BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
Tree is back because it had better flavor and art. 'Monster Tree and attack buffs' is a tough sell in most of the Secret classes, but Rogue actually seems like a decent fit since they have a few tools to buff the attack or otherwise utilize the Deathrattle. Two aspects I am unsure about are Stealth and what kind of Secrets. Stealth makes it much easier to buff for Rogue, but might also push it over. I think random Secrets might be better just because it gives a more Christmas tree vibe when it goes off.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
Went for a much more radical design this time around. Like most Magnetic minions, this one is pretty bad on its own, but has some powerful potential. I felt Hunter was the most interesting of the three 'Magnetic classes' (Paladin, Hunter, Warrior) to put it in since their Mechs are also typically Deathrattle oriented. Balance is a bit hard on this one since it has some scary potential.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
The flavor behind the tree was that full secrets kinda looks like a Christmas tree, so killing the tree on the board would get you a bigger Secret tree. Neutral secrets seemed like a bad idea and monster tree isn't in flavor for Paladins, so I retooled the basic idea into something more cohesive based on feedback.
Speaking of, I'll try to get feedback out by tonight!
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
Initial idea, but shaky on the balance and Neutral. I think it's a cool effect, but I'm not sure about giving Secret access to all classes, even if it is a bit conditional and slow. Pretty happy with the flavor though.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
@FieselFitz I didn't mean to turn you off completely from Kragg and I misread the prompt, thinking that they couldn't have a current iteration in standard to prevent more overlap with E.V.I.L or LoE. I thought Kragg could use a tweak or two but that the idea as a whole was still good. For Pyros I think an effect of shuffling back into your deck with increased stats/decreased cost could be interesting to utilize Mage's draw engines and Elemental synergy.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
Testing out some better art or naming since I think the card is otherwise pretty good to go. Speaking of feedback, I finally post some (sorry for late)!
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I feel like this card could be dangerous just as a '3-of' for any big value generators. Any spell that summons big minions, board clears, or generates value is guaranteed to be good. That said, it does create some potentially interesting play-around turns where the opponent knows exactly what will occur if you do play her. I think its ultimately fine and a cool design for sure, but bumping up the cost and stats to compensate is a good conservative change.
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Honestly not a huge fan of either of these designs. Kun is clunky and a late game mega-bomb in the right circumstances. Shudder needs a better name and the text is also clunky. Shudderwock is very grounded in Battlecry mechanics in every iteration and should stay as such.
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I dig the Sherazin effect, although I'm on the fence about whether or not Sherazin is the right character for it. I will say that I think you should play it safe and go for the Voraxx instead, since Sherazin is technically in WoW. I also think the wording of the second sentence could be changed to 'It awakens when this leaves the board.' to be more consistent with other Dormant cards.
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Face is established as a Rogue character, so making it Shaman doesn't fit. That said, Bamboozle does set a precedent for 'evolve' mechanics in Rogue. I like the idea of Myra, but I'm afraid that Necrium Bomb might be too spooky of a card. Spiritspeaker Umbra cost 4 for the same effect and still enabled some crazy stuff. Admittedly Rogue could use some Deathrattle love, so I think adjusting Myra to be just a battlecry and buffing her back to 4/2 could be a fine alteration.
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Zavas unfortunately is not Hearthstone exclusive. "Discard card" also isn't a phrase that is properly established in the game, does it refer to cards that do something when they're discarded, cards that discarded, both? KofT would also be too early of a set to put her in since it's immediately after the OG card.
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Blackpaw was way too busted and I think people still hold a negative bias against Jade in general. A version of Kragg is in standard so he unfortunately does not qualify for the contest. You could try to port the effect or a similar one to Captain Hooktusk, but I know that I at least have a negative view towards anything 'Charge.'
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I like seeing Genzo get some love, but this card is super spooky. High cost corrupt cards like Carnival Clown are balanced around being difficult to corrupt and this can severely push them over. An on curve clown or Tickatus could be devastating and feel really bad to play against. If you really like this effect, I would say maybe bump up the cost to 5 and/or make it a class card.
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Minions straight up costing 1 is way too dangerous, and the "downside" isn't even always a negative. Costing x less maybe, but even that can be dangerous.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
This prompt has really stumped me. I thought about doing a retake on reverse Da Undatakah, with a deathrattle that repeats battlecries, but that goes infinite with Carnival Clown. Also tried doing Azari, but the summoning conditions felt too contrived. Thus, I landed on returning everyone's favorite ghost pupper, Arfus, which was surprisingly difficult to find art for.
