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Joined 03/21/2019 Achieve Points 1000 Posts 1509

Almaniarra's Comments

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    A quick question for the native speakers: with the guy in the art in mind, is it still okay to call this "Frost Ward" or should I make it "Frost Warden"? I want to preserve the flavor of this being Flame Ward's twin but couldn't find a freezing device yet.

    I am not a native speaker but probably it is ok. Look how they worded this Frost Ward card from Warcraft TCG with its image; World of Warcraft TCG - Frost Ward (ICE - 44 ...

    Also "Warden" is a class in Warcraft Universe which Maiev Shadowsong really is for example. So making it warden would break the immersion in my opinion.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    it isn't activated at all for now i guess because we have no "seasons" right now.

    Check my thread about it;

    PS Note: It is a bit outdated btw, I had opened that thread before Weekly Vault and Expedition changes.

    In reply to season road
  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I know there is already a Leeching Poison in the game but i couldn't find a better name for this card so I am open to all suggestions. :)

    Also i couldn't decide which will be my decision. Help me choose one please.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From Pezman

    Here's what happened. I'm playing Tempo Demon Hunter (yes, yes, I'm a real bastard, I know, just wanted to grab up some easy ranks before the second nerfs hit). Drop my Imprisoned Antaen on curve (cuz I like winning). He wakes up and sprays his 10 damage all over the place, then my opponent plays Maiev Shadowsong and puts him back to sleep. Two turns later, he wakes back up and guess what? Ten more damage to my enemy's board and face.

    Just wanted to put this out there for anyone who hasn't seen this interaction.

    On a related note, I've also seen buffed minions put to sleep by Maiev, and wake up with their buffs intact. Also good to know.

    To be fair, this interaction was entirely expected. The new dormant minions have a two part ability. One puts them to sleep, one awakens them. If you can put the minion back to a dormant state, the minion text clearly say what will happen when it is awaken again.

    But thanks for the heads up anyway, its always nice to have confirmation ;-)

    Well, I have commented about this under a card's post (Maiev Shadowsong or one of the dormant minions) and said that 'Awake' should have been a keyword just because of this, How Maiev Shadowsong can abuse this effect and that's one of the stuff what it makes Maiev Shadowsong a better card than Spellbreaker and this was one of the first things that I have tested at day 1. I also didn't evalute that it worths to share because for me, it has to be known by everyone. If I knew it needs a confirmation, I would share it at day one. Putting buffed minions on dormant was the 2nd test of mine. I also should have shared that too. Shame on me ! :(

    Quote From KANSAS

    Another interesting thing about Maiev, she doesn't work well with Charge. One time I played Leeroy Jenkins, punched my opponent for 6 damage, then put him asleep to guarantee another attack. But lo and behold two turns later Leeroy awoke and couldn't attack. I am not sure if it is suppose to work like this, but it shouldn't.

    That works well with Kayn Sunfury to set up some weird stuff, it should be about garbage codes of Blizzard, I assume. I mean, it seems like it is not an intended impact. I hope they correct that with some patches.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Final Spark Card Image

    As you can see here, Fleeting cards have that hourglass icon on keyword images part. So Investigator doesn't have fleeting but cards that she drew would have, I would say.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Poliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice !!!

    Vi was one of my favorite champions for jungling while i was playing LoL and glad to see her added to the game. So, We will use Vi in Demacia splash for best result it seems or with noxus for Strike spells for leveling her up instantly. Nice direction for Demacia/P&Z and Noxus/P&Z if you ask me for combat themed decks of P&Z which it was lacking before. [Hearthstone Card (Single Combat) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Whirling Death) Not Found] is good activators for her. They would have no use after level up tho.

    But it is kind of sad to see that revelaed cards that related with Vi doesn't have any activators for Vi at the first glance.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Vanessa VanCleef

    My guess is her but honestly I would prefer a male Rogue portait this time around even though I'm huge fan of female portraits. Rogue is missing some equality if we come to that spot. :)

    And Warrior needs a female portrait also. :)

    Edit: Oh i've missed the sibling part. We will get another Windrunner then ?

    Sylvanas Windrunner

    Alleria Windrunner

    Vereesa Windrunner

    They are only siblings I can think of.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    For me, The best one will always be Leeroy Jenkins no matter what new easters will come.

