Battlecry: Discard a random card.
This puppy chews up cards instead of shoes.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Unlocked at Level 1.
Unlocked at Level 40.
Attack Felstalker_EX1_306_Attack
Death Felstalker_EX1_306_Death
Play Felstalker_EX1_306_Play
Name changed from Succubus and received new art.
More than 3 years have passed, but we do not forget.
I've not seen any intel on why Blizzard did away with the Succubus. WTF?
Succubus will live on in our hearts <3
I was so confused when I saw this in my deck.
So sad :(
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More than 3 years have passed, but we do not forget.
I've not seen any intel on why Blizzard did away with the Succubus. WTF?
Succubus will live on in our hearts <3
I was so confused when I saw this in my deck.
So sad :(