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AeroJulwin's Comments

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years ago

    I really enjoy your capture the flag idea. It would be awesome to fight with your opponent for control over it. Sadly, I don't think it will work the way it is now.

    If your opponent plays this and you kill it, you are effectively giving them a card in the hope you will get one later. Getting a card now is obviously better and your opponent might just leave the flag alive, so why bother killing it at all?

    A passive effect would fit your capture mechanic far better. You'll want to kill it so your opponent loses the buff and if you kill it honorably, you will capture it and immediately profit from it.

    Of course, the text would likely get crowded. Maybe "Honorable Death:" could fix that, but I'm not sure how that would be received? Hope this helps and good luck!

    I'll give the others feedback later.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years ago

    Fierce Cub is the card I intent to go with. I think it's simple, yet has a unique effect. But I would like to share my other idea just to see what people think.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years ago

    Already submitted my idea, but here's some feedback nonetheless.

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    I think I like the first version better. I do believe it would be better if it had an immediate effect. Currently it triggers after they use their Hero Power. Perhaps replace 'after' with 'when'.

    I believe the cards are suppose to hinder/help your opponent. Unless using your opponents Hero Power disables it during their turn, this doesn't exactly match. I still think it's a good card, but I have previously had a card be disqualified because it only counted on a technicality, so you've been warned.

    Great card! I think you're spot-on with the value and class identity. I think the 1/4 is fitting.

    The effect has good potential, but I'm a concerned about its value. A 3/2 is considerably better than any Hero Power (although ping still holds it's value), so playing this simply means your opponent won't want to use their Hero Power for the rest of the game, which seems pretty boring. And then there's the exceptions like Hunter and Mage, against which this is a hard-counter.

    Definitely go with the second art. Based on the name I assume it's a reference to something else, which is fine, but the first art just doesn't fit in with Hearthstone.

    The 'attacking' effect is quite unconventional without introducing an entirely new keyword. Therefore, it might be best if you made it a Battlecry and use the phrasing Wailor suggested.

    It's not that big of a deal for your opponent to stop using their Hero Power. This effect doesn't work well if your opponent is aware of it. It only really works against Hunter/Mage decks that use their Hero Power a lot, because for them the trade is worth it.

    Simple, but effective. That's what makes this a great card! Not sure the effect needs to be a class card, but since the art fits Paladin, I think you're set.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I can't say I'm positive about these changes. It completely changes the card.

    My first issue is its cost/value. Turning it into a weapon seems like it could work, but what was previously a total cost of 4 Mana, has now been condensed into a single 2-cost. This is a big deal considering the generated spells can be discounted to a whopping 0 Mana! Add a free 2/2 weapon and you've got an insane card.

    The second problem is the class change. The reason why this card was so interesting to me, is because Druid has a lot of interesting spells to work with. The cost change also seems more in line with what we're used to from Druid.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago


    Thunderbass definitely seems like the more interesting card here. My only downside is that it's a big all-or-nothing card. Windfury minions are just plain stats if they don't get a chance to attack, and this minion doubles up on that. Of course there's plenty of cards with the same style and it still has solid stats, so I think it's good-to-go.

    It's main power lies as a tech card that potentially gives you many cards against someone with a lot of card generation. However, Power Chord cards don't feel particularly strong anymore, and this doesn't guarantee more than one card. In fact, its phrasing seems to imply it could just give nothing at all (Depends on how Divine Favor works in practice.) So 3 Mana might be a bit too expensive.

    I like the ROCK ON! flavor as a throwback, although you should probably add the explanation mark for continuity. However, Power Chord cards already exist. It's unusual for two groups of tokens to share the same name.

    Definitely my favorite this week! It's rare to see such unique effects and it seems like a fun card to play. It might even support some more interesting decks! The only thing I noticed is the art feeling a bit zoomed-in, with stuff going on in the background. And definitely needs to exclude itself due to Twinspell allowing you to multiply it.

    An'she Mythsinger would be better being Holy-exclusive. It's difficult to say which one I like better. They're both nice cards.

    Very nice synergy card. Not sure how it would work with Misdirection, though. And although I don't play WoW, I definitely appreciate the lore details.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

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    Quote From Wailor
    Pied Piper, on the other hand, could be a cool card if its effect was more related to the tale the card is based on.

    Could you elaborate what you had in mind? The Pied Piper used his music to lure/control rats. (Or, at least, that's the part I'm focusing on.) Rush allows you to "control" your minions, which is why I chose it.

    I don't want to make another rat-summoning card, and taking control of an enemy Beast seems too specific to be playable, but I suppose a summon (lure) from hand/deck could work. Perhaps:

    This allows you to cheat out small cards and synergizes well with Deathrattles.