    That one is probably the supreme meme of Warcraft Universe. :)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From Leglock
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral

    Well the Frenzied Skitterer nerf seems not impactful to me (power is way more important than toughness in fearsome decks and this just makes it die to avalance or mystic shot)

     The Brightsteel Formation nerf is small but meaningful since p&z can now kill it with their big creature burn spell as response and that it triggers 1 less barrier for shen

    The Katarina buff is interesting but i doubt it will make her much better on her own but i could see Ezreal decks now considering to play her

    The Yasuo buff actually does not change too much since he was above 3 health when he leveled anyways and thats what matters (for Brittle Steel)

    The Vanguard Bannerman nerf was to prodictable and wont reduce the power of the card too much it just has to be played along with 3 units instead of 2 to be worth it and thats fine

    However it is sad to see that Riot wants to keep Iceborn Legacy as it is. It only finds a home in that scribe meme deck that you cant call consistant or ranked viable imo

    Frenzied Skitterer now dies into Mystic Shot, which is big enough.
    Katarina buff is actually really good, she now can level up  against Riposte and Prismatic Barrier or any +1/+1 buff.
    Yasuo now survives Get Excited! and Grasp of the Undying, so for me this is a big buff.

    Quote From sinti

    Isnt Brightsteel Formation just a design clean-up rather than a nerf? I believe "give all allies" includes itself, so it will come with a Barrier regardless. You can tell by the new text on Vanguard Bannerman that will say "grant other allies" to exclude itself.

    "doesn't have barrier itself anymore by default but grant it to itself via it's effect (no change)"

    By no change I mean it doesn't actually got changed I think I mentioned it.

    @leglock I don't think she is countered by barrier anyway.. it doesn't fix her weakness to frostbite and mystic shots.

    it helps her kill such targets and grants her synergy with sejuani a bit... it's also really thematic since it's her passive in league.

    Brightsteel Formation had changed actually. No longer have Barrier if you summon him from other effects, such as The Harrowing and Spectral Matron for example. I know, in practice, you also play those on your attack turns and he still gives Barrier when it attacks but still a change if you ask me and in new expansion, there might be some summon effects that makes this change is needed maybe.

    In reply to leaked 0.9.4 patch!
  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Mercynary9

    Its just a visual bug, but it can confuse players who are not aware for nerfs. I had to recheck if the nerf is live or not.

    Nerf is live since yesterday. I faced it while I was playing Eye Beam for 1-mana and saw that Aldrachi Warblades has 2 durability. Thought it was a bug at first and then came to the forum and saw the nerf post. It was live before the nerf post I believe.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the info. I just wanted to ask it is just me or there is a genereal issue. :)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    In my collection, Nerfed cards; Skull of Gul'dan, Imprisoned Antaen and Aldrachi Warblades still have earlier stats.

    Skull of Gul'dan is still 5-cost
    Imprisoned Antaen is still 5-cost
    Aldrachi Warblades still has 3 durability.

    It is also same for decklist, they seem they have older mana costs. While i'm playing, Everything is normal and these cards are nerfed versions but in my collection they are not.

    It seems like it is a visual bug but it confuses me while I'm building my decks. I can figure it out tho but not every player follows forums like us and there was not even an information about nerfs in game for me. Ok it is a server side change but this have to be corrected in my opinion.

    Do you guys have the same issue aswell ?

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    This one was a piece of my custom set which was about festival. It is kind of situational I know but funny with its flavor and art i believe so I wanted to join with it. :)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    But, There is no spells you know :)

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Just here to see your reasoning after seeing the title but well, your reasoning is poorer than your statement.

    Good luck on your card game life. With this consideration skills, it won't take much time for you to stop playing.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Sinti - The Arena God, Savior of Tickets.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From MurlocBard
    Quote From MisterFerro

    It worked for me after leaving my fireside gathering:


    Go step by step on how you did it then.

    Did you use a copy and pasted decklist?

    decklist ? Which decklist ?

    We're using the deck that we got after prologue and I assume this is the only way. At least this is the working way which I am doing. Probably that's why you can't play. Just use the deck the game gave you. Don't try to use a deck that you copied to your game. Were you trying to use deck which is theorycrafted in some streams ? That won't work probably. Use the deck the game added to your collection. If you deleted it, say goodbye to your early access and just wait for actual release.

