Dragon-Combo Shaman

Last updated 5 years ago by
  • Theorycraft

Hey look, a way to discount Malygos. Hey look, more spell damage dragons. Let's point some damage upstairs shall we.

So we are running a handful of cards that generate spells in shaman because we want to be holding as much burn as possible for when we drop our spell damage and burn out the opponent across the board from us. Jepetto Joybuzz can drop our dragons to one mana with some luck, Frizz Kindleroost can do a bit of work and give us two bonus mana for spells, and good 'ol Far Sight always has a chance. Shudderwock can be Jepetto #2 if you missed, or if you've played Frizz once this game he could even reduce Squallhunter to a zero mana minion. 


Generate burn, discount dragons, play everything in one turn. Simple as that.


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