
Tracks Blizzard employees across various accounts.


Title Author Last Reply Num Replies Age Source Forum
Antonidas fanart Ian_Doger KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Baker King Zul'Jin - A skin concept I sketched. CCXX30 KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Brightwing - acrylic paint on cardboard ♡ Xiclu KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
My art study of The Butcher "Fresh meat." Adhemgorg KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Live Patch Notes - September 24, 2019 Gnueless Neyman 14 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Blizzard Heroes: Last Hope Streetconsole KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
New Player (and new to gaming in general) Dealing with Hate thinkingmuchtoofast KinaBREW 2 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Mirror mode was seemingly turned on when Qhira was released. Queues are clearly stabilised again. Can we please turn it off again? ___astral Neyman 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
My 12 year old daughter wants to be an animator and loves HoTS. BryanVision KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Sky Temple gets new lighting on PTR MrFizzbin KinaBREW 2 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
The Scarlet Heist skins and mounts GameOverBroGaming KinaBREW 3 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Undocumented PTR Change: Nova finally has her eye color fixed from blue to green! Subsourian KinaBREW 7 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
The Scarlet Heist Trailer! Demian_Dillers KinaBREW 3 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
I still have a grin on my face after this szist KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Suggestion Day1 - Please make a skin of human (mortal) Tyrael for us, please. kangting87 KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
The Wrath of the Lich King was nothing! Wait until you see the Wrath of the Banshee Queen! - Sylvanas Demon Hunter skin concept 404KITTYH4wk KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Chuseok(Korean Thanksgiving) Yrel (FanArt) Lw_Goombang KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Oscar Vega has joined Riot kokoronokawari Neyman 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Heroes you thought you hated until one day it just “clicked”? chloapsoap KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Upcoming events bubdadigger KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Thank you Kisheeb KinaBREW 2 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Skin Color Variation Request: High Elf Hanzo Markleon1 KinaBREW 2 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Could Wrath of the Angiris go over terrain? zaneknight Neyman 5 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
Inaccessible Johanna Storm Skin RayzHeroes KinaBREW 2 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm
To the people with me in QM last night RONINY0JIMBO KinaBREW 1 Reddit HeroesOfTheStorm