Initial thought is that the mana might be too high or stats too low for how slow the effect is, but I think it might be alright given its infinite value. I think the best comparison might be with Dragonrider Talritha, which has a similar effect (Deathrattle: Give 'x/x' stats and continue the deathrattle), but is cheaper and higher stats at the expense of being a class card and dragon restriction.
Now that the first wave of my grad apps are done, I might be able to get to feedback this week x_x
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
Infusion Hammer is pretty simple design meant to push Elemental Shaman, an archetype I feel like should have been pushed more in the past. One elemental gets you an ok card, anything past that gets pretty good.
Xal'atoh is an often forgotten corrupt weapon next to the admittedly cooler Xal'atath. I wanted to make it for a greedy Control Warrior as a slow soft win-con via semi-infinite value. I'm pretty happy with the overall flavor, being similar to-referencing Gorehowl while synergizing with Y'shaarj, but the balance is definitely something I'm not 100% on.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
Control is definitely the archetype this fits under. Tickatus doesn't discard cards since the discard mechanic is explicitly involves removing cards from your hand and comes with its own synergies. Discard cards are things like Boneweb Egg, Wicked Whispers, and Nightshade Matron which explicitly include the word 'discard'.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
Hol up, what makes this Discardlock? There's not a single card that discards in the deck. A control warlock or demon warlock sure, but there is nothing 'Discard' about this.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
Balancing Haunted Spirit might take more time than I want to put in, so I'll iterate on the Rager. Original Carnival rager was a tad on the strong side for a Neutral, but as a class card it seems alright. Shaman definitely doesn't have to be the class, but it fits for now. Flamewreathed Rager doubles down on the meme spirit by granting a 4 mana 7/7. Also a tad iffy on it being Neutral, but I would have to move it Shaman for further meme spirit if I do move it to a class.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years ago
It feels like it would be a crime to have this name/theme without at least one Rager entry. Carnival Rager is a bit boring and might be a tad on the strong side. Having a bit of trouble finding more fitting art too.
I like stat swapping abilities and want to take a slightly different approach to it by making Haunted Spirit randomly targeted. I am also aware that 'Attack' should be capitalized and will fix that later.
Might not get to feedback this week like last week, but I'll certainly try!
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
My two initial ideas. I think I have a problem with Discard-lock, I keep making cards for it. The first is meant to supplement the disruption in Tickatus Control-lock...with even more disruption. The second version pushes my interest in multi-corrupt drifting as a mechanic, which I would like to see explored more. The second certainly doesn't need to stay Warlock, so let me know if there's a class that seems better for it.
BloodMefistOld God Fanatic 850804 PostsJoined 05/28/2019
Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
As much as I and others want to use the swapping E.V.I.L hero power, it's too many tokens to be submitted. I retooled the original hero power to be a bit better, either through discount or through discovery. I also want to gauge people's feelings on flavor between the Gauntlet or Arch-Villainy.
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linkblade91: I think giving every minion for the rest of the game divine shield and then +2/+2 seems pretty strong, even for the lack of tempo on the card. I think lowering the stat bonus of the hero power to +2/+1 at 6 cost seems good.
Demonxz95: Yeah, it is unfortunate that Relentless Pursuit kind of screwed over your card :/ Maybe moving the passive over to the battlecry and getting a new passive? Maybe something like 'Your first attack each turn also damages an adjacent minion'?
Wailor: Big fan of the Mannoroth card. I personally don't think there needs any changes after the Rush version. I think the art for Fel Orc art could be different and green to better convey corruption by Mannoroth's blood.
The Hoax91: Seems a bit too weird to me. It almost behaves like a legendary spell rather than a hero card. I like the discard synergy, but I think it should be retooled a bit.
KANSAS: I like the use of Ol'Faithful here. I think the hero power is interesting, but feels weird flavor-wise to give up a card while youre treasure hunting. I think it works well from a balance stand-point though, nice work!
fungusABao: I really like the design for Anub'arak, but think that Anub'arak as a character should stay exclusive to Rogues. I think you could port the effect over to a different character and it could work super well though, maybe Varok Sourfang? Not as huge on Cenarius. The play effect and hero power aren't as interesting as Anub'arak's design.
DavnanKillder: RIP Rehgar, was digging his theme and think he would have worked better for the 'Gladiator Shaman' that they're pushing. I like Aegwynn as a control take on secrets, but the hero power could use some rewording. Something like 'Discover a Secret and cast it. If you control five Secrets, draw a card instead.'
