Frozen Festivities Card Design Competition

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This Week's Theme: Frozen Festivities

As is tradition for our holiday competitions, you have three prompts to choose from - your card just needs to meet one to qualify!

  • Stay Frosty
    • Create a card that interacts with Frost spells. Simply being a Frost spell doesn't count.
      • We're looking for cards that'll be happy to see a little snow this Winter Veil!
  • Deck the Halls
    • Create a card that interacts with your deck.
      • Start putting up those deckorations!
  • Check It Twice
    • Create a card with "double" or "twice" in its textbox.
      • You've got to be really thorough to make sure you're getting it write!

Of course, you can always take on the challenge of making a card that meets all the requirements if you're feeling daring!

Your Entry

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Competition Entries

To reiterate, your card only needs to meet one of the prompts to qualify for this competition - don't try and fit them all in one card if you don't want to!

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