    I personally still like the simplicity of my first design, but do agree it might be a bit boring. Forgot about Houndmaster Shaw, so I'll be going with the new idea. Would love to hear your thoughts on it.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Two cards this week! Please let me know which one's your favorite.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    I made her a 5/5 to match Elise the Enlightened and Elise the Trailblazer; do you think the connection isn't worth it?

    Headed to bed, so I'll provide feedback tomorrow :)

    The main issue is that you will only play her in a deck that already has a lot of card generation. You are less desperate for cards and Elise requires quite a bit of setting up. Because of this, I think you're not getting enough value. I do believe the connection is worth it, but the alternative is reducing her cost which would disqualify it for this comp.

    You can still submit it the way it is, the card is nice. I just can't imagine people playing it as-is.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago


    Overall a nice card. Just a big value minion using Demon Hunter-specific mechanics. I do think you should increase the cost/reduce the stats because the requirement is very easy for DH. That being said, with the one attack per turn limit, it's not broken in early game, which is definitely a pro.

    Xavius is an odd card. Cards usually don't reveal themselves without anything happening to them and it makes no sense for this card to be 11+ cost.

    Elise is pretty nice. I love to see the potential support for Arcane Mage. Could use some more stats.

    Mecha'Zoth is nice, but it's a bit overshadowed by N'Zoth, the Corruptor.

    I like the small summon it provides, but I have to agree that this card doesn't need to be an 11+ cost. Why even give it Taunt if you'll never be able to play it (besides doing Shaman a favor)?

    Bit unclear what happens if its cost is reduced to the point where it can be Corrupted by the card that reduced its cost. Knowing Hearthstone, the cost reduction triggers after the game checks if it will be Corrupted,. But to clarify, I would replace 'whenever' with 'after'.

    Coral Lurker is pretty well-rounded. Its discount effect is reliable, so you don't have to worry about the 'invest now, don't draw it later.' While if you do draw it later, you still have reason to play it over simply continuing to trade.

    Miranda is odd. Her effect is way too powerful and it doesn't need to be an 11+ card. Also, I'll keep saying it, tradeable cards still need value to play, even if they have a fancy trade effect!

    I think the stats fusion is really cool. I love those little details! Indeed be careful with its expansion/balancing, because Grand Totem Eys'or too can cause some problems.

    Please make the synergy a bit more subtle (like [Hearthstone Card (Mogul Fleshshaper) Not Found]). It's a bit weird to say "This card costs 11 but really it costs 3." Also, you said it yourself, turn 4 8/8.

    It's about what you'd expect for this comp. Everyone is using the 'whenever you trade this' recently and Rush is a go-to. So I don't see it doing very well.

    It's currently also pretty weak, because you need to trade it three times for it to be worthwhile, which means you gotta invest first, but likely won't draw it four times. The value difference between each trade might also be too extreme after rebalancing. And extra stats or reduced cost are kind of alternatives, so that just makes it unnecessarily complex.

    The balance seems good to me. Most certainly since trading a card already takes a one Mana investment. Although there might be a lack of support for a tradeable synergy.

    I'm not entirely happy with this card promoting the 'trade your cards immediately so you might get this value drop early', which kind of ruins the point of the keyword. And getting a cheap Taunt minion in late-game is not nearly as exciting.

    The effect has already been done with Pyroblasts and I don't think people want to see a repeat of it. On top of that, this effect can drag on for a while if not many of the spells actually damage the heroes, which is just boring.

    *you've cast this game.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    In another timeline, she was called Nozari.

    Let me know what you think about the cost.

    Overall a tough competition. All of my ideas feel like they don't need to start at 11+ Mana to work, or could just have the requirement on their Battlecry instead of on their cost.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From FieselFitz

    This is my first idea:

    Here is anothe idea:


    Kinda like the elemental a little bit more :)

    Brogon can be played on turn one, so you might have to discard that idea. 

    Graazek's effect is good, but shouldn't hit itself with it's Battlecry. And should maybe be limited to friendly Elementals? Might get crammed though.


  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    More feedback

    It indeed counts on a technicality, but I don't think this was intended. The card being part from Descent of Dragons isn't helping either, because it implies it might actually be a Dragon.

    The Enchanted Devilsaur feels off, because you have to play another Elemental on the same turn to activate its effect, which kind of beats the purpose of the 'last turn'-mechanic.

    I still like your earlier idea, but Eggsnather is a great alternative. 0-cost synergy is unusual and thus unique, while this card might actually justify using them in a deck, because it can cheat them out.

    The concept is great, but it combos too well with big Battlecry minions like Clumsy Courier and Grey Sage Parrot, which I don't think is intended. You could either have it target enemy minions only, or you should increase it's cost and stats.

