Akron's Pocket Blast Mage
- Control Mage
- Wild
- Ranked
Hello I'm Akron a multi-time legend player.
This is the second deck I post on HP and is my personal version.
What's different from others deck of the same type? I don't play the Lifedrinker or the Pyroblast and i added a Blast Wave.
Why? Cause the greatest problem this deck may encounter is to stay alive enough to kill your opponent. Blast Wave is very good against aggro and is a source of extra gas/options against both aggros and other controls. It can give you the galaxy if you don't have it in your hand, can give you more removals to keep clearing the board, can give you extra draws etc. Hands down the best removal of mage set.
The win conditions:
Against Warrior you absolutely need galaxy to hit Malygos and/or Alexstrasza.
Against Pogo-Hopper rogue you can win even without using Luna's Pocket Galaxy just make the correct choices and greatly value your freeze effect.
Against Lucentbark Druid Luna's Pocket Galaxy must absolutely hit Malygos
Against Token druid/murloc shaman/zoolock just keep removing until they run out of gas.
Against bomb hunter you are on a clock from the beginning and most of the time you win with the correct tempo plays, probably the worst matchup togheter with warrior.
Some replays:
Against Murloc shaman+display of Blast wave power
Against Pogo Rogue with no Galaxy usage / Saved by blast wave
Against Warrior: Alex hitted by galaxy / Malygos hitted by galaxy
Against Nomi Priest
Against Galaxy Conjurer Mage withouth using my Galaxy
Against Bomb hunter / Midrange Hunter
Against Unknown Worlock
As promised here is the mulligan strategy and some tips on how to play the various matchup:
Against Warrior: Hard mulligan for Luna's Pocket Galaxy and card draw, obviously prioritize galaxy. Try to use your minions to reduce the armor as much as possible, cause if the warrior realize you are using a malygos version and goes for the armor game you might not have enought dmg to kill him unless you dicounted all 3 win condition. It's a bad match up for you, probably the worst one togheter with hunter.
Against Hunter: The hunter match up is the exact opposite of the warrior one, you most likely wont have the time to pull all the combo togheter. if you get galaxy better, but most of the time you want to play for tempo. Cosmic Anomaly is pretty good to push dmg togheter with [Hearthstone Card (sorcerer's apprentice.) Not Found]. Blast Wave is a pretty good source for extra dmg. Keep removing the dangerous mechs as much as possible and push face. This matchup can be played in 2 ways depending on what you find out of the mulligan: 1- galaxy in starting hand: stall until turn 5 then start drawing like a crazy and finish them before they finish you. 2- You look for tempo plays ignoring the combo win conditions and try to push dmg to the face with Cosmic Anomaly and spell. I usually play the second way cause you are on a clock in this match up.
Against priest: Not a very common match up, but an easy one. If it is Chef Nomi priest just play minions like Acolyte of Pain, Wild Pyromancer and so on to bite some removal like silence and others and also to draw freeze effects removals and Doomsayer. Mulligan for card draw and freeze effects, when they will play Nomi just freeze everything with Frost Nova and Doomsayer, repeat the same combo the next turn. Once you have no more doomsayer just freeze with Blizzard two times and then play blast wave. minion discounted by galaxy are welcome too :D
If its the Double up priest mulligan for Pocket Galaxy, Doomsayer and a ray of frost and try to not let their minions attack your face, keep removing them slowly, freeze them and then otk them :D
Against Mage: Conjurer pocket mage is very common. Hard mulligan for Luna's Pocket Galaxy and card draw if you don't find your galaxy you might think about switching to the pressure plan like against hunter, but its your choice. Tempoing and pressuring down your opponent's deck shouldn't be too hard atleast in early game
Against rogue: Mulligan for both galaxy and freeze effects, in this match up antonidas discounted or not is your win condition 99% of the times. keep the freezing effects for the stage where Pogo-Hopper becomes dangerously high. And try to get a big Doomsayer on them 2-3 pogo are a big doomsayer but one is fine too. Meanwhile try to play Antonidas along with something like ray of frost and things like that. Then start keep pogo's frozen while you Fireball his face. Alexstrasza is very good too. Probably the easyest match up.
Thief/Lackey Rogue, mulligan for stall, draw and Galaxy. Blast Wave can really, really shine expecially against Lackey Rogue, in this match up as you might get like 6 card from it.
Against paladin: Hard mulligan for pocket Galaxy and Freeze effects. If its mech paladin try to keep your freeze for dangerous minions and magnetized minions. Beaware that when you remove all his mech he will bring them back with all buffs on them. That should be the moment to use doomsayer.
if it is shirvalla's Paladin you absolutely want to get galaxy and card draw, clock is not your friend against him, and he has alot of healing+ Time Out!. Try to pressure them and make them waste is healing as much as possible and if possible also Time Out!. But expecially shirvalla's paladin is not a favorable match up.
Against shaman, druids: Mulligan for removals, card draw and Wild Pyromancer, the last one is expecially good so you can kills also the murlocs/treants that comes out of the deathrattle. Blast Wave can really shine in those match up: More than once it might happen you clear a full board with a blast wave and get 2 more, VALUE! Unfortunatly both shamans and druid also have a control version so against them you might want to keep the galaxy If you find it, but its not suggested to hard mulligan for it cause the most common versions are the aggro ones, if you find more control versions than aggros one just hard mulligan for galaxy. Against control shaman make sure to play around Hex expecially with malygos which is the most powerful win condition against them.