    Step by step which I've done;

    1-) Open Solo Adventures,
    2-) Choose Galakrond's Awakening Heroic
    3-) Choose the E.V.I.L campaign
    4-) Choose Sir Finley
    5-) Choose the Demon Hunter deck which game gave you, it was the first deck on my list so it should be the same for you aswell.
    6-) Enjoy.

    In reply to Blizzard Lied
  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Suchti0352

    I never update my decks for a new expansion, I usually delete all of them and build completely new ones from scratch.

    Same here. I always delete all of my decks at the release day and start to re-build anything including wild decks as well. I believe updating decks are restricting your vision for finding new stuff.

    For @OP;

    I am doing almost same thing for just challenging myself at last month of rotations but it is not updating for my existent decks. I am just trying to build some standard ready decks and challenging myself in ladder. Most of the times, Rotation comes with new archetype supports which ends existing decks up to be worthless for updating them. Updating them also doesn't lead you new ideas, it just makes you to be able to build budget decks mostly. That's also a good skill for card games but brainstorming in newer ideas is better one, I believe. So I'm making budget versions of Rotation decks, For example, I'm building a budget Spell Shaman deck which you can put Lady Vashj when the rotation happens and Expansion release or a Spell Druid without new cards. I'm puting some filler cards that can be budget version of new cards.

  • Almaniarra's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 1000 1509 Posts Joined 03/21/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I personally think that Paladin is more meta dependant. I was playing paladin to reach 1000 win most of my time and i saw that heal package of paladin is what it can stop Aggro decks well.

    If Aggro and aggressive Demon Hunter and Hunters will be dominant in meta, I believe that a Paladin deck with some heal package might be on top tiers. Can't be sure about an aggro Paladin deck tho. Murgur Murgurgle will some impact on meta probably but Paladin's card draw is in a state that most of card draw cards are for control/combo style which takes some power level from aggressive paladin decks. So I believe in that some Heal oriented Midrange or Control style Paladin deck will be better than an aggro one.

    I agree with your Demon Hunter statements. That's more logical to say that your first choice about what Blizzard chose is. Also it is the more realistic one. Of coure they will want Demon Hunter to success for market states. But I honestly think that This shouldn't bother anyone because they are giving Initiate cards for free to everyone which is a win-win for company and players both and that set gives you almost all pieces of fundemental cards that you can need for a viable Demon Hunter deck. Ok some AoO Demon Hunter cards are also must haves for some archetypes but I guess new duplication rule can give you some more aswell. I really believe in that some viable Demon Hunter deck should be in game with only using Initiate cards. Also it will be more fresh for everyone to see a new class in the top tier than existing ones in my opinion.

    I also agree with almost all of your Hunter conclusions. Want to say something more about Vereesa Windrunner. As you already said, I also believe in that she is such a powerful card and supported well in my opninion. I think she wasn't so popular because top streamers didn't decide to play with her more than other archetypes. I really rarely lose games when I could Play Vereesa Windrunner. The weapon's power is really huge. With some of AoO cards that gives you some good tools to play at early game, I think, like you, she might shine .

    For Rogue, I would say that, we might some surprise top tier stealth deck in this expansion. I would also say that stealth archetype might need some board clears or powerful single target hard removals to be viable tho. At this point, I want to say that Unidentified Contract might see some serious play, also I hope too because that spell can answer both single target and boardclear needs of Rogue. It also synergizes well with one of its upgraded effect which summons a stealth minion. However, it might not be true too because it is an rng effect. I would say it would be a good strategy to summon some stealth minions and clear enemy's board with something then burst the enemy's face with your stealth minions. Also Secret Rogue probably will substitute with Thief rogue in this expansion. I personally think that, this move is a great move for Rogue class. I would do the same if i want to add Secret archetype to rogue, it should belong to or substitute with thief archetype. I am expecting to see at least a tier 2 secret rogue in this expansion.

    Warlock always finds a place in meta with its huge card draw. If nothing, there will be a zoolock deck as always. Its classic set lets that. With Leeroy Jenkins rotation, it might lose some resource for ending the game earlier but I honestly think that it doesn't affect Zoolock archetype so harsh and AoO gives some great tools to play to Zoolock. Teron Gorefiend is an example. Warlock also gets some good support for Control oriented decks and I, like you, also see warlock in avarage power at this expansion. Warlock has control and aggro tools both and gets some more supports for both archetypes too. So it will probably in meta at mid-tier.