    You might also consider making it a transform instead, because it would be useless on enemy minions with Deathrattles and on friendly ones it has the same problem as the Battlecry minions.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago


    We've seen various attempts at cards with an effect when you trade it, but often it results in a card you ONLY want to trade. I always enjoy seeing the ones like yours which have value either way, so you can choose depending on your needs.

    Tradeable should be in bold and if you want it to look less clustered, removing the enter after Tradeable should do it.

    I like the idea of increasing its stats to just obliterate the board once played, but the stats seem like they can stack up real fast, which is a balance issue. Maybe reduce its stats and give it +1/+2 per Beast.

    EDIT: I hope you still read this. The Keyword part might be a bit much for an already complex card. I didn't mention it at first because it's not that big of a deal, however, I just realized it poses a major issue in combination with Lifesteal. This minion can fully heal your hero, which is completely broken, most certainly for a Hunter card. Also, with its high Attack, I think the 'untill this dies' is unnecessary.

    We've seen a lot of Stealth cards recently, so this doesn't stand out a lot to me, although I do appreciate the 'another class'-card synnergy. I like the neutral card too and the Overkill shouldn't pose a problem since it 'gains' the minions stats rather than 'stealing' them.

    Simple indeed, yet it still feels unique and fits right in with the other cards in the game. My main concern is that it's very powerful in an spell-oriented deck, which I know at least Hunter and probably Mage had around that time. Back then, spell decks still contained plenty minions, although often in the form of summons. So perhaps you could have it attack summoned minions as well?

    Not much to say here. It's a nice card with a strong effect.

    Could be nitpicking, but maybe a little more complex than it should be. Normally these cards have only a condition: "Battlecry: If you're Overloaded, gain Rush and +1/+1." or only a stacking effect: "Rush. Battlecry: Gain +1/+1 for each Overloaded Mana Crystal." Your card is clearly more in line with the stacking effect. To keep the same stat curve, you could make it a 2/2.

    These cards are often a pain, but this one looks good since attacking can only be done once a turn. I like the Rush one better. It's more than just a stats-for-discount card.

    The second phrasing sound better to me.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I didn't want to use anagrams because it's difficult to get three pronounceable names. I figured that it should just be a Demon thing. What I didn't realize yesterday, is that I could just parody the names another way, so I changed up the first letters.

    I'm really not sure what to do about the balance, to be honest. I want to stick to the 50% stat increase. While guaranteeing a buffable 6 damage to the face + a body seems a little strong to me, summoning a random Companion just makes the card too unreliable to actually include in your deck. Admittedly, the Rush is indeed weak.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I really wanted to share this card. It's obviously inspired by Demon Companion, but with an increase to the stats instead. For this cost, it did feel right to let the player discover the Companion to play around the board, rather than just summoning a random one. I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts.

    The removal option. I wanted the Huffer alternative to have Rush rather than Charge. The card is intended to be allround, and I didn't want there to be a go-to option.

    The buffing option. It felt necessary to scale up the Attack buff. It could be used in a token deck just for this option, but still wouldn't be bad in other decks if you already have a few minions on the board.

    The value/stalling option. Pretty straightforward. 

    Wanted to add this as a bonus. Originally made these cards in an attempt to revisit spell Hunter for a custom expansion that I will never finish, because finding art takes forever and I don't even have a theme nor keyword for it yet.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Here's a simple card. Bit busy for a few days, so I won't be giving a lot of feedback.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Here's my card. My main objective was to use two class-exclusive mechanics while subtly including both Questline requirements. I think I did a pretty good job, but would like to hear your opinions.

    The only thing I'm not sure about yet is whether it should also hit the enemy hero, so I might change that before submitting.

    My feedback I spend way too much time on got deleted, so excuse me if I'm a bit blunt.

    like the Hero Power connection. Targeting only minions would be nice. Both classes already have a lot of reach.

    Mage doesn't use pirates. Xavius is nice, but I don't think players can kill. Normally it refers cards/characters.

    I like the Scythe best, but I'm not sure whether it counts for Druid Questline and neither classes use weapons. Because (self)buffing weapons is more a Rogue thing, it should probably be a SI:7-weapon and for balance the effect should only trigger during your turn/while attacking.

    Deliverer works poorly because Questline Paladin has many handbuffs meaning you won't actually get a 1-drop from it and Priest has little control over how much you buff it.

    Strength or Power is great. It uses mechanics unique to both classes. In the right situation, both classes could still consider using the other choice. Worried about Chaos Strike and balance though.

