks. But it looks like they want charge to be a rare and useful thing—not all classes will get it, but for those few, it’ll let them shore up some big weakness.
Still, wouldn’t be astounded if this card ends up being broken in actual play. I’m guessing DH gets a lot of tweaking over its first year.
This seems super broken, and a possible candidate for quick nerf.. Let's hope they have tested it enough.
4 mana for only three damage probably means that this is worse than Consume Magic
This post is discussing the wild format.
it's a strong card but not on it's own.
without a strong board to take use of it's ability or a hero with a high attack it's a 4 mana Lightning bolt on a body.
It's obviously a finisher but Demon Hunter will need to rely on having minions stick to the board long enough for this guy to be effective, and I can't see them swarming the field and they're minions aren't that healthy
One of the best card of this set. He have an unique ability and we are going to see in all DH deck
This was probably the first card I saw that was an auto-craft for me outside of Metamorphosis. Insane! I was thinking they might eventually give us an ignore taunt type of keyword, but a general effect for your entire board? Definitely only allowable on a one of legendary. Also glad it's not a neutral.
Quick! Someone give me something clever to write here.
Play Stealth/Burglar rogue, Get this. Ignore your enemy's hopes.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
I find it strange that they would make this after introducing rush to combat toxic charge decks. Still gonna craft it though. Cool art and unfair wins are still wins.
Extremely powerful card - I gave it 5 stars cuz I hate it - they should not have printed this - now DH does not need to run a silencer in their deck. What is bad is that it will pass all taunts, even taunts with divine shield or reborn :| not ok
Leeroy got a new best friend. I see some nerfs incomming.
Powerful finisher at a reasonable cost. Can also kill important minion behind taunts. Overall 5/5.
What an age to live in! To see a new Charge Minion being printed.
This card is sick, easy instacraft target. This card is just never bad, I cant wait to fish for it with my rogue burgle cards!
This is good. And scary. It's exactly what Illidan needs for the last push to your face and I will curse this card many, many times starting April 7.
Wow - one of the strongest cards this expansion!
Challenge me ... when you're ready to duel a god!
I though Blizz was no longer printing charge Minions, but they made It.... This card seems really good. You might think about it as a charge minion that silince all enemy taunts. Great finisher
I'm quite happy to see the return of Charge, hopefully in a manageable format this time around. I've never liked the idea of a keyword just becoming completely extinct. The idea of avoiding Taunt is something I'm looking forwards to a lot as well, mainly because of Convincing Infiltrator, lol. I hate that card so much.
Official Lorekeeper and Spinner of Tavern Tales
5/5 this card is soooo powerful, it is just insane. Charge is op, and not caring about taunts is too!
First charge since KoFT!
probably the most innovative card in the set
I can't wait to play this!
Wouldn’t be surprised if this got nerfed at some point, autoinclude in any aggressive decks since most of the time taunts are how a slow deck stalls for time
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
So this card would fall in line with Blizzard's previous sentiment of not adding new classes to the game. At this point, we don't know what Blizzard is capable of, it's scary and exciting at the same time!
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
Uh... no, even the worst case scenario is WAY better than that: your Hero can also ignore taunts. So even without any other minions on your side, it's 3 attack PLUS whatever Hero attack you can cobble together from weapons, the Hero Power, and other attack-buff cards.
This is also what Spellbreaker does (except 3 damage ofc).
If you silence taunt, anything else can also bypass it.
The only case where Kayn is superior is against multiple taunt minions. Which is pretty uncommon nowadays.
Obviously, with spellbreaker HoFed, Kayn shines more.
But then a more versatile and equally costed legendary arises: Maiev Shadowsong.
A really good finisher if anything. Will probably see play more in aggressive Demon Hunter decks than in slower archetypes.
For glory, honor, and gold!
A great aggressive finisher, but also decent as a 3/5 on turn 4 to push 3 damage face. A card that has aggressive uses at any stage of the game is sure to be a staple for aggro Demon Hunter.
For glory, honor, and gold!
I'm not prepared for this
Xbox gamertag - Psymonjet
This is a mandatory card in aggro DH, but overall it fits nicely to all dh archetypes except control.
5 star card that is not too fancy but certainly gets the job done.
Face is the place!
Something that seems somewhat overlooked is the fact it has 5 Health, meaning it's a pretty beefy guy to take out. That gives him more appeal over just a aggro finisher as it has a chance to survive being slapped on an empty board on turn 4.
Rating cards on coolness factor rather than predicting power because I like screwing up rating averages (and because I suck at predicting real power levels, but we'll ignore that LUL)
Wins per class (2/6/22): DH-197; Druid-996; Hunter-91«60; Mage-1056; Paladin-1126; Priest-746; Rogue-961; Shaman-1095; Warlock-871; Warrior-906
My favorite part of each new expansion is also to see wich new minions are we going to celebrate getting from random effects like evolve. :
Some people say it's not that good. I disagree, it's a VERY good card. You could say it "silences" all taunts + it has charge.
I never apologize… I’m sorry but that’s the way I am.
It's not overpowered if the entire archetype live or die by it.