    For Warrior, I would say it will start to lose its aggressive playstyle and will return back to be a more midrange/control archetype class again in my opinion. Taunt Warrior and the Good old Armor Stacking Control Warrior might be a thing in this expansion again. It won't be with huge boardclears this time tho but still good options to clear the board and continue to stack armor. Archivist Elysiana is still in standard so carrying the game to Fatigue won't be a problem for that playstyle. It loses some blood for early game with rotation but classic cards still here so I personally think that warriors will be able to defend themselves from aggressive DH and Hunter swarms.

    Our thoughts differs here. I personally think that we could see some Secret Mage in standard instead of other archetypes. I really don't like the state Mages are in right now with so much rng spell generators. I hope this changes this year but seeing Evocation shows that it won't probably. Secret Mage in the other hand impresses me more with some tools added at AoO.

    Priest will start to be a midrange class with this expansion imo. With all classes losing Spellbreaker, buffer Priest might be a thing but [Hearthstone Card (Zephyrs the great) Not Found] changes this fact unfortunately because it can give highlander decks Mass Dispel and some other silence cards unfortunately. I think that Priests will have no chance in meta until [Hearthstone Card (Zephyrs the Great) Not Found] leaves the standard. Blizzard really wants Steal Priest a thing but they are not doing the correct thing for that archetype. Thief rogue was succesful at past because there was some cards that gives you bonuses because you are holding or using other class cards. Steal Priest needs exact same thing to be viable in my opinion. Princess Talanji is an example card for what it can reward you to steal cards but was not enough and also rotating. I would say that with overhaul of Classic and Basic, Steal Priest might be a thing A BIG IF that archetype gets some support. Blizzard needs to understand that adding more steal cards don't support that archetype. They need some tools that rewards players for stealing cards just like [Hearthstone Card (The Bazaar Burglary) Not Found], [Hearthstone Card (Spectral Knife) Not Found], Underbelly Fence, Vendetta etc.

    And another class that we think different from each other. Shamans might lose some key cards but I believe that it is the time that return back to old playstyle instead of swarming with battlecry minions. With Warriors returning back to old playstyle, I personally think that it is time for shamans to return back to old playstyle. In past, some decks with Azure Drake was something with Spell Damage etc. and an enough burst as a finisher with Lava Burst and Lightning Bolt. Lady Vashj is just for this archetype for example. Also there are cards that you can build a weak version of Shamanstone-times deck (Flamewreathed Faceless, Tunnel Trogg). That was so powerful in those times and this time it is way weaker but still can do the job. Squallhunter for Flamewreathed Faceless, Surging Tempest for Tunnel Trogg, Storm's Wrath + Unbound Elemental for board presence, Vashj Prime for some burst draw, Cumulo-Maximus and burn for finish the game. I am expecting to see some kind of midrange Overload shaman with Burn finishers in this expansion. But well, you might be right about shamans being at bottom in this expansion. I won't be surprised for that aswell because Shamans have been dominant quite sometime and people are bored to see them in meta but it might be said for Hunter aswell which will continue to dominate meta, i presume.

    For Druids, Embiggen Druid will continue to be a thing in meta probably. Even if it won't, We will probably see some tries and there will be always some people that uses the same strategy over and over again. I'm not interested with it but spell druid really takes my interests this time. Different from you, I personally think that Spell Druid doesn't need to have those minions to be viable. I mean, more consistent with full spell package Spell Druid would be more effective but you might be right aswell because spell druid doesn't need deck restriction just like Spell Hunter and Spell Mage which makes Crystalsong Portal, Glowfly Swarm and Fungal Fortunes can work even your deck has minions. I can't predict its tier tho. Seems quite powerful on paper but can't really say anything before i see Demon Hunter's impact on the meta. Why Demon Hunter's ? Because its minion swarm might beat Druid's token swarm. Can't be sure. Combo/Control Druid in the other hand, seems to have support more and more. Blizzard really wants Druid is the class that have always combo and token archetypes. Combo support for Druid never stops which really worries me a lot.

    So my conclusion is like;
    #1 - Demon Hunter
    #2 - Hunter
    #3 - Paladin
    #4 - Rogue
    #5 - Druid
    #6 - Warlock
    #7 - Warrior
    #8 - Shaman
    #9 - Mage
    #10 - Priest