I tend to create achievement lists without too many expensive cards in order for our F2P folks out there to not feel "excluded" from the hunt. Often times, there are Legendaries and Epics that can improve the deck's performance by a mile.
For Maximum Occupancy: 14, Sir Finley, Sea Guide is a clear example: I didn't include it for the aforementioned reason, but if you own it you should definitely switch a card for it!
As I mentioned, I was really surprised I was able to win games with Murloc Shaman, and it's not like my internal MMR is that low that I queue up against meme decks.
Although there's no guarantee that what I am saying will be true, I suggest you to start leveling up some of your Naga: the next event is very likely to have something to do with them.
Y’Shaarj and its Portraits will not initially be obtainable through packs or crafting. Y’Shaarj, its Portraits, and its Coins will all be obtainable through normal means in a patch after the event ends.
Thanks for all your work on these guides. These events are the most enjoyable part of the game mode! Very rewarding to work towards a guaranteed legendary then a diamond portrait.
I finished the set of tasks this morning, thanks in no small part to Avalon's guides - thanks!
These events are fun, more fun with teamwork and commentary.
Thanks to both: knowing that there are people out there appreciating this kind of content makes me want to keep creating it!
Those guides take a remarkable amount of time and effort to write, especially since they all need to be published is such a short window of time, but I am okay with pushing them since the feedback I am receiving is very positive!
It's an achievement hunting deck: it's not supposed to win games, but just to complete the Rolling in Their Grave achievement from the Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion.
Yes, I am aware of it. Unfortunately, Blizzard flagged Front Lines as uncollectible and this prevents that card from showing up in the deck builder. It sucks a lot, but we're looking into it and we hope we'll be able to fix it swiftly.
You're welcome!
Too early to judge on this one, as we don't even know how Location cards work.
I tend to create achievement lists without too many expensive cards in order for our F2P folks out there to not feel "excluded" from the hunt. Often times, there are Legendaries and Epics that can improve the deck's performance by a mile.
For Maximum Occupancy: 14, Sir Finley, Sea Guide is a clear example: I didn't include it for the aforementioned reason, but if you own it you should definitely switch a card for it!
We are aware it doesn't work, but I forgot to mention it: I will add a line - thanks!
As I mentioned, I was really surprised I was able to win games with Murloc Shaman, and it's not like my internal MMR is that low that I queue up against meme decks.
It's just a hunch of mine. Moreover, we're destined to receive more Naga.
I can confirm Herald of Shadows is bugged and won't progress Harold Who?.
Here's the deck I used to complete the achievement.
Thanks to you for checking out the guides!
Although there's no guarantee that what I am saying will be true, I suggest you to start leveling up some of your Naga: the next event is very likely to have something to do with them.
There is no duplicate protection.
It's a pity you missed the event! However, I am fairly confident that the next one won't be far away ;)
As for your question, here's an excerpt from Patch 23.4's notes.
Thanks to both: knowing that there are people out there appreciating this kind of content makes me want to keep creating it!
Those guides take a remarkable amount of time and effort to write, especially since they all need to be published is such a short window of time, but I am okay with pushing them since the feedback I am receiving is very positive!
It's an achievement hunting deck: it's not supposed to win games, but just to complete the Rolling in Their Grave achievement from the Fractured in Alterac Valley expansion.
Yes, I am aware of it. Unfortunately, Blizzard flagged Front Lines as uncollectible and this prevents that card from showing up in the deck builder. It sucks a lot, but we're looking into it and we hope we'll be able to fix it swiftly.
Glad it still worked out for you!
What cards did you craft? Ancestor's Call?
Oof, sucks to read this.
To be fair, I am yet to have a chance to grind Vanessa, so her level 30 equipment is all I have right now.
However, I just finished Patches the Pirate's Task 18, so the next Mysterious Stranger node I will bump into is guaranteed to give me a Vanessa task.
If you keep failing, my suggestion is to stop playing the mode for a couple hours and then come back with your mind a bit rested.
Sometimes we all make mistakes out of stress, which make us even more tilted.
I can guarantee you that Fight Fire with Fire is manageable, so you only need some luck!
This should make you a bit happier.
I feel you: I overdid with the damage myself, a couple times.