Val'anyr Undatakah Paladin 2.0

Last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
  • Fun

Version 2.0***

I first uploaded this a while back, but have updated the list a HUGE amount since the release of new cards and buffs to Crystology and Glowstone TechnicianLightforged Blessing is also a new card that adds so much to the deck as you can continually get healing going if you play it on Prelates or Undatakah with the Prelate deathrattle.

Obviously, Crystology is great to get some card draw of your lower cost, 1 attack minions.  This can draw important pieces like Immortal Prelate, as well as the hand buffing Grimestreet Outfitter, or defensive minions like Righteous Protector.  I included 2x Paragon of Light because of the hand buffs from Outfitter, Glowstone Tech, or buffing through Blessing of Kings or Val'anyr.  I just find it to be a good card, and because of the added Lifesteal and Taunt when it gains attack it can help you stay alive, or bait out a Silence or Transform effect from your opponent's hand to avoid them saving that for something like Da Undatakah.

The game plan is pretty self explanatory in my opinion.  You use hand buffs, the Val'anyr effect, and the ever returning Prelate's and Undatakah to create a situation where your opponent either can't deal with your board, or runs out of resources with your Immortals always returning.  There are a few situations here which can almost always win you the game.  One of my favorites is the Val'anyr deathrattle landing on Doppelgangster as it gives your three 6/4 minions with Deathrattle to re-equip the weapon.  If they somehow kill off all three Gansters right away, don't worry, because two minions in your hand will immediately get the 4/2 buff and deathrattle for the weapon.  And imagine if both of those land on another Doppelgangster!  Or a Prelate that also has the Spikeridged Steed buff, etc, already on it.  It's insane!  Echoing Ooze is in the deck because of it's Doppelgangster-like effect.  However, since it duplicates at the end of the turn you have a chance to double up some of your minion buffs by playing them on the pre-end of turn Ooze.  A non-buffed Echoing Ooze plus 1x Blessing of Kings gets you 2x 5/6 minions for total of 6 mana.  Talk about value, my friend!

This list is also not a final, optimized list by any means.  Some considerations may be removing SN1P-SN4P as his deathrattles could muck up your Undatakah play.  Also you may want to consider swapping Mechano-Egg for Mechanical Whelp if the eggs take too long to die on board.  You want them (or the Whelps) to die for your Undatakah play.  Some considerations for both of the above cards could be adding more card draw mechanics, or some board clearing tools.

Example game (I pretty much drew the nuts for the early game in this replay)


~ Thonson

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