    Demon Companion combines Demon Hunter and Hunter, so it's a triple class card. The card draw is also out of nowhere and picking a target after discovering an effect is unusual.

    Like the effect, but it seems to use a Choose-mechanic, so effect-wise it would make more sense to be a Druid&Shaman card.

    Normally these kinds of cards have a positive/negative effect like Weasel Tunneler. Without this, because it doesn't belong the the same expansion as the Questlines, it will just be a dead card in standard at some point. Also, your opponent has no reason to play it because it will only benefit you if they give it back.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Quote From allthehype
    Out of these, I'm pretty happy with the first two but Felfire Ward could do with some tweaking. I wanted it to be "when a friendly minion is attacked and dies" but that's too many words… Tainted cup refers to the Blood of Mannoroth, but is it obvious what it does in this case?

    I actually like Felfire Ward the best. It has the possibility to kill a minion before it gets the chance to attack it's target, but at 4 damage it doesn't overkill it to the point where you barely get any value out of the effect.

    Twilight Ritual is good too, but Tainted Cup uses Corrupt, which is a keyword with a different effect from what you have in mind. You could use 'curse' instead, like Corrupting Mist. And since you don't use it as a keyword, I don't think it should be capitalized.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Had it at 2 damage at first, but after comparing to to cards like Sigil of Flame, Explosive Trap and Immolation Aura, I decided 2 damage might not be enough to make it playable.

    An odd one, but I'm very proud of it's uniqueness. It is guaranteed to hit at least one enemy and puts the rest in a tough position.

    Wanted to post the token too, but HearthCards doesn't like printing the expansion on tokens, so I figured the card is straightforward enough. Stats probably need tweaking.

    Also, I literally just realized, as I was finishing this post, that the last card is very close to Spellbender... It was supposed to be a parody on Noble Sacrifice. I'm happy with it as a spell-punisher though, so I don't think I'll make an alternative.

    Just some quick feedback. Might give some more tomorrow, although a lot has already been covered.


    Mainly for linkblade91, but important for everyone: I notice none of your secrets really interact with your opponent. They don't really disturb their turn or mess with the board. When they were 3-costs, they may as well have been non-secret spells and now they just feel like Sigils that may or may not take an extra turn to trigger.

    It's not terrible, we have Rigged Faire Game after all, but for this to be the case for all three cards doesn't sit well with me.


    R: All Illidari minions/ summons in Hearthstone have Rush. A card that exclusively triggers during your opponents turn summoning Rush minions doesn't make any sense. Maybe change it to Demons since it only seems worth playing in a deck with big minions (aka Demons) to begin with?

    I must admit, I like the use of Outcast. Guess I missed out(cast) on that one… Sorry, I'll leave now.

  • AeroJulwin's Avatar
    Fan Creator 305 174 Posts Joined 07/08/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Feedback Time:

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    These seem like strong finishers for an archetype that otherwise doesn't have a special wincondition. I particularly enjoy how they combine the Dragon deck with another archetype of the classes. I do feel like the Nature spells become a bit too rewarding whereas Armor doesn't immediately interact with your opponent.

    As for balance, because the cards focus on the powerful weapons, maybe the minion cost should be increased or it's Attack lowered to pose less of a threat.


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    I really like the Mech version, mainly because whenever Mechs show up for Hunter, they are often related to Deathrattles, whereas being Beast-exclusive still give you a lot of room to work with. I was also worried about the Deathrattles triggering twice (as Battlecry and as Deathrattle), so 'instead' seems like a good alternative, although maybe it should be a 'Start of Game'-effect or cheaper minion considering it's not as big of a gamechanger and the minion doesn't have any immediate effects.


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    I think Wailor sums it up pretty well. I would like to add that I think it should 'summon a Fire Rune'. 'Create' sounds like 'discover options to combine into a single card and add it to your hand', like Kazakus.

    Maybe change 'its cost' to 'the spell's cost' for clarity. And the current effect also allows you to stack the cost of multiple spells. Is that intended?


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    It is nice to see Totems get some love.

    About the wording: you could change 'have' to 'always have' to clarify that it's a permanent effect or alternatively have it 'set' their Attack equal to their Health.


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    I think it reads weird that it's the spells that draw Elementals.

    "…whenever you cast a spell, draw an Elemental." seems more in line with Hearthstone.


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    This definitely feels very piratey!

    My only concern is that it generates A LOT of stats, most certainly for a Neutral card. You might want to increase it's cost. Alternatively it could "…summon six random pirates that die at the end of the turn…", still providing the control, but only leaving a 6/3 on the board.


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    I really like the integration of a Hero Power. I would recommend to also include the Hero Power itself in your submission.

    Also, how do I replace 'Show Spoiler'? I've been wondering for a while now.