I'm back, what did I miss?
So about 2 months ago I just kinda short-circuited and uninstalled Hearthstone for the first time in years (which I assume all of you have noticed seeing how I was clearly the most illustrious personality on this site and my sudden absence must have been considered a national tragedy comparable to the Hindenburg disaster).
Surprisingly enough during that whole time I didn't actually miss Hearthstone at all. It was an incredibly freeing experience and I would honestly recommend it to anyone who feels burnt out with the game. Losing a few months of gold/cards really isn't that bad now that you easily get all your rares and commons within the first 30 packs of a new expansions anyways.
Spent my time catching up with League again, but now that has lost its appeal again and since the new expansion is just around the corner (and I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to cash in on the nerf refunds) I decided to check back in.
Now obviously I'm not completely out of the loop, but I thought it would be fun to let you people give me a TL;DR of the last two months, just so I can get into the spirit of losing my sanity once I realize why I quit in the first place.
Also, if you wanna hear a funny anecdote: I quit just before the Priestess of Fury nerfs hit so despite holding on to my extra copies because I knew it would get hit eventually I still didn't manage to actually cash in on the extra dust...and the funny thing is I don't even really care anymore. i realized I was way too focused on trying to maximize ressources when I barely even used them. I'm really going to try and focus on just building fun decks now and probably only play every other day for fun and quests while I let my absurdly large dustbin and draconic dusting policy carry me through the expansions.
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So about 2 months ago I just kinda short-circuited and uninstalled Hearthstone for the first time in years (which I assume all of you have noticed seeing how I was clearly the most illustrious personality on this site and my sudden absence must have been considered a national tragedy comparable to the Hindenburg disaster).
Surprisingly enough during that whole time I didn't actually miss Hearthstone at all. It was an incredibly freeing experience and I would honestly recommend it to anyone who feels burnt out with the game. Losing a few months of gold/cards really isn't that bad now that you easily get all your rares and commons within the first 30 packs of a new expansions anyways.
Spent my time catching up with League again, but now that has lost its appeal again and since the new expansion is just around the corner (and I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to cash in on the nerf refunds) I decided to check back in.
Now obviously I'm not completely out of the loop, but I thought it would be fun to let you people give me a TL;DR of the last two months, just so I can get into the spirit of losing my sanity once I realize why I quit in the first place.
Also, if you wanna hear a funny anecdote: I quit just before the Priestess of Fury nerfs hit so despite holding on to my extra copies because I knew it would get hit eventually I still didn't manage to actually cash in on the extra dust...and the funny thing is I don't even really care anymore. i realized I was way too focused on trying to maximize ressources when I barely even used them. I'm really going to try and focus on just building fun decks now and probably only play every other day for fun and quests while I let my absurdly large dustbin and draconic dusting policy carry me through the expansions.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
The only thing you really missed was the Felfire Festival of Music and VENGANCE!(you should atleast watch the trailer, it's awesome)
the event lasted 4 weeks with weekly content and legendary quests. Week 1 had a giant battlegrounds patch that introduced Pirates, in week 2 they released the Ashes of outland Story mode(was ok, nothing outstanding), week 3 brought us the heroic mode (with original bosses not just improved ones) aswell as a new brawl and week 4 only had the brawl going on.
saw the Pirates, ended up watching a bit of Trump only to realize that Battlegrounds is still a shitshow.
Still unspoiled on the whole Outland story so I think I might be doing that for the next few days. Are there any rewards for that?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
A cardback. If you do the Heroic bosses, you get a golden version of Kael'thas Sunstrider.
I also recommend that you watch the Felfire Festival video; it was the best part of the whole event lol:
Pretty much doing the Challenges nets you a Golden Kael'thas Sunstrider. Otherwise, the story is pretty alright. I don't believe there are any other rewards aside from maybe a card back?
Take my words with a grain of salt. I'm unranked and only play casuals lmao.
I assume I don't get to DE that one, right?
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
alright, that was pretty lit. Guess I have motivation to play through that story now
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
+1 for the first paragraph of your post. Made me laugh, welcome back!
Correct: you cannot DE the golden Kael'thas
Taking a break from Hearthstone only to get 200 years'd in League? Man you sure picked a great destination for your vacation, huh?
Like others said, you didn't miss much. Standard has been Illidan all around despite multiple nerf waves (with another one inbound this week) and no new real interesting decks popped up either.
Just some Battlegrounds and PvE stuff if you're interested in that.
to be fair, League is a lot less frustrating if you play it with the lads (although nothing can make the mute moontwink and his 20 dildos any less annoying). Either way, it made me appreciate how little overall time investment Hearthstone involves.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Nice to hear that you could escape Hearthstone's Madness for a while and found Safety in League's Insanity. ;)
There wasn't much noteworthy besides the Felfire Festival, I think? The biggest Thing I can think of is the Change to Twin Slice and the Anouncement of more Nerfs.
And outside of the Game you might have missed OoC's 1st Anniversary.
I haven't played much either the last Month (was more focused on MtGA), but from what I've gathered is that the Meta stayed pretty much the same.
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I honestly wouldn't recommend it. It's... not great.
I mean, it also takes like two hours to finish, so no harm no foul. It's not very well written or challenging, though. At least the Challenge missions take some creativity, even if they are very easy, since you can't use Wild cards.
A man is lying on the street, some punks chopped off his head
I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead.
Hmm. Turns out he's dead.
Did you get the supposed free deck from coming back?
Its been a lot better actually, far as standard is concerned. Wild is a mess, but with Warglaives of Azzinoth being nerfed things might change.
Its not been totally great. The adventure, in my opinion, sucked. Standard is somewhat balanced now though priest is still cancer. Dhunters are at the forefront, but no longer as abusive as it was.
If you're really feeling it, try totem shaman or quest druid. Lots of fun, but inconsistent results. Theres probably still a little time before the nerfs, so maybe try out control dhunters before warglaives gets the nerf.
Welcome back. What decks do you play? Favorite class? Standard or wild?
I will always recommend taking a break to anyone. Min maxing your account (character, ect) is not worth your sanity. If it's not fun don't force it. New expansion should revitalize the meta and hopefully create some fun new combos! Enjoy your time back!
Casual Dragon Cardgame enthusiast.
don't think just two months pause is enough for that
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
I play whatever doesn't give me a brain tumor from autopiloting and Wild is dead.
Honestly at this point I'm looking forward to do something with Rogue now that Galakrond isn't the core of every single of their decks.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Oh yeah, didn't see you in a while, welcome back :D
Welcome back, we missed you dearly
Enjoy the story, it's quite fun, not dreary
Your return came at quite the oportune time
Today the new expansion will arrive and shine
way too much effort just for me, but I appreciate it
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
You'll understand why when you play the story mode :p
You missed the emergence of Big Shaman in Wild. As a fellow League player (adc main) I highly suggest you try it out.
The Only Constructed Deck Worth Playing: