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AeroJulwin's Comments

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks! I was really proud of this card, so I'm glad it won!

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Quote From BloodMefist
    I like Library, but the flavor feels good and bad at the same time. Silencing makes sense, but it feels kinda weird for a library to destroy a minion that is silenced. Maybe some other effect for already silenced minions, like adding a copy to your hand?

    My interpretation is that if you are shushed once, you'll be fine, but if you need to be shushed again, you'll be in trouble. Whether that means you're kicked out of the library/board or something worse is up for interpretation. I guess bouncing would make more sense with the "kicked out" flavor, but that messes with the value and purpose of the card too much and I'm very happy with its current effect.

    I'll admit it's a little farfetched, but transferring flavor into in-game effects does cause that more often and there's worse examples, so I'm happy with this.

    The cards! The cards! Great, now I've got the song stuck in my head.

    Both of these work very well in their intended archetypes. I think Area 52 might need to deal 3 damage, since we've seen from the Questline that it can stack up pretty quickly. Either way I like 🎵De Other Siiiiide🎵 better. This is the more interesting use of Deathrattles on locations I was talking about earlier.

    I didn't want to propose using Taunt earlier, because I was afraid that would mess with the identity of the card too much and you had probably considered it already. I do think it works well while sticking with the flavor and is debatably more balanced. However, I also think it makes the card a little less exciting. And I don't think it needs the extra Durability.

    The Highest seems to be your most popular card. Again, I do see why. Its effect is unique and since its use is limited to every other turn, there's still some planning required, so I think you should go with this one. Do try to find some better art + naming and probably increase the Durability to 3.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 4 months ago

    Quote From Demonxz95
    This feels like it might be too slow and impractical to work as good removal since you need to silence the minion you want to kill first, wait 2 turns (meaning your opponent will be able to attack twice with it before you can use the location again), and then use another point of Durability to kill it. I think it ends up working better as just a way to silence 3 minions rather than being used as a removal since you can just use removal spells to do that same thing.

    That does sound very slow and impractical, but the card isn't meant to be used that way. It relies on synergy. The player is supposed to silence the target first using another effect. The location will then provide you with a cheap removal. Cards that silence are something that people don't include a lot of in their decks, because multiple silences generally aren't worth it. I think this card could change that. And yes, if you don't find the right cards/situation, it would work just fine silencing a few minions instead.

    Feedback Time


    I think this should be a 5-Cost. And if you would like to give the player a little less control, sticking to the flavor, you could remove the Rush and instead force the Nightmare to attack its original. That would probably be the intended effect in most scenarios anyway, but that way you can't just copy some big stats and ram them into a different minion with a passive effect.

    Its previous version was too chaotic, but I like Shadowmoon Valley. I like how normally you'd want an AOE effect to only hit enemies, so it's very fitting for Warlock to simply let it hit your own minions to get an extra use out of it. However, I also agree with Demon that its control potential is a little scary. With the Questline and Curses, I think some Warlock decks wouldn't care too much about building their board.

    Based on that, I think Orgrimmar is the better choice. It can be quite obstructive and definitely breaks the mold of what locations are (similar to Bulwark of Azzinoth), so I'm glad you turned it into a Legendary. Only being able to use it every other turn gives it some nice balance and gives the player the choice to save it for a more impactful turn.

    The only thing I dislike about it is that it break the identity of locations pretty heavily (little early for that lol) and doesn't specify that it can only be attacked while it has Taunt. I think using Bulwark as an example and giving it "Next turn, whenever an enemy damages a friendly character, this loses 1 Durability instead." or something similar, makes more sense from a gameplay-perspective, while not totally messing up the flavor.

    Whatever it may be, I hope you have an easy recovery.

    Haunted Grove is some nice Token Druid support, but I feel like the Deathrattle is only there because otherwise it would be too boring. I think Deathrattles on locations could have more interesting uses than this. Perhaps a growth effect that buffs the token with each activation would be more interesting?

    I prefer Scorchland Spires. Its refresh mechanic is unique and completely fits the way locations work and the effect suits its archetype well. I do think it would probably be more worthwhile as a 1-Cost with 4 Durability, since each time it refreshed, it also resets the one turn cooldown. Probably needs new art, somebody used this one in their submission.

    I had the same misconception until halfway during last week's prompt. The site says "a Cooldown of one turn between activations", so after briefly reading over it, once a turn seemed like a logical conclusion until I watched the video of the stream where they showcased the use of locations in play.

    The card looks good. I don't mind Neutral being able to mess with Mana a little and since this can only give you one extra Mana on a turn, I think it's still quite balanced for Neutral, maybe a little slow. Also, all current locations are Rare, so probably stick to that.

    That's a lot of cards! I appreciate the enthusiasm, but in the future, try to stick to the two or three ideas you like best. People won't give feedback to each individual card if you post too many. This is a newcomers exception.

    Hermetist's Room is my favorite from the bunch. You should use the term "transform" and it I think it could be an Epic. I also think transforming spells in your deck is a big downside and should generally be avoided. My reasoning for this is that you choose the spells you put in your deck. Chosen is almost always better than random. This doesn't necessarily count for your hand, because you have direct control over you hand. You can play the spells you want to play and use this location to transform the rest, which I think is cool.

    I see why others like The Highest, but Demon Hunter needs to manage their hand well if they want to profit from Outcast effects and I personally don't like that this card removes that need entirely.

    For Sun Well I noticed the same points Wailor pointed out and I think it should cost quite a bit more. Even at 2 Durability it would be very strong.

    Moon Well is a good option. You should remove the comma and the phrasing should use "refreshes" and "restores". If that makes the text too small, you could remove the word "also".

    The first Altar of Evil is kind of bad. I'm not sure you'd want to discard a minion for a random Shadow spell. It should at least be Discovered.

    The second Altar of Evil is a little too similar to Grim Rally for my liking.

    Edit: Noticed the new cards right as I finished. I'll give more feedback later tonight.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    I believe locations' effects should be ones that wouldn't quite be worth spending a card on as a single-cast spell/battlecry, and I think this fits that nicely. I'm also very happy with the flavor.

    It's supposed to make adding silences to your deck more worthwhile.

    My first idea was "Destroy a Silenced minion". I kind of wanted it to be a 1-Cost, but I decided to add the initial silence for flexibility and to keep it useful outside of its intended archetype, so it probably needs to stay at 2 Mana. I do like that the silence can still target friendly minions to give players some more deck options. Let me know what you think on that though.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From adamsleungcn

    This wouldn't count for the competition since it transforms into the same card type. And I think you should stick with Serin regardless. You're right that it's not easy to transform it back and it would be nice to see how well it will do in the comp.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    This is an amazing improvement. The card is now clearly focused and the new art properly works for the Colossal keyword. What makes this a particularly good Colossal minion is that you gave the Serin's Hair strong synergy with the main body. Your opponent will want to remove Serin first so she can't transform, but the Taunt on the Hair make that very difficult for your opponent, similar to Gigafin. Great job!

    However, may I still recommend removing the transformation back into a minion? The issue I see with it is that whenever she transforms back the Colossal +4 would trigger, effectively keeping your board full of Serin's Hair, which would make her very difficult to remove for any opponent that doesn't have a lot of removals that bypass Taunt (mainly decks that focus on board-presence).

    Also, to stay in line with Hearthstones phrasing, after "Rush" there should be a dot rather than a comma.

    Don't forget to submit something. There's less that 24 hours left!

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    More Feedback

    I think the Boom Sugars are really cool and the minion and hero versions of the Boomship would be good cards on their own, but I think the three versions together become a little too complex.

    The location version feels a little forced because it suddenly uses the Boom Bots' effect instead of the Boom Sugars' and its requirement seems pretty difficult to achieve because it's very reliant on RNG.

    There's also some technical issues: The Boomship already exists. There shouldn't be two cards with the same name/art. So you should probably find some new art. You're also misunderstanding the Colossal keyword. The limbs should be attached to the main body. The Boom Sugars aren't: they are separate minions.

    Overal I think the minion and hero are quite strong, since you only have to pay once. And I know I'm being quite harsh here, but I don't really see why this specific card is an infinite loop. It has so much going on already.

    I do think the cards should transform for this comp. I also don't really see the point in the location. It's just an extra requirement to get the spell, but the location doesn't do anything else and is very inconsistent with the rest. I also don't understand why the location and weapon have more than 1 Durability. 1 Durability would give the exact same result and would make the text simpler.

    I know it's cool to use as many card types as possible, but it's incredibly difficult to make that work. The growth effect you're going for is pretty interesting, but I recommend to keep the Health/Durability at 1 and use the phrasing "Transform into a Particle (insert next stage here) with permanent +1 Attack." (or +1 damage). That way the growth aspect is far clearer and it changes the text so it transforms like you suggested. Of course, the location wouldn't fit in with this, so you'd either need to remove it or give it a damaging effect.

    I still think it's a little complex, mainly because not everything is consistent, but this could be a pretty cool card with the right changes.

    EDIT: Something I missed earlier is that all the cards should probably return to your hand after transforming. First of all because infinite card generation is quite valuable and the powerful spell would be worth it. But also because the fact that only the spell does so is again inconsistent with the rest of the chain. These inconsistencies make this card a bit confusing for someone who briefly reads over it.

    I'm afraid this doesn't count. You're transforming a minion card into another minion card. I think you're confusing card types with minion types. We're looking for minions, spells, weapons, locations and hero cards.

    Now for the card itself (because feedback is always valuable for learning card creation): Flavorwise, I don't really get why a butterfly would transform into a totem that depicts a bird-dragon-ish creature.

    Also, as far as balance goes, the Totem probably shouldn't have any attack. First of all because most Totems don't and also because your card is very strong. Even at 0 Attack I still think this would be a pretty impactful card.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago


    I also prefer the 3-Cost version, mainly because I feel the other one might make some very big swings as a location. I do agree it could maybe be a 4-Cost, since at 3 Mana it's already quite high in value without the infuse.

    And of course, don't forget to include Tomb Crawler in your submission.

    I like both. Millhouse the Great is something we've been waiting for for a while, but it would probably work better with a token that scales its stats based on the cost of the spells.

    Brutus the Strongarm has a very unique interaction, which makes it a much better card in my eyes. I got scared by the possibilities of its effect for a second, but making the deathrattle revert the battlecry was a very good call.

    Amazing effect. I don't like the idea of complex behind-the-scenes cost calculations based on stats and whatnot, so half the base cost, rounded up sound good to me. I do however insist it should be included in the card text.

    It would probably work fine as an Epic, but I understand you made it a Legendary so it doesn't draw itself. Since it's a Legendary I actually think it could round their costs down and maybe even be a 3-Cost to make it worthwhile, since you won't always draw the exact minion you want. It is difficult to make a deck with limited battlecry minions, since they are very common.

    The effect is great. It's very unique and interactive, while not looking complex at all. It is incredibly powerful though. The body is already nice, but 5 Armor per turn for effectively the rest of the game seems a little broken. I think 3 Armor would already be plenty while remaining impactful. Druid is sturdy enough already.

    Edit: Oops. Misunderstood what "one turn cooldown" meant.

    I quite like the idea. I do feel it could be 5-Cost, since it's quite a lasting effect with much synergy, and that the hero power should keep the cost of the location, probably shown by adding a transformed hero power to the submission. That being said, since people understandably think we should stick to card types only and it will likely be disqualified, you should probably find something else and keep this for a future comp.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Change of plans. I'm sticking with my crime scene idea a little longer. This should make more sense:

    To clarify: the card keeps its original cost when transformed.

    Edit: Just checked the site out on my laptop for the first time. I had no clue my images were so obnoxiously large. They're all scaled down to fit the screen on mobile, so I'll make sure to keep that in mind in the future.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Here's a very cool idea. Proper balance is impossible though, so tomorrow I'll try to get a second idea as well. It might still work since it's mutually exclusive with other Deathrattle triggering cards.

    Is it obvious enough that it doesn't actually summon the location?

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Bad Romance is very funny, but Covetous Shade is a far more interesting card. It seems very fun to play and I particularly like that it can't just swap both stats with the same minion (if I understood that correctly). However, since it's very situational, I think it could be a 1/1.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Here it is:

    Should it be rare or epic?

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    We're going fast this week! Here's some early feedback while I try to come up with an idea that could match at least one of these amazing cards. Seriously, this week is nuts. I already see multiple 5-stars.


    I love the idea, but I do think it should be a 4-Cost. If not for its value, then for its flexibility. Of course you'd want to add a third statpoint to the buff in that case.

    I like Soul Swap best. It makes great use the prompt's mechanic.

    Looks good. Might need to be an 8-Cost.

    Very good use of the prompt's mechanic. I just think it's too much of an upgrade to Silas Darkmoon.

    Zandalari Soulbinder is amazing. Another great use of the mechanic. I think the statline is probably fine, since it puts the minions in a dangerous position regardless. Also, I like it better as a Shaman card. It is nice to see class identities be expanded a little and this screams VOODOO!

    Multi-Arrows is my absolute favorite here. I would like to see the order be Freeze-Lifesteal-Poisonous to make them more in line with the art (technically, it should be in reverse, but Poisonous is too long to fit on the first line). It's a 5/5 regardless.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Nice effect. Both the summon and upgrade criteria fit DH well and even go well together. There are a few things that could be improved. If your card summons a token, you should include it in the submission. And although finding three fitting images for spellstones is incredibly difficult, Hearthstone cards use art rather than photos. If you really can't find anything, it's still fine to use these (the third one could honestly pass for realistic art), but it will bring your rating down slightly.

    You're probably safe keeping it at 2 Mana, since it's an older expansion. But I definitely wouldn't up the restriction. With the first stage being a twice as expensive Stonetusk Boar, it shouldn't be too difficult for the player to upgrade it. Personally, I think it could work with 2 minions per upgrade, but of course that would depend entirely on what other theoretical cards DH would have available.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Quote From linkblade91
    What happens if your opponent doesn't have hard removal in hand, and must rely on "the old fashioned way" to get rid of a 10/7 or a 15/12 with several Divine Shields on it?

    --> Moonfang

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Already submitted mine, but here's some feedback regardless:


    Stealth and secrets fit nicely together. I don't think the upgrade is implied as it could have been a +2/+2. However, this is actually not uncommon for upgradeable cards like Fury (Rank 1) and Lesser Amethyst Spellstone, so I'd say you're good.

    Personally not a huge fan of dragon Shaman, because I don't think it has enough support. I am a huge fan of battlecry effects and think this one is very cool. I think it's fine as is, but wouldn't mind if you changed the criteria, even if the art depicts dragons.

    Sorry for locking in the Citrine Spellstone. Since the Opal Peridot and Garnet art were already being used, I didn't wanna miss my chance.

    Both have nice effects, but Westfall Bounty Hunter seems like it would just give 2 Coins most of the time. Riftmaster Tanya's scaling feels more relevant, so I like that one better.

    I'm never sure about balance on cards that require something specific like Coins. I'd say this card is good, because Coins can be difficult to obtain but if you did get a lot of them, this wouldn't break Rogue. I do think it's a little boring and hope inspiration still strikes.

    I like the second art better. I enjoy the deathrattle support for Hunter, but this card is very strong. The other scheme cards use small effects so that even if they scale up high, it's not game-changing. Since it also doesn't fit the story of the LoE vs the LoE, I would recommend making it a non-scheme card for a different expansion and adjusting the upgrade criteria. Having an interesting upgrade criteria would also help this card stand out a bit more.

    Blind as I am, I actually didn't notice the season feedback thread going on for over a month...

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Lots of stuff has already been mentioned, but there's one more thing I'd like to add: 8 finalists is quite a lot. It's not strange for it to be half of the participants. My proposal is to reduce the amount of finalists to 4-5. Here's why:

    1) When I do end up in the finals, I often feel like I'm missing out on a lot of the valuable votes of participants who know what they're doing. Because they are all in the finals as well and thus aren't allowed to vote.

    2) On the other side of this, when I'm in the finals, but I know there's at least three or four submissions that are better than mine, I'm sad that my vote is no longer relevant to the outcome of the competition.

    People seemed positive about this idea and proposed having the amount of finalists being a set percentage of the participants. I'd say with a minimum of 3 finalists.

    If people aren't happy with the current star rating for the finalists, I think reducing the amount of finalists would also work really well with the "order from best to worst" system that I proposed previously.

    Also, the submission descriptions could probably be put in spoiler boxes in your voting page. This keeps them accessable, but prevent excessive scrolling.

    Quote From anchorm4n
    Regarding prices, maybe we can talk Flux into dishing out a bronze Premium membership for a year for the person who accumulates the most wins during one season.

    Not that I'm against this, but I think it kind of misses the original point. If extra rewards are added, it would be nice if they supported people who came in second (and maybe even third) to make "winning" more achievable for the underdogs.

    Quote From Fluxflashor
    Having it work easily on the frontend though is a different story since we need to make sure it works really good on mobile too. Curse mobile devices!

    As a mobile user, I must say you guys have been doing a great job of this!

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago


    I did consider the token issue on my card, but since it requires far more than you can submit I figured people would get the general idea.

    I really like both effects, but agree Stringpuller is the safer option. It could make some mediocre cards more considerable and even see some interesting combos. I do think it needs to be a 1-Cost to be worth it. Also, rigging a Brawl is sacrilege.

    I do expect location cards to be very popular right now and Clock Tower is also interesting, but I think it provides a bit too much control at its current durability. Good job on nailing the effect, though. It doesn't seem like it would work as well as a single cast spell effect, which is exactly what we want to see on location cards. I'd probably keep this one for the inevitable location comp.

    Saw you already submitted. Still a big fan of that card.

    I agree with what Demon said about the weapon pool.

    I am honestly very biased since I've never played Wild and GvG had already rotated out when I started playing Hearthstone, so I simply can't seem to get excited over Agus MechGyver's effect. I like Unreliable Witness's effect better (which I deem more important), although Agus does have better flavor.

    I think Power Rings would perform just fine in Thief Rogue, since Rogue mainly has Shadow spells, so you could just pick a different option.

    Marin Noggenfogger is more in line with the spirit of this comp, which might prove profitable. And Lady Sarevess does seem a little dangerous.

    I like Cascade. It gives minion healing some well deserved attention without sacrificing face healing. I do think Priest already has a lot of the latter one, so I think the cost and healing could be reduced. Roll the Wheel is solid and fits the idea behind the comp well, but is not as interesting. Also, I'm assuming the wheel is fixed in place, so shouldn't it spin?

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    Been waiting for an excuse to use this one for a while.

    Note that it can also pull spells from Rogue itself. I figured it made the most sense to include the entirety of each school.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    More Feedback

    I don't mind the use of a character that already exists in another fictional universe. Art is art. But I do think the art should show some actual fire. I do like its effect, most certainly for this comp. Although the draw 2 feels a little cheap, even if you can only use them next turn.

    Overheat is hard to balance. Perhaps making use of the term 'twice' prevents stacking multiple Overheats on the same character, but it still feels abusable at 2 Mana.

    Cauterize is decent, but doesn't appeal to me personally. I like Icy Hell's effect, but it should really belong to FiAV. Blazing Speed would probably work better as a battlecry and is obviously intended for a different class.

    Although the different art for Jade Golems was really cool, those cards were focused around growing your Golems. Tumbling Snowball is more like Miracle Growth and [Hearthstone Card (Arcane Overload) Not Found], so I think it should stick to one token.

    I think Burn Bright could be a 1-Cost, since the draw is equal to the amount of cards played/discarded. Magic Candle is a Mage card and thus disqualified. It also seems weird to use Rakanishu as a random magic candle.