Against worlock: mullingan for board clears and draw. Dont esitate to use the fireball, if you dont have other ways, to remove the carpet.
Possible Replace based on the matchup rate:
-If you find more aggros like token druid, zoolock, token shaman there are no sobstitution. The deck completely destroy the board based aggro
-If you start to find many non board based aggros, like SPELL SHAMAN, you might consider the idea to put a 1x Counterspell and remove one of the Acolyte of Pain. Add 2x Lifedrinker for Blast wave and the Wild Pyromancer.
-If you encounter more warriors, shirvalla's paladins and Healing druids you might want to remove the pyromancer and add Kalecgos and even the Blast Wave for a Pyroblast or a Faceless Manipulator to combo it with Malygos
-If you encounter too many bomb hunter you mgiht want to use 1 or 2x Lifedrinker instead of Wild Pyromancer and an Acolyte of Pain.
For the other matchups like Mage, pogo rogue nomi priest and so on the deck is good like it is now.
Here is the deck posted on "Out of Cards" if you liked the deck please upvote there too, since this is going to be the new hp.
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26- 00
- 41
- 62
- 73
- 54
- 25
- 26
- 47+
- 1 Ray of Frost x 2
- 1 Shooting Star x 2
- 2 Frostbolt x 2
- 3 Arcane Intellect x 2
- 3 Frost Nova x 2
- 3 Stargazer Luna x 1
- 4 Cosmic Anomaly x 1
- 4 Fireball x 2
- 4 Sorcerer's Apprentice x 2
- 5 Blast Wave x 1
- 6 Blizzard x 2
- 7 Archmage Antonidas x 1
- 7 Luna's Pocket Galaxy x 1
- 2 Bloodmage Thalnos x 1
- 2 Doomsayer x 2
- 2 Wild Pyromancer x 1
- 3 Acolyte of Pain x 2
- 5 Zilliax x 1
- 9 Alexstrasza x 1
- 9 Malygos x 1
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Just wanted to let you know I'm having a blast with this deck, it's awesome to find a fun deck (as opposed to all the annoying conjurer's decks out there) to play to try to grind out my ninth golden hero. So far, 9-1 from rank 8, 3 stars up to rank 5.
I don't have a second doomsayer only thing I am missing. I want to try this deck. Unsure if I should run a second pyromancer (better if I run into lots of aggro) or Kalecgos (better for more control). Mostly right now I am seeing pogo rogue and mech pally, mech hunter decks which are more mid rangey and I don't think the match up would benefit from either of those cards. I guess I need to craft a second doomsayer.
Doomseyer is awesome against pogo rogue. Wild pyro is better against something like shaman, druid and lock. Against mech pala is a bad match in any case. cause of the legendary spell. Think doomseyer is much better then pyro in any of the matchup you mentioned. Kalecgos is good against warriors. I would suggest you to craft the second doomseyer, cause this is not the first and won't be the last deck to run 2 of them.
Thanks! I appreciate the analysis. I just crafted stargazer and Khagdar for a different mage deck so I should just craft the doomsayer since I am all in on mage anyway.
Yeah doomseyer is a very very strong card. It has been/is played in most of the control deck. And will be played in future...
Is there room for Kalecgos in there? And if so what should I replace for it?
I cutted kalcgos out for blast wave to counter even more aggro decks, but if you are encountering alot of warriors or shirvallla paladin you should swap it back in.
As i wrote in the guide if the decks reach 10 upvote il post a mulligan strategy guide, if it reach 20 upvote il post a list of suitable replacements for every match ups rate like for example inserting kalcgos if you enounter alot of warriors or shirvalla's paladin
What an Incredible deck! it is not the easiest to play with but is so satisfying. seems to be pretty darn good on the ladder at the moment due to the buffs on pocket galaxy. I had a blast playing this and I hope you do too.
I made a video showcasing the deck in all of its glory, I really hope you enjoy
Thank you very much for the comment and the video, i was looking for a streamer who could play it. I'm very happy you liked the deck and it performed well. Ill be testing some sobstitution for the match ups which are now not so good like warrior, bomb hunter and shirvalla's paladin.
Once again thank you very much!
I like all galaxy decks :) I play one including jepetto as well to give me the 1-1 draw.
I thought of jepetto's too, but there is a reason i didn't include it.
If you draw the maly, alex, and antonidas before the galaxy which is a drop 5, it happened more than once and you can still win, jepetto is a dead draw the only other good card you could draw from jepetto other than the 3 win conditions is arcane anomaly which is 1x. IF you draw them before galaxy you will obviously draw them before you can play jeppetto so thats make it a dead draw.
Plus, even if you discont all 3 or 2 of them why would i even think of play jeppetto which will just reduce their stat making it impossible for them to survive even 1 turn? Malygos is a really hard removable minion even for warrior if you discounted him cause he wont have any armor left after you play it.
Anyway, I'm currently working on finding the techs for the match ups rate: which will be posted if the deck reach 20+upvote, right now the deck is teched against aggro.
The only match ups who would benefit from jeppetto are Shirvalla paladin and bomb hunter, but im not sure yet