I'm bored. It's summer. Anyone has any ideas for games for me to play?
Submitted 5 years, 6 months ago by
Waiting around for my DnD group to play Divinity 2 with me. Everyone is still doing exams except me, so I have to entertain myself somehow.
It can be a CCG if you want, or anything else that strikes your fancy. My one nitpick is not wanting to play shooters in general. I don't mind single-player games.
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Waiting around for my DnD group to play Divinity 2 with me. Everyone is still doing exams except me, so I have to entertain myself somehow.
It can be a CCG if you want, or anything else that strikes your fancy. My one nitpick is not wanting to play shooters in general. I don't mind single-player games.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
I'm currently playing MTG:A and Fran Bow.
If you're looking simply for entertainment and haven't seen it yet, I can't recommend Critical Role highly enough.
worst community ever
Thanks! I'll give it a shot. Looks fun!
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
If you like traditional Tabletop RPG's and Divinity, I would recommend Pathfinder: Kingmaker
It's a video game inspired by a Pathfinder campaign, and is a blast to play
(I linked to their website above)
Ooh. Looks like it is up my alley. Between Critical Role and Pathfinder I should have plenty to do. Thanks, lads.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
If you're up for platforming, play Hollow Knight. It was a bit harder than I would have liked, but it's an awesome large and detailed world to explore. And it's absurdly cheap compared to the amount of content in the game.
If you want to kill a lot of time, Stellaris might be an option. It can be a role-playing game of sorts, making a weird alien race and deciding how they react to what happens around them. It's a very slow game though and a lot of the actual game play is not waging war but balancing your economy, so maybe first check a video to see if it appeals to you.
Hollow Knight is amazing; if you like Metroidvanias, I can't recommend highly enough.
Baldur's Gate the Complete Saga, so you'll be ready for when Baldur's Gate 3 will be gifted to us mortals.
Or Hollow Knight to get ready to Silksong's release.
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?"
Oh, I definitely agree on Hollow Knight being amazing. Unfortunately for me, I've already played it. Stellaris, on the other hand... I'll look into it
Edit: And I am a big fan of Paradox as a rule
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
If you like metroidvanias, why don't you try Ori and the Blind Forest ? It's a really charming game with quite simple, but emotional story. It doesn't focus as much on fighting as Hollow Knight, but if you enjoy platforming, then here you are :)
Hollow knight and Ori and the Blind Forest and both amazing games, loved every moment of both.
If you like games like these I also will recommend to try Dead Cells. It's the best game I played this year! Very time you die (you die alot in the beginning) the levels and weapon you find will chance, witch gives a new experience everytime you play.
Enjoy the summer friends!
I’m currently in love with Magic: Arena (try at least the new player experience
I love both Hallow Knight and Ori are both kick ass games worth playing.
If you're getting a hankering for something more tactical I am playing Total War Three Kingdoms right now and am having a lot of fun.
If you want a CCG that throws loads of free stuff at you in the first week or so, try out Eternal, by Dire Wolf Digital. It's downloadable for free on Steam, or you can get it on Google Play. I think it's also on IOS.
Plays a lot like Magic: the Gathering, but with much better visuals than MtGA.
I used to play Eternal. But then they nerfed Armory and my experience since then, whenever I go back, has been related to trying and failing to revive it. It has been a while though. Maybe I'll try again this year.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
And for something completely different Rush Rally 3
I'm not online
it's just your imagination
Dark souls and getting over it with Bennett Foddy are my favourites, rather hard but feelsgoodman when you beat them
Reno Jackson
My faves!
You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet
I think there are some versions of armory these days ... but there are versions of almost anything you can think of. It's very diverse, lots of powerful things to do
Darkest Dungeon, if you like turn-based role playing games.
The Auto chess official is on mobile - no need to grind, very fast paced and thought intensive
I like the suspense game or something that has a trill? Haha
I am enjoying Diablo 3 seasonal heroes especially nice to lose some frustration after a bad loss in HS :)
Try the Dota underlords beta. It's basically Valve's official dota autochess game and it's shaping up rather nicely.
I've spend atleast 150 hours in Enter the Gungeon, you should definetly check it out if you like Rogue-lites.
This thread is nearly a year old...
Is some bot bumping threads and then removing its message?
I've also noticed this after posting it, but I found this thread in the "Recent Threads" category and (obviosly) didn't checked how old the latest post was.
Bot is obviously not removing the posts, we are :) But yes, it was necro'ed by a bot. Feel free to suggest games to play to other ppl in general if you want, tho Morkimus probably isnt going to need it no more :)
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Yeah that's what I meant haha. Is there a check in place that prevents notifications from old threads? Cause neither your nor Suchti's reply appeared in my notifications.
Either way, I can fully recommend Risk of Rain 2 to anyone who's into PvE shooters/roguelikes. Game is nearing its release and is already tons of fun (even more so with friends). It's cheap too.
No, but notifications are sometimes messed up, so yeah.
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Well, summer is coming again. So, I might be needing this thread again quite soon.
Psst! Hey, you want to play a couple of fun (albeit pointless) gamebooks? Become a king here, and a babysitter here.
Roll20 almost always has people looking for players...
Some games that I have been playing a ton of recently have been Terraria, both vanilla and modded now that mod client is official DLC, Tales of the Deck, MTG:A, and Full Metal Furies. For a quick rundown of each of the games...
Terraria is a 2D sandbox game that is similar to Minecraft, but a lot more focused on fighting bosses and exploration. Its hands down one of my favorite games of all time and it just got its final update a couple of weeks ago after being worked on since 2011. It can be a bit confusing if you've never played it before but its the type of game you can get lost in, in a good way. It also has a fairly active modding scene where there are mods that redefine the entire game, which is pretty nice.
Tales of the Deck is a cute singleplayer card game where you construct an 18 card deck consisting of three different classes, then taking the decks you've designed to clear several waves of enemies. Its a bit content dry after you've played it for a while since there's no long term goal/progression, but if you like deckbuilding its pretty fun.
MTG:A is just Magic online, not much else to say about it. Its called cardboard crack for a reason and being able to afford it more easily without shelling out 100+ dollars to get viable decks is always pretty nice.
Full Metal Furies is more modern version of Castle Crashers, providing a more in-depth combat system and is incredibly satisfying to pull off combos in it. It works well with steam's online local coop as well which is pretty nice.
Hopefully one of these games is something you'd be interested in trying out since all of them are really fun. If you aren't, I hope you can find something that does fit you well.
Cardboard wizard and dog haver.
I'm on holidays for a week starting tomorrow and have been thinking about digging up some good old stuff like Portal 2 or Total Overdose. I usually play PS 4 or mobile, so could one of you tell me where to get those games? Portal 2 could be available via steam, but the other one's difficult I guess... especially since I don't want to wait for an ebay delivery ;-)
Also: The cake is a lie. Thanks Flux :D
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres, hpmor.com
I'd cast a vote for Phantasy Star Online 2 if you're up for an MMO. I never played on the JP servers and have been really digging it.