Hordaki: Really dig the design of this hero, pushing a Menagerie archetype in Hunter feels more natural and better than Warrior. Flavor feels a bit strange with Old God forces pushing Menagerie, but N'zoth did it first so I can't fault you for that. Great job!
MenacingBagel: I like the idea of porting a boss over in an actual card, but summoning a 1/10 every turn seems potentially dangerous for Token Druids. It's definitely a cool idea, but the stats still scare me.
shaveyou: Would the Dreadsail Deckhand be a 2/2 since it sounds like it counts itself? Also Ghostly Blade is a gnarly weapon to get for 5 mana. I think the cost could be nerfed to 6 given Rogue's ability to easily generate cheap pirates.
Dreams: First version of this was giga busted, but it sounds like you're on the right track. I like the idea of setting all enemy minion to 1 health and attack as a battlecry. I also like the idea of turning divine shield into a weapon, but it seems late for this effect to activate considering you might have burned through your divine shield minions. Not sure what you should change it to though.
Tree is back because it had better flavor and art. 'Monster Tree and attack buffs' is a tough sell in most of the Secret classes, but Rogue actually seems like a decent fit since they have a few tools to buff the attack or otherwise utilize the Deathrattle. Two aspects I am unsure about are Stealth and what kind of Secrets. Stealth makes it much easier to buff for Rogue, but might also push it over. I think random Secrets might be better just because it gives a more Christmas tree vibe when it goes off.
Went for a much more radical design this time around. Like most Magnetic minions, this one is pretty bad on its own, but has some powerful potential. I felt Hunter was the most interesting of the three 'Magnetic classes' (Paladin, Hunter, Warrior) to put it in since their Mechs are also typically Deathrattle oriented. Balance is a bit hard on this one since it has some scary potential.
Will try to get to feedback sometime tonight!
The flavor behind the tree was that full secrets kinda looks like a Christmas tree, so killing the tree on the board would get you a bigger Secret tree. Neutral secrets seemed like a bad idea and monster tree isn't in flavor for Paladins, so I retooled the basic idea into something more cohesive based on feedback.
Speaking of, I'll try to get feedback out by tonight!
First idea. Not entirely satisfied, so I might try to think of something that pushes the envelope a bit more later.
Initial idea, but shaky on the balance and Neutral. I think it's a cool effect, but I'm not sure about giving Secret access to all classes, even if it is a bit conditional and slow. Pretty happy with the flavor though.
@FieselFitz I didn't mean to turn you off completely from Kragg and I misread the prompt, thinking that they couldn't have a current iteration in standard to prevent more overlap with E.V.I.L or LoE. I thought Kragg could use a tweak or two but that the idea as a whole was still good. For Pyros I think an effect of shuffling back into your deck with increased stats/decreased cost could be interesting to utilize Mage's draw engines and Elemental synergy.
Testing out some better art or naming since I think the card is otherwise pretty good to go. Speaking of feedback, I finally post some (sorry for late)!
This prompt has really stumped me. I thought about doing a retake on reverse Da Undatakah, with a deathrattle that repeats battlecries, but that goes infinite with Carnival Clown. Also tried doing Azari, but the summoning conditions felt too contrived. Thus, I landed on returning everyone's favorite ghost pupper, Arfus, which was surprisingly difficult to find art for.
Initial thought is that the mana might be too high or stats too low for how slow the effect is, but I think it might be alright given its infinite value. I think the best comparison might be with Dragonrider Talritha, which has a similar effect (Deathrattle: Give 'x/x' stats and continue the deathrattle), but is cheaper and higher stats at the expense of being a class card and dragon restriction.
Now that the first wave of my grad apps are done, I might be able to get to feedback this week x_x
Someone beat me to Xal'atoh, so I just went ahead with Infusion Hammer. I'll try to do feedback this week!
Menagerie Paladin is showing the Tempo Priest list. Otherwise, excited to try these decks (or at least the ones I can afford)!
Infusion Hammer is pretty simple design meant to push Elemental Shaman, an archetype I feel like should have been pushed more in the past. One elemental gets you an ok card, anything past that gets pretty good.
Xal'atoh is an often forgotten corrupt weapon next to the admittedly cooler Xal'atath. I wanted to make it for a greedy Control Warrior as a slow soft win-con via semi-infinite value. I'm pretty happy with the overall flavor, being similar to-referencing Gorehowl while synergizing with Y'shaarj, but the balance is definitely something I'm not 100% on.
Control is definitely the archetype this fits under. Tickatus doesn't discard cards since the discard mechanic is explicitly involves removing cards from your hand and comes with its own synergies. Discard cards are things like Boneweb Egg, Wicked Whispers, and Nightshade Matron which explicitly include the word 'discard'.
Hol up, what makes this Discardlock? There's not a single card that discards in the deck. A control warlock or demon warlock sure, but there is nothing 'Discard' about this.
Balancing Haunted Spirit might take more time than I want to put in, so I'll iterate on the Rager. Original Carnival rager was a tad on the strong side for a Neutral, but as a class card it seems alright. Shaman definitely doesn't have to be the class, but it fits for now. Flamewreathed Rager doubles down on the meme spirit by granting a 4 mana 7/7. Also a tad iffy on it being Neutral, but I would have to move it Shaman for further meme spirit if I do move it to a class.
It feels like it would be a crime to have this name/theme without at least one Rager entry. Carnival Rager is a bit boring and might be a tad on the strong side. Having a bit of trouble finding more fitting art too.
I like stat swapping abilities and want to take a slightly different approach to it by making Haunted Spirit randomly targeted. I am also aware that 'Attack' should be capitalized and will fix that later.
Might not get to feedback this week like last week, but I'll certainly try!
My two initial ideas. I think I have a problem with Discard-lock, I keep making cards for it. The first is meant to supplement the disruption in Tickatus Control-lock...with even more disruption. The second version pushes my interest in multi-corrupt drifting as a mechanic, which I would like to see explored more. The second certainly doesn't need to stay Warlock, so let me know if there's a class that seems better for it.
As much as I and others want to use the swapping E.V.I.L hero power, it's too many tokens to be submitted. I retooled the original hero power to be a bit better, either through discount or through discovery. I also want to gauge people's feelings on flavor between the Gauntlet or Arch-Villainy.
linkblade91: I think giving every minion for the rest of the game divine shield and then +2/+2 seems pretty strong, even for the lack of tempo on the card. I think lowering the stat bonus of the hero power to +2/+1 at 6 cost seems good.
Demonxz95: Yeah, it is unfortunate that Relentless Pursuit kind of screwed over your card :/ Maybe moving the passive over to the battlecry and getting a new passive? Maybe something like 'Your first attack each turn also damages an adjacent minion'?
Wailor: Big fan of the Mannoroth card. I personally don't think there needs any changes after the Rush version. I think the art for Fel Orc art could be different and green to better convey corruption by Mannoroth's blood.
The Hoax91: Seems a bit too weird to me. It almost behaves like a legendary spell rather than a hero card. I like the discard synergy, but I think it should be retooled a bit.
KANSAS: I like the use of Ol'Faithful here. I think the hero power is interesting, but feels weird flavor-wise to give up a card while youre treasure hunting. I think it works well from a balance stand-point though, nice work!
fungusABao: I really like the design for Anub'arak, but think that Anub'arak as a character should stay exclusive to Rogues. I think you could port the effect over to a different character and it could work super well though, maybe Varok Sourfang? Not as huge on Cenarius. The play effect and hero power aren't as interesting as Anub'arak's design.
DavnanKillder: RIP Rehgar, was digging his theme and think he would have worked better for the 'Gladiator Shaman' that they're pushing. I like Aegwynn as a control take on secrets, but the hero power could use some rewording. Something like 'Discover a Secret and cast it. If you control five Secrets, draw a card instead.'
Hordaki: Really dig the design of this hero, pushing a Menagerie archetype in Hunter feels more natural and better than Warrior. Flavor feels a bit strange with Old God forces pushing Menagerie, but N'zoth did it first so I can't fault you for that. Great job!
MenacingBagel: I like the idea of porting a boss over in an actual card, but summoning a 1/10 every turn seems potentially dangerous for Token Druids. It's definitely a cool idea, but the stats still scare me.
shaveyou: Would the Dreadsail Deckhand be a 2/2 since it sounds like it counts itself? Also Ghostly Blade is a gnarly weapon to get for 5 mana. I think the cost could be nerfed to 6 given Rogue's ability to easily generate cheap pirates.
Dreams: First version of this was giga busted, but it sounds like you're on the right track. I like the idea of setting all enemy minion to 1 health and attack as a battlecry. I also like the idea of turning divine shield into a weapon, but it seems late for this effect to activate considering you might have burned through your divine shield minions. Not sure what you should change it to though.
Seems too slow and awkward to make use of, potentially interesting idea though.
Much smaller Fungalmancer, I feel like this will get played in zoo and token decks.
Hi'reek memes in wild like this, but it probably won't see any play otherwise.